
Bad thoughts zap your energy.
Happy thoughts make you strong and free.
It’s a choice you make each day,
so choose to be happy—that’s the way!



Answer the questions on the following pages to learn how to use the ideas from this book in your own life. If you do, you will discover the most Incredible You!


Q. If someone or something makes you feel sad, embarassed, or angry, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

Q. Do you dream of doing something adventurous like taming lions? Or something that seems a little safer, like being a veterinarian? Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing it.


Q. What makes you feel scared or worried? What are some positive, strong words that you can say to yourself to overcome your fear?

Q. Everyone needs to be alone sometimes. Where do you go if you feel like being by yourself? To your room? Up in a tree? Or in a nice, comfy chair?


Q. If you have a problem or something is bothering you, who do you talk to? Your mom or dad? Your dog? Your teacher?

Q. It’s important to make time for the things you love. Do you have a passion? Something you love to do more than anything else?


Q. What are something you have done that make you great? Have you ever drwan an awesome picture that made you really proud? Have you ever won a medal or an award?

Q. Everyone is special and one-of-a-kind. What are some things you love about yourself, and how do you share that love with others? Do you bake cookies for your friends or pick flowers for your mom?


Q. These kids set up a stand to raise money for the animal shelter. What helpful ideas do you have inside your mind, and what can you do to share them with the world?

Q. Some people feel a loving Spirit around them. Some feel it in a church, a place of worship, or in nature. Do you feel this mysterious love that connects us all? Where?