FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, FORTUNE SHINED ON ME WHEN AN AGENT named Alice Tasman called to chat about a novel I’d submitted to her. That conversation, which continues to evolve, changed my life more than once; and sustained me throughout the writing of this book. I am forever grateful for her brilliant comments, honesty, fierce support in all stages of the process—and for coming up with the perfect title.
I felt a similar connection the first time I spoke to my editor, Sara Nelson. Her passion for this story, and especially for these characters, incisive suggestions and edits, and her steadiness have been an anchor in this tumultuous time. I’m immensely grateful to her and to the amazing team at HarperCollins and Harper Perennial who lent their enthusiasm and expertise to this novel, especially Jonathan Burnham, Mary Gaule, Amy Peterson, Lisa Erickson, and Kristin Cipolla.
Friends and family read sections while in progress and offered their support and suggestions. Many thanks to Nellie Kelsch, Jessica Keener, Susan Messer, Virginia Ryan, Stacey Francis, and especially to Lynne Hugo who provided critical encouragement and feedback when I wasn’t sure this would ever become a real book.
Though the characters in this novel are fictional, the spirits of many who went before stealthily worked their way into these pages. To my parents and grandparents, Emma Francis, Pat Francis, Kaeli Conley, Joan Keiran, Susan Kianski, Nancy Larkin, and Jake Mysliwiec, your joy, your resilience, your deep love for others and for this world continues to inspire me.
And finally to my family, Gabe and Nicola, Josh and Stacey, Nellie and Steve, Jake, Lexi, Hank, Will, Jude, Sebastian, Cora, Hope, and especially to Ted, the husband who is both my first reader and my greatest supporter, all my love and gratitude.