The Nashville Writers Alliance: Ronna Blaser, Kae Cheatham, Phyllis Gobbel, Martha Hick-man, Nancy Hite, Amy Lynch, Madeena Nolan, Michael Sims, Steve Womack and Jim Young; Dr. Tracy Barrett of Vanderbilt University.

The Flatiron Writers of Asheville, North Carolina: Cathy Argrella, Alan Anderson, Perien Gray, Toby Heaton, and Heather Newton.

My agents, Robbie Anna Hare, whose belief in and hard work for this project were key to its success; and Ron Goldfarb, whose advice and counsel were invaluable.

My editor, Kate Miciak, whose wise suggestions made this a much stronger book.

Finally, to the best friends and first readers any writer could hope for—Genève Bacon, Cynthia Perkins, and Alana White.