Selling your writing to consumer magazines is as much an exercise of your marketing skills as it is of your writing abilities. Editors of consumer magazines are looking for good writing which communicates pertinent information to their readers.

Marketing skills will help you successfully discern a magazine’s editorial slant, and write queries and articles that prove your knowledge of the magazine’s readership. You can gather clues about a magazine’s readership—and establish your credibility with the editor—in a number of ways: Read the listing in Writer’s Market; study a magazine’s writer’s guidelines; check a magazine’s website; and read current issues of the magazine.

Writers who can correctly and consistently discern a publication’s audience and deliver stories that speak to that target readership will win out every time over writers who submit haphazardly.

In nonfiction, editors continue to look for short feature articles covering specialized topics. Editors want crisp writing and expertise. If you are not an expert in the area about which you are writing, make yourself one through research. Always query before sending your manuscript.

Fiction editors prefer to receive complete manuscripts. Writers must keep in mind that fiction is competitive, and editors receive far more material than they can publish. For this reason, they often do not respond to submissions unless they are interested in using the story.

Most magazines listed here have indicated pay rates; some give very specific payment-per-word rates, while others state a range. Any agreement you come to with a magazine, whether verbal or written, should specify the payment you are to receive and when you are to receive it.



2720 West Pullman Rd., Moscow ID 83843. (208)882-5578. Fax: (208)882-8150. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Dana Russell, editor; John Langston, art director. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering Appaloosa horses. “Appaloosa Journal is the authoritative, association-based source for information about the Appaloosa Horse Club, the Appaloosa breed and the Appaloosa industry. Our mission is to cultivate a broader membership base and instill enthusiasm for the breed by recognizing the needs and achievements of the Appaloosa, ApHC members, enthusiasts and our readers. The Appaloosa Horse Club is a not-for-profit organization. Serious inquiries within specified budget only.” Estab. 1946. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs historical, interview. Buys 15-20 mss/year. Send complete ms. Appaloosa Journal is not responsible for unsolicited materials. All freelance correspondence should be directed to editor Dana Russell via e-mail, with the subject line “'Freelance.' Article-length reports of timely and newsworthy events, such as shows, races, and overseas competition, are welcome but must be pre-approved by the editor. Mss exceeding the preferred word length will be evaluated according to relevance and content matter. Lengthy stories, opinion pieces, or poorly written pieces will be rejected. Mss may be sent on a CD or via e-mail in Microsoft Word or text-only format. If sent via CD, an accompanying hard copy should be printed, double spaced, following the guidelines.” Length: 1,500-1,800 words (features); 600-800 words (article-length). Pays $200-400.


P.O. Box 46, Middleburg VA 20118. (540)687-6341. Fax: (540)687-3937. E-mail: E-mail: (feature stories); (news stories). Website: Contact: Sara Lieser, managing editor; Beth Rasin, executive editor. 50% freelance written. Weekly magazine covering horse sport. “We cover English riding sports, including horse showing, grand prix jumping competitions, steeplechase racing, foxhunting, dressage, endurance riding, handicapped riding, and combined training. We are the official publication for the national governing bodies of many of the above sports. We feature news, how-to articles on equitation and horse care and interviews with leaders in the various fields.” Estab. 1937. Byline given. Pays for features, news and other items on publication. Publishes an average of 4 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 5-6 weeks to queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, humor, interview, technical. Special issues: Steeplechase Racing (January); American Horse in Sport and Grand Prix Jumping (February); Horse Show (March); Intercollegiate (April); Kentucky 4-Star Preview (April); Junior and Pony (April); Dressage (June); Horse Care (July); Combined Training (August); Hunt Roster (September); Amateur (November); Stallion (December). No poetry, Q&A interviews, clinic reports, Western riding articles, personal experience or wild horses. Buys 300 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $150-400.

COLUMNS Dressage, Combined Training, Horse Show, Horse Care, Racing over Fences, Young Entry (about young riders, geared for youth), Horses and Humanities, Hunting, Vaulting, Handicapped Riding, Trail Riding, 1,000-1,225 words; News of major competitions (clear assignment with us first), 1,500 words. Query with or without published clips or send complete ms. Pays $25-200.


83 Leicester St., North Oxford MA 01537. (508)987-5886. Fax: (508)987-5887. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kelly Ballou, editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering horses—all breeds, all disciplines. Equine Journal is a monthly, all-breed/discipline regional publication for horse enthusiasts. “The purpose of our editorial is to educate, entertain, and enable amateurs and professionals alike to stay on top of new developments in the field. Every month, the Equine Journal presents feature articles and columns spanning the length and breadth of horse-related activities and interests from all corners of the country.” Estab. 1988. Circ. 26,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Editorial lead time 4 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview. Does not accept poetry, fiction, or stories told from a first-person perspective. Buys 100 mss/year. Query with published clips, or send complete ms. Length: 1,200-1,800 words for features; 300-500 words for event write-ups.

COLUMNS Horse Health (health-related topics), 1,200-1,500 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Query.


P.O. Box 543, Abilene KS 67410. (785)263-4660. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering greyhound breeding, training, and racing. Estab. 1911. Circ. 3,500. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $3. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, personal experience. Do not submit gambling systems. Buys 24 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-10,000 words. Pays $85-150.


Horse Publications Group, Box 670, Aurora ON L4G 4J9 Canada. (905)727-0107. Fax: (905)841-1530. E-mail: Website: Contact: Amy Harris, managing editor. 80% freelance written. National magazine for horse lovers of all ages. Readers are committed horse owners with many different breeds involved in a variety of disciplines—from beginner riders to industry professionals. Circ. 20,000. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Query. Length: 750-1,500 words. Payment varies.

COLUMNS Tail End (humor). Payment varies.


I-5 Publishing, P.O. Box 12106, Lexington KY 40580. (800)546-7730. E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Moyer, editor. 90% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers, but will work with new/unpublished writers. Monthly magazine covering all aspects of horse ownership. “Our readers are adults, mostly women, between the ages of 18 and 40; stories should be geared to that age group and reflect responsible horse care.” Estab. 1976. Circ. 160,660. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 8 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Guidelines available at

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, inspirational, photo feature. “No little girl horse stories, cowboy and Indian stories, or anything not directly relating to horses.” Buys 20 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $200-475.


Willow Creek Press, 2779 Aero Park Dr., Traverse City MI 49686. (231)946-3712; (800)447-7367. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Jason Smith, editor; Jill LaCross, managing and Web editor. 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering all aspects of the Labrador Retriever. “Just Labs is targeted toward the family Labrador Retriever, and all of our articles help people learn about, live with, train, take care of, and enjoy their dogs. We do not look for articles that pull at the heart strings (those are usually staff-written), but rather we look for articles that teach, inform, and entertain.” Estab. 2001. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 40% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6-8 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries; in 2 months to mss. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs essays, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, photo feature, technical, travel. “We don't want tributes to dogs that have passed on. This is a privilege we reserve for our subscribers.” Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-1,800 words. Pays $250-400.


Miniature Donkey Talk, Inc., P.O. Box 982, Cripple Creek CO 80813. (719)689-2904. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike Gross. 65% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering donkeys, with articles on healthcare, promotion, and management of donkeys for owners, breeders, and donkey lovers. Estab. 1987. Circ. 4,925. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, humor, interview, personal experience. Buys 6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 700-5,000 words. Pays $25-150.

