103 - 1075 Pendergast St., Victoria BC V8V 0A1, Canada. (250)360-0829. E-mail: Website: Contact: Don Gorman, publisher. Publishes trade paperback and hardcover books. “RMB is a dynamic book publisher located in western Canada. We specialize in quality nonfiction on the outdoors, travel, environment, social and cultural issues.” Rarely offers advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2-6 months to queries. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

NONFICTION “Our main area of publishing is outdoor recreation guides to Western and Northern Canada.”


400 S. Tenth St., Emmaus PA 18098. (610)967-5171. Fax: (610)967-8961. Website: Estab. 1932. “Rodale Books publishes adult trade titles in categories such health & fitness, cooking, spirituality, and pet care.” Accepts simultaneous submissions.


3350 W. 21st Ave., Vancouver BC V6S 1G7, Canada. (604)738-4688. Fax: (604)731-4548. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ronald B. Hatch (fiction, poetry, nonfiction, social commentary); Veronica Hatch (YA novels and short stories). Estab. 1988. Publishes trade paperback originals. “Ronsdale Press is a Canadian literary publishing house that publishes 12 books each year, four of which are young adult titles. Of particular interest are books involving children exploring and discovering new aspects of Canadian history.” Publishes 12 titles/year. 40 queries; 800 mss received/year. 40% of books from first-time authors. 95% from unagented writers. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 2 weeks; mss in 2 months. Book catalog for #10 SASE. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include history, literary criticism, literature, regional. Middle readers, young adults: animal, biography, history, multicultural, social issues. Average word length: young readers—90; middle readers—90. “We publish a number of books for children and young adults in the age 10 to 15 range. We are especially interested in YA historical novels. We regret that we can no longer publish picture books.” Submit complete ms.

FICTION Subjects include literary, short story collections, novels. Young adults: Canadian novels. Average word length: middle readers and young adults—50,000. Submit complete ms.

POETRY Poets should have published some poems in magazines/journals and should be well-read in contemporary masters. Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Ronsdale Press is a literary publishing house, based in Vancouver, and dedicated to publishing books from across Canada, books that give Canadians new insights into themselves and their country. We aim to publish the best Canadian writers.”


4203 Brooklyn Ave. NE, #103A, Seattle WA 98105-5911, USA. (206)633-2725. E-mail: Website: Contact: David D. Horowitz. Estab. 1995. “Rose Alley Press primarily publishes books featuring rhymed metrical poetry and an annually updated booklet about writing and publication. We do not read or consider unsolicited manuscripts.” Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Subjects include literature, philosophy.


29 E. 21st St., New York NY 10010. (800)237-9932. Fax: (888)436-4643. Website: Estab. 1950. Rosen Publishing is an independent educational publishing house, established to serve the needs of students in grades Pre-K-12 with high interest, curriculum-correlated materials. Rosen publishes more than 700 new books each year and has a backlist of more than 7,000.


Sheridan House, 114 Western Rd., Hove East Sussex BN3 IDD, England. (44)(127)371-6010. Fax: (44)(127)372-7269. E-mail: Website: Contact: Isheeta Mustafi. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals, and trade paperback reprints. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Book catalog available free. Guidelines available free.

"RotoVision books showcase the works of top writers and designers reflecting excellence and innovation in the visual arts. If you wish to submit a book proposal, in the first instance please familiarise yourself with our publishing portfolio to ensure your proposal fits into our focus area.”

NONFICTION Subjects include art, creative nonfiction. “Our books are aimed at keen amateurs and professionals who want to improve their skills.” Submit an e-mail with “Book Proposal" in the subject line. Reviews artwork/photos. Send transparencies and PDFs.

TIPS “Our audience includes professionals, keen amateurs, and students of visual arts including graphic design, general design, advertising, and photography. Make your approach international in scope. Content not to be less than 35% US.”


4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham MD 20706. (301)459-3366. Fax: (301)429-5748. Website: Estab. 1949. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. “We are an independent press devoted to publishing scholarly books in the best tradition of university presses; innovative, thought-provoking texts for college courses; and crossover trade books intended to convey scholarly trends to an educated readership. Our approach emphasizes substance and quality of thought over ephemeral trends. We offer a forum for responsible voices representing the diversity of opinion on college campuses, and take special pride in several series designed to provide students with the pros and cons of hotly contested issues.” Pays advance. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION “Rowman & Littlefield is seeking proposals in the serious nonfiction areas of history, politics, current events, religion, sociology, philosophy, communication and education. All proposal inquiries can be e-mailed or mailed to the respective acquisitions editor listed on the contacts page on our website.”


P.O. Box 1409, Washington DC 20013. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Daniel Kohan, owner. Estab. 2010. Publishes in trade paperback originals, electronic. “We publish nonfiction books with a strong environmental component for a general audience. We are looking for books that explain things, that make an argument, that demystify. We are interested in economics, science, nature, climate change, and sustainability. We like building charts and graphs, tables and timelines. Our politics are progressive, but our books need not be political.” Publishes 2-4 titles/year. 40% of books from first-time authors. 80% from unagented writers. Pays advance. Royalties are 10-25% on wholesale price. Publishes book an average of 9-12 months after acceptance of ms. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include environment, nature, science. Submit proposal package, including outline, resume, bio, or CV, and 1 sample chapter.

TIPS “We appeal to an audience of intelligent, educated readers with broad interests. Be sure to tell us why your proposal is unique, and why you are especially qualified to write this book. We are looking for originality and expertise.”


106 Somerset St., 3rd Floor, New Brunswick NJ 08901. (732)445-7762. Fax: (732)445-7039. E-mail: Website: Contact: Leslie Mitchner, editor-in-chief/associate director (humanities); Peter Micklaus, editor (social sciences); Dana Dreibelbis, editor (science, health and medicine); Marlie Wasserman, associate editor (Jewish studies), Kimberly Guinta, editor (women's studies). Estab. 1936. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. “Our press aims to reach audiences beyond the academic community with accessible scholarly and regional books.” Publishes 100 titles/year. 1,500 queries; 300 mss received/year. 30% of books from first-time authors. 70% from unagented writers. Pays 7 12-15% royalty. Pays $1,000-10,000 advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to proposals. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include ethnic, history, multicultural, regional, religion, sociology, African-American studies. Books for use in undergraduate courses. Submit outline, 2-3 sample chapters. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “Both academic and general audiences. Many of our books have potential for undergraduate course use. We are more trade-oriented than most university presses. We are looking for intelligent, well-written, and accessible books. Avoid overly narrow topics.”


3120-A Pullman St., Costa Mesa CA 92626. (888)735-2225. E-mail: Website: Saddleback is always looking for fresh, new talent. “Please note that we primarily publish books for kids ages 12-18.” Accepts simultaneous submissions.

FICTION “We look for diversity for our characters and content.” Mail typed submission along with a query letter describing the work simply and where it fits in with other titles.


400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale PA 15096-0001. (724)776-4841. E-mail:; Website: Estab. 1905. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals, e-books. Automotive means anything self-propelled. “We are a professional society serving engineers, scientists, and researchers in the automobile, aerospace, and off-highway industries.” Publishes approximately 10 titles/year. 50 queries received/year. 20 mss received/year. 70% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays royalty. Pays possible advance. Publishes ms 9-10 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 months to queries. Book catalog free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Query with proposal.

TIPS “Audience is automotive and aerospace engineers and managers, automotive safety and biomechanics professionals, students, educators, enthusiasts, and historians.”


P.O. Box 340, Brandon VT 05733. (802)247-3132. Fax: (802)247-4233. Website: Contact: Mary Falcon, editorial director. Estab. 1985. Publishes trade paperback originals. “Our mission is the prevention and treatment of sexual abuse.” Publishes 3-4 titles/year. 15-20 queries received/year. 15-20 mss received/year. 90% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include psychology. “We are a small, nonprofit, niche press. We want well-researched books dealing with any aspect of sexual abuse: treatment, prevention, understanding; works on subject in Spanish.” Memoirs generally not accepted. Query with SASE, submit proposal package, or complete ms Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “Audience is persons working in mental health/persons needing self-help books. Pays small fees or low royalties.”


16201 E. Keymar Dr., Fountain Hills AZ 85268. Fax: (480)284-4855. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mary Nickum, CEO. Estab. 2012. Publishes trade paperback and electronic originals. Saguaro Books, LLC is a publishing company specializing in middle grade and young adult ficiton by first-time authors. Publishes 4-6 titles/year. Receives 60-80 queries/year, 8-10 mss/year. 100% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays 20% royalties after taxes and publication costs. Does not offer advance. Publishes ms 18-24 months after acceptance. Responds within 3 months only if we're interested. Catalog available online. Guidelines available by e-mail.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, fantasy, historical, juvenile, military, multicultural, mystery, occult, science fiction, sports, suspense, war, western, young adult. Ms should be well-written; signed letter by a professional editor is required. Does not want agented work. Query via e-mail before submitting work. Any material sent before requested will be ignored.

TIPS “Visit our website before sending us a query. Pay special attention to the For Authors Only page.”


P.O. Box 2285, South Bend IN 46680. (574)-291-3500. Fax: (574)291-3700. E-mail: Website: Contact: Bruce Fingerhut, president (philosophy). Publishes hardcover originals and trade paperback originals and reprints. “Our market is scholarly in the humanities. We publish in philosophy, religion, cultural history, and history of ideas only.” Publishes 30+ titles/year. 350 queries; 300 mss received/year. 2% of books from first-time authors. 95% from unagented writers. Pays 6-15% royalty. Pays $500-5,000 advance. Publishes book 8-18 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2-6 months to queries; 3-8 months to proposals; 4-8 months to mss. Book catalog available free.

IMPRINTS Carthage Reprints.

NONFICTION Subjects include philosophy, religion. Query with SASE. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “Scholarly and college student audience.”


P.O. Box 241, Haworth NJ 07641. (201)387-1529. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1991. Publishes hardcover originals, trade paperback originals and reprints. Publishes 6-8 titles/year. Receives 30-50 submissions/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 95% from unagented writers. Pays 10-15% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes book 15 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month on queries. Catalog online. Guidelines free on request.

NONFICTION Subjects include cooking, crafts, foods, history, hobbies, military, nutrition, religion, spirituality, sports, Black history in sports.. “We are a niche publisher with interests in titles that will sell over a long period of time. For example, the World Football League Encyclopedia, Chicago Showcase of Basketball, will not need to be redone. We do baseball but prefer soccer, hockey, etc.” Query with SASE. Reviews artwork/photos as part of the ms package. Send photocopies.

TIPS “Our readership is libraries, individuals with special interests, (e.g. sports historians); we also do specialized reference.”


Holtzbrinck Publishers, 175 Fifth Ave., New York NY 10010. (212)674-5151. Fax: (212)420-9314. Website: Estab. 1952. Publishes hardcover, trade paperback and mass market originals. General interest publisher of both fiction and nonfiction. Publishes 1,500 titles/year. Pays royalty. Pays advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Subjects include sports, general nonfiction. Agented submissions only. No unsolicited mss.

FICTION Subjects include contemporary, fantasy, historical, horror, literary, mystery, science fiction, suspense, western, general fiction. Agented submissions only. No unsolicited mss.


702 Terrace Heights, Winona MN 55987. (800)533-8095. Fax: (800)344-9225. E-mail: Website: Accepts simultaneous submissions. Ms guidelines online or by e-mail.

NONFICTION Subjects include religion. Titles for Catholic youth and their parents, teachers, and youth ministers. High school Catholic religious education textbooks and primary source readings. Query with SASE. Submit proposal package, outline, 1 sample chapter, SASE. Brief author biography.

TIPS “Request product catalog and/or do research online of Saint Mary Press book lists before submitting proposal.”


