Canadian Abilities Foundation, 340 College St., Suite 270, Toronto ON M5T 3A9 Canada. (416)421-7944. Fax: (416)923-9829. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jennifer Rivkin, managing editor. 50% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering disability issues. “Abilities is Canada’s foremost cross-disability lifestyle magazine. The mission of the magazine is to provide information about lifestyle topics, including travel, health, careers, education, relationships, parenting, new products, social policy and much more; inspiration to participate in organizations, events, and activities and pursue opportunities in sports, education, careers, and more; and opportunity to learn about a wealth of Canadian resources that facilitate self empowerment of people with disabilities.” Estab. 1987. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy free. Writer's guidelines for #10 SASE, online, or by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Does not want articles that 'preach to the converted'—this means info that people with disabilities likely already know, such as what it's like to have a disability. Buys 30-40 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $50-325 (Canadian) for assigned articles.
COLUMNS The Lighter Side (humor), 700 words; Profile, 1,200 words.
Arthritis Foundation, 1330 W. Peachtree St., Suite 100, Atlanta GA 30309. Website: 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering living with arthritis and the latest in research/treatment. Arthritis Today is a consumer health magazine and is written for the more than 70 million Americans who have arthritis and for the millions of others whose lives are touched by an arthritis-related disease. The editorial content is designed to help the person with arthritis live a more productive, independent, and pain-free life. The articles are upbeat and provide practical advice, information, and inspiration. Estab. 1987. Circ. 650,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers kill fee. Offers kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for 9x11 SAE with 4 first-class stamps.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, inspirational, new product, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, technical, travel. Buys 12 unsolicited mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 150-2,500 words. Pays $100-2,500.
COLUMNS Nutrition, 100-600 words; Fitness, 100-600 words; Balance (emotional coping), 100-600 words; MedWatch, 100-800 words; Solutions, 100-600 words; Life Makeover, 400-600 words.
FILLERS Needs facts, gags, short humor. Buys 2 mss/year. Length: 40-100 words. Pays $80-150.
Equal Opportunity Publications, 445 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite 425, Melville NY 11747. (631)421-9421, ext. 12. E-mail: Website: Contact: Joann Whitcher, editorial and production director. 60% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year, with Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Expo editions, offering role-model profiles and career guidance articles geared toward disabled college students and professionals, and promoting personal and professional growth. Estab. 1967. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Sample copy for 9x12 SAE with 5 first-class stamps. Guidelines free.
NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, how-to, interview, new product, opinion, personal experience. Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays 10¢/word.
P.O. Box 1199, Woodacre CA 94973. E-mail: Website: Contact: Nadia Al-Samarrie, editor in chief. 40% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering diabetes care. “Diabetes Health covers the latest in diabetes care, medications, and patient advocacy. Personal accounts are welcome as well as medical-oriented articles by MDs, RNs, and CDEs (certified diabetes educators).” Estab. 1991. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online. Guidelines free.
NONFICTION Needs essays, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, opinion, personal experience. Diabetes Health does not accept mss that promote a product, philosophy, or personal view. Buys 25 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays about 20¢/word. “Payment varies with experience and is based on the final length as it appears in the magazine.”
Madavor Media, LLC, 150 W. 22nd St., Suite 800, New York NY 10011. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine. “We publish how-to health care articles for motivated, intelligent readers who have diabetes and who are actively involved in their own health care management. All articles must have immediate application to their daily living.” Estab. 1983. Circ. 410,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 20% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical, travel. No personal experiences, personality profiles, exposés, or research breakthroughs. Buys 10-12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 2,000-3,000 words. Pay varies.
Blindskills, Inc., P.O. Box 5181, Salem OR 97304. E-mail: Website: 60% freelance written. Quarterly journal covering visually impaired people. Estab. 1962. Circ. 1,100. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy: 1 free copy on request. Available in large print, Braille, digital audio cassette, and e-mail. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, historical, how-to, humor, interview, personal experience, sports, recreation, hobbies. No controversial, explicit sex, religious, or political topics. Buys 50-60 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 200-1,200 words. Pays $15-35 for assigned articles. Pays $15-25 for unsolicited articles.
COLUMNS All material should be relative to blind and visually impaired readers. Living with Low Vision, 1,000 words; Hear's How (dealing with sight loss), 1,000 words; Technology Answer Book, 1,000 words. Buys 80 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $10-25.
701 S. Main St., Akron OH 44311-1019. (330)762-9755. Fax: (330)762-0912. E-mail: Website: Contact: Gail Willmott, editor in chief. 75% freelance written. Eager to work with new/unpublished writers. Semiannual free online magazine. “Kaleidoscope magazine creatively focuses on the experiences of disability through literature and the fine arts. Unique to the field of disability studies, this award-winning publication expresses the diversity of the disability experience from a variety of perspectives including: individuals, families, friends, caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals, among others.” Estab. 1979. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6-9 months. Guidelines online. Submissions and queries electronically via website and e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs essays, interview, personal experience, reviews, articles relating to both literary and visual arts. For book reviews: “Reviews that are substantive, timely, powerful works about publications in the field of disability and/or the arts. The writer’s opinion of the work being reviewed should be clear. The review should be a literary work in its own right.” Buys 40-50 mss/year. Submit complete ms by website or e-mail. Include cover letter. Length: up to 5,000 words. Pays $10-100.
FICTION Wants short stories with a well-crafted plot and engaging characters. Needs short stories. No fiction that is stereotypical, patronizing, sentimental, erotic, or maudlin. No romance, religious or dogmatic fiction; no children's literature. Submit complete ms by website or e-mail. Include cover letter. Length: up to 5,000 words. Pays $10-100.
POETRY Wants poems that have strong imagery, evocative language. Submit up to 5 poems by website or e-mail. Include cover letter. “Do not get caught up in rhyme scheme. We want high quality with strong imagery and evocative language.” Reviews any style.
CDM Publishing, LLC, 462 Seventh Ave., 19th Floor, New York NY 10018. (212)242-2163. Fax: (212)675-8505. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Doriot Kim, art director. 25% freelance written. Monthly national magazine for people impacted by HIV and AIDS. “POZ is a trusted source of conventional and alternative treatment information, investigative features, survivor profiles, essays and cutting-edge news for people living with AIDS and their caregivers. POZ is a lifestyle magazine with both health and cultural content.” Estab. 1994. Circ. 125,000. Byline given. Pays 30 days after publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature. Query with published clips. “We take unsolicited mss on speculation only.” Length: 200-3,000 words. Pays $1/word.
Cineaste, Inc., 708 Third Ave., 5th Floor, New York NY 10017-4201. (212)209-3856. E-mail: Website: 30% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering motion pictures with an emphasis on social and political perspective on cinema. Estab. 1967. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy: $8. Writer's guidelines on website.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, expose, historical, humor, interview, opinion. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 2,000-5,000 words. Pays $30-100.
COLUMNS Homevideo (topics of general interest or a related group of films); A Second Look (new interpretation of a film classic or a reevaluation of an unjustly neglected release of more recent vintage); Lost and Found (film that may or may not be released or otherwise seen in the U.S. but which is important enough to be brought to the attention of our readers); all 1,000-1,500 words. Query with published clips. Pays $50 minimum.
Scotiabank Dance Centre, Level 6 - 677 Davie St., Vancouver BC V6B 2G6 Canada. (604)681-1525. Fax: (604)681-7732. E-mail:; Website: 100% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering dance arts. Articles and reviews on current activities in world dance, with occasional historical features, reviews, and reports from the world of dance. Estab. 1977. Circ. 3,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Long lead times necessary for quarterly publication. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds promptly to queries. Sample copy: $7.50 plus p&p, or on Kobo.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, interview, memoir, personal experience, profile, reviews, technical. Buys 100 mss/year. Query with a brief proposal and short bio. Length: 1,200-2,200 words.
COLUMNS Mediawatch (recent books, DVDs, media reviewed), 700-800 words; Regional Reports (events in each region), 800 words. Buys 100 mss/year. Query. Pays $80.
11-4040 Creditview Rd., P.O. Box 188, Mississauga ON L5C 3Y8 Canada. (416)763-8500. Fax: (905)566-7369. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering Elton John. Estab. 1990. Circ. 1,700. Byline given. Pays 3 weeks after publication. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy: $5.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, expose, general interest, historical, humor, interview. Buys 20 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 400-1,000 words.
COLUMNS Clippings (nonwire references to Elton John in other publications), 200 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Send complete ms.
Time, Inc., 1675 Broadway, 30th Floor, New York NY 10019. (212)522-5600. Fax: (212)522-0074. Website: Contact: Matt Bean, editor. Weekly magazine. Entertainment Weekly is an all-access pass to Hollywood's most creative minds and fascinating stars. Written for readers who want the latest reviews, previews, and updates of the entertainment world. Circ. 1,600,000. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 4 weeks. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
270 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632. (201)569-6699. E-mail: Website: 10% freelance written. Weekly magazine covering celebrity news and entertainment. Estab. 2002. Circ. 1,300,000. No byline given. Pays on publication. Editorial lead time 1 week. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
NONFICTION Needs interview, gossip. Buys 1,300 mss/year. Query. Send a tip about a celebrity by e-mail. Length: 100-1,000 words. Pays $50.
Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM), P.O. Box 2040, St. Kilda West VIC 3182 Australia. (61)(3)9525-5302. Fax: (61)(3)9537-2325. E-mail: Website: Contact: Adolfo Aranjuez. Quarterly magazine specializing in longform articles, analytical reviews, and critical essays on film, TV, and media from Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region. Estab. 1968. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, interview, reviews. Send complete ms via e-mail. Length: 1,000-3,000 words.
MovieMaker Media LLC, 2525 Michigan Ave., Building I, Santa Monica CA 90404. (310)828-8388. E-mail: Website: Contact: Timothy Rhys, editor in chief. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering film, independent cinema, and Hollywood. “MovieMaker's editorial is a progressive mix of in-depth interviews and criticism, combined with practical techniques and advice on financing, distribution, and production strategies. Behind-the-scenes discussions with Hollywood's top moviemakers, as well as independents from around the globe, are routinely found in MovieMaker's pages. E-mail is the preferred submission method, but we will accept queries via mail as well. Please, no telephone pitches. We want to read the idea with clips.” Estab. 1993. Circ. 55,000. Byline given. Pays 30 days after newsstand publication. Offers variable kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2-4 weeks to queries; in 4-6 weeks to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs expose, general interest, historical, how-to, interview, new product, technical. Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-3,000 words. Pays $75-500 for assigned articles.