COLUMNS Columns: Humor: 2,000 words; Healthcare: 2,000-5,000 words; Management: 2,000 words. Buys 50 mss/year. Query. Pays $25-100.


American Paint Horse Association, P.O. Box 961023, Ft. Worth TX 76161-0023. (817)834-2742. Fax: (817)834-3152. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jessica Hein, editor. 10% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Monthly magazine for people who raise, breed, and show Paint Horses. Estab. 1966. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers negotiable kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $7 (includes shipping). Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to. Buys 4-5 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $100-500.


i-5 Publishing, 3 Burroughs, Irvine CA 92618. (949)855-8822. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles covers “a wide range of topics relating to reptiles and amphibians, including breeding, captive care, field herping, etc.” Estab. 1992. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 20% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6-8 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 1-2 months to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, interview, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Buys 10 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $350-500.


TFH Publications, Inc., One TFH Plaza, Neptune City NJ 07753. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering tropical fish. Estab. 1952. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds immediately on electronic queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Buys 100-150 mss/year. “Manuscripts should be submitted as e-mail attachments. Please break up the text using subheads to categorize topics. We prefer articles that are submitted with photos. Do not insert photos into the text. Photos must be submitted separately.” Length: 10,000-20,000 characters with spaces. Pays $100-250.


United States Dressage Federation, 4051 Iron Works Pkwy., Lexington KY 40511. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Jennifer Bryant. 40% freelance written. Magazine published 10 times/year covering dressage (an equestrian sport). All material must relate to the sport of dressage in the U.S. Estab. 2000. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries; in 1-2 months to mss. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, how-to, interview, opinion, personal experience. Does not want general-interest equine material or stories that lack a U.S. dressage angle. Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $100-400 for assigned articles. Pays $100-300 for unsolicited articles. Byline only for “The Tail End,” a one-page personal or op/ed column pertaining to USDF members' dressage experiences.

COLUMNS Amateur Hour (profiles of and service pieces of interest to USDF's adult amateur members), 1,200-1,500 words; Under 21 (profiles of and service pieces of interest to USDF's young members), 1,200-1,500 words; Horse-Health Connection (dressage-related horse health), 1,200-1,800 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $150-300.



F+W, a Content + eCommerce Company, 10151 Carver Rd., Blue Ash OH 45242. (513)531-2690, ext. 11731. Fax: (513)891-7153. Website: Contact: Maureen Bloomfield, editor-in-chief; Brian Roeth, senior art director. 80% freelance written. Magazine published 10 times/year covering primarily two-dimensional art for working artists. Maureen Bloomfield says, “Ours is a highly visual approach to teaching serious amateur and professional artists techniques that will help them improve their skills and market their work. The style should be crisp and immediately engaging, written in a voice that speaks directly to artists. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Artists should send digital images of their work; writers should send clips of previously published work, along with a query letter.” Circ. 100,000. Bionote given for feature material. Pays on publication. Offers 8% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months-1 year after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 months to queries. Sample copy for $5.99. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION No unillustrated articles. Buys 60 mss/year. Length: 500-1,200 words. Pays $300-500 and up.


Artlink Australia, P.O. Box 182, Fullarton SA 5063 Australia. (61)(8)8271-6228. E-mail: Website: Contact: Eve Sullivan, executive editor. Quarterly magazine covering contemporary art in Australia. Estab. 1981. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest. Special issues: “Artlink welcomes proposals for writing and information on associated projects and exhibition programs that relate to forthcoming themed issues.” See website for upcoming themes. Write or e-mail the editor with your CV and 2-3 examples of previously published writing. Pays $300/1,000 words.


460 Richmond St W, Suite 601, Toronto ON M5V 1Y1 Canada. 416-203-9674. E-mail:; Website: Contact: David Dick-Agnew, senior editor. 75% freelance written. Magazine covering design and architecture. “AZURE is an award-winning magazine with a focus on contemporary architecture and design. In 8 visually stunning issues per year, AZURE explores inventive projects, emerging trends, and design issues that relate to our changing society. In recent years, AZURE has evolved into a media brand offering digital editions, weekly e-newsletters featuring the latest design news, an interactive website updated daily, and an international awards program celebrating excellence in design.” Estab. 1985. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers variable kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time up to 45 days. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries.

NONFICTION Needs new product, profile, technical, travel. Special issues: January/February: Houses; March/April: Iconic Buildings; June: Office Spaces; July/August: AZ Awards Annual; October: Trends; December: Interiors and Higher Ed. Does not want “anything other than architecture, design, urbanism and landscape, and tangentially related topics.” Buys 25-30 mss/year. Length: 300-1,500 words. Pays $1/word (Canadian).

COLUMNS Groundbreaker (profiles of new, large architectural projects) 350 words; book and documentary reviews, 300 words; Field Trip (profiles of hospitality/travel spaces with design angle), 800 words; Trailer (idiosyncratic design stories) 300 words. Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Pays $1/word (Canadian).


C The Visual Arts Foundation, P.O. Box 5, Station B, Toronto ON M5T 2T2 Canada. (416)539-9495. Fax: (416)539-9903. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Amish Morrell, editor. 80% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering international contemporary art. “C Magazine is a Toronto-based contemporary art and criticism periodical devoted to providing a forum for significant ideas in visual art and culture. Each quarterly issue explores a new theme through original art writing, criticism, and artists’ projects.” Estab. 1983. Circ. 7,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries; in 4 months to mss. Sample copy: $10 (US). Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, opinion, personal experience, “C Magazine welcomes writing on contemporary art and culture that is lively and rigorously engaged with current ideas and debates. C is interested in writing that addresses emergent practices and places them in critical context.” Buys 50 mss/year. Query with published clips and brief bio by e-mail: Length: 800-1,000 words for book reviews; 2,500-4,000 words for features, cultural analysis, artist profiles, and interviews. Pays $150-500 (Canadian), $105-350 (US).


Le Centre de Diffusion 3D, 423-5445 Avenue De Gaspé, Montreal QC H2J 3B2 Canada. (514)907-6147. E-mail: Website: Contact: Serge Fisette, editor. 95% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering sculpture events. Estab. 1987. Circ. 1,400. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 5 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, reviews, sculpture events. Buys 60 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: up to 1,000 words for reviews; 1,500-2,000 words for interviews, events. Pays $65/page.


Brant Publications, 110 Greene St., New York NY 10012. (212)941-2800. Fax: (212)941-2819. E-mail: (JavaScript required to view). Website: 75% freelance written. Bimonthly. “Articles should present new information in a scholarly format (with footnotes) on the fine and decorative arts, architecture, historic preservation, and landscape architecture.” Estab. 1922. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 6 months to mss. Sample copy $12 plus shipping costs. Contact

NONFICTION Buys 50 mss/year. “For submission guidelines and questions about our articles, please contact the editorial department at; you need JavaScript enabled to view it.” Length: 2,850-3,500 words. Pays $250-500.