Society of St. Paul, 2187 Victory Blvd., Staten Island NY 10314. (718)761-0047. Fax: (718)761-0057. E-mail: Website: Contact: Edmund C. Lane, SSP, acquisitions editor. Estab. 1957. Publishes trade paperback and mass market paperback originals and reprints. Publishes 22 titles/year. 250 queries; 150 mss received/year. 10% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays 5-10% royalty. Publishes ms 10 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries and proposals; 2 months to mss. Book catalog and ms guidelines free.

NONFICTION Subjects include philosophy, religion, spirituality. Alba House is the North American publishing division of the Society of St. Paul, an International Roman Catholic Missionary Religious Congregation dedicated to spreading the Gospel message via the media of communications. Does not want fiction, children's books, poetry, personal testimonies, or autobiographies. Submit complete ms. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “Our audience is educated Roman Catholic readers interested in matters related to the Church, spirituality, Biblical and theological topics, moral concerns, lives of the saints, etc.”


805 Lindaraxa Park North, Alhambra CA 91801. (330)360-5131. E-mail: Website: Contact: Derek Vasconi, submissions coordinator. Estab. 2007. Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback and electronic originals and reprints. Currently accepts only the following genres: Asian fiction, Japanese fiction (in English), Nonfiction, and horror. Please do not send queries for any other genres. Mss that don't follow guidelines will not be considered. Sakura Publishing is a traditional, independent book publishing company that focuses on fiction, Asian culture-related books, nonfiction, and horror books. Publishes 1-3 titles/year. 90% of books from first-time authors. 80% from unagented writers. Royalty payments on paperback, e-book, wholesale, and merchandise Does not pay advance. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week. Book catalog available for #10 SASE. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include contemporary culture, creative nonfiction, entertainment, ethnic, film, games, history, hobbies, humanities, literature, memoirs, military, music, philosophy, pop culture, psychology, regional, religion, sex, travel, true crime, world affairs. Looking for memoirs by Asians, nonfiction dealing with American Wars, anything to do with terrorism, anything to do with sex, or any type of edgy nonfiction No memoirs other than what we have listed above, cookbooks, humor, textbooks, technical, and definitely no books about suffering from diseases and overcoming them. Follow guidelines online.

FICTION Subjects include contemporary, ethnic, horror, multicultural, occult, Asian, horror, occult. Looking mostly for horror and anything relating to Asians, and Asian Americans, with top preference given to Japanese writers and books based in or around Japan. Follow guidelines online.

POETRY Follow guidelines online.

TIPS “Please make sure you visit our submissions page at our website and follow all instructions exactly as written. Also, Sakura Publishing has a preference for fiction/nonfiction books specializing in Asian culture.”


P.O. Box 56, Amenia NY 12501. E-mail: Website: Contact: Laura Mars, editorial director. Publishes 20-22 titles/year. 15 queries received/year. Work-for-hire pays 5-15¢/word. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries; 1 month to proposals. Book catalog online.

NONFICTION Subjects include ethnic, history, philosophy, psychology, science, sociology. “We accept vitas for writers interested in supplying articles/entries for encyclopedia-type entries in library reference books. Will also accept multi-volume book ideas from people interested in being a general editor.” Query with SASE.


1120 W. University Ave., Suite 102, Flagstaff AZ 86001. (877)527-0070. Fax: (928)526-0386. Website: Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. Publishes 4-5 titles/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays varying royalty. Pays advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries.

NONFICTION Subjects include education, ethnic, science. “We publish children's bilingual readers.” Nonfiction should be appropriate to science and social studies curriculum grades 3-8. Query with SASE.

FICTION Subjects include juvenile. Submissions should be in English or Navajo. “All our books relate to the Navajo language and culture.” Query with SASE.

POETRY “We accept poetry in English/Southwest language for children.” Submit 3 sample poems.


Knockeven, Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland. 353(0)852318909. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Jessie Lendennie, editor. Estab. 1981. Publishes contemporary poetry and literary nonfiction. Publishes 30 titles/year. 300+ 5% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays advance. Publishes ms 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 3 months. Guidelines available.

NONFICTION Subjects include literature, marine subjects.

POETRY “Salmon Press is one of the most important publishers in the Irish literary world; specializing in the promotion of new poets, particularly women. Established in 1981 as an alternative voice in Irish literature, Salmon is known for its international list and over the years has developed a cross-cultural literary dialog, broadening Irish Literature and urging new perspectives on established traditions.” E-mail query with short biographical note and 5-10 sample poems.

TIPS “Read as much poetry as you can, and always research the publisher before submitting!"


An imprint of Start Publishing, 101 Hudson St., 37th Floor, Suite 3705, Jersey City NJ 07302. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Estab. 1998. Salvo Press proudly publishes mysteries, thrillers, and literary books in e-book and audiobook formats. Publishes 6-12 titles/year. 75% from unagented writers. Pays 10% royalty. Publishes ms 9-12 months after acceptance. Responds in 5 minutes to 1 month to queries; 2 months to mss. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, literary, mystery, science fiction, suspense, thriller/espionage. “We are a small press specializing in mystery, suspense, espionage and thriller fiction. Our press publishes in trade paperback and most e-book formats.” Query by e-mail.


P.O. Box 850, Solana Beach CA 92075. (858)793-1890; (800)784-9553. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Estab. 1994. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Santa Monica Press has been publishing an eclectic line of books since 1994. “Our critically acclaimed titles are sold in chain, independent, online, and university bookstores around the world, as well as in some of the most popular retail outlets in North America. Our authors are recognized experts who are sought after by the media and receive newspaper, magazine, radio, and television coverage both nationally and internationally. At Santa Monica Press, we’re not afraid to cast a wide editorial net. Our list of lively and modern nonfiction titles includes books in such categories as popular culture, film history, photography, humor, biography, travel, and reference.” Publishes 12 titles/year. 25% of books from first-time authors. 75% from unagented writers. Pays 6-10% royalty on net price. Pays $500-10,000+ advance. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-2 months to proposals. Guidelines available.

NONFICTION Subjects include Americana, art, cinema, contemporary culture, creative nonfiction, education, entertainment, film, history, humanities, language, literature, memoirs, music, parenting, photography, pop culture, regional, social sciences, sports, stage, travel. Submit proposal package, including outline, 2-3 sample chapters, biography, marketing and publicity plans, analysis of competitive titles, SASE with appropriate postage. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “Visit our website before submitting to view our author guidelines and to get a clear idea of the types of books we publish. Carefully analyze your book's competition and tell us what makes your book different—and what makes it better. Also let us know what promotional and marketing opportunities you, as the author, bring to the project.”


2234 Dundee Rd., Suite 200, Louisville KY 40205. (502)458-4028. Fax: (502)458-4065. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sarah Gorham, Editor-in-Chief. Estab. 1994. Publishes trade paperback originals. “Sarabande Books was founded to publish poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction. We look for works of lasting literary value. Please see our titles to get an idea of our taste. Accepts submissions through contests and open submissions.” Publishes 10 titles/year. 1,500 queries received/year. 3,000 mss received/year. 35% of books from first-time authors. 75% from unagented writers. Pays royalty. 10% on actual income received. Also pays in author's copies. Pays $500-1,000 advance. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Book catalog available free. Contest guidelines for #10 SASE or on website.

Charges $15 handling fee with alternative option of purchase of book from website (e-mail confirmation of sale must be included with submission).

FICTION Subjects include literary, short story collections, novellas, short novels (300 pages maximum, 150 pages minimum). “We consider novels and nonfiction in a wide variety of genres. We do not consider genre fiction such as science fiction, fantasy, or horror. Our target length is 70,000-90,000 words.” Queries can be sent via e-mail, fax, or regular post.

POETRY Poetry of superior artistic quality; otherwise no restraints or specifications. Sarabande Books publishes books of poetry of 48 pages minimum. Wants “poetry that offers originality of voice and subject matter, uniqueness of vision, and a language that startles because of the careful attention paid to it—language that goes beyond the merely competent or functional.” Mss selected through literary contests, invitation, and recommendation by a well-established writer.

TIPS “Sarabande publishes for a general literary audience. Know your market. Read-and buy-books of literature. Sponsors contests for poetry and fiction. Make sure you're not writing in a vacuum, that you've read and are conscious of contemporary literature. Have someone read your manuscript, checking it for ordering, coherence. Better a lean, consistently strong manuscript than one that is long and uneven. We like a story to have good narrative, and we like to be engaged by language.”


100 SAS Campus Dr., Cary NC 27513-2414. (919)531-0585. Fax: (919)677-4444. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1976. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “SAS publishes books for SAS and JMP software users, both new and experienced.” Publishes 40 titles/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Payment negotiable. Pays negotiable advance. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include software, statistics. SAS Publishing jointly Wiley and SAS Business Series titles. “Through SAS, we also publish books by SAS users on a variety of topics relating to SAS software. SAS titles enhance users' abilities to use SAS effectively. We're interested in publishing manuscripts that describe or illustrate using any of SAS products, including JMP software. Books must be aimed at SAS or JMP users, either new or experienced.” Mss must reflect current or upcoming software releases, and the author's writing should indicate an understanding of SAS and the technical aspects covered in the ms. Query with SASE. Submit outline, sample chapters. Reviews artwork/photos.


1904 Third Ave., Suite 710, Seattle WA 98101. (206)467-4300. Fax: (206)467-4301. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1986. Publishes regional hardcover and trade paperback originals. “Sasquatch Books publishes books for and from the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and California is the nation's premier regional press. Sasquatch Books' publishing program is a veritable celebration of regionally written words. Undeterred by political or geographical borders, Sasquatch defines its region as the magnificent area that stretches from the Brooks Range to the Gulf of California and from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Our top-selling Best Places® travel guides serve the most popular destinations and locations of the West. We also publish widely in the areas of food and wine, gardening, nature, photography, children's books, and regional history, all facets of the literature of place. With more than 200 books brimming with insider information on the West, we offer an energetic eye on the lifestyle, landscape, and worldview of our region. Considers queries and proposals from authors and agents for new projects that fit into our West Coast regional publishing program. We can evaluate query letters, proposals, and complete mss.” Publishes 30 titles/year. 20% of books from first-time authors. 75% from unagented writers. Pays royalty on cover price. Pays wide range advance. Publishes book 6-9 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 3 months. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include animals, gardening, history, recreation, regional, sports, travel, outdoors. “We are seeking quality nonfiction works about the Pacific Northwest and West Coast regions (including Alaska to California). The literature of place includes how-to and where-to as well as history and narrative nonfiction.” Picture books: activity books, animal, concept, nature/environment. “We publish a variety of nonfiction books, as well as children's books under our Little Bigfoot imprint.” Query first, then submit outline and sample chapters with SASE. Send submissions to The Editors. E-mailed submissions and queries are not recommended. Please include return postage if you want your materials back.

FICTION Young readers: adventure, animal, concept, contemporary, humor, nature/environment.

TIPS “We sell books through a range of channels in addition to the book trade. Our primary audience consists of active, literate residents of the West Coast.”


105 Woodside Rd., Ardmore PA 19003. (267)278-9541. E-mail: Website: Contact: Henry Israeli, publisher. Estab. 2002. Publishes trade paperback originals and digital versions for e-readers. “We do not accept unsolicited submissions. We hold a contest, the Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize, annually in which 1 anonymously submitted title is chosen by a poet with a national reputation for publication. Submissions are accepted during the month of March. The submission fee is $30, and the prize is $2,000 and 20 copies of the book. See website for details.” Publishes 5 titles/year. Receives 600 mss/year. 33% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays authors 4-6% royalty on retail price. Pays $400-2,000 advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 months on mss. Catalog online. No unsolicited submissions. Contest guidelines online.

POETRY “Saturnalia Books has no bias against any school of poetry, but we do tend to publish writers who take chances and push against convention in some way, whether it’s in form, language, content, or musicality.” Submit complete ms to contest only.

TIPS “Our audience tend to be young avid readers of contemporary poetry. Read a few sample books first.”


