
Chapter 38


Kyle woke me up around 3:00 a.m. He was holding his head and crying. His skin was red. My ears, he signed.

I got out of bed. I did the only thing I knew how to do. I placed the palm of my hand on his forehead. That was what my mom always did to me when I didn’t feel well. He felt hot. I sat him down on the mattress, but had no idea what to do next. It was the middle of the night. I didn’t know if anyone would be at the infirmary this late.

Wait here, I signed. I went down the hall to Norton’s room. I switched on the light. It did nothing to stir him. I gently shook the DC awake. Norton popped up, gasping and scrambling away from me, as if I was a creature from a horror movie. It took Norton a moment to orient himself and regain his composure.

What’s wrong?

Kyle has a high fever. His ears hurt.

Norton followed me back to the room. Kyle was lying down, curled into a ball, wrapped in my blankets. Norton touched his palm to Kyle’s forehead and then looked at me. Hot, he signed. Let’s get him to the nurse. Stay with him. I’m going to go get dressed.

I put on a pair of socks, my coat, and winter boots. Norton returned as I tied up my laces. We must have been a sight, dressed in pajama pants, T-shirts and winter gear.

Norton wrapped my blanket tightly around Kyle, picked up the bundle, and started out of the bedroom. I ran ahead down the hall and pushed open the door. A bitter winter wind heavily peppered with large falling snowflakes assaulted us. Inches had accumulated during the night. I stepped into the snow bank. My loosely tied laces did nothing to keep the snow from falling into my boots. It melted quickly and soaked through my socks. The wet cold stung my ankles.

The wind whipped around wildly, as if trying to prevent Norton and me from reaching help in Forrester Hall. I knew if I could hear, the wind would sound like some kind of deranged werewolf howling at the moon.

We pressed on, Norton struggling to carry Kyle’s sixty-pound frame. Norton trudged through the snowdrifts and snow banks, careful not to lose his footing. I trotted ahead, pulling open the door to the building.

The infirmary was on the second level. Past the reception area, a row of empty beds with white linen stood lining one wall; ceiling-mounted curtains could separate each bed for privacy if necessary.

The woman at the desk had been reading a book. When she saw us, she inserted a bookmark and stood. She used sign language to communicate that she was the night nurse. She was pretty good at signing. I couldn’t help wondering if she was deaf. What’s the matter with this little guy? she asked. How are you, Kyle?

Sick, he signed. Looks like I’ll be here a lot, again.

She smiled and led Norton to the first bed in the long row of unused beds. Norton set Kyle down.

His ears, I signed.

The nurse took his temperature. We’ll take good care of you, like always.

Mom, Kyle signed. I want my Mom.

Could be an ear infection, the nurse signed. After giving him some pain reliever and a cup of water, Kyle settled down. She asked Kyle to remind her of his last name. Then she went to the computer and called up his student information from an electronic file. Both of his parents are deaf, she signed. She used the TTY to make a phone call to Kyle’s family.

I turned my attention to Kyle. You okay?

Shaking his head up and down. I want my mom.

Norton sat on the bed next to Kyle and looked as if he might fall asleep sitting up.

The nurse returned. Your parents live in Albany, she signed. That’s pretty far from here. The weather outside is bad. I told your parents it looked like you might have an ear infection. The doctor will be here in a few hours. Okay?

Kyle looked scared.

You stay here until the doctor shows up, the nurse signed. I’ll keep you company while you sleep.

Kyle closed his eyes and cried.

Can I stay with him? I signed. Memories of times I’d been sick filled my head. I thought of my mother. She’d stay by my side, maybe press a cool cloth against my forehead, or just hold my hand. But she was there if I closed my eyes, and there whenever I opened them.

There’s no need.

But I want to. At first, I wasn’t even thinking about my last big fever… the one that robbed me of my hearing. Then I remembered waking up in the hospital bed. Mom’s was the first face I saw.

Norton yawned. I’d stay, but I can’t leave the dorm unattended, he signed.

I tapped Kyle on the arm. I’ll stay with you. I’ll sleep in this bed next to you.

You’ll stay with me?

Yes, I signed.

With the lights on? Kyle signed.

Not a problem, the nurse signed. I smiled and nodded at Kyle. He offered up a weak smile in return.

We got comfortable in our temporary beds after Norton left. The nurse made sure we were all settled in before asking if we wanted the curtain pulled closed all the way. “Leave it open, just a little,” I said.

Kyle waved his hand around to get my attention. When I turned to look at him, he signed, Thank you.

We’re buddies, right? I signed, then squeezed his hand.

Brothers. Kyle closed his eyes.

I closed mine, too, but I couldn’t sleep. Seeing Kyle so scared got to me. God, I thought, God—I’ve never done this. Not sure I’m even doing it right. But I was hoping I could trouble you, just for a minute if you’re not too busy. Can you do me a favor? Am I allowed to ask for favors? Will you take care of Kyle? Help his ear and everything, but also make sure he doesn’t feel so scared and so alone?

I swallowed. I opened my eyes to see if the nurse was looking at me. She couldn’t know I’d been praying, but I felt odd, just the same. The nurse was nowhere in sight, so I closed my eyes and continued.

And God, if I can ask for one more favor? Can you keep an eye on me, as well? I guess I’m kind of scared, too. And I don’t want to be. I want to be more like Samantha. Not like I want to be a girl, but, brave—I’d like to be brave like Samantha. And God? One more thing. Watch over Samantha, too? Thank you. Good night.