COLUMNS Documentary; Home Cinema (home video/DVD reviews); How They Did It (first-person filmmaking experiences); Festival Beat (film festival reviews); World Cinema (current state of cinema from a particular country). Query with published clips Pays $75-300.
11 W. 42nd St., 16th Floor, New York NY 10036. (212)852-7500. Fax: (212)852-7470. Website: Contact: Mickey O'Connor, editor in chief. Weekly magazine. Focuses on all aspects of network, cable, and pay television programming and how it affects and reflects audiences. Estab. 1953. Circ. 9 million. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
National Italian American Foundation, 1860 19th St. NW, Washington DC 20009. (202)939-3108. Fax: (202)387-0800. E-mail: Website: Contact: Don Oldenburg, editor and director of publications. 50% freelance written. “We publish original nonfiction articles on the Italian American experience, culture, and traditions. We also publish profiles of Italian Americans (famous and not famous but doing something exceptional) and travels features, especially in Italy, but also relevant U.S. travel pieces.” Estab. 1989. Circ. 28,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. $50 kill fee for assigned stories. Time between acceptance and publication varies. Editorial lead time 4 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds within 2 months to e-mailed queries. Sample copy free. Writer's guidelines available by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, interview, personal experience, photo feature, profile, reviews, travel. Query via e-mail before submitting ms. When submitting ms, send as a Word e-mail attachment. Phone and mailed queries and mss are discouraged. Length: 800-1,500 words. Pays $300 for full feature or profile; $350 for full feature or profile with photo taken by writer.
Clansman Publishing, Ltd., P.O. Box 8805, Station A, Halifax NS B3K 5M4 Canada. (902)835-2358. Fax: (902)835-0080. E-mail: Website: Contact: Patrick Smart, editor. 50% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering culture of those with an interest in Celtic culture around the world. Celtic Life International is a global community for a living, breathing Celtic culture. Home to an extensive collection of feature stories, interviews, history, heritage, news, views, reviews, recipes, events, trivia, humor, and tidbits from across all Seven Celtic Nations and beyond. The flagship publication, Celtic Life International Magazine, is published 4 times/year in both print and digital formats, and is distributed around the world. The online home,, is an informative and interactive community that engages Celts from all walks of life. Estab. 1987. Circ. 201,340. Byline given. Pays after publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Responds in 1 week to queries; in 1 month to mss.
NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, historical, interview, opinion, personal experience, profile, travel, Gaelic language, Celtic music reviews, profiles of Celtic musicians, Celtic history, traditions, and folklore. Also buys short fiction. No fiction, poetry, historical stories already well publicized. Buys 100 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 700-2,500 words. All writers receive a complimentary subscription.
Zeitgeist Publishing, Inc., 1068 National Hwy., LaVale MD 21502. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mark Slider. 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering German-speaking Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). “German Life is for all interested in the diversity of German-speaking culture—past and present—and in the various ways that the US (and North America in general) has been shaped by its German immigrants. The magazine is dedicated to solid reporting on travel, cultural, historical, social, genealogical, culinary and political topics.” Estab. 1994. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 6-12 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 2 months to queries; in 3 months to mss. Sample copy for $4.95 and SASE with 4 first-class stamps. Guidelines available online at
NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview, photo feature, reviews, travel. Special issues: February/March: Food, wine, beer; April/May: travel in Germany and other parts of German-speaking Europe; June/July: German-American travel destinations; August/September: Education; October/November: Oktoberfest;. December/January:Holiday Issue. Buys 50 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: up to 1,200 words. Pays $100-500.
COLUMNS German-Americana (regards specific German-American communities, organizations, and/or events past or present), 1,200 words; Profile (portrays prominent Germans, Americans, or German-Americans), 1,000 words; At Home (cuisine, etc. relating to German-speaking Europe), 800 words; Library (reviews of books, videos, CDs, etc.), 300 words. Buys 30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $100-130.
FILLERS Needs facts, newsbreaks. Length: 100-300 words. Pays $80.
40 Wall St., 8th Floor, New York NY 10005. Fax: (212)451-6257. E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Barnea. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine. Circ. 255,000. Pays on acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 months to mss. Sample copy and writer's guidelines with 9x12 SASE.
NONFICTION Buys 10 unsolicited mss/year. Query. Length: 1,500-2,000 words.
COLUMNS “We have a family column and a travel column, but a query for topic or destination should be submitted first to make sure the area is of interest and the story follows our format.”
FICTION Contact: Zelda Shluker, managing editor. Short stories with strong plots and positive Jewish values. Needs ethnic. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays $500 minimum.
409 Maynard Ave. S., #203, Seattle WA 98104. (206)624-3925. Fax: (206)624-3046. E-mail: Website: Contact: Travis Quezon, editor in chief. 75% freelance written. Biweekly journal of Asian American news, politics, and arts. “International Examiner is about Asian American issues and things of interest to Asian Americans. We do not want stuff about Asian things (stories on your trip to China, Japanese Tea Ceremony, etc. will be rejected). Yes, we are in English.” Estab. 1974. Circ. 12,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines for #10 SASE.
NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, historical, humor, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature. Buys 100 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 750-5,000 words, depending on subject. Pays $25-100.
FICTION Asian American authored fiction by or about Asian Americans only. Buys 1-2 mss/year. Query.
219 E St. NE, Washington DC 20002. (202)547-2900. Fax: (202)546-8168. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dona De Sanctis, editor. 20% freelance written. Quarterly magazine. Italian America provides timely information about OSIA, while reporting on individuals, institutions, issues, and events of current or historical significance in the Italian-American community. Estab. 1996. Circ. 65,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs historical, interview, opinion, current events. Buys 8 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 750-1,000 words. Pays $50-250.
3635 Savannah Place Dr., Suite 400, Duluth GA 30096. (770)451-3067, ext. 4. E-mail: Website: 50% freelance written. “Khabar is a monthly magazine for the Indian community, free in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina. Besides Indian-Americans, Khabar also reaches other South Asian immigrants in Georgia—those from countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka who share common needs for good and services. ‘Khabar’ means ‘news’ or ‘to know’ in many Indian languages, but we are a features magazine rather than a news publication.” Estab. 1992. Circ. 27,000. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs essays, interview, opinion, personal experience, travel. Buys 5 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 750-4,000 words. Pays $100-300 for assigned articles. Pays $75 for unsolicited articles.
COLUMNS Book Review, 1,200 words; Music Review, 800 words; Spotlight (profiles), 1,200-3,000 words. Buys 5 mss/year. Query with or without published clips or send complete ms. Pays $75 minimum.
FICTION Needs ethnic. Buys 5 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Pays $50-100.
4115 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Suite LL10, Washington DC 20016. (202)363-6422. Fax: (202)362-2514. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine on Judaism. Moment is committed to portraying intellectual, political, cultural, and religious debates within the community, and to educating readers about Judaism’s rich history and contemporary movements, ranging from left to right, fundamentalist to secular. Estab. 1975. Circ. 65,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; in 3 months to mss. Sample copy for $4.50 and SAE. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Buys 25-30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 2,500-7,000 words. Pays $200-1,200.
COLUMNS 5765 (snappy pieces about quirky events in Jewish communities, news and ideas to improve Jewish living), 250 words maximum; Olam (first-person pieces, humor, and colorful reportage), 600-1,500 words; book eviews (fiction and nonfiction) are accepted but generally assigned, 400-800 words. Buys 30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $50-250.
5333 N. Seventh St., Suite C-224, Phoenix AZ 85014. (602)265-4855. Fax: (602)265-3113. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Taté Walker, editor; Kevin Coochwytewa, creative director. Bimonthly magazine covering Native Americans. High-quality reproduction with full color throughout. The primary purpose of this magazine is to offer a sensitive portrayal of the arts and lifeways of native peoples of the Americas. Estab. 1987. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Guidelines by request.
NONFICTION Needs personal experience. Buys 35 mss/year. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays 25¢/word.
RIS Publications, P.O. Box 567, Montpelier VT 05601. E-mail: Website: Contact: Paul Richardson. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering Russian culture, history, travel, and business. “Our readers are informed Russophiles with an avid interest in all things Russian. But we do not publish personal travel journals or the like.” Estab. 1956. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No Publishes ms an average of 3-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy with 9x12 SASE and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, interview, photo feature, travel. No personal stories, i.e., How I came to love Russia. Buys 15-20 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-6,000 words. Pays $100-300.
Aboriginal Multi-Media Society, 13245-146 St., Edmonton AB T5L 4S8 Canada. (780)455-2700. Fax: (780)455-7639. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Paul Macedo, director of publishing operations; Debora Steel, contributing news editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering native issues. Focus on events and issues that affect and interest native peoples, national or local. Estab. 1983. Circ. 27,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs opinion, photo feature, travel, news interview/profile, reviews: books, music, movies. Special issues: Powwow (June); Travel supplement (May). Buys 200 mss/year. Query with published clips and SASE or by e-mail. Length: 500-800 words. Pays $3-3.60/published inch for a single source story and $4.15/published inch for a multi-source story.
704 N. Wells St., 2nd Floor, Chicago IL 60654. (312)849-2220. Fax: (312)849-2174. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Claire Johnson, managing editor; Megan O’Neill, associate editor. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering chefs in all food-service segments. Chef is the one magazine that communicates food production to a commercial, professional audience in a meaningful way. Circ. 42,000. Byline given. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines free.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, expose, general interest, historical, how-to, inspirational, interview, new product, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, technical. Buys 30-50 mss/year. Length: 750-1,500 words.
COLUMNS Flavor (traditional and innovative applications of a particular flavor) 1,000-1,200 words; Dish (professional chef profiles), 1,000-1,200 words; Savor (themed recipes), 1,000-1,500 words.
1000 Germantown Pike, Suite F2, Plymouth Meeting PA 19462. (484)688-0299. E-mail: Website: 75% freelance written. Annual magazine covering anything tea related. “Around the office, we have a saying—’It’s not just about dry brown leaves, or hot brown liquid.’ For sure, The Daily Tea is for tea lovers of all levels, but we aim to be much more than a text book. It’s the culture that surrounds tea that we find even more fascinating—the lives of the people who grow it, the rituals and traditions around tea, the peace we find in drinking it, and the fact that tea is a common denominator to so many around the world. This is what The Daily Tea is all about.” Estab. 1994. Circ. 9,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 9 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 months to mss. Guidelines by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, general interest, historical, how-to, humor, interview, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Send complete ms or query with proprosal. Pays negotiable amount.