Imprint of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham MD 20706. (301)459-3366. Fax: (301)429-5748. Website: Estab. 1955. Publishes hardcover originals. Scarecrow Press publishes several series: Historical Dictionaries (includes countries, religions, international organizations, and area studies); Studies and Documentaries on the History of Popular Entertainment (forthcoming); Society, Culture and Libraries. Emphasis is on any title likely to appeal to libraries. Currently emphasizing jazz, Africana, and educational issues of contemporary interest. Publishes 165 titles/year. 70% of books from first-time authors. 99% from unagented writers. Pays 8% royalty on net of first 1,000 copies; 10% of net price thereafter. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Catalog and ms guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include religion, sports, annotated bibliographies, handbooks and biographical dictionaries in the areas of women's studies and ethnic studies, parapsychology, fine arts and handicrafts, genealogy, sports history, music, movies, stage, library and information science.. Query with SASE.


4880 Lower Valley Rd., Atglen PA 19310. (610)593-1777. Fax: (610)593-2002. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1975. Publishes 10-20 titles/year. Pays royalty on wholesale price. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Art-quality illustrated regional histories. Looking for informed, entertaining writing and lots of subject areas to provide points of entry into the text for non-history buffs who buy a beautiful book because they are from, or love, an area. Full color possible in the case of historic postcards. Fax or e-mail outline, photos, and book proposal.

TIPS “We want to publish books for towns or cities with relevant population or active tourism to support book sales. A list of potential town vendors is a helpful start toward selling us on your book idea.”


Imprint of Knopf Publishing Group, Division of Random House, Inc., 1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019. (212)572-9000. Fax: (212)572-6030. Website: Estab. 1945. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. “Schocken publishes quality Judaica in all areas-fiction, history, biography, current affairs, spirituality and religious practices, popular culture, and cultural studies.” Does not accept unsolicited mss. Agented submissions only. Publishes 9-12 titles/year. Pays varied advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions.


557 Broadway, New York NY 10012. (212)343-6100. Website: Accepts simultaneous submissions.

IMPRINTS Arthur A. Levine Books, Cartwheel Books®, Chicken House®, David Fickling Books, Graphix™, Little Shepherd™, Orchard Books®, Point™, PUSH, Scholastic en Español, Scholastic Licensed Publishing, Scholastic Nonfiction, Scholastic Paperbacks, Scholastic Press, Scholastic Reference™, and The Blue Sky Press® are imprints of the Scholastic Trade Books Division. In addition, Scholastic Trade Books included Klutz®, a highly innovative publisher and creator of “books plus" for children.

Scholastic Trade Books is an award-winning publisher of original children's books. Scholastic publishes approximately 600 new hardcover, paperback and novelty books each year. The list includes the phenomenally successful publishing properties Harry Potter®, Goosebumps®, The 39 Clues™, I Spy™, and The Hunger Games; best-selling and award-winning authors and illustrators, including Blue Balliett, Jim Benton, Suzanne Collins, Christopher Paul Curtis, Ann M. Martin, Dav Pilkey, J.K. Rowling, Pam Muñoz Ryan, Brian Selznick, David Shannon, Mark Teague, and Walter Wick, among others; as well as licensed properties such as Star Wars® and Rainbow Magic®.


Euston House, 24 Eversholt St., London VI NW1 1DB, United Kingdom. E-mail: Website: Accepts simultaneous submissions.

Scholastic UK does not accept unsolicited submissions. Unsolicited illustrations are accepted, but please do not send any original artwork as it will not be returned.

TIPS “Getting work published can be a frustrating process, and it's often best to be prepared for disappointment, but don't give up.”


90 Old Sherman Turnpike, Danbury CT 06816. (203)797-3500. Fax: (203)797-3197. E-mail: Website: Contact: Phil Friedman, vice president/publisher; Kate Nunn, editor-in-chief; Marie O'Neil, art director. Estab. 1895. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “Scholastic Library is a leading publisher of reference, educational, and children's books. We provide parents, teachers, and librarians with the tools they need to enlighten children to the pleasure of learning and prepare them for the road ahead. Publishes informational (nonfiction) for K-12; picture books for young readers, grades 1-3.” Pays authors royalty based on net or work purchased outright. Pays illustrators at competitive rates.

IMPRINTS Grolier; Children's Press; Franklin Watts; Grolier Online.

Accepts agented submissions only.

NONFICTION Photo-illustrated books for all levels: animal, arts/crafts, biography, careers, concept, geography, health, history, hobbies, how-to, multicultural, nature/environment, science, social issues, special needs, sports. Average word length: young readers—2,000; middle readers—8,000; young adult—15,000. Query; submit outline/synopsis, resume, and/or list of publications, and writing sample. SASE required for response.

FICTION Publishes 1 picture book series, Rookie Readers, for grades 1-2. Does not accept unsolicited mss. Does not accept fiction proposals.


Imprint of Scholastic, Inc., 557 Broadway, New York NY 10012. (212)343-6100. Fax: (212)343-4713. Website: Publishes hardcover originals. Scholastic Press publishes fresh, literary picture book fiction and nonfiction; fresh, literary nonseries or nongenre-oriented middle grade and young adult fiction. Currently emphasizing subtly handled treatments of key relationships in children's lives; unusual approaches to commonly dry subjects, such as biography, math, history, or science. De-emphasizing fairy tales (or retellings), board books, genre, or series fiction (mystery, fantasy, etc.). Publishes 60 titles/year. 2,500 queries received/year. 1% of books from first-time authors. Pays royalty on retail price. Pays variable advance. Publishes book 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to queries; 6-8 months to mss.

NONFICTION Agented submissions and previously published authors only.

FICTION Subjects include juvenile, picture books, novels. Looking for strong picture books, young chapter books, appealing middle grade novels (ages 8-11) and interesting and well-written young adult novels. Wants fresh, exciting picture books and novels—inspiring, new talent. Agented submissions only.

TIPS “Read currently published children's books. Revise, rewrite, rework and find your own voice, style and subject. We are looking for authors with a strong and unique voice who can tell a great story and have the ability to evoke genuine emotion. Children's publishers are becoming more selective, looking for irresistible talent and fairly broad appeal, yet still very willing to take risks, just to keep the game interesting.”


18-20 Edward St., Brunswick VIC 3056, Australia. (61)(3)9388-8780. E-mail: Website: Contact: Anna Thwaites. Estab. 1976. Scribe has been operating as a wholly independent trade-publishing house for almost 40 years. What started off in 1976 as a desire on publisher Henry Rosenbloom’s part to publish ‘serious nonfiction’ as a one-man band has turned into a multi-award-winning company with 20 staff members in two locations — Melbourne, Australia and London, England — and a scout in New York. Scribe publishes over 65 nonfiction and fiction titles annually in Australia and about 40 in the United Kingdom. “We currently have acquiring editors working in both our Melbourne and London offices. We spend each day sifting through submissions and manuscripts from around the world, and commissioning and editing local titles, in an uncompromising pursuit of the best books we can find, help create, and deliver to readers. We love what we do, and we hope you will, too.” Publishes 70 titles/year. 10-20% from unagented writers. Guidelines online.

IMPRINTS Scribble.

NONFICTION Subjects include environment, history, memoirs, psychology, current affairs, social history. “Please refer first to our website before contacting us or submitting anything, because we explain there who we will accept proposals from.”

FICTION Subjects include contemporary, historical, humor, literary, military, mystery, picture books, poetry, short story collections, suspense, translation, war, young adult. Submit synopsis, sample chapters, CV.

TIPS “We are only able to consider unsolicited submissions if you have a demonstrated background of writing and publishing for general readers.”


Imprint of Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, 12th Floor, New York NY 10020. (212)698-7000. E-mail: Website: Publishes hardcover originals. Publishes 70-75 titles/year. Thousands queries received/year. 20% of books from first-time authors. Pays 7-15% royalty. Pays variable advance. Publishes ms 9 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries.

NONFICTION Subjects include education, ethnic, history, philosophy, psychology, religion, science, criticism. Agented submissions only.

FICTION Subjects include literary, mystery, suspense. Agented submissions only.


Perseus Books Group, 1700 4th St., Berkeley CA 94710. (510)595-3664. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Estab. 1976. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “Seal Press is an imprint of the Perseus Book Group, a feminist book publisher interested in original, lively, radical, empowering and culturally diverse nonfiction by women addressing contemporary issues with the goal of informing women's lives. Currently emphasizing women outdoor adventurists, young feminists, political issues, health and fitness, parenting, personal finance, sex and relationships, and LGBT and gender topics. Not accepting fiction at this time.” Publishes 30 titles/year. 1,000 queries received/year. 750 mss received/year. 25% of books from first-time authors. 50% from unagented writers. Pays 7-10% royalty on retail price. Pays variable royalty on retail price. Pays wide ranging advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Book catalog and ms guidelines for SASE or online.

NONFICTION Subjects include alternative lifestyles, Americana, child guidance, contemporary culture, creative nonfiction, ethnic, gay, health, lesbian, memoirs, multicultural, parenting, politics, pop culture, sex, travel, womens issues, womens studies, popular culture, politics, domestic violence, sexual abuse. Query with SASE. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies. No original art or photos accepted.

TIPS “Seeking empowering and progressive nonfiction that can impact a woman's life across categories.”


Search Institute, 615 First Ave. NE, Suite 125, Minneapolis MN 55413. (612)376-8955. Fax: (612)692-5553. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1958. Publishes trade paperback originals. Publishes 12-15 titles/year. Pays royalty. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 months. Catalog and guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include career guidance, child guidance, community, counseling, education, entertainment, games, parenting, public affairs, social sciences, youth leadership, prevention, activities. Does not want children's picture books, poetry, New Age and religious-themes, memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies. Query with SASE. Does not review artwork/photos.

TIPS “Our audience is educators, youth program leaders, mentors, parents.”


2023 N. Atlantic Ave., #226, Cocoa Beach FL 32931. (321)610-3634. E-mail: Website: Contact: Joseph F. Janson, publisher. Publishes trade paperback originals, hardcover originals, and reprints. “Seaworthy Publications is a nautical book publisher that primarily publishes books of interest to recreational boaters and bluewater cruisers, including cruising guides, how-to books about boating. Currently emphasizing cruising guides.” Publishes 8 titles/year. 50 queries; 10 mss received/year. 60% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays 10% starting royalty based on wholesale price with increases up to 15% based on sales. Pays $1,000 advance. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Book catalog and guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include environment, marine subjects, regional, sports, travel, sailing, boating, regional, boating guide books, boating how-to, Bahamas, Caribbean, travel. Regional guide books, first-person adventure, reference, how-to, technical—all dealing with boating. Query with SASE. Submit 3 sample chapters, TOC. Prefers electronic query via e-mail. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies, color prints, or jpeg files.

TIPS “Our audience consists of sailors, boaters, and those interested in the sea, sailing, or long-distance cruising.”


20 Maud St., Suite 401, Toronto ON M5V 2M5, Canada. (416)537-7850. Fax: (416)537-0588. E-mail: Website: “Please keep in mind that as a feminist press, we are looking for non-sexist, non-racist and non-violent stories, as well as historical fiction, chapter books, novels and biography.” Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Subjects include community, contemporary culture, creative nonfiction, environment, gay, health, history, labor, lesbian, literature, memoirs, multicultural, politics, sociology, womens issues, womens studies, young adult. Picture books: biography. Accepts appropriate material from residents of Canada only. “Send a synopsis and up to 3 sample chapters. If you are submitting a picture book you can send the entire manuscript.

Illustrations are not necessary.” No electronic submissions or queries. Guidelines on site.

FICTION Considers non-sexist, non-racist, and non-violent stories, as well as historical fiction, chapter books, picture books.


520 E. Bainbridge St., Elizabethtown PA 17022. (800)233-0759; Fax: 888-834-1303. Website: “Continental publishes educational materials for grades K-12, specializing in reading, mathematics, and test preparation materials. We are not currently accepting submissions for Seedling leveled readers or instructional materials.” Work purchased outright from authors. Publishes book 1-2 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to mss in 6 months.

