Before you contemplate any magical procedures, you need to get rid of tendencies toward self-doubt, which also leads to self-defeat. The phrases “I can’t” or “I’m not sure” really don’t fit into the Goddess’s lingo. It is one thing to recognize our limits and another altogether to create limits based on residual teenage angst or adult insecurities. Too many of us underestimate the power of the human mind and spirit to manifest tangible changes.
To make magic a reality, instead of just wishful thinking, we have to accept that there is much more to life, and to our own minds, than the supposed concrete “truths.” Magic is part of the immaterial, which we can see manifested in those miraculous moments and bits of insight that defy pat, cookie-cutter explanations. It is long past time to believe in ourselves as powerful co-creators—with the Goddess—of our destiny. We also need to begin acting on that conviction.
Remember the “little engine that could”? If you believe you can, you can! Embrace a little bit of childlike faith and you’ll find the Goddess’s magic in the treasure chest of your heart, just waiting for you to unlock it.