Who was your favorite character in the novel, and why?
How do the three women differ in their reactions to finding themselves in their scenarios? How does each woman surprise herself? How do you think you would react to the challenges these characters face, and why?
Celia’s biggest fear is that “she would speak words that no one would believe.” In constructing his trap, how does Matheson take advantage of the fact that women are often not believed?
What did you think the story was about at the end of Celia’s section? At the end of Allie’s? At the end of Maggie’s? Did you see the ending coming? Why or why not?
While they are dramatized for fictional purposes here, do any of the women’s experiences online match up with your experiences of cyberbullying and toxic internet culture?
How did the online conversations running throughout the book guide your expectations for each section?
If you had to cast this book as a film, who would you envision playing Allie, Celia and Maggie?