NONFICTION Young readers: animal, arts/crafts, biography, careers, concept, multicultural, nature/environment, science. Does not accept texts longer than 12 pages or over 300 words. Average word length: young readers—100.

FICTION Young readers: adventure, animal, folktales, humor, multicultural, nature/environment. Does not accept texts longer than 12 pages or over 300 words. Average word length: young readers—100. Submit complete ms.

TIPS “See our website. Follow writers' guidelines carefully and test your story with children and educators.”


1481 Charlotte Rd., North Vancouver BC V7J 1H1, Canada. (360)676-4530. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1971. Publishes trade paperback originals. Self-Counsel Press publishes a range of quality self-help books written in practical, nontechnical style by recognized experts in the fields of business, financial, or legal guidance for people who want to help themselves. Publishes 30 titles/year. 1,500 queries received/year. 30% of books from first-time authors. 90% from unagented writers. Pays rare advance. Publishes ms 8 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include legal issues for lay people. Submit proposal package, outline, resume, 2 sample chapters.


P.O. Box 7204, Boulder CO 80306. Website: Contact: Connie Shaw, acquisitions editor. Estab. 2001. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals; trade paperback reprints. “We are not currently accepting submissions.” Publishes 4 titles/year. 200 queries; 100 mss received/year. 70% of books from first-time authors. 50% from unagented writers. Pays royalty on wholesale price. Sometimes pays advance. Publishes ms 10 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries; 2 months to proposals and mss. Book catalog online.

NONFICTION Subjects include child guidance, contemporary culture, creative nonfiction, education, environment, gardening, history, philosophy, photography, psychology, science, social sciences, sociology, spirituality, travel. Does not review artwork/photos.


999 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Naples FL 34108. E-mail: Website: Estab. 2010. Publishes trade paperback and electronic originals. Publishes historical fiction only. Publishes 2-5 titles/year. Pays 15% minimum royalties (print); more on digital. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Book catalog and guidelines online.

FICTION Subjects include historical. Query letter by e-mail. See Submissions tab on website.

TIPS “Looking for historial fiction with substance. We seek well-researched historical fiction in the vein of Rutherfurd, Mary Renault, Maggie Anton, Robert Harris, etc. Please don't query with historical fiction mixed with other genres (romance, time travel, vampires, etc.).”


140 Watts St., New York NY 10013. (212)226-8760. Fax: (212)226-1411. E-mail: Website: Contact: Acquisitions. Estab. 1995. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Founded in 1995 in New York City, and named for the seven authors who committed to a home with a fiercely independent spirit, Seven Stories Press publishes works of the imagination and political titles by voices of conscience. While most widely known for its books on politics, human rights, and social and economic justice, Seven Stories continues to champion literature, with a list encompassing both innovative debut novels and National Book Award–winning poetry collections, as well as prose and poetry translations from the French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, and Arabic. Publishes 40-50 titles/year. 15% of books from first-time authors. 50% from unagented writers. Pays 7-15% royalty on retail price. Pays advance. Publishes ms 1-3 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month. Book catalog and ms guidelines free.

NONFICTION Responds only if interested. Submit cover letter with 2 sample chapters.

FICTION Subjects include literary. Submit cover letter with 2 sample chapters.


Salatin House, 19 Cedar Rd., Sutton, Surrey SM2 5DA, United Kingdom. (44)(208)770-3930. Fax: (44)(208)770-3850. Website: Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Severn House is currently emphasizing suspense, romance, mystery. Large print imprint from existing authors. Publishes 150 titles/year. 400-500 queries received/year. 50 mss received/year. Pays 7-15% royalty on retail price. Pays $750-5,000 advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to proposals. Book catalog available free.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, fantasy, historical, horror, mystery, romance, short story collections, suspense. Agented submissions only.


4720 Walnut St., Boulder CO 80304. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1969. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Publishes 90-100 titles/year. 500 queries; 1,200 mss/proposals received/year. 30% of books from first-time authors. 70% from unagented writers. Pays 8% royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 months. Book catalog free. Guidelines online.

IMPRINTS Roost Books; Snow Lion.

NONFICTION Subjects include cooking, crafts, parenting, Buddhism, martial arts, yoga, natural health, Eastern philosophy, creativity, green living, nature writing. To send a book proposal, include a synopsis of the book, see the submissions guidelines online. “We strongly prefer electronic submissions and do not take phone calls regarding book ideas or proposals.”


50 Westons Hills Dr., Emersons Green Bristol BS16 7DF, United Kingdom. E-mail: Website: Contact: Tony Frazer, editor. Estab. 1981. Publishes trade paperback originals. Publishes 45-60 titles/year. Receives 2,000 submissions/year. 10% of books from first-time authors. 95% from unagented writers. Pays 10% royalty on retail price after 150 copies have sold; authors also receive 10 free copies of their books. Does not pay advance. Publishes ms 9-12 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to mss. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include literature, memoirs, translation, essays. All nonfiction has to do with poetry in some way. “We don't publish nonfiction unless it's related to poetry.”

POETRY “Shearsman only publishes poetry, poetry collections, and poetry in translation (from any language but with an emphasis on work in Spanish & in German). Some critical work on poetry and also memoirs and essays by poets. Mainly poetry by British, Irish, North American, and Australian poets.” No children's books. No devotional or religious verse.

TIPS “Book ms submission: most of the ms must have already appeared in the UK or USA magazines of some repute, and it has to fill 70-72 pages of half letter or A5 pages. You must have sufficient return postage. Submissions can also be made by e-mail. It is unlikely that a poet with no track record will be accepted for publication as there is no obvious audience for the work. Try to develop some exposure to UK and US magazines and try to assemble a MS only later.”


309 W. Stevens Ave., Rushford MN 55971. (507)458-8190. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Tom Driscoll, managing editor. Publishes trade paperback originals, mass market paperback originals, and electronic originals. Publishes 6 titles/year. Receives 1,000 submissions/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Authors receive a maximum of 35% royalties. Average length of time between acceptance of a book-length ms and publication is 6 months. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries within 6 months. Catalog and guidelines online.

IMPRINTS Rocket Science Press (literary); Up On Big Rock Poetry Series; Lost Lake Folk Art (memoir, biography, essays, and nonfiction).

NONFICTION Subjects include agriculture, alternative lifestyles, Americana, animals, creative nonfiction, environment, ethnic, foods, gardening, gay, government, health, history, hobbies, horticulture, house and home, lesbian, medicine, memoirs, military, multicultural, nature, nutrition, politics, recreation, regional, spirituality, sports, war, womens issues, world affairs, young adult. E-mail query first. All unsolicited mss returned unopened. Does not review artwork.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, comic books, ethnic, experimental, fantasy, historical, humor, literary, multicultural, mystery, poetry, regional, science fiction, suspense, young adult. E-mail query first. All unsolicited mss returned unopened.

POETRY Submit 3 sample poems by e-mail.

TIPS “Quality writing. Query first. Development and full editorial services available.”


3624 Shannon Rd., Los Angeles CA 90027. (323)661-9922. Fax: (323)661-9933. Website: Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays variable royalty on retail price. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Book catalog available free.

NONFICTION Pertaining to film, theatre, music, performing arts. Submit proposal package, outline, 1+ sample chapters. Will accept phone queries. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “Our audience ranges from people with a general interest in film (fans, etc.) to students of film and performing arts to industry professionals. We will accept 'query' phone calls.”


(858)457-2500. E-mail: Website: Silver Dolphin Books publishes activity, novelty, and educational nonfiction books for preschoolers to 12-year-olds. Highly interactive formats such as the Field Guides and Uncover series both educate and entertain older children. “We will consider submissions only from authors with previously published works.” Accepts simultaneous submissions.

FICTION Submit cover letter with full proposal and SASE.


P.O. Box 3541, Eugene OR 97403. (541)344-5060. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1978. Publishes trade paperback originals. “Sponsors the Gerald Cable Book Award. This prize is awarded annually to a book length manuscript of original poetry by an author who has not yet published a full-length collection. There are no restrictions on the kind of poetry or subject matter; translations are not acceptable. Winners will receive $1,000, publication, and 25 copies of the book. Entries must be postmarked by October 15. Entries may be submitted by e-mail. See website for instructions.” Publishes 2-3 titles/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

TIPS “Read recent Silverfish titles.”


P.O. Box 173, Aberdeen WA 98520. (360)532-5758. Fax: (360)532-5728. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1998. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays royalty. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6-8 weeks to proposals. Book catalog available free. Guidelines available free.

NONFICTION No fiction or poetry. Submit outline, resume, 2 sample chapters, cover letter, synopsis. Submit via mail only.


1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10020. (212)698-7000. Website: Accepts agented submissions only. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

IMPRINTS Aladdin; Atheneum Books for Young Readers; Atria; Beach Lane Books; Folger Shakespeare Library; Free Press; Gallery Books; Howard Books; Little Simon; Margaret K. McElderry Books; Pocket; Scribner; Simon & Schuster; Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers; Simon Pulse; Simon Spotlight; Threshold; Touchstone; Paula Wiseman Books.


Imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10020. (212)698-7000. Fax: (212)698-2796. Website: Publishes hardcover originals. “Simon and Schuster Books For Young Readers is the Flagship imprint of the S&S Children's Division. We are committed to publishing a wide range of contemporary, commercial, award-winning fiction and nonfiction that spans every age of children's publishing. BFYR is constantly looking to the future, supporting our foundation authors and franchises, but always with an eye for breaking new ground with every publication. We publish high-quality fiction and nonfiction for a variety of age groups and a variety of markets. Above all, we strive to publish books that we are passionate about.” No unsolicited mss. All unsolicited mss returned unopened. Publishes 75 titles/year. Pays variable royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 2-4 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include history, biography. Picture books: concept. All levels: narrative, current events, biography, history. “We're looking for picture books or middle grade nonfiction that have a retail potential. No photo essays.” Agented submissions only.

FICTION Subjects include fantasy, historical, humor, juvenile, mystery, picture books, science fiction, young adult. Agented submissions only.

TIPS “We're looking for picture books centered on a strong, fully-developed protagonist who grows or changes during the course of the story; YA novels that are challenging and psychologically complex; also imaginative and humorous middle-grade fiction. And we want nonfiction that is as engaging as fiction. Our imprint's slogan is 'Reading You'll Remember.' We aim to publish books that are fresh, accessible and family-oriented; we want them to have an impact on the reader.”


501-5525 W. Blvd., Vancouver BC V6M 3W6, Canada. E-mail: Website: Simply Read Books is current seeking mss in picture books, early readers, early chapter books, middle grade fiction, and graphic novels. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

FICTION Query or submit complete ms.


The Unitarian Universalist Association, 24 Farnsworth St., Boston MA 02210. (617)742-2100, ext. 603. Fax: (617)948-6466. E-mail: Website: Contact: Betsy Martin. Estab. 1975. Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. “We publish titles in Unitarian Universalist faith, liberal religion, history, biography, worship, and issues of social justice. Most of our children's titles are intended for religious education or worship use. They reflect Unitarian Universalist values. We also publish inspirational titles of poetic prose and meditations. Writers should know that Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious denomination committed to progressive ideals. Currently emphasizing social justice concerns.” Publishes 10-20 titles/year. 30% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 1 month. Book catalog for 6×9 SAE with 3 first-class stamps. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include religion, inspirational, church leadership. All levels: activity books, multicultural, music/dance, nature/environment, religion. Query or submit proposal with cover letter, TOC, 2 sample chapters. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

FICTION Only publishes fiction for children's titles for religious instruction. Query.

TIPS “From outside our denomination, we are interested in manuscripts that will be of help or interest to liberal churches, Sunday School classes, parents, ministers, and volunteers. Inspirational/spiritual and children's titles must reflect liberal Unitarian Universalist values.”