Bellerophon Publications, 205 Lexington Ave., 17th Floor, New York NY 10016. (212)627-9977. Fax: (212)627-9988. E-mail: Website: Contact: Claire Barliant, managing editor. 80% freelance written. Monthly magazine (combined issue July/August) for consumers interested in architecture and design. “Metropolis examines contemporary life through design—architecture, interior design, product design, graphic design, crafts, planning, and preservation. Subjects range from the sprawling urban environment to intimate living spaces to small objects of everyday use. In looking for why design happens in a certain way, Metropolis explores the economic, environmental, social, cultural, political, and technological context. With its innovative graphic presentation and its provocative voice, Metropolis shows how richly designed our world can be.” Estab. 1981. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Pays 60-90 days after acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 8 months to queries. Sample copy: $7. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, interview. No profiles on individual architectural practices, information from public relations firms, or fine arts. Buys 30 mss/year. Send query via e-mail; no mss. “Describe your idea and why it would be good for our magazine. Be concise, specific, and clear. Also, please include clips or links to a few of your recent stories. The ideal Metropolis story is based on strong reporting and includes an examination of current critical issues. A design firm’s newest work isn’t a story, but the issues that its work brings to light might be.” Length: 1,500-4,000 words. Pays $1,500-4,000.

COLUMNS The Metropolis Observed (architecture, design, and city planning news features), 100-1,200 words, pays $100-1,200; Perspective (opinion or personal observation of architecture and design), 1,200 words, pays $1,200; Enterprise (the business/development of architecture and design), 1,500 words, pays $1,500; In Review (architecture and book review essays), 1,500 words, pays $1,500. Buys 40 mss/year. Query with published clips.


10901 W. 120th Ave., Suite 340, Broomfield CO 80021. (303)442-0427. Fax: (303)449-0279. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kristin Hoerth, editor in chief. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine directed to art collectors interested in artists, market trends, and art history of the American West. Estab. 1971. Circ. 60,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 8 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 months to mss.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, interview. No fiction or poetry. Buys 70 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,400-1,600 words.



Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, 5705 Grant Creek, Missoula MT 59808. (406)523-4500. Fax: (800)225-5355. E-mail: E-mail:;;; Website: Bugle is the membership publication of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, a nonprofit wildlife conservation group. “Our readers are predominantly hunters, many of them conservationists who care deeply about protecting wildlife habitat.” Bimonthly. Estab. 1984. Circ. 185,000. Pays on acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; 3 months to mss. Sample copy for $5. Writer’s guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, personal experience, conservation, natural history, wildlife management, hunting and human interest, essays on women in the outdoors. Query or submit complete ms to appropriate e-mail address; see website for guidelines. Length: 750-4,500 words, depending on type of piece. Pays 20¢/word and 3 contributor’s copies.

FICTION “We accept fiction and nonfiction stories pertaining in some way to elk, other wildlife, hunting, habitat conservation, and related issues. We would like to see more humor.” Needs adventure, historical, humorous, novel excerpts, slice-of-life vignettes, western, children’s/juvenile, satire, human interest, natural history, conservation—as long as they related to elk. Query or submit complete ms to appropriate e-mail address; see website for guidelines. Length: 1,500-4,500 words; average length: 2,500 words. Pays 20¢/word and 3 contributor’s copies.


AFCOM, 742 E. Chapman Ave., Orange CA 92866. Fax: (714)997-9743. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Karen Riccio, managing editor. 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering data center management. Data Center Management is the slick, 4-color, bimonthly publication for members of AFCOM, the leading association for data center management. Estab. 1988. Circ. 4,000 worldwide. Byline given. Pays on acceptance for assigned articles and on publication for unsolicited articles. Offers up to 10% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6-12 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-3 weeks to queries; in 1-3 months to mss. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to. Special issues: The January/February issue is the annual 'Emerging Technologies' issue. Articles for this issue are visionary and product neutral. No product reviews or general tech articles. Buys 15+ mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: up to 2,000 word. Pays 50¢/word minimum, based on writer's expertise.


425 W. Diversey Pkwy., Chicago IL 60614. (773)755-4900. E-mail: Website: Contact: John P. Sheridan, Managing Editor. 25% freelance written. Magazine covers nonfiction only; published 10 times/year with basic mission of being the voice of the elks. All fraternal is written in-house. Estab. 1922. Circ. 800,000. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month with a yes/no on ms purchase. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, travel. No fiction, religion, controversial issues, first-person, fillers, or verse. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays 25¢/word.

COLUMNS “The invited columnists are already selected.”


Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 8701 Leeds Rd., Kansas City MO 64129. (816)921-0909; (800)289-0909. Fax: (816)921-8755. E-mail: Website: Contact: Clay Meyer, editor; Matheau Casner, creative director. 50% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers, but works with a growing number of new/unpublished writers each year. Published 6 times/year. FCA Magazine’s mission is to serve as a ministry tool of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes by informing, inspiring and involving coaches, athletes and all whom they influence, that they may make an impact for Jesus Christ. Estab. 1959. Circ. 75,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries/mss in 3 months. Sample copy for $2 and 9x12 SASE with 3 first-class stamps. Guidelines available at

NONFICTION Needs inspirational, personal experience, photo feature. Buys 5-20 mss/year. Articles should be accompanied by at least 3 quality photos. Query and submit via e-mail. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $150-400 for assigned and unsolicited articles.


Lions Clubs International, 300 W. 22nd St., Oak Brook IL 60523-8842. (630)468-6909. Fax: (630)571-1685. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jay Copp, senior editor. 35% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Monthly magazine covering service club organization for Lions Club members and their families. Estab. 1918. Circ. 490,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 5 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs photo feature. No travel, biography, or personal experiences. Buys 40 mss/year. “Article length should not exceed 2,000 words, and is subject to editing. No gags, fillers, quizzes or poems are accepted. Photos must be color prints or sent digitally. LION magazine pays upon acceptance of material. Advance queries save your time and ours. Address all submissions to Jay Copp, senior editor, by mail or e-mail text and .tif or .jpg (300 dpi) photos.” Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $100-750.


National Parks Conservation Association, 777 Sixth St. NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20001. (202)223-6722; (800)628-7275. Fax: (202)454-3333. E-mail: Website: Contact: Scott Kirkwood, editor-in-chief. 60% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Quarterly magazine for a largely unscientific but highly educated audience interested in preservation of National Park System units, natural areas, and protection of wildlife habitat. “National Parks magazine publishes articles about areas in the National Park System, proposed new areas, threats to parks or park wildlife, scientific discoveries, legislative issues, and endangered species of plants or animals relevant to national parks. We do not publish articles on general environmental topics, nor do we print articles about land managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, or other federal agencies.” Estab. 1919. Circ. 340,000. Pays on acceptance. Offers 33% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3-4 months to queries. Sample copy for $3 and 9x12 SASE or online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs expose, descriptive articles about new or proposed national parks and wilderness parks. No poetry, philosophical essays, or first-person narratives. No unsolicited mss. Length: 1,500 words. Pays $1,300 for 1,500-word features and travel articles.


United Spinal Association, 120-34 Queens Blvd., #320, Kew Gardens NY 11415. (718)803-3782. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Tim Gilmer, editor; Josie Byzek, managing editor. 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering living with spinal cord injury/disorder (SCI/D). The bimonthly membership magazine for the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, a program of United Spinal Association. Members include people with spinal cord injury or disorder, as well as caregivers, parents, and some spinal cord injury/disorder professionals. All articles should reflect this common interest of the audience. Assume that your audience is better educated in the subject of spinal cord injury than average, but be careful not to be too technical. Each issue has a theme (available from editor) that unites features in addition to a series of departments focused on building community and providing solutions for the SCI/D community. Articles that feature members, chapters or the organization are preferred, but any article that deals with issue pertinent to SCI/D community will be considered. Estab. 2011. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1-2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, how-to, humor, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, travel, medical research. Does not want “articles that treat disabilities as an affliction or cause for pity, or that show the writer does not get that people with disabilities are people like anyone else. We aren’t interested in 'courageous' or 'inspiring' tales of 'overcoming disability.'" Buys 36 mss/year. Query. Length: 800-1,600 words. Pays 15¢/word for new writers.

