Further Reading

Easy-to-follow and informative books on the Alexander Technique

Brennan, Richard, The Alexander Technique Manual, Little Brown, 1996

Brennan, Richard, The Alexander Technique Workbook, Anova, 2011

Brennan, Richard, The Alexander Technique – New Perspectives, Chrysalis Books, 2001

Brennan, Richard, Mind and Body Stress Relief with the Alexander Technique, Thorsons, 1996

Chance, Jeremy, The Alexander Technique, Thorsons, 1998

Gelb, Michael, Body Learning, Aurum Press, 1981

Nicholls, Carolyn, Body, Breath and Being, D & B Publishing, 2008

Park, Glen, The Art of Changing, Ashgrove Press, 1989

Stevens, Chris, The Alexander Technique, Optima, 1987

More in-depth or specialized books on the Alexander Technique

Barlow, Marjorie, An Examined Life, Mornum Time Press, 2002

Barlow, Wilfred, The Alexander Principle, Gollancz, 1973

Carrington, Walter Thinking Aloud, Mornum Time Press, 1994

Conable, Barbara and William, How to Learn the Alexander Technique, Andover Press, 1991

Heirich, Jane, Voice and the Alexander Technique, Mornum Time Press, 2004

Macdonald, Patrick, The Alexander Technique as I See It, Sussex Academic Press, 1989

Maisel, Edward, The Resurrection of the Body, Shambala, 1969

Pierce Jones, Frank, Body Awareness in Action/The Freedom to Change, Shocken Books, 1976

Vineyard, Missy, How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live, Morlowe and Company, 2007

Westfeldt, Lulie, F Matthias Alexander: The Man and his Work, Centerline Press, 1964

Books by F M Alexander

The Use of the Self, Gollancz, 1985

The Universal Constant in Living, Centerline Press, 1986

Man’s Supreme Inheritance, Centerline Press, 1988

Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual, Gollancz, 1987

Other related books

Bacci, Ingrid, The Art of Effortless Living, Perigee Books, 2002

Bacci, Ingrid, Effortless Pain Relief, Simon & Schuster, 2005

Doidge, Norman, The Brain that Changes Itself, Penguin Books, 2007

Herrigel, Eugen, Zen in the Art of Archery, Arkana, 1953

Liedloff, Jean, The Continuum Concept, Penguin Books, 1975

Tolle, Eckhart, A New Earth, Penguin Books, 2005