307 W. 36th St., 11th Floor, New York NY 10018. (212)643-6816. Fax: (212)643-6819. Website: Estab. 2011. Sky Pony Press is the children's book imprint of Skyhorse Publishing. “Following in the footsteps of our parent company, our goal is to provide books for readers with a wide variety of interests.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION “Our parent company publishes many excellent books in the fields of ecology, independent living, farm living, wilderness living, recycling, and other green topics, and this will be a theme in our children's books. We are also searching for books that have strong educational themes and that help inform children of the world in which they live.” Submit proposal via e-mail.

FICTION “We will consider picture books, early readers, midgrade novels, novelties, and informational books for all ages.” Submit ms or proposal.


2395 South Huron Parkway #200, Ann Arbor MI 48104. (800)487-2323. Fax: (734)794-0004. E-mail: Website: Contact: Manuscript Submissions. Estab. 1998. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Book catalog available via e-mail.

FICTION Picture books: adventure, animal, concept, folktales, history, multicultural, nature/environment, religion, sports. Young readers: adventure, animal, concept, folktales, history, humor, multicultural, nature/environment, religion, sports. Average word length: picture books—1,800. Accepts unsolicited queries three times per year. See website for details. Query with sample of work (up to 15 pages) and SASE. Please address packages to Manuscript Submissions.


150 Pleasant St., #306, Easthampton MA 01027. (413)203-1636. Fax: (413)203-1636. E-mail: Website: Estab. 2000. Small Beer Press also publishes the zine Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet. “SBP's books have recently received the Tiptree and Crawford Awards.” Publishes 6-10 titles/year. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

FICTION Subjects include experimental, literary, short story collections, speculative. Does not accept unsolicited novel or short story collection mss. Send queries with first 10-20 pages and SASE.

TIPS “Please be familiar with our books first to avoid wasting your time and ours, thank you. E-mail queries will be deleted. Really.”


177 Lyme Rd., Hanover NH 03755. (603)643-6431. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1990. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Publishes 35-40 titles/year. 10% of books from first-time authors. 10-20% from unagented writers. Pays 7% royalty on retail price. Pays $500-2,000 advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries; 2 months to proposals; 4 months to mss. Book catalog available free.

NONFICTION Subjects include drama. Does not return submissions. Query with SASE.

FICTION Does not return submissions. Query with SASE.


P.O. Box 667, Layton UT 84041. (801)544-9800. Fax: (801)546-8853. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1969. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “We publish books that enrich and inspire humankind. Currently emphasizing interior decorating and design, home reference. De-emphasizing novels and short stories.” Publishes 80 titles/year. 3,000-4,000 queries received/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 75% from unagented writers. Pays 8-14% royalty on gross receipts. Offers advance based on first year saleability projections. Publishes ms 1-2 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; 10 weeks to proposals and mss. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include regional, interior design, cooking, business, western, outdoor/sports/recreation. Query by e-mail only.


Counterpoint, 2650 Ninth St., Suite 318, Berkeley CA 94710. (510)704-0230. Fax: (510)704-0268. E-mail: Website: Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “Here at Soft Skull we love books that are new, fun, smart, revelatory, quirky, groundbreaking, cage-rattling and/or/otherwise unusual.” Publishes 40 titles/year. Pays 7-10% royalty. Average advance: $100-15,000. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to proposals; 3 months to mss. Book catalog and guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include contemporary culture, creative nonfiction, entertainment, literature, pop culture. Send a cover letter describing your project and a full proposal along with 2 sample chapters.

FICTION Subjects include comic books, confession, contemporary, erotica, experimental, gay, lesbian, literary, mainstream, multicultural, short story collections. Does not consider poetry. Soft Skull Press no longer accepts digital submissions. Send a cover letter describing your project in detail and a completed ms. For graphic novels, send a minimum of five fully inked pages of art, along with a synopsis of your storyline. “Please do not send original material, as it will not be returned.”

TIPS “See our website for updated submission guidelines.”


853 Broadway, New York NY 10003. (212)260-1900. E-mail: Website: Contact: Bronwen Hruska, publisher; Mark Doten, senior editor. Estab. 1986. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals; trade paperback reprints. Soho Press publishes primarily fiction, as well as some narrative literary nonfiction and mysteries set abroad. No electronic submissions, only queries by e-mail. Publishes 60-70 titles/year. 15-25% of books from first-time authors. 10% from unagented writers. Pays 10-15% royalty on retail price (varies under certain circumstances). Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include creative nonfiction, ethnic, memoirs. “Independent publisher known for sophisticated fiction, mysteries set abroad, women's interest (no genre) novels and multicultural novels.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprint editions. Books: perfect binding; halftone illustrations. First novel print order varies. We do not buy books on proposal. We always need to see a complete ms before we buy a book, though we prefer an initial submission of 3 sample chapters. We do not publish books with color art or photographs or a lot of graphical material.” No self-help, how-to, or cookbooks. Submit 3 sample chapters and a cover letter with a synopsis and author bio; SASE. Send photocopies.

FICTION Subjects include ethnic, historical, humor, literary, mystery, In mysteries, we only publish series with foreign or exotic settings, usually procedurals.. Adventure, ethnic, feminist, historical, literary, mainstream/contemporary, mystery (police procedural), suspense, multicultural. Submit 3 sample chapters and cover letter with synopsis, author bio, SASE. No e-mailed submissions.

TIPS “Soho Press publishes discerning authors for discriminating readers, finding the strongest possible writers and publishing them. Before submitting, look at our website for an idea of the types of books we publish, and read our submission guidelines.”


1935 Brookdale Rd., Suite 139, Naperville IL 60563. (630)961-3900. Fax: (630)961-2168. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1987. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “Sourcebooks publishes many forms of fiction and nonfiction titles, including books on parenting, self-help/psychology, business, and health. Focus is on practical, useful information and skills. It also continues to publish in the reference, New Age, history, current affairs, and humor categories. Currently emphasizing gift, women's interest, history, reference, historical fiction, romance genre, and children's.” Publishes 300 titles/year. 30% of books from first-time authors. 25% from unagented writers. Pays royalty on wholesale or list price. Pays advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include child guidance, history, psychology, science, sports, contemporary culture. Books for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and students. A key to submitting books to us is to explain how your book helps the reader, why it is different from the books already out there (please do your homework), and the author's credentials for writing this book. Books likely to succeed with us are self-help, parenting and childcare, psychology, women's issues, how-to, history, reference, biography, humor, gift books, or books with strong artwork. “We seek unique books on traditional subjects and authors who are smart and aggressive.” Query with SASE, 2-3 sample chapters (not the first). No complete mss. Reviews artwork/photos.

TIPS “Our market is a decidedly trade-oriented bookstore audience. We also have very strong penetration into the gift-store market. Books which cross over between these 2 very different markets do extremely well with us. Our list is a solid mix of unique and general audience titles and series-oriented projects. We are looking for products that break new ground either in their own areas or within the framework of our series of imprints.”


Sourcebooks, Inc., 232 Madison Ave., Suite 1100, New York NY 10016. E-mail: Website: Contact: Deb Werksman ( “Our romance imprint, Sourcebooks Casablanca, publishes single title romance in all subgenres.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2-3 months. Guidelines online.

FICTION “Our editorial criteria call for: a heroine the reader can relate to, a hero she can fall in love with, a world gets created that the reader can escape into, there's a hook that we can sell within 2-3 sentences, and the author is out to build a career with us.”

TIPS “We are actively acquiring single-title and single-title series romance fiction (90,000-100,000 words) for our Casablanca imprint. We are looking for strong writers who are excited about marketing their books and building their community of readers, and whose books have something fresh to offer in the genre of romance.”


1935 Brookdale Rd., Suite 139, Naperville IL 60563. (630)961-3900. Fax: (630)961-2168. E-mail: Website: “We're actively acquiring knockout books for our YA imprint. We are particularly looking for strong writers who are excited about promoting and building their community of readers, and whose books have something fresh to offer the ever-growing young adult audience. We are not accepting any unsolicited or unagented manuscripts at this time. Unfortunately, our staff can no longer handle the large volume of manuscripts that we receive on a daily basis. We will continue to consider agented manuscripts.” See website for details. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

FICTION Query with the full ms attached in Word doc.


Sourcebooks, Inc., 232 Madison Ave., Suite 1100, New York NY 10016. E-mail: Website: “Our fiction imprint, Sourcebooks Landmark, publishes a variety of commercial fiction, including specialties in historical fiction and Austenalia. We are interested first and foremost in books that have a story to tell.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2-3 months.

FICTION “We are actively acquiring contemporary, book club, and historical fiction for our Landmark imprint. We are looking for strong writers who are excited about marketing their books and building their community of readers.” Submit synopsis and full ms preferred. Receipt of e-mail submissions acknowledged within 3 weeks of e-mail.


1915 University Press Dr., SIUC Mail Code 6806, Carbondale IL 62901. (618)453-6613. Fax: (618)453-1221. E-mail: Website: Contact: Karl Kageff, editor-in-chief. Estab. 1956. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Scholarly press specializes in theater studies, rhetoric and composition studies, American history, Civil War, regional and nonfiction trade, poetry. No fiction. Currently emphasizing theater and American history, especially Civil War. Publishes 36-40 titles/year. 300 queries; 80 mss received/year. 40% of books from first-time authors. 99% from unagented writers. Pays 5-10% royalty on wholesale price. Rarely offers advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Book catalog and ms guidelines free.

NONFICTION Subjects include archeology, history, language, military, regional, stage, war, womens studies.

POETRY Crab Orchard Series in Poetry. Guidelines online.


P.O. Box 243, Marlborough CT 06447. (860)207-2206. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jennifer Carson. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house specializing in sci-fi, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance for young adult readers. “Our books have that 'I couldn't put it down!' quality.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

FICTION “We are interested in young adult, new adult, and middle grade sci-fi, psych-fi, paranormal, or urban fantasy, particularly those with a strong and interesting voice.” Check website for open submission periods.


University Games, 2030 Harrison St., San Francisco CA 94110. (415)503-1600. Fax: (415)503-0085. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1985. “Spinners Books publishes books of puzzles, games and trivia.” Publishes book 6 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 3 months; mss in 2 months only if interested.

NONFICTION Picture books: games and puzzles. Query.


P.O. Box 867, Manchester VT 05254. Website: Contact: Gordon McClellan, publisher. Estab. 2014. Publishes mass market paperback and electronic originals. Splashing Cow Books publishes books under three imprints: Splashing Cow (children), Blue Boot (women) and Yellow Dot (any other topic that interests us!). Four Splashing Cow authors in the last year (our first year) won national awards for their work. Splashing Cow also recently launched DartFrog, which selects self-published books of distinction for distribution. Publishes 10 titles/year. 100% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays royalties on retail price. Does not offer an advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. We try to respond in 1 week to all inquiries, but it can take longer. Catalog available online. Guidelines available online.

IMPRINTS Blue Boot Books imprint publishes books for women. Yellow Dot publishes general interest topics.

NONFICTION Open to any topic that would be of interest to children, women or general interest.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, comic books, contemporary, ethnic, fantasy, historical, humor, juvenile, literary, mainstream, multicultural, mystery, picture books, science fiction, short story collections, spiritual, sports, suspense, western. Interested in a wide range of subject matter for children and women. Please check our website for submission guidelines.


115 Herricks Rd., Garden City Park NY 11040. (516)535-2010. Fax: (516)535-2014. E-mail: Website: Contact: Acquisitions Editor. Publishes trade paperback originals. Publishes 20 titles/year. 500 queries; 100 mss received/year. 95% of books from first-time authors. 95% from unagented writers. Pays 10-15% royalty on wholesale price. Pays variable advance. Publishes ms 10 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include child guidance, cooking, health, hobbies, nutrition, psychology, religion, spirituality, sports, travel, writers' guides, cooking/foods, gaming/gambling. Query with SASE. Submit proposal package, outline, bio, introduction, synopsis, SASE. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “We focus on making our books accessible, accurate, and interesting. They are written for people who are looking for the best place to start, and who don't appreciate the terms 'dummy,' 'idiot,' or 'fool,' on the cover of their books. We look for smartly written, informative books that have a strong point of view, and that are authored by people who know their subjects well.”