COLUMNS Readers’ Stories (personal experience involving tea); Book Reviews (review on tea books). Send complete ms. Pays negotiable amount.
300 W. Clarendon Ave., Suite 155, Phoenix AZ 85013. E-mail: Website: 60% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering beer and men’s lifestyle (including food, travel, sports, and leisure). “DRAFT is a national men’s magazine devoted to beer, breweries, and the lifestyle and culture that surrounds it. Read by nearly 300,000 men aged 21-45, DRAFT offers formal beer reviews, plus coverage of food, travel, sports, and leisure. Writers need not have formal beer knowledge (though that’s a plus!), but they should be experienced journalists who can appreciate beer and beer culture.” Estab. 2006. Circ. 275,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 20% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy: $3 (magazine can also be found on most newsstands for $4.99). Guidelines available at
NONFICTION Do not want unsolicited mss, beer reviews, brewery profiles. Buys 80 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 250-2,500 words. Pays 50-90¢ for assigned articles. Expenses limit agreed upon in advance.
American Express Publishing Corp., 1120 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New York NY 10036. (212)522-1387. Fax: (212)764-2177. Website: Contact: Morgan Goldberg. Monthly magazine for the reader who enjoys the finer things in life. Editorial focuses on upscale dining, covering resturants, entertaining at home, and travel destinations. Circ. 964,000. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 months. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
GT Wine Magazine Pty Limited, Level 7, 233 Castlereagh St., GPO Box 4088, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. (61)(2)91990601. E-mail: Website: James Kilmartin. Contact: Judy Sarris, editor. Bimonthly magazine for the world of wine, celebrating both local and overseas industries. “Gourmet Traveller Wine is for wine lovers: It's for those who love to travel, to eat out, and to entertain at home, and for those who want to know more about the wine in their glass.” Estab. 1996. Circ. 22,088. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, new product, profile, reviews, travel. Query.
The Kashrus Institute, P.O. Box 204, Brooklyn NY 11204. (718)336-8544. Fax: (718)336-8550. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rabbi Yosef Wikler, editor. Kashrus Magazine is the kosher consumer’s most established, authoritative, and independent source of news about kosher foods. Estab. 1981. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks. Sample copy by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs personal experience, photo feature, religious, technical. Special issues: International Kosher Travel (October); Passover Shopping Guide (March); Domestic Kosher Travel Guide (June). Buys 8-12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-1,500 words. Pays $100-250 for assigned articles. Pays up to $100 for unsolicited articles.
COLUMNS Health/Diet/Nutrition, 1,000-1,500 words; Book Review (cookbooks, food technology, kosher food), 250-500 words; People in the News (interviews with kosher personalities), 1,000-1,500 words; Regional Kosher Supervision (report on kosher supervision in a city or community), 1,000-1,500 words; Food Technology (new technology or current technology with accompanying pictures), 1,000-1,500 words; Kosher Travel (international, national—must include Kosher information and Jewish communities), 1,000-1,500 words; Regional Kosher Cooking, 1,000-1,500 words. Buys 8-12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $50-250.
Bonnier Publications, 15 East 32nd St., 12th Floor, New York NY 10016. (212)219-7400. Website: Contact: Adam Sachs, editor in chief. Magazine published 9 times/year. “Saveur seeks out stories from around the globe that weave together culture, tradition, and people through the language of food. On every page the magazine honors a fundamental truth: cooking is one of the most universal—and beautiful—means of human expression. It is written for sophisticated, upscale lovers of food, wine, travel, and adventure.” Estab. 1994. Circ. 365,000. No kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $5 at newsstands. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Query with published clips.
COLUMNS Query with published clips.
Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., 1610 N. 2nd St., Suite 102, Milwaukee WI 53207. (414)423-0100. Fax: (414)423-8463. E-mail:; Website: Bimonthly magazine. Taste of Home is dedicated to home cooks, from beginners to the very experienced. Editorial includes recipes and serving suggestions, interviews and ideas from the publication’s readers and field editors based around the country, and reviews of new cooking tools and gadgets. Circ. 3.5 million. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore MD 21203-1463. (410)366-8343. E-mail: Website: Contact: Debra Wasserman, editor. Quarterly nonprofit vegetarian magazine that examines the health, ecological and ethical aspects of vegetarianism. “Highly-educated audience including health professionals.” Estab. 1982. Circ. 20,000. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy: $4.
NONFICTION “The articles we publish are usually written by registered dietitians and individuals with a science background. We are open to non-paid articles by others, and possibly a paid feature for a super idea. If you have a great idea that you would like to be paid for, please send a query letter along with a résumé, and indicate that you would like to be paid.” Pays $100-200/article.
POETRY “Please, no submissions of poetry from adults; 18 and under only.”
Wine Enthusiast Media, 333 North Bedford Rd., Mt. Kisco NY 10549. E-mail: E-mail:; Website: Contact: Joe Czerwinski, managing editor; Jameson Fink, senior editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the lifestyle of wine. Demystifying wine without dumbing it down, and tapping into current trends of spirits, travel, entertaining and art through a savvy wine lovers’ lens, Wine Enthusiast is the modern tome of popular wine culture—a magazine that provokes and drives global dialogue in one of the world’s most vibrant and fast-paced lifestyle categories, educating and entertaining legions of smart and sophisticated consumers. Estab. 1988. Circ. 180,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 5 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss.
NONFICTION Needs essays, humor, interview, new product, nostalgic, personal experience, travel. Buys 5 mss/year. Submit a proposal (1 or 2 paragraphs) with clips and a résumé. Submit short, front-of-book items to Jameson Fink; submit feature proposals to Joe Czerwinski. $1/word
333 W. Canal Dr., Kennewick WA 99336. (509)582-1564. Fax: (509)585-7221. E-mail:; Website: 50% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering Pacific Northwest wine (Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Idaho). “Wine Press Northwest is a quarterly magazine for those with an interest in wine, from the novice to the veteran. We publish in March, June, September and December. We focus on Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia's talented winemakers and the wineries, vintners and restaurants that showcase Northwest wines. We are dedicated to all who savor the fruits of their labor.” Estab. 1998. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 20% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy free or online. Guidelines free.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview, new product, photo feature, travel. No beer, spirits, non-NW (California wine, etc.). Buys 30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $300.
American Contract Bridge League, 6575 Windchase Dr., Horn Lake MS 38637-1523. (662)253-3156. Fax: (662)253-3187. E-mail:; Website: Paul Linxwiler, managing editor. Contact: Brent Manley, editor. 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering duplicate (tournament) bridge. Estab. 1938. Circ. 155,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, how-to, humor, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, technical, travel. Buys 6 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $100/page.
P.O. Box 3967, Crossville TN 38557. (931)787-1234. Fax: (931)787-1200. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Daniel Lucas, editor; Francesca “Frankie” Butler, art director. 15% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers/year. Monthly magazine. “Chess Life is the official publication of the United States Chess Federation, covering news of most major chess events, both here and abroad, with special emphasis on the triumphs and exploits of American players.” Estab. 1939. Circ. 85,000. Byline given. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy via PDF is available.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, humor, interview, photo feature, technical. No stories about personal experiences with chess. Buys 30-40 mss/year. Query with samples if new to publication. 3,000 words maximum. Pays $100/page (800-1,000 words).
FILLERS Submit with samples and clips. Buys first or negotiable rights to cartoons and puzzles. Pays $25 upon acceptance.
GameStop, 724 N. First St., 4th Floor, Minneapolis MN 55401. (612)486-6154. Fax: (612)486-6101. Website: Contact: Andy McNamara, editor in chief; Matt Bertz, managing editor. Monthly video game magazine featuring articles, news, strategy, and reviews of video games and associated consoles. Estab. 1991. Circ. 7.6 million. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
Kappa Publishing Group, Inc., 6198 Butler Pike, Suite 200, Blue Bell PA 19422. (215)643-6385. Fax: (215)628-3571. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jennifer Orehowsky, senior editor. 50% freelance written. Games World of Puzzles, published 10 times/year, features visual and verbal puzzles, quizzes, game reviews, contests, and feature articles. Estab. 1977. Circ. 75,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6-8 weeks to queries and mss. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs humor, photo feature, game- and puzzle-related events or people, wordplay. Query or submit complete ms by e-mail. Length: 2,000-2,500 words. Pays $500-1,000.
COLUMNS Puzzles, tests, quizzes. Buys 50 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Payment varies.
Here Media, Inc., 10990 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse, Los Angeles CA 90024. (310)806-4288. Fax: (310)806-4268. E-mail: Website: Contact: Matthew Breen, editor in chief; Meg Thomann, managing editor. Biweekly magazine covering national news events with a gay and lesbian perspective on the issues. Estab. 1967. Circ. 120,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy: $3.95. Guidelines on website.
NONFICTION Needs expose. Query. Length: 800 words. Pays $550.
COLUMNS Arts & Media (news and profiles of well-known gay or lesbians in entertainment); 750 words. Query. Pays $100-500.
ACE Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 16630, Phoenix AZ 85011. (602)266-0550, ext. 110. Fax: (602)266-0773. E-mail: Website: Contact: KJ Philp, managing editor. 30-40% freelance written. Biweekly magazine covering gay and lesbian issues. Echo Magazine is a newsmagazine for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons in the Phoenix metro area and throughout the state of Arizona. Editorial content needs to be pro-gay, that is, supportive of LGBTQ equality in all areas of American life. Estab. 1989. Circ. 15,000-18,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of less than 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 months. Submit seasonal material 1-2 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, humor, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Special issues: Pride Festival (April); Arts issue (August); Holiday Gift/Decor (December). No articles on topics unrelated to our LGBTQ readers, or anything that is not pro-gay. Buys 10-20 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $30-40.
COLUMNS Guest Commentary (opinion on GLBT issues), 500-1,000 words; Arts/Entertainment (profiles of GLBT or relevant celebrities, or arts issues), 800-1,500 words. Buys 5-10 mss/year. Query. Pays $30-40.
Gay & Lesbian Review, Inc., P.O. Box 16477, Hollywood CA 91615. (844)752-7829. E-mail: Website: Contact: Richard Schneider, Jr., editor. 100% freelance written. “The Gay & Lesbian Review is a bimonthly magazine targeting an educated readership of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) men and women. Under the tagline 'a bimonthly journal of history, culture, and politics,' the G&LR publishes essays in a wide range of disciplines as well as reviews of books, movies, and plays.” Estab. 1994. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, historical, humor, interview, opinion, book reviews. Does not want fiction, memoirs, personal reflections. Query or send complete ms by e-mail. Length: 2,000-4,000 words for features; 600-1,200 words for book reviews. Pays $50-100.
