Selected Bibliography

Books Written by Antonio D’Alfonso

La chanson du shaman à Sedna. poems, Montreal, 1973.

Queror. poems, Montreal: Guernica Editions, 1979.

Black Tongue. poems, Montreal: Guernica Editions, 1983.

The Other Shore (prose and poems, Montreal: Guernica Editions, 1986, 1988.

L’autre rivage (prose and poems, translation of The Other Shore) Montreal: VLB éditeur, 1987.

L’Amour panique (prose poems), Montreal: Lèvres Urbaines, 1988.

Avril ou L’anti-passion (novel), Montreal: VLB éditeur, 1990.

Julia (long prose poem), Montreal: L’édition du Silence, 1992.

Panick Love (prose poems, translation of L’Amour panique), Guernica Editions, 1992.

Fabrizio’s Passion (novel, trans. of Avril) Toronto: Guernica, 1995.

In Italics: In Defense of Ethnicity (essays), Toronto: Guernica, 1996.

L’apostrophe qui me scinde. Montreal: Le Noroît, 1998.

Duologue: On Culture and Identity (with Pasquale Verdicchio), Toronto: Guernica, 1998.

L’autre rivage. Montréal: Le Noroît, 1999.

En Italiques: Réflexions sur l’ethnicité. essais, Montreal: Balzac, 2000.

La Passione di Fabrizio. Trans. Antonello Lombardi. Isernia : Cosmo Iannone Editore, 2002.

Comment ça se passé. Montréal: Le Noroît, 2001.

Getting On With Politics. Toronto: Exile, 2001.

Un vendredi du mois d’août. Montreal: Leméac éditeur. 2004.

Antigone. Verse play. Toronto: Lyricalmyrical Editions, 2004.

Bruco. Verse play. Toronto: Lyricalmyrical, 2005.

Un home de trop. Poetry. Montreal: Noroît, 2005.

Gambling with Failure. Toronto: Exile, 2005.

A Friday in August. (novel) Toronto: Exile, 2005.

L’aimé. Novel. Montreal: Leméac, 2007.

Un ami, un nuage. Poems. Montreal: Noroît, 2013.

The Irrelevant Man. Guernica, 2014.

Books Edited by Antonio D’Alfonso

Quétes: Textes d’auteurs italo-québécois (anthology, avec Fulvio Caccia) Guernica Editions, 1983.

Voix off: Textes de dix poètes Anglophones au Québec (anthology) Guernica, 1985.

The Clarity of Voices by Philippe Haeck (trans. D’Alfonso), Guernica, 1985.

The Films of Jacques Tati. by Michel Chion (trans. D’Alfonso) Guernica, 1997.

La paysage qui bouge. by Pasquale Verdicchio (trans. D’Alfonso), Le Noroît, 2000.

Poetica del Plurilinguismo. Trans. Nicola Gasbarro & Giulia De Gasperi. Samuele Editore, 2016.

Poems by Antonio D’Alfonso in Anthologies

Italian Canadian Voices, edited by Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni. Oakville: Mosaic, 1984.

Anthologie des écrivains lavallois d’aujourd’hui, choix de Patrick Coppens. Laval: Société littéraire de Laval, 1988.

Montréal des écrivains. Montreal: Hexagone, col. TYPO/ Union des écrivain, 1988.

Brise-Lames-Antemurale, choix de Jean Yves Collette et Nicole Deschamps. Roma: Italia, Bulzoni editore, 1990.

Anthologie de poésie en prose (en Chinois) Waigo Sanwenshi Xuan, 1990.

Québec Kaleidoscope. Montréal: Pajé éditeur, 1991.

Montréal est une ville de poèmes vous savez, choix de Claude Beausoleil. Montreal: Hexagone, 1992.

Poeti italo-americani e italo-canadesi, a cura di Ferdinando Alfonsi. Catanzaro: Italia, Carello, 1994.

L’esilio della poesia: Poeti italo-canadesi , a cura di Maria Bonincontro. Chieti, Italia: Edizioni Noubs, 1996

Making a Difference: Canadian Multiculturalism Literature, edited by Smaro Kamboureli, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996.

The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature (Second edition), General Editors: Eugene Benson and William Toye. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1997.

The Anthology of Italian Canadian Writing, edited by Joseph Pivato. Toronto: Guernica, 1998.

Identity Lessons: Contemporary Writing About Learning to be American, edited by Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Jennifer Gillan. New York: Penguin, 1999.

L’Altra storia: Antologia della lettera italo-canadese, a cura di Francesco Loriggio. ViboValentia: Italie, 1999.

Anthologie de la littérature québécoise, ed. Michel Laurin. Montréal, CEC: 2000.

“Montréal” appears in an anthology, Le Québec des poètes, edited by Claudine Bertrand. Montréal: Trait d’union. November 2000.

“Achilles in Toronto,” “Pry the Filth Off Your Maps,” “Babel,” “The Poverty of Money,” “The Loss of a Culture,” “Italia mea amore” in Exiles Write Back. Toronto: Massey College, 2001.

“Amore” and “I Am Your Flesh” in People, Places, Passages: An Anthology of Canadian Writing, eds. Giulia De Gasperi, Delia De Santis and Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni. Montreal: Longbridge Books, 2018.

Translations by Antonio D’Alfonso (selected list)

The Clarity of Voices, Philippe Haeck. Prose poems. Guernica, 1985.

On Order and Things. Stefan Psenak. Guernica, 2003.

Dreaming Our Space. Marguerite Andersen. Guernica, 2003.

The Blueness of Light. Louise Dupré. Guernica, 2005.