Standex International Corp., 4050 Lee Vance View, Colorado Springs CO 80918. (800)323-7543. Fax: (800)323-0726. Website: Estab. 1866. Publishes resources that meet church and family needs in the area of children's ministry. Guidelines online.


425 Broadway St., Redwood City CA 94063. (650)723-9434. Fax: (650)725-3457. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kate Wahl, publishing director, editor-in-chief. Estab. 1925. “Stanford University Press publishes scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences, along with professional books in business, economics and management science; also high-level textbooks and some books for a more general audience.” Submit to specific editor. Pays variable royalty (sometimes none). Pays occasional advance. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include ethnic, history, humanities, literary criticism, philosophy, psychology, religion, science, social sciences, sociology, political science, law, education, history and culture of China, Japan and Latin America, European history, linguistics, geology, medieval and classical studies. Query with prospectus and an outline. Reviews artwork/photos.

TIPS “The writer's best chance is a work of original scholarship with an argument of some importance.”


13 Landsdowne St., Cambridge MA 02139. (617)354-1300. Fax: (617)354-1399. E-mail: Website: Star Bright Books does accept unsolicited mss and art submissions. “We welcome submissions for picture books and longer works, both fiction and nonfiction.” Also beginner readers and chapter books. Query first. Publishes 18 titles/year. 75% of books from first-time authors. 99% from unagented writers. Pays advance. Publishes ms 1-2 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in several months. Catalog available.

NONFICTION Almost anything of interest to children. Very keen on Biographies and any thing of interest to children.


Imprint of Abrams, 115 W. 18th St., New York NY 10011. E-mail:; Website: Contact: STC craft editorial. Publishes a vibrant collection of exciting and visually stunning craft books specializing in knitting, sewing, quilting, felting, and other popular craft genres. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include crafts. Please submit via e-mail.


Department of English, Western Kentucky University, 1906 College Heights Blvd. #11086, Bowling Green KY 42101. (270)745-5769. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dr. Tom C. Hunley, director. Estab. 2003. Steel Toe Books publishes “full-length, single-author poetry collections. Our books are professionally designed and printed. We look for workmanship (economical use of language, high-energy verbs, precise literal descriptions, original figurative language, poems carefully arranged as a book); a unique style and/or a distinctive voice; clarity; emotional impact; humor (word plays, hyperbole, comic timing); performability (a Steel Toe poet is at home on the stage as well as on the page).” Does not want “dry verse, purposely obscure language, poetry by people who are so wary of being called 'sentimental' they steer away from any recognizable human emotions, poetry that takes itself so seriously that it's unintentionally funny.” Has published poetry by Allison Joseph, Susan Browne, James Doyle, Martha Silano, Mary Biddinger, John Guzlowski, Jeannine Hall Gailey, and others. Publishes 1-3 poetry books/year. Mss are normally selected through open submission. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

POETRY “Check the website for news about our next open reading period.” Book mss may include previously published poems. Responds to mss in 3 months. Pays $500 advance on 10% royalties and 10 author's copies. Order sample books by sending $12 to Steel Toe Books. Must purchase a ms in order to submit. See website for submission guidelines.


480 Congress St., Floor 2, Portland ME 04101. E-mail: Website: Contact: Philippa Stratton, editorial director. Estab. 1993. Publishes paperback originals. Stenhouse publishes exclusively professional books for teachers, K-12. Publishes 15 titles/year. 300 queries received/year. 30% of books from first-time authors. 99% from unagented writers. Pays royalty on wholesale price. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 1 month to mss. Book catalog free or online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include education, specializing in literary with offerings in elementary and middle level math and science. All of our books are a combination of theory and practice. No children's books or student texts. Query by e-mail (preferred) or SASE. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.


1166 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor, New York NY 10036. (212)532-7160. Fax: (212)981-0508. Website: Publishes hardcover and paperback originals and reprints. “Sterling publishes highly illustrated, accessible, hands-on, practical books for adults and children. Our mission is to publish high-quality books that educate, entertain, and enrich the lives of our readers.” 15% of books from first-time authors. Pays royalty or work purchased outright. Offers advances (average amount: $2,000). Accepts simultaneous submissions. Catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include animals, ethnic, gardening, hobbies, New Age, recreation, science, sports, fiber arts, games and puzzles, children's humor, children's science, nature and activities, pets, wine, home decorating, dolls and puppets, ghosts, UFOs, woodworking, crafts, medieval, Celtic subjects, alternative health and healing, new consciousness. Proposals on subjects such as crafting, decorating, outdoor living, and photography should be sent directly to Lark Books at their Asheville, North Carolina offices. Complete guidelines can be found on the Lark site: Publishes nonfiction only. Submit outline, publishing history, 1 sample chapter (typed and double-spaced), SASE. “Explain your idea. Send sample illustrations where applicable. For children's books, please submit full mss. We do not accept electronic (e-mail) submissions. Be sure to include information about yourself with particular regard to your skills and qualifications in the subject area of your submission. It is helpful for us to know your publishing history—whether or not you've written other books and, if so, the name of the publisher and whether those books are currently in print.” Reviews artwork/photocopies.

FICTION Publishes fiction for children. Submit to attention of “Children's Book Editor.”

TIPS “We are primarily a nonfiction activities-based publisher. We have a picture book list, but we do not publish chapter books or novels. Our list is not trend-driven. We focus on titles that will backlist well. “


P.O. Box 526, Champaign IL 61824. (217)356-8391. Fax: (217)356-5753. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1925. Publishes hardcover and paperback originals. “Stipes Publishing is oriented towards the education market and educational books with some emphasis in the trade market.” Publishes 15-30 titles/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 95% from unagented writers. Pays 15% maximum royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 4 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include agriculture, recreation, science. “All of our books in the trade area are books that also have a college text market. No books unrelated to educational fields taught at the college level.” Submit outline, 1 sample chapter.


1710 Roe Crest Rd., North Mankato MN 56003. E-mail: Website: Work purchased outright from authors. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Catalog online.

FICTION Imprint of Capstone Publishers. Young readers, middle readers, young adults: adventure, contemporary, fantasy, humor, light humor, mystery, science fiction, sports, suspense. Average word length: young readers—1,000-3,000; middle readers and early young adults—5,000-10,000. Submit outline/synopsis and 3 sample chapters. Electronic submissions preferred. Full guidelines available on website.

TIPS “A high-interest topic or activity is one that a young person would spend their free time on without adult direction or suggestion.”


P.O. Box 8208, Berkeley CA 94707. E-mail: Website: Contact: Peter Goodman, publisher. Estab. 1989. “Independent press focusing on books about Japan and Asia in English (business, language, culture, literature, animation).” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Books: 60-70 lb. offset paper; web and sheet paper; perfect bound; some illustrations. Distributes titles through Consortium. Promotes titles through Internet announcements, special-interest magazines and niche tie-ins to associations. Publishes 12 titles/year. 75% from unagented writers. Pays royalty on wholesale price. Publishes ms 2 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 4 months; mss in 8 months. Available for download from company website. Ms guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include business, cinema, crafts, creative nonfiction, film, house and home, language, literature, memoirs, nature, philosophy, pop culture, sex, spirituality, travel, womens issues.

FICTION Subjects include comic books, contemporary, erotica, literary, translation. Experimental, gay/lesbian, literary, Asia-themed. “Primarily looking at material relating to Asia, especially Japan and China. “ Does not accept unsolicited mss. Accepts queries by e -mail.

POETRY No poetry.

TIPS “Fiction translations only for the time being. No poetry. Looking also for graphic novels, not manga or serializations.”


Stoneslide Media LLC, P.O. Box 8331, New Haven CT 06530. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Jonathan Weisberg, editor; Christopher Wachlin, editor. Estab. 2012. Publishes trade paperback and electronic originals. “We like novels with strong character development and narrative thrust, brought out with writing that’s clear and expressive.” Publishes 3-5 titles/year. Receives 300 queries/year; 150 mss/year. 100% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays 20-80% royalty. Publishes book 8 months after acceptance. Responds in 1-2 months. Book catalog and guidelines online.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, contemporary, experimental, fantasy, gothic, historical, humor, literary, mainstream, mystery, science fiction, short story collections, suspense. “We will look at any genre. The important factor for us is that the story use plot, characters, emotions, and other elements of storytelling to think and move the mind forward.” Submit proposal package via online submission form including: synopsis and 3 sample chapters.

TIPS “Read the Stoneslide Corrective to see if your work fits with our approach.”


210 MASS MoCA Way, North Adams MA 01247. (800)793-9396. Fax: (413)346-2196. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1983. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. “The mission of Storey Publishing is to serve our customers by publishing practical information that encourages personal independence in harmony with the environment. We seek to do this in a positive atmosphere that promotes editorial quality, team spirit, and profitability. The books we select to carry out this mission include titles on gardening, small-scale farming, building, cooking, home brewing, crafts, part-time business, home improvement, woodworking, animals, nature, natural living, personal care, and country living. We are always pleased to review new proposals, which we try to process expeditiously. We offer both work-for-hire and standard royalty contracts.” Publishes 40 titles/year. 600 queries received/year. 150 mss received/year. 25% of books from first-time authors. 60% from unagented writers. We offer both work-for-hire and standard royalty contracts. Pays advance. Publishes book 2 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-3 months. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include animals, gardening, home, mind/body/spirit, birds, beer and wine, crafts, building, cooking. Submit a proposal. Reviews artwork/photos.


782 Wofford St., Rock Hill SC 29730. (803)366-5440. E-mail: Website: Estab. 2010. Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and electronic originals. “Strategic Media Books, LLC is an independent U.S. publisher that aims to bring extraordinary true-life stories to the widest possible audience. Founded in 2010, Strategic Media Books intends to be one of the most energetic and hard-hitting nonfiction publishers in the business. While we currently specialize in true crime, we plan to expand and publish great books in any nonfiction genre.” Publishes 16-20 titles/year. 100 queries received/year. 30-35 mss received/year. 20% of books from first-time authors. 85% from unagented writers. Authors receive 15-20% royalty on retail price. Publishes book 9 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-2 months. Catalog online. Guidelines via e-mail.

NONFICTION Subjects include Americana, contemporary culture, environment, ethnic, government, history, memoirs, military, multicultural, nature, politics, regional, war, world affairs, true crime. Planning to increase the number of books for the 2014 and 2015 seasons. Query with SASE. Will review artwork. Writers should send photocopies.

FICTION Subjects include mystery, suspense. “We are very selective in our publication of fiction. If writers want to submit, make sure mss fits the mystery or suspense genres.” Query with SASE.


750 Pinehurst Dr., Rio Vista CA 94571. (707)398-6430. E-mail: Website: Contact: Susan Zhang, Executive Editor. Estab. 2015. Publishes interactive flipbooks on CDs. Strawberries Press publishes full-color, interactive and digitally enhanced, children's picture flipbooks on CDs that are designed to be viewed and read on computer screens and that explore exciting subjects that stimulate young minds. Publishes 6 titles/year. Receives 12-20 queries/year; 12 mss/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays for outright purchase between $250-500. Publishes mss in 3-4 months upon acceptance. Responds in 1 month. Catalog available online. Guidelines available by e-mail.

NONFICTION Subjects include anthropology, archeology, architecture, art, creative nonfiction, education, environment, ethnic, hobbies, marine subjects, nature, photography, science, sports, transportation, young adult. Interested in topics that explore exciting subjects that stimulate young minds in both the fiction and nonfiction genres. For examples of subject matter and format requirements, see online catalog of flipbook titles. “We only publish wholesome learning resources and educationally constructive subject matter that retains, promotes, and enhances the innocence of children. Political, immoral, antisocial, propagandist, and other age-inappropriate themes are strictly prohibited at Strawberries Press. We do not use our publications as social engineering and brainwashing tools.” Submit completed ms. Writers should sent artwork/photographs with manuscript, if available. All art/photo submissions are provided as unsolicited; Strawberries Press is not responsible for the loss or damage of art/photos; therefore, do not send irreplaceable original work. Send copies only.

