A true story of love, joy and loss
Copyright ©2012 Leslie Brody
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, except for passages excerpted for the purposes of review, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, or to order additional copies, please contact:
TitleTown Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 12093 Green Bay, WI 54307-12093
920.737.8051 | titletownpublishing.com
Editor: Amanda Bindel
Front cover photo and design: Susie McKeown, susiemckeownphotography.com
Back cover and interior layout and design: Erika L. Block
Author photo: David Adornato
Brody, Leslie, 1961-
The last kiss : a true story of love, joy and loss / Leslie Brody. -- 1st ed. --Green Bay, WI : TitleTown Publishing, 2012.
p. ; cm.
ISBN: 978-0-9852478-6-7
Summary: Six years after their wedding, Elliot was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Told with heart, humor and compelling immediacy, this is a love story about a passionate marriage, the importance of loyal friends, and the resilience of children coping with the illness and death of a father.--Publisher.
1. Pinsley, Elliot Alan, 1951-2008--Death. 2. Cancer--Patients--United States--Biography. 3. Terminally ill--Family relationships. 4. Spouses--Death. 5. Children of cancer patients--Psychological aspects. 6. Bereavement--Psychological aspects. I. Title.
RC265.6.P5 B76 2012
362.19699/40092--dc23 1210
Printed in the USA
first edition printed on recycled paper
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