

I love pasta. A lot. My Instagram bio ends with ‘the other me lives in Italy’ and I would if I had half a chance. I love the exquisite simplicity of their food, and how they use a few humble, simple ingredients really well to create food that is beautiful, nourishing and full of care and flavour. At the same time, I think pastas (and most carbs and gluten) have been vilified, and a lot of people are scared to include them in their diet. This doesn’t need to be the case – good-quality pasta options are expanding all the time, which means that there are many more gluten-free, whole grain, egg-free or even legume-based options becoming available. Eaten in moderate portion sizes alongside nutrient-packed fresh herbs and veggies, and a little good-quality olive oil, means that you can definitely have your noodles and eat them too.