COLUMNS Travel (report on access of a single travel destination based on conversations with disabled travelers), Access (hands-on look at how to improve access for a specific type of area), Ask Anything (tap members and experts to answer community question relating to life w/SCI/D), Advocacy (investigation of ongoing advocacy issue related to SCI/D). Buys 40 mss/year. Length: 800 words. Query with published clips. Pays 15¢/word for new writers.


Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association, P.O. Box 1266, Harrisburg PA 17108. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine covering rural life in Pennsylvania. News magazine of Pennsylvania electric cooperatives. Features should be balanced, and they should have a rural focus. Electric cooperative sources (such as consumers) should be used. Estab. 1966. Circ. 165,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, interview. Query or send complete ms. Length: 500-2,000 words. Negotiates payment individually.


Rotary International, One Rotary Center, 1560 Sherman Ave., Evanston IL 60201. (847)866-3000. Fax: (847)328-8554. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine for Rotarian business and professional men and women and their families, schools, libraries, hospitals, etc. “Articles should appeal to an international audience and in some way help Rotarians help other people. The organization's rationale is one of hope, encouragement, and belief in the power of individuals talking and working together.” Estab. 1911. Circ. 510,000. Byline sometimes given. Pays on acceptance. Offers kill fee. Kill fee negotiable. Editorial lead time 4-8 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $1 ( Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, humor, inspirational, photo feature, technical, travel, sports, business/finance, environmental, health/medicine, social issues. No fiction, religious, or political articles. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays negotiable rate.

COLUMNS Health; Management; Finance; Travel, all 550-900 words. Query.


Boy Scouts of America, 1325 W. Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving TX 75015-2079. Website: 80% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year covering Scouting activities for adult leaders of the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Venturing. Estab. 1913. Circ. 1 million. Byline given. Pays on acceptance for major features and some shorter features. Publishes ms an average of 18 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 year. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy: $2.50 and 9x12 SAE with 4 first-class stamps, or online.

NONFICTION Needs inspirational, interview. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query with SASE. Length: short features, 500-700 words; some longer features, up to 1,200 words, usually the result of a definite assignment to a professional writer. Pays $650-800 for major articles, $300-500 for shorter features. Rates depend on professional quality of article.

COLUMNS Way It Was (Scouting history), 600-750 words; Family Talk (family, raising kids, etc.), 600-750 words. Buys 8-12 mss/year. Query. Pays $300-500.

FILLERS Limited to personal accounts of humorous or inspirational Scouting experiences. Needs anecdotes, short humor. Buys 15-25 mss/year. Length: 50-150 words. Pays $25 on publication.


Toastmasters International, P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo CA 92690. 949-858-8255. E-mail: Website: Contact: 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covers public speaking, leadership, communication and club-related topics. The monthly Toastmaster magazine is distributed to members of Toastmasters International, a nonprofit organization and world leader in communication and leadership development. The publications team prizes article originality, depth of research, timeliness and excellence of expression. Unsolicited article queries and photos are accepted via e-mail. All accepted articles are subject to editing for length and/or clarity. Articles and photos may be published in print and digital versions. Estab. Toastmasters International: Established in 1924. Read more at Circ. To 332,000 members in more than 15,400 clubs in 135 countries. Byline given. Pays upon acceptance. No kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3-4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines available at Please refer to the submissions guidelines on the Toastmasters website first, and then submit your query via e-mail to Tip: We highly recommend that you review several issues of the Toastmaster magazine before submitting a query.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, humor, interview, profile, communications, leadership, language use. Articles with political or religious slants or sexist or nationalist language will not be accepted. Buys 50 mss/year. Need: Leadership and communication “How To …” articles, expert advice and tips for public speakers, impromptu speaking, humorous speeches, persuasive speeches, storytelling and cross-cultural communication. Profiles of prominent international speakers and leaders relative to an international audience. Length: 650-1,800 words. Compensation for accepted articles (word count: 650–1,800) is $200–$650, and is based on readability, thoroughness of the research performed, compliance with submissions guidelines, and the article’s value to the publications team and to members of Toastmasters.


The Colorado Mountain Club, 710 Tenth St., Suite 200, Golden CO 80401. (303)279-3080. E-mail: Website: Contact: Editor. 80% freelance written. Official quarterly publication for the Colorado Mountain Club. “Articles in Trail & Timberline conform to the mission statement of the Colorado Mountain Club to unite the energy, interest, and knowledge of lovers of the Colorado mountains, to collect and disseminate information ‘regarding the Colorado mountains in the areas of art, science, literature, and recreation,’ to stimulate public interest, and to encourage preservation of the mountains of Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region.” Estab. 1918. Circ. 10,500. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries.; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy: online, or $3 plus catalog-sized SASE. Make checks payable to CMC. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, humor, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Buys 10-15 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $50.


Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City MO 64111. (816)756-3390. Fax: (816)968-1169. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Kelly Gibson, senior writer. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine on veterans' affairs, military history, patriotism, defense, and current events. VFW Magazine goes to its members worldwide, all having served honorably in the armed forces overseas from World War II through the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Estab. 1904. Circ. 1.5 million. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time is 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for 9x12 SAE with 5 first-class stamps. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, inspirational. Buys 25-30 mss/year. Query with 1-page outline, résumé, and published clips. Do not send unsolicited mss. Length: 1,000 words. Pays up to $500-1,000 maximum for assigned articles; $500-750 maximum for unsolicited articles.


Meagher, Inc., P.O. Box 130, Grey Eagle MN 56336. (320)285-7066. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike Meagher. 75% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering vintage snowmobiles and collectors. Vintage Snowmobile Magazine is sent to members of the Vintage Snowmobile Club of America. “It is published quarterly in March, June, September and December and features restoration articles, stories about vintage snowmobile events and features articles about the great people in the early days of the sport.” Estab. 1987. Circ. 2,400. Byline sometimes given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, humor, photo feature, coverage of shows. Query with published clips. Length: 200-2,000 words.

COLUMNS Featured Sleds Stories, 500 words. Query with published clips.


The Ramblers' Association, 2nd Floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London England SE1 7TW United Kingdom. +44 020 7339 8500. Fax: +44 020 7339 8501. E-mail: Website: “Quarterly magazine that encourages people to participate in walking, educates people about the countryside, and promotes wider access to—and protection of—the countryside. The magazine is distributed to Ramblers' Association members, organizations, and individuals who want to stay informed on the group's policies.” Circ. 140,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online or for a SASE (A4 and 73 pence). Guidelines available by e-mail.

NONFICTION Query with synopsis/outline, published clips, SASE. Length: 500-800 words. Payment is negotiable.