TIPS “Although there are no restrictions on the number of sentences on a single page, all flipbooks are limited to 40 pages. For text, illustrating, and formatting examples, view our sample online flipbook.”


22883 Quicksilver Dr., Sterling VA 20166. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1996. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “We publish in higher education (diversity, professional development, distance education, teaching, administration).” Publishes 10-15 titles/year. 50 queries received/year. 6 mss received/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays 5-10% royalty on wholesale price. Pays advance. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Query or submit outline, 1 sample chapter with SASE. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.


University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of English, 226 UCB, Boulder CO 80309-0226. E-mail: Website: Publishes trade paperback originals. Subito Press is a non-profit publisher of literary works. Each year Subito publishes one work of fiction and one work of poetry through its contest. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

FICTION Subjects include experimental, literary, translation. Submit complete ms to contest.

POETRY Submit complete ms to contest.

TIPS “We publish 2 books of innovative writing a year through our poetry and fiction contests. All entries are also considered for publication with the press.”


P.O. Box 5588, Santa Fe NM 87502. (505)471-5177. E-mail: Website:; Contact: Skip Whitson, director. Estab. 1973. Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. Not accepting new mss at this time. Publishes 10-15 titles/year. 5% of books from first-time authors. 90% from unagented writers. Pays 5% royalty on retail price. Occasionally makes outright purchase. Publishes ms 16-18 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. “Will respond within 2 months, via e-mail, to queries if interested.”. Book catalog online. Queries via e-mail only, please.

NONFICTION Subjects include agriculture, alternative lifestyles, Americana, astrology, career guidance, environment, history, New Age, regional, self-help, leadership, motivational, recovery, inspirational.


105 S Market St., Mechanicsburg PA 17055. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Estab. 2004. Publishes trade paperback and hardcover originals and reprints; electronic originals and reprints. Sunbury Press, Inc., headquartered in Mechanicsburg, PA is a publisher of trade paperback, hard cover and digital books featuring established and emerging authors in many fiction and nonfiction categories. Sunbury's books are printed in the USA and sold through leading booksellers worldwide. “Please use our online submission form.” Publishes 60 titles/year. Receives 1,000 queries/year; 500 mss/year. 40% of books from first-time authors. 90% from unagented writers. Pays 10% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months. Catalog and guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include agriculture, Americana, animals, anthropology, archeology, architecture, art, astrology, business, career guidance, child guidance, communications, computers, contemporary culture, counseling, crafts, creative nonfiction, economics, education, electronics, entertainment, ethnic, government, health, history, hobbies, house and home, humanities, language, literature, memoirs, military, money, music, nature, New Age, psychic, public affairs, regional, religion, science, sex, spirituality, sports, transportation, travel, war, world affairs, young adult. “We are currently seeking war memoirs of all kinds and local / regional histories and biographies.” Reviews artwork.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, confession, contemporary, ethnic, experimental, fantasy, gothic, historical, horror, humor, juvenile, mainstream, military, multicultural, mystery, occult, regional, religious, romance, science fiction, short story collections, spiritual, sports, suspense, western, young adult. “We are especially seeking climate change / dystopian fiction and books of regional interest.”

POETRY Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Our books appeal to very diverse audiences. We are building our list in many categories, focusing on many demographics. We are not like traditional publishers—we are digitally adept and very creative. Don't be surprised if we move quicker than you are accustomed to!"


838 Lake St. S., Forest Lake MN 55025. (800)895-4585. Fax: (651)277-1203. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1992. “E-mail is preferred method of contact.” Publishes 30 titles/year. Pays advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

Sunrise River Press is part of a 3-company publishing house that also includes CarTech Books and Specialty Press. “Sunrise River Press is currently seeking book proposals from health/medical writers or experts who are interested in authoring consumer-geared trade paperbacks on healthcare, fitness, and nutrition topics.”

NONFICTION Subjects include genetics, immune system maintenance, fitness; also some professional healthcare titles. Check website for submission guidelines. No phone calls, please; no originals.


Box 2321, Santa Fe NM 87504. (800)243-5644. Website: Contact: Submissions Editor. Sunstone's original focus was on nonfiction subjects that preserved and highlighted the richness of the American Southwest but it has expanded its view over the years to include mainstream themes and categories—both nonfiction and fiction—that have a more general appeal. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Query with 1 sample chapter.

FICTION Query with 1 sample chapter.


3286 Oak Ct., Belmont CA 94002. (650)618-2221. Website: Estab. 1998. Publishes trade paperback originals. “We only publish books on admission, financial aid, scholarships, test preparation, student life, and career preparation for college and graduate students.” Publishes 8-10 titles/year. 50% of books from first-time authors. 70% from unagented writers. Pays royalty on wholesale price or makes outright purchase. Publishes ms 7-9 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Book catalog and writers guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include education. Submit complete ms. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

TIPS “We want titles that are student and parent friendly, and that are different from other titles in this category. We also seek authors who want to work with a small but dynamic and ambitious publishing company.”


P.O. Box 408790, Chicago IL 60640. (773)728-3780. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1999. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. “We do not accept unsolicited mss.” Publishes 3 titles/year. 1,500 queries received/year. Pays 7-10% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes book 18 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6-12 months. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include creative nonfiction, ethnic, history, humanities, literary criticism, memoirs, multicultural, translation. Query with SASE.

FICTION Subjects include ethnic, historical, literary, multicultural, poetry, poetry in translation, short story collections, translation. Query with SASE.

POETRY Query with SASE.


1468 Mallard Way, Sunnyvale CA 94087. E-mail: Website: Contact: Robert Pesich, editor. Estab. 1999. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

POETRY “After publishing 25 chapbooks, a few full-sized poetry collections, and 1 anthology, then taking a short break from publishing, Swan Scythe Press is now re-launching its efforts with some new books, under a new editorship. We have also begun a new series of books, called Poetas/Puentes, from emerging poets writing in Spanish, translated into English. We will also consider mss in indigenous languages from North, Central and South America, translated into English.” Query first before submitting a ms via e-mail or through website.


320 N. Church St., West Chester PA 19380. (610)430-3222. Fax: (610)430-7982. E-mail: Website: Contact: John Connolly, editor. Estab. 1849. Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. The Swedenborg Foundation publishes books by and about Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), his ideas, how his ideas have influenced others, and related topics. Appropriate topics include Swedenborgian concepts, such as: near-death experience, angels, Biblical interpretation, mysteries of good and evil, etc. A work must actively engage the thought of Emanuel Swedenborg and show an understanding of his philosophy in order to be accepted for publication. Publishes 5 titles/year. Responds in 1 month to queries; 3 months to proposals and mss. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include philosophy, religion, spirituality. Submit proposal package, outline, sample chapters, synopsis via e-mail. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.


Unit E, Vulcan Business Complex, Vulcan Rd., Leicester Leicestershire LE5 3EB, United Kingdom. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Estab. 2011. Sweet Cherry Publishing publishes fiction for children between the ages of 0 and 16. “We specialize in sets and series: our aim is to give our readers the opportunity to revisit their favorite characters again and again, and to create stories that will stand the test of time. If you have written an original series with strong themes and characters, we would like to hear from you.” Offers a one-time fee for work that is accepted. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Freelance illustrators are welcome to submit via our website.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, comic books, contemporary, fantasy, gothic, horror, humor, juvenile, mainstream, picture books, science fiction, young adult. No erotica. Submit a cover letter and a synopsis with 3 sample chapters via post or e-mail. “Please note that we strongly prefer e-mail submissions.”

TIPS “We strongly prefer e-mail submissions over postal submissions. If your work is accepted, Sweet Cherry may consider commissioning you for future series.”


Imprint of NB Publishers, P.O. Box 879, Cape Town 8000, South Africa. (27)(21)406-3033. Fax: (27)(21)406-3812. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kristin Paremoer. General publisher best known for Afrikaans fiction, authoritative political works, children's/youth literature, and a variety of illustrated and nonillustrated nonfiction. Publishes 10 titles/year. Pays authors royalty of 15-18% based on wholesale price. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 2 weeks; mss in 6 months.

NONFICTION Subjects include memoirs, politics. Submit outline, information on intended market, bio, and 1-2 sample chapters.

FICTION Subjects include juvenile, romance. Picture books, young readers: animal, anthology, contemporary, fantasy, folktales, hi-lo, humor, multicultural, nature/environment, scient fiction, special needs. Middle readers, young adults: animal (middle reader only), contemporary, fantasy, hi-lo, humor, multicultural, nature/environment, problem novels, science fiction, special needs, sports, suspense/mystery. Average word length: picture books—1,500-7,500; young readers—25,000; middle readers—15,000; young adults—40,000. Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Writers: Story needs to have a South African or African style. Illustrators: I'd like to look, but the chances of getting commissioned are slim. The market is small and difficult. Do not expect huge advances. Editorial staff attended or plans to attend the following conferences: IBBY, Frankfurt, SCBWI Bologna.”


Imprint of Doubleday, Random House, 1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019. (212)782-8918. Fax: (212)782-8448. Website: Publishes hardcover originals. Nan A. Talese publishes nonfiction with a powerful guiding narrative and relevance to larger cultural interests, and literary fiction of the highest quality. Publishes 15 titles/year. 400 queries received/year. 400 mss received/year. Pays variable royalty on retail price. Pays varying advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Subjects include contemporary culture, history, philosophy, sociology. Agented submissions only.

FICTION Subjects include literary. Well-written narratives with a compelling story line, good characterization and use of language. We like stories with an edge. Agented submissions only.

TIPS “Audience is highly literate people interested in story, information and insight. We want well-written material submitted by agents only. See our website.”


6 Business Park Rd., Old Saybrook CT 06475. (860)395-1155. Fax: (860)395-1154. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ron Formica, director of acquisitions. Estab. 2001. Publishes audiobooks. Tantor Media, a division of Recorded Books, is a leading audiobook publisher, producing more than 100 new titles every month. Publishes 1,000 titles/year. Pays 5-15% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes book 3 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months. Catalog online.

NONFICTION Subjects include agriculture, alternative lifestyles, Americana, animals, anthropology, astrology, business, child guidance, communications, contemporary culture, cooking, creative nonfiction, economics, education, entertainment, foods, games, gay, government, health, history, horticulture, law, lesbian, literary criticism, marine subjects, memoirs, military, money, multicultural, music, New Age, philosophy, psychology, religion, science, sex, social sciences, sociology, spirituality, sports, womens issues, womens studies, world affairs, young adult. Not accepted print submissions.

FICTION Subjects include adventure, contemporary, erotica, experimental, fantasy, feminist, gay, gothic, historical, horror, humor, juvenile, lesbian, literary, mainstream, military, multicultural, multimedia, mystery, occult, religious, romance, science fiction, short story collections, spiritual, sports, suspense, western, young adult. Query with SASE, or submit proposal package including synopsis and 3 sample chapters.


P.O. Box 189, Grafton VT 05146. Website: Contact: Resh Daily, managing editor. Estab. 2006. Tarpaulin Sky Press publishes cross- and trans-genre works as well as innovative poetry and prose. Produces full-length books and chapbooks, hand-bound books and trade paperbacks, and offers both hand-bound and perfect-bound paperback editions of full-length books. “We're a small, author-centered press endeavoring to create books that, as objects, please our authors as much their texts please us.” Accepts simultaneous submissions.

POETRY Writers whose work has appeared in or been accepted for publication in Tarpaulin Sky may submit chapbook or full-length mss at any time, with no reading fee. Tarpaulin Sky Press also considers chapbook and full-length mss from writers whose work has not appeared in the journal, but asks for a $20 reading fee. Make checks/money orders to Tarpaulin Sky Press. Cover letter is preferred. Reading periods may be found on the website.