COLUMNS Guest Opinion (op-ed pieces by GLBT writers and activists), 500-1,000 words; Artist's Profile (focuses on the creative output of a visual artist, musician, or writer), 1,000-1,500 words; Art Memo (reflections on a work or artist of the past who made a difference for gay culture), 1,000-1,500 words; International Spectrum (the state of GLBT rights or culture in city or region outside the U.S.), 1,000-1,500 words. Query or submit complete ms by e-mail.
POETRY Needs avant-garde, free verse, traditional. Submit poems by postal mail (no e-mail submissions) with SASE for reply. Submit maximum 3 poems. Length: “While there is no hard-and-fast limit on length, poems of over 50 lines become hard to accommodate.”
11856 Balboa Blvd., #312, Granada Hills CA 91344. (818)284-4525. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike Wood, editor-in-chief. 40% freelance written. Gay men’s monthly lifestyle and entertainment magazine. “Instinct is a blend of Cosmo and Maxim for gay men. We’re smart, sexy, irreverent, and we always have a sense of humor—a unique style that has made us the #1 gay men’s magazine in the US.” Estab. 1997. Circ. 115,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 20% kill fee. Editorial lead time 2-3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online. Guidelines online. Register online first.
NONFICTION Needs expose, general interest, humor, interview, travel, basically anything of interest to gay men will be considered. Does not want first-person accounts or articles. Send complete ms via online submissions manager. Length: 850-2,000 words. Pays $50-300.
COLUMNS Health (gay, off-kilter), 800 words; Fitness (irreverent), 500 words; Movies, Books (edgy, sardonic), 800 words; Music, Video Games (indie, underground), 800 words. Pays $150-250.
137 W. 19th St., 2nd Floor, New York NY 10011. (212)691-5127. E-mail: Website: 75% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year. “MetroSource is an upscale, glossy, 4-color lifestyle magazine targeted to an urban, professional gay and lesbian readership.” Estab. 1990. Circ. 145,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $5.
NONFICTION Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-1,800 words. Pays $100-400.
COLUMNS Book, film, television, and stage reviews; health columns; and personal diary and opinion pieces. Word lengths vary. Query with published clips. Pays $200.
P.O. Box 6881, Minneapolis MN 55406. Website: Contact: Liane Bonin Starr, editor in chief and fiction editor. “Rainbow Rumpus is the world’s only online literary magazine for children and youth with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) parents. We are creating a new genre of children’s and young adult fiction. Please carefully read and observe the guidelines on our website.” Estab. 2005. Circ. 300 visits/day. Byline given. Pays on publication. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.
FICTION “Stories should be written from the point of view of children or teens with lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender parents or other family members, or who are connected to the LGBT community. Stories featuring families of color, bisexual parents, transgender parents, family members with disabilities, and mixed-race families are particularly welcome.” Query editor through website’s Contact page. Be sure to select the Submissions category. Length: 800-2,500 words for stories for 4- to 12-year-olds; up to 5,000 words for stories for 13- to 18-year-olds. Pays $300/story.
1308 Sherman Ave., #2S, Evanston IL 60201. E-mail: Website: Contact: Carolyn E.M. Gibney, editor. The St. Sebastian Review is a semiannual LGBTQ Christian literary magazine, founded to give voice to a community often disenfranchised and unheard. “We exist as a forum within and from which LGBTQ Christians of any denomination can engage both critically and compassionately the culture in which they find themselves. We are purveyors of fine poetry, fiction, nonfiction essays, and visual art from among the LGBTQ Christian community and its allies.” Estab. 2011. Byline given. Does not offer payment. Publishes ms an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries and 3 months to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, personal experience. Writer should query before submitting. Length: 2,000 words maximum.
FICTION Length: 2,000 words maximum.
POETRY Needs avant-garde, free verse, light verse, traditional. Submit maximum 5 poems.
P.O. Box 53352, Washington DC 20009. (202)747-2077. Fax: (202)747-2070. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kevin Naff, editor. 20% freelance written. Nation's oldest and largest weekly newspaper covering the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues. Articles (subjects) should be written from or directed to a gay perspective. Estab. 1969. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. No kill fee. Submit seasonal material 1 month in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries.
COLUMNS Send feature submissions to Joey DiGuglielmo, arts editor ( Send opinion submissions to Kevin Naff, editor ( Pay varies. No sexually explicit material.
Greentree Publishing, Inc., Box 319, 840 S. Rancho Dr., Suite 4, Las Vegas NV 89106. (702)387-6777. Fax: (702)385-1370. Website: 30-40% freelance written. Annual almanac of “down-home, folksy material pertaining to farming, gardening, homemaking, animals, etc.” Estab. 1983. Circ. 300,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy: $4.99.
NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, historical, how-to, humor. “No fiction or controversial topics. Please, no first-person pieces!” Buys 30-40 mss/year. No queries, please. Editorial decisions made from mss only. Send complete ms by mail. Length: 350-1,400 words. Pays $45/page.
FILLERS Needs anecdotes, facts, short humor, gardening hints. Length: up to 125 words. Pays $15 for short fillers or page rate for longer fillers.
P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis IN 46206-1055. (317)630-1253; (317) 630-1298. Fax: (317)630-1280. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Matt Grills, cartoon editor; Holly Soria, art director. 70% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers, but works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Monthly magazine. Working through 15,000 community-level posts, the honorably discharged wartime veterans of The American Legion dedicate themselves to God, country, and traditional American values. They believe in a strong defense; adequate and compassionate care for veterans and their families; community service; and the wholesome development of our nation's youth. Publishes articles that reflect these values. Informs readers and their families of significant trends and issues affecting the nation, the world and their way of life. Major features focus on the American flag, national security, foreign affairs, business trends, social issues, health, education, ethics, and the arts. Also publishes selected general feature articles, articles of special interest to veterans, and question-and-answer interviews with prominent national and world figures. Estab. 1919. Circ. 2,550,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for $3.50 and 9x12 SAE with 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines for #10 SASE.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, interview. No regional topics or promotion of partisan political agendas. No personal experiences or war stories. Buys 50-60 mss/year. Query with SASE should explain the subject or issue, article's angle and organization, writer's qualifications, and experts to be interviewed. Length: 300-2,000 words. Pays 40¢/word and up.
210 Massachussetts Ave., Boston MA 02115. E-mail: Website: Contact: Editor, The Home Forum. 95% freelance written. The Christian Science Monitor, a Web-first publication that also publishes a weekly print magazine, regularly features personal nonfiction essays and, occasionally, poetry in its Home Forum section. “We're looking for upbeat essays of 600-800 words and short (20 lines maximum) poems that explore and celebrate daily life.” Estab. 1908. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms 1-8 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6-8 weeks. Accepts queries by e-mail, online submission form. Responds in 3 weeks to mss; only responds to accepted mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines available online or by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs essays, humor, personal experience. Buys 2,500+ mss/year. 600-800 Pays $75-150.
POETRY Accepts submissions via online form. Does not want “work that presents people in helpless or hopeless states; poetry about death, aging, or illness; or dark, violent, sensual poems. No poems that are overtly religious or falsely sweet.” Submit maximum 5 poems. Length: up to 20 lines/poem. Pays $25/haiku; $50/poem.
Continental Features/Continental News Service, 501 W. Broadway, Plaza A, PMB #265, San Diego CA 92101-3802. (858)492-8696. E-mail: Website: Contact: Gary P. Salamone, editor-in-chief. See above. Twice-monthly general interest magazine of news and commentary on U.S. national and world news, with travel columns, science articles, entertainment features, analytical pieces, investigative journalism, humor pieces, comic strips, general humor panels, and editorial cartoons. “Writers who offer the kind and quality of writing we seek stand an equal chance regardless of experience. CF/CNS specializes in covering the unreported/under-reported news/information and requires 3 letters of recommendation, 1 of which must be from a current subscriber to our general-interest newsmagazine, Continental Newstime, to ensure consistency with this mission and with our quality and format standards.” CF/CNS publishes special Washington D.C., Chicago, San Diego, Minneapolis, Boston, Atlanta, Houston, Anchorage, Honolulu, Miami, Rochester (NY), and Seattle News Editions of Continental Newstime general-interest newsmagazine in a monthly rotation. Estab. 1987. Varies Acceptance Usually one month Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month. Sample copy available for $4.50 in US and $6.50 CAN/foreign. Guidelines for #10 SASE.
NONFICTION Contact: Same as above. Buys Varies mss/year. 300 to 700/800 words
Affluent Media Group, 1120 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New York NY 10036. (212)382-5600. E-mail: Website: Bimonthly magazine. Contains feature articles on travel, art and culture, men's and women's style, and interior design with an eye on global adventures and purchases. Circ. 680,000. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 4 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, travel. Query.
Johnson Publishing Co., Inc., 820 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60605. E-mail: Website: Contact: Najja Parker, editorial assistant. Monthly magazine covering topics ranging from education and history to entertainment, art, government, health, travel, sports, and social events. “Ebony is the top source for an authoritative perspective on the Black-American community. Ebony features the best thinkers, trendsetters, hottest celebrities, and next-generation leaders of Black America. It ignites conversation, promotes empowerment, and celebrates aspiration.” Circ. 11,000,000. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
NONFICTION Needs interview, profile. Query.
Meredith Corp., 805 Third Ave., 24th Floor, New York NY 10022. Website: Lisa Kelsey, art director. Contact: Cassie Kreitner, editorial assistant; Lisa Kelsey, art director. 80% freelance written. Magazine published every 3 weeks. A national women’s service magazine which covers many stages of a woman’s life, along with her everyday concerns about social, family, and health issues. Submissions should focus on families with children ages 8-16. Estab. 1932. Circ. 4.2 million. Byline given. Offers 20% kill fee. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. For back issues, send $6.95 to P.O. Box 3156, Harlan IA 51537. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, opinion, personal experience, women’s interest subjects such as family and personal relationships, children, physical and mental health, nutrition and self-improvement. No fiction or poetry. Buys 200 mss/year. Submit detailed outline, 2 clips, cover letter describing your publishing history, SASE or IRCs. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays $1/word.