Fate Magazine, Inc., P.O. Box 460, Lakeville MN 55044. (952)431-2050. Fax: (952)891-6091. E-mail: Website: Contact: Phyllis Galde, editor in chief. 75% freelance written. Covers the paranormal, ghosts, UFOs, strange science. “Reports a wide variety of strange and unknown phenomena. We are open to receiving any well-written, well-documented article. Our readers especially like reports of current investigations, experiments, theories, and experiences.” Estab. 1948. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays after publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-6 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-3 months to queries. Sample copy available for free online, by e-mail. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, personal experience, photo feature, technical. “We do not publish poetry, fiction, editorial/opinion pieces, or book-length mss.” Buys 100 mss/year. Submit complete ms by e-mail or on CD accompanied by hard copy. Length: 1,500-3,000 words. Pays $50. Pays with merchandise or ad space if requested.

COLUMNS True Mystic Experiences (short reader-submitted stories of strange experiences); My Proof of Survival (short reader-submitted stories of proof of life after death), up to 500 words. Submit complete ms by e-mail or on CD accompanied by hard copy. Pays $25.

FILLERS Fillers are especially welcomed and must be fully authenticated. Needs anecdotes and facts. Length: 150-500 words. Pays $10.


Whole Life Media, LLC, 23705 Vanowen St., #306, West Hills CA 91307. (877)807-2599. Fax: (310)933-1693. E-mail: Website: Bimonthly regional glossy on holistic living. Whole Life Times relies almost entirely on freelance material. Open to stories on natural health, alternative healing, green living, sustainable and local food, social responsibility, conscious business, the environment, spirituality and personal growth—anything relevant to a progressive, healthy lifestyle. Estab. 1978. Circ. 40,000 (print); 5,000 (digital). Byline given. Pays within 30-45 days of publication. 50% kill fee on assigned stories. No kill fee to first-time WLT writers or for unsolicited submissions. Publishes ms 2-4 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer's Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Special issues: Special issues include: Healing Arts, Food and Nutrition, Spirituality, New Beginnings, Relationships, Longevity, Arts/Cultures Travel, Vitamins and Supplements, Women's Issues, Sexuality, Science and Metaphysics, Eco Lifestyle. Buys 60 mss/year. Send complete ms. Submissions are accepted via e-mail. Artwork should also be sent via e-mail as hard copies will not be returned. “Queries should be professionally written and show an awareness of our style and current topics of interest in our subject area. We welcome investigative reporting and are happy to see queries that address topics in a political context. We are especially looking for articles on health and nutrition. No regular columns sought. Submissions should be double-spaced in AP style as an attached unformatted MS Word file (.docx). If you do not have Microsoft Word and must e-mail in another program, please also copy and paste your story in the message section of your e-mail.” Payment varies. “WLT accepts up to 3 longer stories (800-1,100 words) per issue, and pay ranges from $100-175 depending on topic, research required, and writer experience. In addition, we have a number of regular departments that pay $35-150 depending on topic, length, research required, and writer experience. We pay by invoice, so please be sure to submit one and to name the file with your name.”

COLUMNS Local News, Taste of Health (food), Yoga & Spirit, Whole Living, Success Track, Art & Soul (media reviews). Length: 600-750 words. Send complete ms or well-developed query and links to previously published work. Submissions are accepted via e-mail. Artwork should also be sent via e-mail as hard copies will not be returned. “City of Angels is our FOB section featuring short, newsy blurbs on our coverage topics, generally in the context of Los Angeles. These are generally 350-450 words and pay $25-35 depending on length and topic. This is a great section for writers who are new to us. BackWords is a 650-word personal essay that often highlights a seminal moment or event in the life of the writer and pays $100. We pay by invoice, so please be sure to submit one, and name the file with your name.”



American Motorcyclist Association, 13515 Yarmouth Dr., Pickerington OH 43147. (614)856-1900. E-mail: Website: Contact: Grant Parsons, director of communications; James Holter, managing editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine for enthusiastic motorcyclists investing considerable time and money in the sport, emphasizing the motorcyclist, not the vehicle. Monthly magazine of the American Motorcyclist Association. Emphasizes people involved in, and events dealing with, all aspects of motorcycling. Readers are “enthusiastic motorcyclists, investing considerable time in road riding or all aspects of the sport.” Estab. 1947. Circ. 200,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 5 weeks to queries. Responds in 6 weeks to mss. Sample copy for $1.50. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, personal experience, travel. Buys 8 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays minimum $8/published column inch.


108-2220 Sooke Rd., Victoria BC V9B 0G9 Canada. (250)384-0333. E-mail: Website: Contact: John Campbell, editor. 65% freelance written. Magazine covering motorcycling. Estab. 1980. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries; in 6 months to mss. Sample copy: $5 or online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, interview, new product, technical, travel. Buys 12 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays $100-200 for assigned articles. Pays $80-150 for unsolicited articles.


Hearst Communications, Inc., 1585 Eisenhower Place, Ann Arbor MI 48108. E-mail: Website: Contact: Eddie Alterman, editor in chief; Mike Fazioli, managing editor. Monthly magazine for auto enthusiasts; readers are college-educated, professional, median 24-35 years of age. Estab. 1956. Circ. 1,212,555. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries.

NONFICTION Query with published clips before submitting.


TEN: The Enthusiast Network, 831 S. Douglas St., El Segundo CA 90245. Website: 5-10% freelance written. Only works with published/established writers. Monthly magazine for automotive enthusiasts and general interest consumers. Estab. 1949. Circ. 1,250,000. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries.

NONFICTION Query before submitting.


Source Interlink Media, Inc., 1733 Alton Parkway, Suite 100, Irvine CA 92606. Website: “Monthly magazine covering various forms of motorsports where Cheverolet cars and engines are in competition.” Circ. 198,995. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.


Primedia, 831 S. Douglas Street, El Segundo CA 90245. Website: 60% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering light trucks, SUVs, minivans, vans, and travel. Truck Trend readers want to know about what’s new in the world of sport-utilities, pickups, and vans. What to buy, how to fix up, and where to go. Estab. 1998. Circ. 125,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 5 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for #10 sase. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, travel. Buys 12 mss/year. “Contributions are welcomed but editors recommend that contributors query first. Contributions must be accompanied by return postage, and we assume no responsibility for loss or damage thereto. Manuscripts must be typewritten on white paper.”


ACP Magazines, Ltd., Locked Bag 12, 73 Atherton Rd., Oakleigh VIC 3166 Australia. E-mail: Website: Contact: Glenn Butler, editor. Monthly magazine covering all aspects of motoring. Estab. 1953. Circ. 63,200. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, new product, technical. Query.



Wavelengths 10 (Pty) Ltd., 6 Barbeque Heights, 9 Dytchley Rd., Barbeque Downs, Midrand 1684 South Africa. +27 (0)11 466 8524/6. Fax: +27 (0)86 767 4333. E-mail: Website: Contact: Athol Franz, editor. 50% freelance written.African Pilot is southern Africa's premier monthly aviation magazine. It publishes a high-quality magazine that is well known and respected within the aviation community of southern Africa. The magazine offers a number of benefits to readers and advertisers, including a weekly e-mail, Aviation News, annual service guide, aviation training supplement, executive wall calendar, and an extensive website. The monthly aviation magazine is also available online as an exact replica of the paper edition but where all major advertising pages are hyperlinked to the advertisers' websites. The magazine offers clean layouts with outstanding photography and reflects editorial professionalism as well as a responsible approach to journalism. The magazine offers a complete and tailored promotional solution for all aviation businesses operating in the African region.” Estab. 2001. Circ. 7,000+ online; 6,600+ print. Byline given. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2-3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds only if interested; send nonreturnable samples. Sample copies available upon request. Writer's guidelines online or via e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, technical. No articles on aircraft accidents. Buys up to 60 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,200-2,800 words.


Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 513, Washington DC 20013. (202)633-6070. Fax: (202)633-6085. E-mail: Website: 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering aviation and aerospace for a nontechnical audience. “Air & Space is a general interest magazine about flight. Its goal is to show readers, both the knowledgeable and the novice, facets of the enterprise of flight that they are unlikely to encounter elsewhere. The emphasis is on the human rather than the technological, on the ideas behind events, rather than a simple recounting of details.” Estab. 1985. Circ. 225,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy: $7. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, general interest, historical, humor, photo feature, technical. Buys 50 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-3,000 words. Pay varies.

COLUMNS Above & Beyond (first-person narrative of an adventure in air or space), 1,500 words; Flights & Fancy (whimsical, brief reflection), 800-1,000 words; Soundings (short, current news items reporting oddball or amusing events, efforts, or situations), 300-1,000 words; Reviews & Previews (a description and critique of a recent or soon-to-be-released book, video, movie, aerospace-related recreational product, or software), 200-450 words. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pay varies.


Yaffa Publishing, 17-21 Bellevue St., Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia. (61)(2)9281-2333. Fax: (61)(2)9281-2750. E-mail: Website: Contact: Steve Hitchen, editor. Bimonthly magazine offering hands-on tips to better flying as well as the latest technologies, accessories, and techniques, and all the relevant news that affects the day-to-day operation of the industry. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, new product, technical. Query.


HistoryNet, LLC, 1600 Tysons Blvd., Ste. 1140, Tysons VA 22102. E-mail: Website: Contact: Carl Von Wodtke, editor. 95% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering military and civilian aviation from first flight to the space age. “Aviation History aims to make aeronautical history not only factually accurate and complete but also enjoyable to a varied subscriber and newsstand audience.” Estab. 1990. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 years after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries; in 3 months to mss. Sample copy: $6. Guidelines with #10 SASE or online.

NONFICTION Needs historical, interview, personal experience. Buys 24 mss/year. Query. Length: up to 3,000 words, with a 500-word sidebar where appropriate, author bio, and book suggestions for further reading. Pays minimum of $300.

COLUMNS Aviators; Restored; Extremes, all up to 1,500 words. Pays minimum of $150. Book reviews, 250-500 words, pays minimum $50.


Aviation Publishing Corporation, El Monte Airport (EMT), P.O. Box 93613, Pasadena CA 91109-3613. (626)618-4000. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Lyn Freeman, editor in chief. 20% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering lifestyle travel for owners and passengers of private aircraft. Articles cover upscale travelers. Estab. 1994. Circ. 135,000. Byline given for features. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2-8 weeks. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds immediately. Sample copy and guidelines free.

NONFICTION “Nothing nonrelevant or not our style. See magazine.” Query with published clips. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays $150-300 for assigned and unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS Publication has numerous departments; see magazine. Buys 100+ mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays up to $150.


Airventure Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 550, Glendale CA 91209. (818)241-1890; (877)745-6849. Fax: (818)241-1895. E-mail:; Website: Contact: George A. Kounis, editor/publisher. 90% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering aviation travel for private pilots. Pilot Getaways is a travel magazine for private pilots. Our articles cover destinations that are easily accessible by private aircraft, including details such as airport transportation, convenient hotels, and attractions. Other regular features include fly-in dining, flying tips, and bush flying. Estab. 1999. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 9 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 2 months to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs travel. “We rarely publish articles about events that have already occurred, such as travel logs about trips the authors have taken or air show reports.” Buys 24 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-3,500 words. Pays $100-500.

COLUMNS Weekend Getaways (short fly-in getaways), 2,000 words; Fly-in Dining (reviews of airport restaurants), 1,200 words; Flying Tips (tips and pointers on flying technique), 1,000 words; Bush Flying (getaways to unpaved destinations), 1,500 words. Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Pays $100-500.



Alaska Business Publishing, 501 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Suite 100, Anchorage AK 99503-2577. (907)276-4373; (800)770-4373. Fax: (907)279-2900. E-mail: Website: Contact: Susan Harrington, Managing Editor; David Geiger, Art Director. 75% freelance written. “Our audience is Alaska businessmen and businesswomen who rely on us for timely features and up-to-date information about doing business in Alaska.” Estab. 1985. Circ. 12,000-15,000. Byline given. Pays month of publication. Offers $50 kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Assignments are due 2 months before date published. Editorial lead time 3-6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, online submission form. Responds in 1 month to queries. Order sample copy through website store or download off website under “archives.” Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Special issues: “A different industry is featured each month in a special section. Read our magazine and editorial calendar for an idea of the material we assign.” No fiction, poetry, or anything not pertinent to Alaska business. Rarely uses any unsolicited or unassigned articles. Buys approximately 200 mss/year. Send query and half a dozen clips of previously published articles. Do not send complete mss. Does not republish blog posts. Length: 500-1,800 words. Pays $100-350 for assigned articles.


Millyard Communications, 55 S. Commercial St., Manchester NH 03101. (603)626-6354. Fax: (603)626-6359. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Erika Cohen, associate editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering business, politics, and people of New Hampshire. “Our audience consists of the owners and top managers of New Hampshire businesses.” Estab. 1983. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. three months Accepts queries by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. No unsolicited mss; interested in New Hampshire writers only. Buys 24 mss/year. Query with published clips and résumé. Length: 750-2,500 words. Payment varies.


Economic Affairs Bureau, Inc., 95 Berkeley St., Suite 305, Boston MA 02116. (617)447-2177. Fax: (617)477-2179. E-mail: Website: Contact: Alejandro Reuss and Chris Sturr, co-editors. 10% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering economic, environmental, and social justice. “Dollars & Sense publishes economic news and analysis, reports on economic justice activism, primers on economic topics, and critiques of the mainstream media’s coverage of the economy. Our readers include professors, students, and activists who value our smart and accessible economic coverage. We explain the workings of the U.S. and international economics and provide left perspectives on current economic affairs.” Estab. 1974. Circ. 8,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy: $5 or on website. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Special issues: Wants in-depth articles on a broad range of topics. Buys 6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-3,000 words. Pays up to $200.

COLUMNS Active Culture (briefs on activism), 250-400 words; Reviews (coverage of recent books, movies, and other media), 700 words. Query with published clips.


The Economist Group, 1730 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Suite 1210, Washington DC 20036. (202)429-0890. Fax: (202)429-0899. Website: Weekly newspaper that is not just a chronicle of economics. Takes “part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.” Targets highly educated readers. Offers authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science, and technology. Estab. 1843. Accepts simultaneous submissions.


Entrepreneur Media Inc., 18061 Fitch, Irvine CA 92614. E-mail: Website: Contact: Amy Cosper, editor in chief. 60% freelance written.Entrepreneur readers already run their own businesses. They have been in business for several years and are seeking innovative methods and strategies to improve their business operations. They are also interested in new business ideas and opportunities, as well as current issues that affect their companies.” Circ. 600,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 5 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy: $7.20.