1234 Amsterdam Ave., New York NY 10027. (212)678-3929. Fax: (212)678-4149. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1904. Publishes hardcover and paperback originals and reprints. “Teachers College Press publishes a wide range of educational titles for all levels of students: early childhood to higher education. Publishing books that respond to, examine, and confront issues pertaining to education, teacher training, and school reform.” Publishes 60 titles/year. Pays industry standard royalty. Pays advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include education, history, philosophy, sociology. This university press concentrates on books in the field of education in the broadest sense, from early childhood to higher education: good classroom practices, teacher training, special education, innovative trends and issues, administration and supervision, film, continuing and adult education, all areas of the curriculum, computers, guidance and counseling, and the politics, economics, philosophy, sociology, and history of education. We have recently added women's studies to our list. The Press also issues classroom materials for students at all levels, with a strong emphasis on reading and writing and social studies. Submit outline, sample chapters.


P.O. Box 7887, Huntington Beach CA 92615. (714)968-0905. Fax: 714-968-0905. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mifanwy Kaiser, editor/publisher. Publishes mss 6 months-1 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months.

POETRY Offers 2 contests per year. The Patricia Bibby First Book Contest and The Clockwise Chapbook contest. Go online for more information. Query first via e-mail, with a few sample poems and cover letter with brief bio.


1852 N. 10th St., Philadelphia PA 19122. (215)926-2140. Fax: (215)926-2141. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sara Cohen, editor. Estab. 1969. “Temple University Press has been publishing path-breaking books on Asian-Americans, law, gender issues, film, women's studies and other interesting areas for nearly 40 years.” Publishes 60 titles/year. Pays advance. Publishes ms 10 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include ethnic, history, photography, regional, sociology, labor studies, urban studies, Latin American/Latino, Asian American, African American studies, public policy, women's studies. No memoirs, fiction or poetry. Query with SASE. Reviews artwork/photos.


Penguin Random House, The Crown Publishing Group, Attn: Acquisitions, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705. (510)559-1600. Fax: (510)524-1052. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1971. Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. “Ten Speed Press publishes authoritative books for an audience interested in innovative ideas. Currently emphasizing cookbooks, career, business, alternative education, and offbeat general nonfiction gift books.” Publishes 120 titles/year. 40% of books from first-time authors. 40% from unagented writers. Pays $2,500 average advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries; 6-8 weeks to proposals. Book catalog for 9×12 envelope and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include business, career guidance, cooking, crafts, relationships, how-to, humor, and pop culture. Agented submissions only.

TIPS “We like books from people who really know their subject, rather than people who think they've spotted a trend to capitalize on. We like books that will sell for a long time, rather than 9-day wonders. Our audience consists of a well-educated, slightly weird group of people who like food, the outdoors, and take a light, but serious, approach to business and careers. Study the backlist of each publisher you're submitting to and tailor your proposal to what you perceive as their needs. Nothing gets a publisher's attention like someone who knows what he or she is talking about, and nothing falls flat like someone who obviously has no idea who he or she is submitting to.”


1120 Main St., Second Floor, Box 41037, Lubbock TX 79415. (806)742-2982. Fax: (806)742-2979. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1971. Texas Tech University Press, the book publishing office of the university since 1971 and an AAUP member since 1986, publishes nonfiction titles in the areas of natural history and the natural sciences; 18th century and Joseph Conrad studies; studies of modern Southeast Asia, particularly the Vietnam War; costume and textile history; Latin American literature and culture; and all aspects of the Great Plains and the American West, especially history, biography, memoir, sports history, and travel. In addition, the Press publishes several scholarly journals, acclaimed series for young readers, an annual invited poetry collection, and literary fiction of Texas and the West. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Subjects include environment, ethnic, history, law, literary criticism, literature, regional, sports. Submit proposal that includes introduction, 2 sample chapters, cover letter, working title, anticipated ms length, description of audience, comparison of book to others published on the subject, brief bio or CV.

FICTION Subjects include ethnic, multicultural, religious, western. Fiction rooted in the American West and Southwest, Jewish literature, Latin American and Latino fiction (in translation or English).

POETRY “TTUP publishes an annual invited first-book poetry manuscript (please note that we cannot entertain unsolicited poetry submissions).”


The University of Texas at El Paso, 500 W. University Ave., El Paso TX 79968. (915)747-5688. Fax: (915)747-5345. E-mail: Website: Contact: Carmen P. Tavarez. Estab. 1952. Publishes hardcover and paperback originals. “Texas Western Press publishes books on the history and cultures of the American Southwest, particularly historical and biographical works about West Texas, New Mexico, northern Mexico, and the U.S. borderlands.” Publishes 1 titles/year. Pays standard 10% royalty. Pays advance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

IMPRINTS Southwestern Studies.

NONFICTION Subjects include education, history, regional, science, social sciences. “Historic and cultural accounts of the Southwest (West Texas, New Mexico, northern Mexico). Also art, photographic books, Native American and limited regional fiction reprints.” Not currently seeking mss.

TIPS “We try to treat our authors professionally, produce handsome, long-lived books and aim for quality, rather than quantity of titles carrying our imprint.”


410 2nd Ave., Saskatoon SK S7K 2C3, Canada. (306)244-1722. Fax: (306)244-1762. E-mail: Website: Contact: Allan Forrie, publisher. “Thistledown originates books by Canadian authors only, although we have co-published titles by authors outside Canada. We do not publish children's picture books.” Pays authors royalty of 10-12% based on net dollar sales. Pays illustrators and photographers by the project (range: $250-750). Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds to queries in 6 months. Book catalog on website.

NONFICTION Subjects include literature, young adult.

FICTION Subjects include literary, short story collections. Young adults: adventure, anthology, contemporary, fantasy, humor, poetry, romance, science fiction, suspense/mystery, short stories. Average word length: young adults—40,000. Submit outline/synopsis and sample chapters. Does not accept mss. Do not query by e-mail. “Please note: we are not accepting middle years (ages 8-12) nor children's manuscripts at this time.” See Submission Guidelines on Website.

POETRY “We do not publish cowboy poetry, inspirational poetry, or poetry for children.”

TIPS “Send cover letter including publishing history and SASE.”


One Corporate Plaza, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto ON M1T 3V4, Canada. (416)298-5024. Fax: (416)298-5094. Website: Publishes hardcover originals. “Thomson Carswell is Canada's national resource of information and legal interpretations for law, accounting, tax and business professionals.” Publishes 150-200 titles/year. 30-50% of books from first-time authors. Pays 5-15% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Book catalog and ms guidelines free.

NONFICTION Canadian information of a regulatory nature is our mandate. Submit proposal package, outline, resume.

TIPS “Audience is Canada and persons interested in Canadian information; professionals in law, tax, accounting fields; business people interested in regulatory material.”


6575 Horse Dr., Las Vegas NV 89131. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rachel Noorda, editorial director. Estab. 2014. Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback, and electronic originals. “At ThunderStone Books, we aim to publish children’s books that have an educational aspect. We are not looking for curriculum for learning certain subjects, but rather stories that encourage learning for children, whether that be learning about a new language/culture or learning more about science and math in a fun, fictional format. We want to help children to gain a love for other languages and subjects so that they are curious about the world around them. We are currently accepting fiction and nonfiction submissions. Picture books without accompanying illustration will not be accepted.” Publishes 2-5 titles/year. Receives 30 queries and mss/year. 100% of books from first-time authors. 100% from unagented writers. Pays 5-15% royalties on retail price. Pays $300-1,000 advance. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months. Catalog available for SASE. Guidelines available.

NONFICTION Subjects include creative nonfiction, education, language, literature, multicultural, regional, science, translation. Looking for engaging educational materials, not a set curriculum, but books that teach as well as have some fun. Open to a variety of educational subjects, but specialty and main interest lies in language exposure/learning, science, math, and history. Reviews photocopies of artwork.

FICTION Subjects include multicultural, picture books, regional. Interested in multicultural stories with an emphasis on authentic culture and language (these may include mythology). “If you think your book is right for us, send a query letter with a word attachment of the first 50 pages to If it is a picture book or chapter book for young readers that is shorter than 50 pages send the entire manuscript.”


13197 Gladstone Ave., Unit A, Sylmar CA 91342. (818)939-3433. Fax: (818)367-5600. E-mail: Website: Contact: Luis Rodriguez, director. Estab. 1989. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural is a nonprofit learning and cultural arts center. “We support and promote the continued growth, development and holistic learning of our community through the many powerful means of the arts. Tia Centra provides a positive space for people to activate what we all share as humans: the capacity to create, to imagine and to express ourselves in an effort to improve the quality of life for our community.” Publishes 2-4 titles/year. 25-30 queries received/year. 150 mss received/year. Pays 10% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 9 months to mss. Guidelines online.

POETRY No restrictions as to style or content. “We only publish poetry at this time. We do cross-cultural and performance-oriented poetry. It has to work on the page, however.” Query and submit complete ms.

TIPS “We will cultivate the practice. Audience is those interested.”


#207-2 College St., Toronto ON M5G 1K3, Canada. (416)928-6666. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jim Nason, publisher. Estab. 2005. Publishes trade paperback originals. Publishes 12 titles/year. 60% of books from first-time authors. 90% from unagented writers. Pays 5-15% royalty on retail price. Pays advance of $200-300. Publishes book 1-2 years after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds if interested. Catalog and guidelines online.

Accepting submissions for literary fiction, nonfiction and poetry from Canadian citizens and permanent Canadian residents only.

NONFICTION Subjects include alternative lifestyles, art, contemporary culture, creative nonfiction, ethnic, gay, language, lesbian, literary criticism, literature, memoirs, multicultural, womens issues, womens studies. No genres

FICTION Subjects include contemporary, ethnic, experimental, feminist, gay, lesbian, literary, multicultural, poetry, poetry in translation, short story collections, young adult.

TIPS “Audience is urban, literary, educated, unconventional.”


WordSplice Studio, Inc., 12 Starr St., Thomaston ME 04861. (800)582-1899. Fax: (207)582-8772. E-mail: Website: Contact: Audrey Maynard, children's book editor; Jonathan Eaton, publisher. Estab. 1990. Publishes 10 titles/year. Pays royalty based on wholesale price. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to mss in 3 months. Guidelines and catalog online.

NONFICTION Regional adult biography/history/maritime/nature, and children's picture books that deal with issues, such as bullying, multiculturalism, etc., science/nature. Submit complete ms for picture books or outline/synopsis for longer works. Now uses online submission form. Reviews artwork/photos. Send photocopies.

FICTION Picture books: multicultural, nature/environment. Special needs include books that teach children about tolerance and honoring diversity. Send art/photography samples and/or complete ms to Audrey Maynard, children's book editor.

TIPS “We are always interested in stories that will encourage children to understand the natural world and the environment, as well as stories with social justice themes. We really like stories that engage children to become problem solvers as well as those that promote respect, tolerance and compassion.” We do not publish books with personified animal characters; historical fiction; YA or middle grade fiction or chapter books; fantasy.”


2617 NW Thurman St., Portland OR 97210. (503)473-8663. Fax: (503)473-8957. E-mail: Website: Contact: Meg Storey, editor; Tony Perez, editor; Masie Cochran, editor. Publishes hardcover originals, paperback originals, paperback reprints. “We are a small independent publisher dedicated to nurturing new, promising talent as well as showcasing the work of established writers.” Distributes/promotes titles through W. W. Norton. Publishes 10-12 titles/year. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 2-3 weeks; mss in 2-3 months. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Agented mss only. “We no longer read unsolicited submissions by authors with no representation. We will continue to accept submissions from agents.”

FICTION Agented mss only. “We no longer read unsolicited submissions by authors with no representation. We will continue to accept submissions from agents.”