The World Forgotten. Paul Belanger. Guernica, 2005.

The Last Woman. Claudine Bertrand. Guernica, 2008.

Wings Folded in Cracks. Jean-Pierre Vallotton. Guernica, 2013.

Hours. Fernand Ouellette. Guernica, 2013.

Beyond the Flames. Louise Dupré. Guernica, 2014.

The Body Vagabond. Martine Audet. Ekstasis, 2014.

The Intimate Frailty of Mortals. Paul Chamberland. Ekstasis, 2015.

I Travel the World. Thierry Renard. Ekstasis, 2015.

Sails for Exile. Mona Latif-Ghattas. Ekstasis, 2016.

Towards the Rising Sun. Robert Giroux, Ekstasis, 2016.

Vigil Poems. Jean Royer, Guernica Editions, 2018.


L’Ampoule brûlée (short 16mm, black and white, 1973)

La Coupe de Circé (short 16mm, black and white, 1974)

Pour t’aimer (one-half hour 16mm black and white, 1982–1987)

The Minotaur (one-hour film project, 1992)

Antigone (feature film, 2004)

Bruco (film, 2005)

Live in Toronto (60 minutes, 2017)

Essays and Books on the Works of Antonio D’Alfonso

Canton, Licia. “Fabrizio’s Confusion: The Risks and Pleasures of Revised Translation,” The Toronto Review of Contemporary Writing Abroad, 16, 3 (Summer, 1998), 44–50.

Casagrande, Mirko. “Italic Identities: Antonio D’Alfonso.” Parcours Migrants au Québec. Eds. Alessandra Ferraro & Anna Pia De Luca. Udine: Forum, 2006. 83–87.

Chartier, Daniel. “Les origines de l’écriture migrante. L’immigration littéraire au Québec au cours des deux derniers siècles,” Voix et Images, 27: 2 (2002)

Ferraro, Alessandra. “Tradursi: In Italics / En Italiques di Antonio D’Alfonso.” Oltreoceano 05 (2011), 55–65.

____. Ecriture migrante et translinguisme au Québec. Venezia: La Toletta, 2014.

____. “L’écriture polygraphique d’Antonio D’Alfonso.” Studi Francesi 180 (LX, III) 2016. Special issue, Polygraphies: Le Frointières du littéraire. Eds. Jean-Paul Dufiet & Elizabeth Nardout-Lafarge. 253–273.

Moisan, Clément et R. Hildebrant. Ces étrangers du dedans. Une histoire de l’écriture migrante au Québec (1937–1997). Québec: Nota Bene. 2002.

Molnar, Judit. “The Polycultural Sensibility in The Other Shore by Antonio D’Alfonso.” Crisis and Creativity in the New Literatures in English Canada. Ed. Geoffrey Davis. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990.

Nannavecchia, Tiziana. “Retying the Bonds: Translation and Reconciliation with the Motherland/ Tongue in Italian-Canadian Literature.” Moving Texts, Migrating People and Minority Languages. Eds. Michael Borodo, Juliane House & Wojciech Wachowski. Singapore : Springer, 2017.

Pivato, Joseph. “The Other as Double: Italo-Québécois Writers,” New Literatures Review, 23 (Australia, 1992), 51– 62.

____. “Lost in 3–D: Di Cicco, Di Michele, D’Alfonso,” in The Dynamics of Cultural Exchange, ed. Licia Canton. Montreal: Cusmano Communications, 2002.

Royer, Jean. “La traversée des cultures.” Le Devoir. 20 Oct. 1990.

Salvatore, Filippo. “Antonio D’Alfonso,” in Tra Molise e Canada. Larino, Italy: Lions Club, 1994.

____. “Antonio D’Alfonso and Guernica Editions,” in Ancient Memories, Modern Identities. Trans. Domenic Cusmano. Toronto: Guernica, 1999.

Schincariol, Andrea. “Du cinema au cinématographique: Etude de la trilogie de Fabrizio Notte d’Antonio D’Alfonso.” Textimage, 6 (2014).

____. “Danser entre les langues: Antonio D’Alfonso tra cinema e letteratura.” Olteroceano 09 (2015), 61–71.

Seccia, Maria Cristina. “Reading Literature through Translation: The Case of Antonio D’Alfonso into Italian.” Comparative Literature for the New Century. Eds. Giulia De Gasperi & Joseph Pivato. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.

Simon, Sherry. “Rites of Passage: Translation and Its Intents.” Massachusetts Review 31 (1990).

____. Hybridité culturelle. Montréal: L’île de la Tortue, éditeur. 1999.

Verdicchio, Pasquale. Bound by Distance: Rethinking Nationalism through the Italian Diaspora. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1997.

____. Devils in Paradise: Writings on Post-Emigrant Cultures. Toronto: Guernica, 1997.

University Theses

Canton, Licia. The Question of Identity in Italian-Canadian Fiction. Ph.D. Études Anglaises, Université de Montréal, 1997.

D’Alfonso, Antonio. I Could Have Been a Contender: A Semiotic Analysis of Representative Films on Italians Outside Italy. Ph.D. Italian Studies, University of Toronto, 2012.

Nannavecchia, Tiziana. Translating Italian-Canadian Migrant Writing to Italian: a Discourse Around the Return to the Motherland/ Tongue. Ph.D. School of Translation & Interpretation, University of Ottawa, 2016.

Silva Paranhos, Ana Lucia. La Trilogie en italique d’Antonio D’Alfonso: un parcours vers le texte rhizomatique. Ph.D. Literaturas francesa e francofonas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 2011.