Ogden Publications, Inc., 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka KS 66609-1265. (800)678-5779. E-mail:; Website:; Contact: Caleb Regan, managing editor. 80% freelance written. “GRIT is a bimonthly rural lifestyle magazine that focuses on small-town life, country and rural lifestyles, and small-scale farms.” Estab. 1879. Circ. 160,000. Byline given. Pays for articles on publication. Publishes manuscripts an average of 2-15 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal queries 6-8 months in advance. Responds to queries within a month's time. Sample copies and guidelines available online or by e-mailing
NONFICTION Needs feature-length articles (1,000-1,750 words with photos) on topics of interest to those living in rural areas, on farms or ranches, or those simply interested in the rural lifestyle; department articles (500-1,500 words with photos) on nostalgia, farm equipment and animals, DIY projects, gardening and cooking. Send queries via e-mail ( Include complete contact information. Articles (except Heart of the Home) are assigned in most cases; no editorial calendar is published.” Approximately 1500 words.
COLUMNS Departments include Gazette (news and quirky briefs of interest to lifestyle farmers); Heart of the Home (nostalgic remembrances on specific topics asked for in each issue); Country Tech (looking at equipment necessary for the farm life); Looking Back (nostalgic look at life on the farm); and In the Shop (how-to for those specialty farm items). Other departments are Comfort Foods, Recipe Box, In the Wild, and Sow Hoe (gardening topics). A query should be sent via e-mail to for all departments except Heart of the Home. Send complete article via e-mail to or mail them to GRIT/Capper's Farmer Editorial Department, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609. Payment varies depending on experience and expertise. Payment will also include 2 contributor's copies. For Heart of the Home articles, we pay a standard $25 rate and a standard $5 payment for Heart of the Home articles that appear on our website but not in the magazines.
666 Broadway, 11th Floor, New York NY 10012. (212)420-5720. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Ellen Rosenbush, editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine for well-educated, socially concerned, widely read men and women who value ideas and good writing. Harper's Magazine encourages national discussion on current and significant issues in a format that offers arresting facts and intelligent opinions. By means of its several shorter journalistic forms—Harper's Index, Readings, Forum, and Annotation—as well as with its acclaimed essays, fiction, and reporting, Harper's continues the tradition begun with its first issue in 1850: to inform readers across the whole spectrum of political, literary, cultural, and scientific affairs. Estab. 1850. Circ. 230,000. Pays on acceptance. Offers negotiable kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs humor. No interviews or profiles. Buys 2 mss/year. Query. Length: 4,000-6,000 words. Generally pays 50¢-$1/word.
FICTION Will consider unsolicited fiction. Has published work by Rebecca Curtis, George Saunders, Haruki Murakami, Margaret Atwood, Allan Gurganus, Evan Connell, and Dave Bezmosgis. Needs humorous. Buys 12 mss/year. Submit complete ms by postal mail. Length: 3,000-5,000 words. Generally pays 50¢-$1/word.
Stratis Publishing Ltd., 3, 3948 Quadra St., Victoria BC V8X 1J6 Canada. (250)479-4705. Fax: (250)479-4808. E-mail: Website: Contact: Bobbie Jo Reid, managing editor. 100% freelance written. Magazine published 12 times/year covering active 55+ living. Inspiration for people over 55. Monthly magazine distributed throughout British Columbia, extensive website, 2 annual 55+ Lifestyle Shows. Estab. 2004. Circ. 50,000. Byline given. Pays quarterly. No kill fee. Publishes an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online. Guidelines available.
NONFICTION Needs historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, personal experience, travel, profiles of inspiring people age 55+ who live in British Columbia. Special issues: Special issues: housing, travel, charitable giving, fashion. Does not want politics, religion, promotion of business, service or products, humor that demeans senior demographic or aging process. Query. Does not accept previously published material. Length: 500-1,200 words. Pays $35-150 for assigned articles. Pays $35-150 for unsolicited articles. Sometimes pays expenses (limit agreed upon in advance).
COLUMNS Buys 5-6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $25-50.
654 Osos St., San Luis Obispo CA 93401. (805)546-0609; (805)544-8711. Fax: (805)546-8827. E-mail: Website: Contact: Steve Owens, publisher. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine that can be read online covering the 25-year old age group and up, but young-at-heart audience. “The Journal Plus is a combination of the SLO County Journal and Plus Magazine. It is the community magazine written for and by the local people of the Central Coast.” Estab. 1981. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for 9x12 SAE with $2 postage. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs historical, humor, interview, personal experience, travel, book reviews, entertainment, health. Special issues: Christmas (December); Travel (October, April). No finance, automotive, heavy humor, poetry, or fiction. Buys 60-70 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 600-1,400 words. Pays $50-75.
Maisonneuve Magazine Association, 1051 Boulevard Decarie, P.O. Box 53527, St. Laurent QC H4L 5J9 Canada. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering eclectic curiousity. Maisonneuve has been described as a new New Yorker for a younger generation, or as Harper’s meets Vice, or as Vanity Fair without the vanity—but Maisonneuve is its own creature. Maisonneuve’s purpose is to keep its readers informed, alert, and entertained, and to dissolve artistic borders between regions, countries, languages, and genres. It does this by providing a diverse range of commentary across the arts, sciences, and daily and social life. The magazine has a balanced perspective and “brings the news” in a wide variety of ways. Estab. 2002. Circ. under 10,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 8 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; in 3 months to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, historical, humor, interview, personal experience, photo feature. Submit ms via online submissions manager ( or by mail. Length: 50-5,000 words. Pays 10¢/word.
P.O. Box 98199, Washington DC 20090-8199. (202)857-7000. Fax: (202)828-5460. Website: Contact: Susan Goldberg, editor in chief; David Brindley, managing editor. 60% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Monthly magazine for members of the National Geographic Society. Looking for timely articles written in a compelling, “eyewitness" style. Arresting photographs that speak to the beauty, mystery, and harsh realities of life on earth. Maps of unprecedented detail and accuracy. These are the hallmarks of National Geographic magazine. Estab. 1888. Circ. 6,800,000. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Query (500 words with clips of published articles). Do not send mss. Length: 2,000-8,000 words.
215 Lexington Ave., New York NY 10016. (212)679-7330. E-mail: Website: Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines available on website.
The Daily Beast, 251 W. 57th St., New York NY 10019. (212)445-4000. Website: Contact: Kira Bindrim, managing editor. Newsweek is edited to report the week's developments on the newsfront of the world and the nation through news, commentary, and analysis. Estab. 1933. Circ. 3.2 million. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
COLUMNS Contact: No longer accepting submissions for the print edition. To submit an essay to website, please e-mail. The My Turn essay should be: A) an original piece, B) 850-900 words, C) generally personal in tone, and D) about any topic, but not framed as a response to a Newsweek story or another My Turn essay. Submissions must not have been published elsewhere. Please include full name, phone number, and address with your entry. The competition is very stiff. Receives 600 entries per month and only prints 1 a week. Pays $1,000 on publication.
1 World Trade Center, New York NY 10007. E-mail: Website: Contact: David Remnick, editor in chief. A quality weekly magazine of distinct news stories, articles, essays, and poems for a literate audience. Estab. 1925. Circ. 938,600. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 3 months to mss. Subscription: $59.99/year (47 issues), $29.99 for 6 months (23 issues).
NONFICTION Submissions should be sent as PDF attachments. Do not paste them into the message field. Due to volume, cannot consider unsolicited “Talk of the Town" stories or other nonfiction.
FICTION Contact: Publishes 1 ms/issue. Send complete ms by e-mail (as PDF attachment) or mail (address to Fiction Editor). Payment varies.
POETRY Contact: Submit up to 6 poems at a time by e-mail (as PDF attachment) or mail (address to Poetry Department). Pays top rates.
620 Eighth Ave., New York NY 10018. (212)556-1234. Fax: (212)556-3830. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Margaret Editor, public editor. The New York Times Magazine appears in the New York Times on Sunday. The 'Arts and Leisure' section appears during the week. The 'Op Ed' page appears daily. Circ. 1.8 million. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
Yankee Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 520, Dublin NH 03444. (603)563-8111. Website: Contact: Janice Stillman, editor. 95% freelance written. Annual magazine covering weather, gardening, history, oddities, and lore. “The Old Farmer's Almanac is the oldest continuously published periodical in North America. Since 1792, it has provided useful information for people in all walks of life: tide tables for those who live near the ocean; sunrise tables and planting charts for those who live on the farm or simply enjoy gardening; recipes for those who like to cook; and forecasts for those who don't like the question of weather left up in the air. The words of the Almanac's founder, Robert B. Thomas, guide us still: 'Our main endeavor is to be useful, but with a pleasant degree of humour.'" Estab. 1792. Circ. 3,100,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 9 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for $6 at bookstores or online. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to. No personal recollections/accounts, personal/family histories. Query with published clips via mail or online contact form. Length: 800-2,500 words. Pays 65¢/word.
FILLERS Needs anecdotes, short humor. Buys 1-2 mss/year. Length: 100-200 words. Pays $25.
ParadeNet, Inc., 60 E. 42nd St., New York NY 10165-1910. (212)478-1910. Website: 95% freelance written. Weekly magazine for a general interest audience. Parade magazine is distributed by more than 600 Sunday newspapers, including the Atlanta Journal & Constitution, The Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, The Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald, The New York Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Times & Post Intelligencer, and The Washington Post. Estab. 1941. Circ. 22,000,000. Pays on acceptance. Offers kill fee. Kill fee varies in amount. Publishes ms an average of 5 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Accepts queries by mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and guidelines online.
NONFICTION Spot news events are not accepted, as Parade has a 2-month lead time. No fiction, fashion, travel, poetry, cartoons, nostalgia, regular columns, personal essays, quizzes, or fillers. Unsolicited queries concerning celebrities, politicians or sports figures are rarely assigned. Buys 150 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,200-1,500 words. Pays very competitive amount.
Time, Inc., 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 28th Floor, New York NY 10020. (212)522-1212. Fax: (212)522-1359. E-mail: Website: Weekly magazine. Designed as a forum for personality journalism through the use of short articles on contemporary news events and people. Circ. 3.7 million. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., Box 100, Pleasantville NY 10572. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Reader's Digest is an American general interest family magazine, published monthly. Estab. 1922. Circ. 4.6 million. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Accepts 1-page queries that clearly detail the article idea, with special emphasis on the arc of the story, interview access to the main characters, access to documents, etc. Looks for dramatic narratives, articles about everyday heroes, crime dramas, adventure stories. Include a separate page for writing credentials.
COLUMNS Life; @Work; Off Base, pays $300. Laugh; Quotes, pays $100. Address your submission to the appropriate humor category.
