My mentor and I were discussing the Generation F theme and how it is perfect for me because my own name starts with “F.” So this piece is all about me: a few things about Faith.
Let’s be honest, I have an unusual mind. You might be thinking, “Okay?” Or, “Doesn’t everybody?” No, mine is different. I take stories from movies and pretend I am playing instead of an actor or actress. I do this every day until I find a different scene to play. That’s how I overcome boredom. People say I watch too many movies because I don’t know what’s real and what’s fake. In class, I’m always asking “why?” questions. My teachers get annoyed with me because: number one: I’m wasting class time; number two: if they can’t answer the question I will ask more “why?” questions; and number three: I ask things at the wrong time. You know what’s weird? I have always been special. I was born with childhood apraxia—my jaw couldn’t read signals my brain was sending so I would react by crying until the age of four. Growing up was especially hard. If I didn’t have my sister with me I don’t know what I would have done. Kids would call me names and laugh; oftentimes I will run to the bathroom and cry. I stopped doing that when I was about ten or eleven. That is when problems started to happen. A lot of guys were noticing me because I reached puberty fast. But this one guy I thought was The One. He started to notice me in church. I got so excited, but I was naïve. Then it got to a phase where I didn’t like him anymore, but that phase didn’t last long. I was still thinking about him until like three or four years later. I developed the passion for writing at a very young age because it was my voice. I loved writing short stories as a kid. In second grade, when we had writing assignments, I used to write pages and pages. I remember writing a story about Cinderella. I don’t know how people don’t like to write and read. When I find a book I like, I just dive deep into it and never put it down. But when I grew up that passion just fell. Also I love to cook. Food Network is my favorite channel. When I get to my own place I can’t wait to start trying out new recipes. Also, I love making people laugh and smile. Apparently I’m funny but I don’t see it. I like to bother people. I like how pen glides on paper.