Chapter 17: Stunning

5:55 p.m.

Dead Man’s Flats, Alberta

Bergeron Ranch



Xavier rounded the basement corner—a bodyguard in tow—and entered the first room, of several, on either side of the hall. He found the woman he was looking for and strode toward her. “Del,” he admired the woman’s royal blue, off-the-shoulder gown and matching four-inch spiked heels, “you’re looking beautiful as ever.”

Delphine’s long, gold earrings swayed, as she turned her head to receive a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Mr. Bergeron.” Her skin crawled when his hand remained on her bare upper arm.

He surveyed the room of women in various stages of undress. “Where is my prize?”

“Right this way.” Delphine escorted the man to a small chamber and let him go in first.

Xavier craned his head backward and stood taller when he spotted a woman in her underwear, seated in front of a mirror, her back to him. Drawing near her, he watched as she applied mascara, the brush transforming already beautiful eyes into works of art.

Delphine approached a rack of clothing. “Have you decided on a dress yet, Felicity?”

Felicity pulled the tool away from her face and glanced at the evening gowns. “The—”

“Allow me,” Xavier cut her off with a raised hand before spreading apart the garments, and selecting and holding up a black dress with spaghetti straps. “Stand up.” He covered the nearly naked woman’s body with the black material, which stopped at her right upper thigh and swooped down to her left knee. “Make sure she has black boots and black stockings to go with this.” He smiled. “I’m negotiating a deal with an important client soon. He has a thing for tall women in high boots.”

Delphine nodded. “Yes sir.”

Staring at Felicity, Xavier held the dress out, toward Delphine, who took the apparel. He ran the back of his hand over Felicity’s cheek. She turned away, and he clutched the woman’s chin and whipped her head toward him. “There’ll none of that this evening. I expect you to be on your best behavior. If anything happens to my client…” his eyes went to her lace bra and the cleavage inside, “as magnificent as you are, I just might have to cut my losses and part with you, my dear.”

Felicity clenched her teeth and glared at the man.

He sneered and let go of her jaw with a slight shove. “But not before I’ve recouped some of those losses…on your friend, Elaine.”

Wrinkles appeared on the captive woman’s forehead, while her shoulders slumped.

“I see I have your attention. Good. Make sure my client has your,” he gave her body a quick peek, “full and undivided attention as well.” Xavier spun on his heels and marched toward the door. “I want her—all of them—ready by seven, Del.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Bergeron.”

… … … … …

6:42 p.m.

Turning the four-door SUV’s steering wheel back to straight, Jacob navigated the quarter-mile, winding concrete driveway. “Keep your earbud on at all times and don’t touch it. You don’t have to worry. Your hair will hide it from prying eyes.”

Amber faced him. “What if we see my sister in there?”

Jacob’s chest swelled and he pumped his free hand. “Look, I don’t know what we’re heading into at this party. Chances are she won’t be mingling with the guests, but if she is…” he wagged his finger, “you can’t lose it on me, Amber. You hear me? We have to be smart about this…tactical. We have the element of surprise on our side. Bergeron and his men are not looking for us. If you hand over that advantage, it’ll make grabbing Felicity that much more difficult.” He cranked the wheel and took a bend in the driveway before glimpsing her out of one eye. “I’m not hearing anything from you.”

She quickly nodded her head and drew in a sharp breath. “I’ll be fine. Just promise me. If Felicity’s there—”

“I promise. If your sister is at this party, we’re not leaving without her.” The SUV drove between two pine trees, and the ranch house came into view. Limousines, luxury cars and imports lined the roadway. In front of the house, under a carport, a man in a black tuxedo opened the passenger door of a Lexus. A woman with flowing, wavy blonde hair, wearing a long, satin, emerald gown, stepped out of the sedan and waited for her male companion to join her.

Amber shook her head. “I’m not sure I fit in here. I don’t know any of these people. I have nothing in common with them. They’re going to spot me as a fraud right away. We’ll be tossed out before we get anywhere near Felicity.”

Jacob leaned right and cupped the smooth material covering her knee. “Listen to me, Amber. We’re here to mingle and get information. Just stay on the move and keep the conversation on the light side. If you get into a jam, ask a question. People love talking about themselves. Nod and say that’s interesting…or something like that.” He patted her knee, righted himself and stopped behind a silver BMW, next in line at the carport. “You’re going to be fine. It’s all about confidence…project confidence.”

She ogled Jacob in his black tuxedo, white ruffled shirt and black bow tie. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re the epitome of confidence.”

He smiled, drove forward, touched the brake pedal and ran the gearshift into ‘park’ before climbing out of the vehicle. Jacob put a ten-dollar bill in the valet attendant’s palm and circled behind the SUV. Amber had ascended the steps that led to a raised sidewalk and was waiting for him.

He took the two steps, first admiring her jet-black, straight hair that just touched the back of her shoulders; then her outfit—a deep burgundy, short-sleeved V-neck evening gown that hugged her body from shoulders to hips; the lower portion of the pleated dress flared out, swaying and dragging across surfaces when she walked. A side slit showed three-inch burgundy sandals and most of her bare leg when she turned her body. Black, elbow-length gloves matched her hair and were a perfect accompaniment to the dress.

Jacob put a hand on her lower back and escorted her to the double doors ahead of them. “Speaking of confidence, Miss McNeil,” they climbed stone steps in front of the two wooden doors, “none of these women have anything on you.” Tugging on the right door, his hand never leaving the small of her back, he smiled at her. “You look…stunning.”

She returned his gesture and put a gloved hand to her chest. “Thank you, Mr. St. Christopher. You’re not so bad yourself.”

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