1100 Rene Levesque Blvd. W, Montreal QC H3B 5H5 Canada. E-mail: Website: 30-50% freelance written. Monthly magazine of general interest articles and subjects. Estab. 1948. Circ. 1,000,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance for original works. Pays on publication for pickups. Offers $500 (Canadian) kill fee. Submit seasonal material 5 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, humor, inspirational, personal experience, travel, crime, health. Query with published clips. Proposals can be mailed to the above address. We are looking for dramatic narratives, inspirational stories, articles about crime, adventure, travel and health issues. Download our writer's guidelines. If we are interested in pursuing your idea, an editor will contact you. Length: up to 2,500 words. Pays $1/word (CDN) or more depending on story type.
P.O. Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. (414)263-4567. Fax: (414)263-6331. E-mail: Website: Contact: Edith Wagner, editor. 85% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering reunions—all aspects and types. “Reunions Magazine is primarily for people actively planning family, class, military, and other reunions. We want easy, practical ideas about organizing, planning, researching/searching, attending, or promoting reunions.” Estab. 1990. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in about 1 year. Sample copy and writer's guidelines for #10 SASE or online.
NONFICTION Needs how-to, humor, new product, personal experience, photo feature, travel, reunion recipes with reunion anecdote. Buys 40 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-2,500 (prefers work on the short side). “Rarely able to pay anymore, but when we can pays $25-50.”
FILLERS Must be reunion-related. Needs anecdotes, facts, short humor. Buys 20-40 fillers/year mss/year. Length: 50-250 words. Pays $5.
CurtCo Robb Media, LLC, 29160 Heathercliff Rd., Suite #200, Malibu CA 90265. (310)589-7700. Fax: (310)589-7701. E-mail: Website: 60% freelance written. Monthly lifestyle magazine geared toward active, affluent readers. Addresses upscale autos, luxury travel, boating, technology, lifestyles, watches, fashion, sports, investments, collectibles. “For over 30 years, Robb Report magazine has served as the definitive authority on connoisseurship for ultra-affluent consumers. Robb Report not only showcases the products and services available from the most prestigious luxury brands around the globe, but it also provides its sophisticated readership with detailed insight into a range of these subjects, which include sports and luxury automobiles, yachts, real estate, travel, private aircraft, fashion, fine jewelry and watches, art, wine, state-of-the-art home electronics, and much more. For connoisseurs seeking the very best that life has to offer, Robb Report remains the essential luxury resource.” Estab. 1976. Circ. 104,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 5 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy: $14, plus s&h.
NONFICTION Needs new product, travel. Special issues: Home (October); Recreation (March). Buys 60 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $1/word.
Capital Gallery, Suite 6001, MRC 513, P.O. Box 37012, Washington DC 20013. (202)275-2000. E-mail: Website: Contact: Molly Roberts, photo editor; Jeff Campagna, art services coordinator. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine for associate members of the Smithsonian Institution; 85% with college education. Smithsonian Magazine's mission is to inspire fascination with all the world has to offer by featuring unexpected and entertaining editorial that explores different lifestyles, cultures and peoples, the arts, the wonders of nature and technology, and much more. The highly educated, innovative readers of Smithsonian share a unique desire to celebrate life, seeking out the timely as well as timeless, the artistic as well as the academic, and the thought-provoking as well as the humorous. Circ. 2.3 million. Pays on acceptance. Offers 33% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Buys 120-130 feature (up to 5,000 words) and 12 short (500-650 words) mss/year. Use online submission form. Smithsonian magazine accepts unsolicited proposals from established freelance writers for features and some departments. Submit a proposal of 250 to 300 words as a preliminary query. Background information and writing credentials are helpful. The proposal text box on the Web submission form holds 10,000 characters (approximately 2,000 words), ample room for a cover letter and proposal. All unsolicited proposals are sent on speculation. Supporting material or clips of previously published work can be provided with links. Article length ranges from a 700-word humor column to a 4,000-word full-length feature. Considers focused subjects that fall within the general range of Smithsonian Institution interests, such as: cultural history, physical science, art and natural history. Pays various rates per feature, $1,500 per short piece.
COLUMNS Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Last Page humor, 550-700 words. Buys 12-15 mss/year. Use online submission form. Pays $1,000-1,500.
Bauer Media Group, 54-58 Park St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. (61)(2)9282-8089. E-mail: Website: Contact: Paul Merrill, editor in chief. “Take 5 is a weekly mix of exciting and emotional real-life stories, 40 puzzle prizes, and a good mix of traditional women’s magazine fare. Each week, we tell stories of scandal, betrayal, love and loss, from quirky and fun tales to heartbreaking accounts of tragedy and crime. Written in their own voice, the magazine is a conduit for the readers to tell each other their stories, share their experiences and dream about winning a puzzle prize.” Circ. 155,723. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
H Bauer Publishing, Freepost LON12043, London England NW1 1YU United Kingdom. (44)(207)241-8000. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sophie Hearsey, editor. “that’s life! is packed with the most amazing true-life stories and fab puzzles offering big-money prizes including family sunshine holidays and even a car! We also have bright, up-to-date fashion, health, and beauty pages with top tips and readers’ letters. And just to make sure we get you smiling too, there’s our rib-tickling rude jokes and ‘aren’t men daft’ tales.” Estab. 1995. Circ. 550,000. No kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, online submission form. Responds in 6 weeks to mss. Guidelines by e-mail.
NONFICTION true-life stories, humor, health. Special issues: “Have you got a story to tell? It can be sexy, saucy, wicked or sad.” Submit via online submissions form. Pay varies.
1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10020. E-mail: Website: Contact: Nancy Gibbs, managing editor. Weekly magazine. TIME covers the full range of information that is important to people today—breaking news, national and world affairs, business news, societal and lifestyle issues, culture and entertainment news and reviews. Estab. 1923. Circ. 4 million. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
284 Madrona Way NE, Suite 116, Bainbridge Island WA 98110. E-mail: E-mail: Website: 70% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering sustainability, social justice, grassroots activism, contemporary culture; nature, conservation, ecology, politics, and world affairs. “YES! Magazine documents how people are creating a more just, sustainable and compassionate world. Each issue includes articles focused on a theme—about solutions to a significant challenge facing our world—and a number of timely, non-theme articles. Our non-theme section provides ongoing coverage of issues like health, climate change, globalization, media reform, faith, democracy, economy and labor, social and racial justice and peace building. To inquire about upcoming themes, send an e-mail to; please be sure to type 'themes' as the subject line.” Estab. 1997. Circ. 55,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Rarely offers kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-6 months. Submit seasonal material 2-6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months. Sample copy and writer's guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, opinion. “We don't want stories that are negative or too politically partisan.” Buys 30 mss/year mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 100-2,500 words. Pays $50-1,250 for assigned articles. Pays $50-600 for unsolicited articles.
COLUMNS Signs of Life (positive news briefs), 100-250 words; Commentary (opinion from thinkers and experts), 500 words; Book and film reviews, 500-800 words. Pays $20-300.
15250 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200, Sherman Oaks CA 91403. (800)446-2322, ext. 200. E-mail: Website: Contact: Meg Jordan, editor. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering exercise and fitness, health, and nutrition. “We need timely, in-depth, informative articles on health, fitness, aerobic exercise, sports nutrition, age-specific fitness, and outdoor activity. Absolutely no first-person accounts. Need well-researched articles for professional readers.” Estab. 1983. Circ. 42,900. Byline given. Pays 30 days after publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for $4.50 and SASE with 6 first-class stamps.
NONFICTION Needs historical, inspirational, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, travel. No articles on unsound nutritional practices, popular trends, or unsafe exercise gimmicks. Buys 18-25 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $200 for features, $80 for news.
COLUMNS Research (latest exercise and fitness findings); Alternative paths (nonmainstream approaches to health, wellness, and fitness); Strength (latest breakthroughs in weight training); Clubscene (profiles and highlights of fitness club industry); Adventure (treks, trails, and global challenges); Food (low-fat/nonfat, high-flavor dishes); Homescene (home-workout alternatives); Clip ‘n’ Post (concise exercise research to post in health clubs, offices or on refrigerators). Length: 800-1,000 words. Query with published clips or send complete ms. Pays $100-200.
P.O. Box 271207, Louisville CO 80027. (202)441-9558. E-mail: Website: Contact: Melissa Williams, editor in chief. 90% freelance written. “Healing Lifestyles & Spas is a bimonthly magazine committed to healing, health, and living a well-rounded, more natural life. In each issue we cover retreats, spas, organic living, natural food, herbs, beauty, yoga, alternative medicine, bodywork, spirituality, and features on living a healthy lifestyle.” Estab. 1996. Circ. 45,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2-10 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6-9 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries.
NONFICTION Needs travel. No fiction or poetry. Query. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $150-500, depending on length, research, experience, and availability and quality of images.
COLUMNS All Things New & Natural (short pieces outlining new health trends, alternative medicine updates, and other interesting tidbits of information), 50-200 words; Urban Retreats (focuses on a single city and explores its spas and organic living features), 1,200-1,600 words; Health (features on relevant topics ranging from nutrition to health news and updates), 900-1,200 words; Food (nutrition or spa-focused food articles and recipes), 1,000-1,200 words; Ritual (highlights a specific at-home ritual), 500 words; Seasonal Spa (focuses on a seasonal ingredient on the spa menu), 500-700 words; Spa Origins (focuses on particular modalities and healing beliefs from around the world, 1,000-1,200 words; Yoga, 400-800 words; Retreat (highlights a spa or yoga retreat), 500 words; Spa a la carte (explores a new treatment or modality on the spa menu), 600-1,000 words; Insight (focuses on profiles, theme-related articles, and new therapies, healing practices, and newsworthy items), 1,000-2,000 words. Query.
Time, Inc., Southern Progress Corp., 1271 Avenue of Americas, New York NY 10020. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Christine Mattheis, senior editor; Theresa Tamkins, editor in chief. Magazine published 10 times/year covering health, fitness, and nutrition. Readers are predominantly college-educated women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Edited to focus not on illness but on wellness news, events, ideas, and people. Estab. 1987. Circ. 1,360,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 33% kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines for #10 SASE or via e-mail.
NONFICTION No unsolicited mss. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips and SASE. Length: up to 1,200 words.
COLUMNS Body, Mind, Fitness, Beauty, Food.
National Health Federation, P.O. Box 688, Monrovia CA 91017. (626)357-2181. Fax: (626)303-0642. E-mail: Website: 50-60% freelance written. Health Freedom News is the quarterly magazine of the National Health Federation. It contains feature articles on the latest methods of alternative healing, threats to health, nutrition centers and makers of nutrition, health products, and more. Estab. 1982. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit ms 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-2 weeks on queries; in 1-2 months on mss. Sample copy: $5.
