* The Eat, Drink, and Weigh Less Pyramid is based in large part on the Healthy Eating Pyramid, developed by Walter Willett, M. D., in Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy (Free Press, 2005). See that book for a detailed critique of MyPyramid.

* Please note that this garden- and orchard-based way of eating—and not the unlimited pasta bowl at the Olive Garden or jumbo slabs of pizza—is what we mean by Mediterranean diet.

* Note: The form of saturated fat in chocolate and coconut oil appears not to be a problem when consumed in small amounts (see box, here).

* There are two Nurses’ Health Studies, and they are both ongoing.

* Based on Daily Value (“DV”) for protein of 50 grams in a 2,000-calorie diet.

* See Shopping Guide on here for bread specifications.

* See Shopping Guide on here for bread specifications.

* See Shopping Guide (here) for yogurt specifications.

* See Shopping Guide (here) for yogurt specifications.

* Note that other versions of Dannon and Yoplait contain a great deal of sugar, so be sure to look for “Light ’n Fit” (Dannon) or “Light” (Yoplait) on the label.

Make sure it’s “Light” and not “Lowfat,” which is a different product and contains more calories and sugar.