49c Use signal phrases to integrate sources.

Whenever you include a paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation of another writer’s work in your paper, prepare your readers for it with introductory words called a signal phrase. A signal phrase usually names the author of the source and provides some context for the source material—such as the author’s credentials—and helps readers distinguish your ideas from those of the source.

When you write a signal phrase, choose a verb that fits with the way you are using the source. Are you, for example, using the source to support a claim or refute a belief?


Lorrine Goodwin, a food historian, says, “ . . . ”


Lorrine Goodwin, a food historian, rejects the claim: “ . . . ”


Lorrine Goodwin, a food historian, has rejected the claim: “. . . ”

NOTE: MLA style calls for using verbs in the present or present perfect tense (argues, has argued) to introduce source material unless you include a date that specifies the time of the original author’s writing. APA style calls for using verbs in the past tense or present perfect tense (explained, has explained) to introduce source material. In APA style, use the present tense only for discussing the applications or effects of your own results (the data suggest) or knowledge that has been clearly established (researchers agree).

Marking boundaries

Readers need to move smoothly from your words to the words of a source. Avoid dropping a quotation into the text without warning. Provide a clear signal phrase, including at least the author’s name, to indicate the boundary between your words and the source’s words. The signal phrase is highlighted in the second example. (MLA is shown below; for APA, see 53b.)


Laws designed to prevent chronic disease by promoting healthier food and beverage consumption also have potential economic benefits. “[A] 1% reduction in the intake of saturated fat across the population would prevent more than 30,000 cases of coronary heart disease annually and would save more than a billion dollars in health care costs” (Nestle 7).


Laws designed to prevent chronic disease by promoting healthier food and beverage consumption also have potential economic benefits. Marion Nestle, New York University professor of nutrition and public health, notes that “a 1% reduction in the intake of saturated fat across the population would prevent more than 30,000 cases of coronary heart disease annually and would save more than a billion dollars in health care costs” (7).

Establishing authority

The first time you mention a source, include in the signal phrase the author’s title, credentials, or experience to help your readers recognize the source’s authority and your own credibility (ethos) as a responsible researcher who has located reliable sources. Signal phrases are highlighted in the next two examples. (MLA is shown below; for APA, see 53b.)

Text accompanied by margin notes.

Introducing summaries and paraphrases

Introduce most summaries and paraphrases with a signal phrase that names the author and places the material in the context of your argument. Readers will then understand that everything between the signal phrase and the parenthetical citation summarizes or paraphrases the cited source. (MLA is shown below; for APA, see 53b.)

Text accompanied by margin notes.

There are times, however, when a summary or a paraphrase does not require a signal phrase naming the author. When the context makes clear where the cited material begins, you may omit the signal phrase and include the author’s last name in parentheses.

Integrating statistics and other facts

When you cite a statistic or another specific fact, a signal phrase is often not necessary. Readers usually will understand that the citation refers to the statistic or fact and not the whole paragraph.

Seventy-five percent of Americans are opposed to laws that restrict or put limitations on access to unhealthy foods (Neergaard and Agiesta).

Putting source material in context

Readers should not have to guess why source material appears in your paper. A signal phrase can help you connect your own ideas and those of another writer by clarifying how the source will contribute to your paper.

If you use another writer’s words, you must explain how they relate to your argument. Quotations don’t speak for themselves; you must create a context for readers. Sandwich each quotation between sentences of your own, introducing the quotation with a signal phrase and following it with interpretive comments that link the quotation to your paper’s argument. (MLA is shown below; for APA, see 53b.)

Text accompanied by margin notes.
Text accompanied by margin notes.