NONFICTION Needs essays, expose, general interest, humor, inspirational, interview. No product articles. Query. Length: 750-2,000 words.
COLUMNS Open to suggestions for new columns. Query.
IMPACT Productions, 2007 Second St. SW, Calgary AB T2S 1S4 Canada. (403)228-0605. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Chris Welner, editor. 10% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering fitness and sport performance. A leader in the industry, IMPACT Magazine is committed to publishing content provided by the best experts in their fields for those who aspire to higher levels of health, fitness, and sport performance. Estab. 1991. Circ. 90,000. Byline given. Pays 30 days after publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 weeks to queries. Sample copy and guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, new product, opinion, technical. Buys 4 mss/year. Query before submitting. Length: 600-1,800 words. Pays 25¢/word maximum for assigned articles. Pays 25¢/word maximum for unsolicited articles.
Rodale, 33 E. Minor St., Emmaus PA 18098. (610)967-5171. Fax: (610)967-7725. E-mail: Website: 50% freelance written. Magazine published 10 times/year covering men’s health and fitness. Men’s Health is a lifestyle magazine showing men the practical and positive actions that make their lives better, with articles covering fitness, nutrition, relationships, travel, careers, grooming, and health issues. Estab. 1986. Circ. 1,600,000. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Guidelines for #10 SASE.
NONFICTION Buys 30 features/year; 360 short mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,200-4,000 words for features; 100-300 words for short pieces. Pays $1,000-5,000 for features; $100-500 for short pieces.
COLUMNS Length: 750-1,500 words. Buys 80 mss/year. Pays $750-2,000.
Yaffa Publishing, 17-21 Bellevue St., Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia. (61)(2)9281-2333. Fax: (61)(2)9281-2750. E-mail: Website: Contact: Pamela Allardice, editor. Bimonthly magazine for people interested in maintaining a naturally healthy lifestyle. Circ. 30,000. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
Robert Kennedy Publishing, 400 Matheson Blvd. W., Mississauga ON L5R 3M1 Canada. (905)507-3545; (888)254-0767. Fax: (905)507-2372. Website: 70% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering women’s health and fitness. Oxygen encourages various exercise, good nutrition to shape, and condition the body. Estab. 1997. Circ. 340,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 5 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for $5.
NONFICTION Needs expose, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature. No poorly researched articles that do not genuinely help the readers toward physical fitness, health, and physique. Buys 100 mss/year. Send complete ms with SASE and $5 for return postage. Length: 1,400-1,800 words. Pays $250-1,000.
COLUMNS Nutrition (low-fat recipes), 1,700 words; Weight Training (routines and techniques), 1,800 words; Aerobics (how-tos), 1,700 words. Buys 50 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $150-500.
Remedy Health Media, 750 Third Ave., 6th Floor, New York NY 10017. (212)695-2223. Fax: (212)695-2936. Website: Magazine published 8 times/year, dealing with specific and current health issues in each issue. See editorial calendar online for details. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
Spirituality & Health Media, LLC, 444 Hana Hwy., Suite D, Kahului HI 96732. (231)933-5660. E-mail: Website: Contact: Karen Bouris, editor in chief; Ilima Loomis, managing editor. Bimonthly magazine covering research-based spirituality and health. “We look for formally credentialed writers in their fields. We are nondenominational and non-proselytizing. We are not New Age. We appreciate well-written work that offers spiritual seekers from all different traditions help in their unique journeys.” Estab. 1998. Circ. 95,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3-4 months to queries. Responds in 2-4 months to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines online.
NONFICTION Does not want proselytizing, New Age cures with no scientific basis, “how I recovered from a disease personal essays,” psychics, advice columns, profiles of individual healers or practitioners, pieces promoting one way or guru, reviews, poetry or columns. Query.
Review and Herald Publishing Association, P.O. Box 5353, Nampa ID 83653-5353. (208)465-2579. Fax: (208)465-2531. E-mail:, Website: Contact: Heather Quintana, editor. 80% freelance written. Enjoys working with published/established writers; works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Bimonthly magazine covering health articles (especially from a prevention angle and with a Christian slant). “Whether you are fit and vigorous or have just received a frightening diagnosis, Vibrant Life has health information that will help you move closer to the life you were designed to live. It is perfect for sharing with people who may have never heard of this Christian approach to whole-person health. It’s a wonderful way to introduce people to God’s plan for us to have harmony of mind, body, and spirit. You can give a subscription to neighbors, friends, or coworkers; order a stack to place in a local grocery store, business, or doctor’s office; or use it as a part of local church health initiatives, such as blood drives or cooking classes.” Estab. 1885. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 50% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 9 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for $1. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs interview. Buys 50-60 feature articles/year and 6-12 short mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 500-1,500 words for features; 25-250 words for short pieces. Pays $100-300 for articles.
WebMD, 111 8th Ave, 7th Floor, New York NY 10011. (212)624-3700. Website: 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering health, lifestyle health, and well-being, some medical. Published by WebMD Health, WebMD the Magazine is the print sibling of the website It aims to broaden the company-wide mandate: “Better information, better health.” It is a health magazine, with a difference. It is specifically designed and written for people who are about to have what may be the most important conversation of the year with their physician or other medical professional. The magazine's content is therefore developed to be most useful at this critical point of care, to improve and enhance the dialogue between patient and doctor. Readers are adults (65% women, 35% men) in their 30s, 40s, and 50s (median age is 41) who care about their health, take an active role in their own and their family's wellness, and want the best information possible to make informed healthcare decisions. Estab. 2005. Circ. 1 million. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 30% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-4 months. Submit seasonal material 3-4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online.
14 W. 23rd St. #2, New York NY 10010. (212)929-7054. Website: The official magazine of Weight Watchers International, an international company that offers various products and services to assist weight loss and service. Estab. 1963. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
Rodale Inc., 400 South 10th St., Emmaus PA 18098. E-mail:; Website: Magazine published 10 times/year for the woman who wants to reach a healthy, attractive weight. Women’s Health reaches a new generation of women who don’t like the way most women’s magazines make them feel. Estab. 2005. Circ. 1.5 million. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
Blitz Publications, P.O. Box 4075, Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia. (61)(3)9574-8999. Fax: (61)(3)9574-8899. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rebecca Long, editor. Monthly glossy magazine covering health, fitness, beauty, sex, and travel. Women's Health & Fitness Magazine is a holistic guide to a happier and healthier lifestyle, offering information on weight training, nutrition, mental well-being, health, beauty, fat loss, life coaching, home workouts, low-fat recipes, fitness fashion, fitness tips, diet, supplementation, natural remedies, pregnancy, and body shaping. Estab. 1994. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, new product. Query.
Active Interest Media, Healthy Living Group, 475 Sansome St., Suite 850, San Francisco CA 94111. (415)591-0555. Fax: (415)591-0733. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kaitlin Quistgaard, editor in chief. 75% freelance written. Magazine published 9 times a year covering the practice and philosophy of yoga. Estab. 1975. Circ. 300,000. Byline given. Pays within 90 days of acceptance. Offers kill fee. Offers kill fee on assigned articles. Publishes ms an average of 10 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 7 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries if interested. Sample copy: $4.99. Guidelines on website.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, how-to, interview, opinion, photo feature, travel. Does not want unsolicited poetry or cartoons. “Please avoid New Age jargon and in-house buzz words as much as possible.” Buys 50-60 mss/year. Query with SASE. Length: 3,000-5,000 words. Pays $800-2,000.
COLUMNS Om: Covers myriad aspects of the yoga lifestyle (150-400 words). This department includes Yoga Diary, a 250-word story about a pivotal moment in your yoga practice. Eating Wisely: A popular, 1,400-word department about relationship to food. Most stories focus on vegetarian and whole-foods cooking, nutritional healing, and contemplative pieces about the relationship between yoga and food. Yoga Scene: Featured on the back page of the magazine, this photo depicts some expression of your yoga practice. Please tell us where the photo is from, what was going on during the moment the photo was taken, and any other information that will help put the photo into context. E-mail a well-written query.
Jack W. Melton Jr. LLC, 96 Craig St., Suite 112-333, East Ellijay GA 30540. (706)940-2673. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jack Melton, Publisher. 60% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering antique artillery, fortifications, and crew-served weapons 1750-1900 for competition shooters, collectors, and living history reenactors using artillery. Estab. 1979. Circ. 1,200. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Sample copy online.
NONFICTION Needs historical, how-to, interview, photo feature, technical, travel. Buys 12 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 300 words minimum. Pays $40-60.
Missouri History Museum, P.O. Box 11940, St. Louis MO 63112. (314)746-4558. Fax: (314)746-4548. E-mail: Website: Contact: Keri McBride, managing editor. 75% freelance written. Annual magazine covering Missouri history and culture. “Gateway is a popular cultural history magazine that is primarily a member benefit of the Missouri History Museum. Thus, we have a general audience with an interest in the history and culture of Missouri and St. Louis in particular.” Estab. 1980. Circ. 9,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 6 months-1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy: $10. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, interview, photo feature, scholarly essays, Missouri biographies, viewpoints on events, first-hand historical accounts, regional architectural history, literary history. No genealogies. Buys 4-6 mss/year. Query with writing samples or complete ms. Length: 2,000-5,000 words.
Annie's, 306 E. Parr Rd., Berne IN 46711. Fax: (260)589-8093. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mary Beth Weisenburger, editor. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine of first-person nostalgia, 1935-1960. “We look for strong narratives showing life as it was in the middle decades of the 20th century. Our readership is composed of nostalgia buffs, history enthusiasts, and the people who actually lived and grew up in this era.” Byline given. Pays on contract. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 8 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 10 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy: $2. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs historical, humor, personal experience, photo feature, favorite food/recipes, year-round seasonal material, biography, memorable events, fads, fashion, sports, music, literature, entertainment. No fiction accepted. Buys 350 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays $15-50, depending on quality and photos.
Moorshead Magazines, 82 Church St. S., Suite 101, Ajax ON L1S 6B3 Canada. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Edward Zapletal, publisher/editor. 99% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering social history. A general interest history magazine, focusing on social history up to about 1960. Estab. 1999. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample PDF copy available on request. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, historical. Does not want first-person narratives or revisionist history. Buys 50 mss/year. Query. Do not submit complete ms. “PLEASE NOTE: Submissions must be accompanied by the author's name, telephone number, postal address, and e-mail address. If not present in the ms, we will delay publication until we receive the necessary contact information.” Length: 500-2,500 words. Pays 8¢/word; $7/image submitted and used in the final layout.
World History Group, 19300 Promenade Dr., Leesburg VA 20176-6500. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dr. Michael W. Robbins, editor. 100% freelance written. Quarterly journal covering military history. “MHQ offers readers in-depth articles on the history of warfare from ancient times into the 21st century. Authoritative features and departments cover military strategies, philosophies, campaigns, battles, personalities, weaponry, espionage, and perspectives, all written in a lively and readable style. Articles are accompanied by classic works of art, photographs, and maps. Readers include serious students of military tactics, strategy, leaders, and campaigns, as well as general world history enthusiasts. Many readers are currently in the military or retired officers.” Estab. 1988. Circ. 22,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 1 year. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy: $6. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs historical, personal experience, photo feature. No fiction or stories pertaining to collectibles or reenactments. Buys 36 mss/year. Query by mail or e-mail with published clips. Length: 1,500-6,000 words.
COLUMNS Artists on War (description of artwork of a military nature); Experience of War (first-person accounts of military incidents); Strategic View (discussion of military theory, strategy); Arms & Men (description of military hardware or unit), all up to 2,500 words. Buys 16 mss/year. Send complete ms.
HistoryNet, 1600 Tysons Blvd., Suite 1140, Tysons VA 22102. (703)771-9400. Fax: (703)779-8345. E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Harding, editor. 70% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year covering world military history of all ages. “We strive to give the general reader accurate, highly readable, often narrative popular history, richly accompanied by period art.” Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample: $6. Guidelines for #10 SASE or by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs historical, interview. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query by mail or e-mail with published clips. Length: 2,000-3,000 words with a 200- to 500-word sidebar.
COLUMNS Interview; What We Learned (lessons from history); Valor (those who have earned medals/awards); Hallowed Ground (battlegrounds of significance); and Reviews (books, video, games, all relating to military history). Length: 700-1,300 words.
1700 NE 63rd St., Oklahoma City OK 73111. (405)478-2250, ext. 213. Fax: (405)478-4714. E-mail: Website: Contact: Judy Hilovsky. 70% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers; works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Biannual magazine for an audience interested in Western art, Western history, ranching, and rodeo, including historians, artists, ranchers, art galleries, schools, and libraries. Publication of the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. Estab. 1970. Circ. 7,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 18 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy for $11. Writer's guidelines available on website.
NONFICTION Buys 50-75 mss/year. Query with clips. Length: 1,500 words. Pays $150-300.
703 Post Rd., Fairfield CT 06824. (800)232-2224. Fax: (800)775-2729. E-mail: Website: Contact: Tom Hauck, editor. 90% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the history of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. “Our readers include historians, reenactors, roleplayers, medievalists, and Renaissance Faire enthusiasts.” Estab. 1996. Circ. 33,000. Byline given. Pays 3 weeks after publication. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for $9. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, expose, historical, how-to, interview, new product, opinion, photo feature, religious, travel. Buys 25 mss/year. Query or send ms. Length: 2,000 words. Pays 10¢/word and 1 contributor’s copy.
True West Publishing, Inc., 6702 E. Cave Creek Rd., Suite 5, P.O. Box 8008, Cave Creek AZ 85327. (888)687-1881. Fax: (480)575-1903. E-mail: Website: Contact: Meghan Saar, editor; Bob Boze Bell, executive editor. 45% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Magazine published 10 times/year covering Western American history from prehistory 1800 to 1930. “We want reliable research on significant historical topics written in lively prose for an informed general audience. More recent topics may be used if they have a historical angle or retain the Old West flavor of trail dust and saddle leather. True West magazine’s features and departments tie the history of the American West (between 1800-1930) to the modern western lifestyle through enticing narrative and intelligent analyses.” Estab. 1953. Byline given. Pays on publication. Kill fee applicable only to material assigned by the editor, not for stories submitted on spec based on query written to the editor. 50% of original fee should the story have run in the publication. Editorial lead time 6 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $3. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION No fiction, poetry, or unsupported, undocumented tales. Buys 30 mss/year. No unsolicited mss. True West seeks to establish long-term relationships with writers who conduct excellent research, provide a fresh look at an old subject, write well, hit deadlines and provide manuscripts at the assigned word length. Such writers tend to get repeat assignments. Send your query and accompanying MSS and photos to: Meghan Saar, editor-in-chief, via mail (SASE). Length: 1,500 words for features; 450 words for short features; 200 words for snapshot coverage. Pays 25¢/word with a $20 payment for each photo the author provides that is published with the article and not already part of True West archives.”
FILLERS Needs anecdotes, facts, gags, newsbreaks, short humor. Buys 30 mss/year. Length: 50-300 words.
World History Group, Vietnam Story Idea, 1600 Tysons Blvd., Suite 1140, Tysons VA 22102-4883. E-mail: Website: Contact: Chuck Springston, editor. 90% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine providing in-depth and authoritative accounts of the many complexities that made the war in Vietnam unique, including the people, battles, strategies, perspectives, analysis, and weaponry. Estab. 1988. Circ. 46,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy: $9.95. Guidelines for #10 SASE or by e-mail.
NONFICTION Needs historical, interview, personal experience. “Absolutely no fiction or poetry; we want straight history, as much personal narrative as possible, but not the gung-ho, shoot-'em-up variety, either.” Buys 24 mss/year. Query by mail or e-mail with published clips. Length: up to 4,000 words with 500-word sidebar.
COLUMNS Arsenal (about weapons used, all sides); Personality (profiles of the players, all sides); Fighting Forces (various units or types of units: air, sea, rescue); Perspectives. Length: 2,000 words. Query.
World History Group, Wild West Story Idea, 1600 Tysons Blvd. Suite 1140, Tysons VA 22102-4883. E-mail: Website: Contact: Gregory J. Lalire, editor. 95% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the history of the American frontier, from its eastern beginnings to its western terminus. “Wild West covers the popular (narrative) history of the American West—events, trends, personalities, anything of general interest.” Estab. 1988. Circ. 83,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 years after acceptance. Editorial lead time 10 months. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries; in 6 months to mss. Single issue: $9.95. Writer's guidelines for #10 SASE or online.
NONFICTION Needs historical. No excerpts, travel, etc. Articles can be adapted from book. No fiction or poetry. Nothing current. Buys 36 mss/year. Query. Length: 3,500 words with a 500-word sidebar. Pays $300.
COLUMNS Gunfighters & Lawmen, 2,000 words; Westerners, 2,000 words; Warriors & Chiefs, 2,000 words; Western Lore, 2,000 words; Guns of the West, 1,500 words; Artists West, 1,500 words; Books Reviews, 250 words. Buys 36 mss/year. Query. Pays $150 for departments; book reviews paid by the word, minimum $40.
World History Group, World War II, 19300 Promenade Dr., Leesburg VA 20176. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Karen Jensen, editor. 25% freelance written. “Most of our stories are assigned by our staff to professional writers. However, we do accept written proposals for features and for our Time Travel department.” Bimonthly magazine covering military operations in World War II—events, personalities, strategy, the home front, etc. Estab. 1986. Circ. 146,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Writer's guidelines available on website or for SASE.
NONFICTION No fiction. Buys 24 mss/year. Query by mail or e-mail with published clips. “Your proposal should convince the editors to cover the subject, describe how you would treat the subject, and give the editors an opportunity to judge your writing ability. Please include your writing credentials and background with your proposal. A familiarity with recent issues of the magazine is the best guide to our editorial needs.” Length: 2,500-4,000 words.
American Craft Council, 1224 Marshall St. NE, Suite 200, Minneapolis MN 55413. (612)206-3115. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Monica Moses, editor in chief. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering art, craft, design. “American Craft Council is a national nonprofit aimed at supporting artists and craft enthusiasts. We want to inspire people to live a creative life. American Craft magazine celebrates the age-old human impulse to make things by hand.” Estab. 1941. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4-6 months. Submit seasonal material 4-6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; in 2 months to mss. See writer's guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs essays, interview, profile, travel, craft artist profiles, art travel pieces, interviews with creative luminaries, essays on creativity. Query with images. Include medium (glass, clay, fiber, metal, wood, paper, etc.) and department in subject line. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $1/word, according to assigned length.
COLUMNS On Our Radar (profiles of emerging artists doing remarkable work); Product Placement (stylish, inventive, practical, and generally affordable goods in production and the people who design them); Shop Talk (Q&As with owners of galleries); Material Matters (an artist using unusual materials to make fine craft); Personal Paths (an artist doing very individual—even idiosyncratic—work from a personal motivation); Spirit of Craft (art forms that might not typically be considered fine craft but may entail the sort of devotion generally associated with craft); Craft in Action (artists or organizations using craft to make the world better); Crafted Lives (photo-driven Q&A with a person or people living in a particularly creative space); Ideas (Q&A with a thinker or practitioner whose views represent a challenge to the status quo); Wide World of Craft (foreign or U.S. travel destination for craft lovers). Buys 10-12 mss/year. Query with published clips.
Kalmbach Publishing, P.O. Box 1612, 21027 Crossroads Circle, Waukesha WI 53187-1612. E-mail: Website: Contact: Julia Gerlach, editor. 50% freelance written. “Bead & Button is a bimonthly magazine devoted to techniques, projects, designs, and materials relating to making beaded jewelry. Our readership includes both professional and amateur bead and button makers, hobbyists, and enthusiasts who find satisfaction in making beautiful things.” Estab. 1994. Circ. 100,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers $75 kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4-12 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4-5 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries in 4-6 weeks. Guidelines online.
NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, profile. Buys 20-25 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-1,200 words. Pays $75-400.
F+W, A Content and Ecommerce Company, 700 E. State St., Iola WI 54990-0001. (715)445-2214. Fax: (715)445-4087. E-mail: Website: Contact: Joe Kertzman, managing editor. 5% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering working and using collectible, popular knives. Blade prefers in-depth articles focusing on groups of knives, whether military, collectible, high-tech, pocket knives, or hunting knives, and how they perform. Estab. 1973. Circ. 39,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 9 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 9 months. Submit seasonal material 9 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries; in 6 months to mss. Sample copy: $4.99. Guidelines for SAE with 8x11 envelope and 3 first-class stamps.
NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, interview, new product, photo feature, technical. “We assign profiles, show stories, hammer-in stories, etc. We don't need those. If you've seen the story on the Internet or in another knife or knife/gun magazine, we don't need it. We don't do stories on knives used for self-defense.” Send complete ms. Length: 700-1,400 words. Pays $150-300.
FILLERS Needs anecdotes, facts, newsbreaks. Buys 1-2 mss/year. Length: 50-200 words. Pays $25-50.