NONFICTION Needs how-to. Buys 10-20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,800 words. Payment varies.

COLUMNS Snapshots (profiles of interesting entrepreneurs who exemplify innovation in their marketing/sales technique, financing method or management style, or who have developed an innovative product/service or technology); Money Smarts (financial management); Marketing Smarts; Web Smarts (Internet news); Tech Smarts; Management Smarts; Viewpoint (first-person essay on entrepreneurship), all 300 words. Pays $1/word.


7 World Trade Center, New York NY 10007-2195. (212) 389-5300. Fax: (212) 389-5496. E-mail: Website: Contact: Lori Hoffman, managing editor. Magazine published 10 times/year that inspires readers and users to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead conversations, and create the future of business. Fast Company is the world’s leading progressive business media brand, with a unique editorial focus on innovation in technology, ethonomics (ethical economics), leadership, and design. Estab. 1996. Circ. 750,000. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. No formal guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the magazine.

NONFICTION Rarely accepts unsolicited freelancer contributions. If you have a person, company, product, or any other story idea you’d like to see in Fast Company, query with a pitch. If interested, Fast Company will contact you.


Time, Inc., 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10020. (212)522-1212. Fax: (212)522-0810. E-mail: Website: Contact: Eric Danetz, publisher; Michael Schneider, associate publisher. Biweekly magazine covering business and finance. Edited primarily for high-demographic business people. Specializes in big stories about companies, business personalities, technology, managing, Wall Street, media, marketing, personal finance, politics, and policy. Circ. 1,066,000. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Accepts simultaneous submissions.


Show-Me Publishing, Inc., 2049 Wyandotte, Kansas City MO 64108. (816)268-6402. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dennis Boone, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering Kansas City business and economic development. “Ingram’s readers are top-level corporate executives and community leaders, officials, and decision makers. Our editorial content must provide such readers with timely, relevant information and insights.” Estab. 1975. Circ. 105,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 5 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, technical. Does not want humor, inspirational, or anything not related to Kansas City business. Buys 4-6 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays $75-200 depending on research/feature length.

COLUMNS Say So (opinion), 1,500 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Pays $75-100 maximum.


Lane Communications Group, 210 E. Main St., 14th Floor, Lexington KY 40507. (859)244-3500. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mark Green, managing editor. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering statewide business. The Lane Report is an intelligent, enterprising magazine that informs readers and drives a statewide dialogue by highlighting important business stories in Kentucky. Estab. 1985. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs essays, interview, new product, photo feature. Buys 30-40 mss/year. Query with published clips. Do not send unsolicited mss. Looking for major trends shaping the state, noteworthy business and practices, and stories with sweeping implications across industry sectors and state regions. Length: 750-3,000 words. Pays $150-375.

COLUMNS Fast Lane Briefs (recent news and trends and how they might shape the future), 100-400 words; Opinion (opinion on a business or economic issue about which you, the writer, feel passionate and qualified to write), 750 words; Entrepreneurs (profile of a particularly interesting or quirky member of the business community), 750-1,400 words. Query.


Time, Inc., 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor, New York NY 10020. (212)522-1212. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine covering finance. Money magazine offers sophisticated coverage in all aspects of personal finance for individuals, business executives, and personal investors. Estab. 1972. Circ. 1,967,420. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.


1 E. Wacker, Suite 3500, Chicago IL 60601. (312)236-2622. Fax: (312)236-0390. E-mail: Website: 80% freelance written. Online magazine covering business career strategy, economic development, and financial management. Estab. 1997. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Pays after publication. Offers 10-20% or $500 kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2-3 months. Submit seasonal material 3-4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax.

COLUMNS Management Strategies (leadership development), 1,200-1,700 words; Features (business management, entreprenuerial finance); Finance; Technology. Send complete ms. Pays $500-1,000.


The Network Journal Communication, 39 Broadway, Suite 2430, New York NY 10006. (212)962-3791. Fax: (212)962-3537. E-mail: Website: 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering business and career articles. The Network Journal caters to black professionals and small-business owners, providing quality coverage on business, financial, technology, and career news germane to the black community. Estab. 1993. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $1 or online. Writer’s guidelines for SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. Send complete ms. Length: 1,200-1,500 words. Pays $150-200.

COLUMNS Book reviews, 700-800 words; career management and small business development, 800 words. Pays $100.


14 E. Carrillo St., Suite A, Santa Barbara CA 93101. (805)560-6950. E-mail: Website: Contact: Henry Dubroff, founder and editor. 10% freelance written. Weekly tabloid covering financial news specific to Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo counties in California. Estab. 2000. Circ. 5,000. Byline given. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 1 month. Accepts queries by e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, opinion, personal finance. Does not want first person, promo or fluff pieces. Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-800 words. Pays $75-175.


SmartCEO, 2700 Lighthouse Point E., Suite 220A, Baltimore MD 21224. (410)342-9510. Fax: (410)675-5280. E-mail: Website: 25% freelance written. Publishes four bi-monthly print magazines covering regional business in the Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, PA, New York, NY, and Washington, DC areas. Nearly 50,000 offensive-minded, growth-oriented CEOs turn to SmartCEO magazine to find ideas and inspiration to help them grow their businesses. Each issue includes behind-the-scenes looks at local success stories, columns written by key opinion leaders and other resources to help the region’s middle-market CEOs conquer the daily challenges of running a business. SmartCEO magazine is published on a bi-monthly basis with editions in four major markets: Baltimore SmartCEO, New York SmartCEO, Philadelphia SmartCEO and Washington SmartCEO. Estab. 2001. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 5 months. Submit seasonal material 5 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs interview, Business features or tips. “We do not want pitches on CEOs or companies outside the Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, PA, New York, NY or Washington, DC areas; no product reviews, lifestyle content or book reviews, please.” Buys 20 mss/year. mss/year. Query. Length: varies. Pay varies.

COLUMNS Project to Watch (overview of a local development project in progress and why it is of interest to the business community), 600 words; Q&A and tip-focused coverage of business issues and challenges (each article includes the opinions of 10-20 CEOs), 500-1,000 words. Buys 0-5 mss/year mss/year. Query.


4757 California Ave. SW, Seattle WA 98116. (206)938-0570. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. “Magazine covers methods of investing and trading stocks, bonds and commodities (futures), options, mutual funds, and precious metals using technical analysis.” Estab. 1982. Circ. 60,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to. No newsletter-type, buy-sell recommendations. The article subject must relate to technical analysis, charting, or a numerical technique used to trade securities or futures. Almost universally requires graphics with every article. Buys 150 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-4,000 words. Pays $3/column inch (two-column format) or $2/column inch (three-column format); $50 minimum.

FILLERS “Must relate to trading stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, commodities, or precious metals.” Buys 20 mss/year. Length: 500 words. Pays $20-50.


365 Dorset St., South Burlington VT 05403. (802)863-8038. Fax: (802)863-8069. Website: Contact: Tim McQuiston, editor. 80% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering business in Vermont. Circ. 8,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for SAE with 11x14 envelope and 7 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Buys 200 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-1,800 words. Pays $100-200.



Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc., 445 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite 425, Melville NY 11747. (631)421-9421. E-mail: Website: Contact: Joann Whitcher, editorial director. 60% freelance written. Semiannual magazine focused on African-American students and professionals in all disciplines. Estab. 1969. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, personal experience. “We do not want articles that are too general.” Query. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $350 for assigned articles.


Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc., 445 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite 425, Melville NY 11747. (631)421-9421. Fax: (631)421-0359. E-mail: Website: Contact: Joann Whitcher, director, editorial and production. 70% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Triannual magazine dedicated to advancing the professional interests of African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Audience is 90% college juniors and seniors; 10% working graduates. An understanding of educational and career problems of minorities is essential. Estab. 1967. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines for 9x12 SAE with 5 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, opinion, personal experience, technical, coverage of minority interests. Buys 10 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays 10¢/word.


7 Ware St., Cambridge MA 02138. (617)495-5746. Fax: (617)495-0324. E-mail: Website: Contact: John S. Rosenberg, editor. 35-50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine for Harvard University faculty, alumni, and students. Estab. 1898. Circ. 245,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 year. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries and mss. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, interview, journalism on Harvard-related intellectual subjects. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-10,000 words. Pays $400-3,000.


University of Notre Dame, 500 Grace Hall, Notre Dame IN 46556-5612. (574)631-5335. Fax: (574)631-6767. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kerry Temple, editor; Kerry Prugh, art director. 50% freelance written. “We are a university magazine with a scope as broad as that found at a university, but we place our discussion in a moral, ethical, and spiritual context reflecting our Catholic heritage.” Estab. 1972. Circ. 150,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy available online and by request. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, opinion, personal experience. Buys 35 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 600-3,000 words. Pays $250-3,000.

COLUMNS CrossCurrents (essays, deal with a wide array of issues—some topical, some personal, some serious, some light). Query with or without published clips or send complete ms.


Penn State Alumni Association, 218 Hintz Family Alumni Center, University Park PA 16802 USA. (814)865-2709. Fax: (814)863-5690. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Tina Hay, editor. 60% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering Penn State and Penn Staters. Estab. 1910. Circ. 135,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 8 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, historical, interview, photo feature, profile, book reviews, science/research. No unsolicited mss. Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 200-3,000 words. Pays competitive rates.


UAB Office of Public Relations and Marketing (University of Alabama at Birmingham), AB 340, 1720 2nd Ave. S., Birmingham AL 35294-0103. (205)975-6577. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Charles Buchanan, editor. 70% freelance written. University magazine published 2 times/year covering University of Alabama at Birmingham. UAB Magazine informs readers about the innovation and creative energy that drives UAB’s renowned research, educational, and health care programs. The magazine reaches active alumni, faculty, friends and donors, patients, corporate and community leaders, media, and the public. Estab. 1980. Circ. 33,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3-4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION general interest/interview, science/research. Buys 40-50 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-5,000 words. Pays $100-1,200.


Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc., 445 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite 425, Melville NY 11747. (631)421-9421. Fax: (631)421-1352. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Joann Whitcher, director, editorial and production. 60% freelance written. Quarterly magazine addressing workplace issues affecting technical professional women, members of minority groups, and people with disabilities. Estab. 1969. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, personal experience. We do not want articles that are too general. Query. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $350 for assigned articles.



2346 Perimeter Park Dr., Atlanta GA 30341. (770)454-7599. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine for parents in the Atlanta metro area with children from birth to 18 years old. “Atlanta Parent magazine has been a valuable resource for Atlanta families since 1983. It is the only magazine in the Atlanta area providing pertinent, local, and award-winning family-oriented articles and information. Atlanta parents rely on us for features that are timely, informative, and reader-friendly on important issues such as childcare, family life, education, adolescence, motherhood, health, and teens. Fun, easy, and inexpensive family activities and crafts as well as the humorous side of parenting are also important to our readers.” Estab. 1983. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 months to queries. Sample copy: $3.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, humor, interview, travel. No religious or philosophical discussions. Buys 60 mss/year. Send complete ms by mail or e-mail. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $5-50.


Evans Publishing LLC, 3590-B Hwy 31S. #289, Pelham AL 35124. (205)987-7700. Fax: (205)987-7600. E-mail: Website: Contact: Carol Evans, publisher/editor. 75% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering family issues, parenting, education, babies to teens, health care, anything involving parents raising children. “We are a free, local parenting publication in central Alabama. All of our stories carry some type of local slant. Parenting magazines abound: we are the source for the local market.” Estab. 2004. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays within 30 days of publication. Offers 20% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3-4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2-3 weeks to queries. Responds in 2-3 months to mss. Sample copy for $3. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, how-to, interview, parenting. Does not want first person pieces. “Our pieces educate and inform; we don’t take stories without sources.” Buys 24 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 350-2,500 words. Pays $50-350 for assigned articles. Pays $35-200 for unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS Parenting Solo (single parenting), 650 words; Baby & Me (dealing with newborns or pregnancy), 650 words; Teens (raising teenagers), 650-1,500 words. Buys 36 mss/year. Query with published clips or send complete ms. Pays $35-200.


Erielle Media, LLC, 341 Newtown Turnpike, Wilton CT 06897. E-mail: Website: Contact: Marcelle Soviero, editor in chief. 75% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering the experience of motherhood. “Brain, Child: The Magazine for Thinking Mothers, reflects modern motherhood—the way it really is. It is the largest print literary magazine devoted to motherhood. Brain, Child is a community for and by mothers who like to think about what raising kids does for (and to) the mind and soul. Brain, Child isn’t your typical parenting magazine. We couldn’t cupcake-decorate our way out of a paper bag. We are more ‘literary’ than ‘how-to,’ more New Yorker than Parents. We shy away from expert advice on childrearing in favor of first-hand reflections by great writers (Jane Smiley, Barbara Ehrenreich, Anne Tyler) on life as a mother. Each quarterly issue is full of essays, features, humor, reviews, fiction, art, cartoons, and our readers’ own stories. Our philosophy is pretty simple: Motherhood is worthy of literature. And there are a lot of ways to mother, all of them interesting. We’re proud to be publishing articles and essays that are smart, down to earth, sometimes funny, and sometimes poignant.” Estab. 2000. Circ. 36,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. 20% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3-4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; in 2-3 months to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, humor, opinion, reviews. No how-to articles, advice, or tips. Buys 240 mss/year. Submit complete ms. Length: 800-4,000 words. Pays competitive rate.

FICTION “We publish fiction that has a strong motherhood theme.” Needs mainstream, literary. No genre fiction. Buys 4 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 800-4,000 words. Payment varies.


141 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park IL 60302. (708)386-5555. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Tamara O’Shaughnessy, editor. 80% freelance written. Monthly parenting magazine covering the six-county Chicago metropolitan area. Chicago Parent has a distinctly local approach. Offers information, inspiration, perspective, and empathy to Chicago-area parents. Lively editorial mix has a “we’re all in this together” spirit, and articles are thoroughly researched and well written. Estab. 1988. Circ. 100,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 10-50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Sample copy for $4.95 and 11×17 SAE with $1.65 postage direct to circulation. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs essays, expose, general interest, how-to, humor, interview, personal experience, profile, travel. No pot-boiler parenting pieces or nonlocal writers (from outside the six-county Chicago metropolitan area). Buys 40-50 mss/year. Query with links to published clips. Length: 200-2,500 words. Pays $25-450 for assigned articles.


Gemini Publications, 549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 201, Grand Rapids MI 49503-1444. (616)459-4545. Fax: (616)459-4800. E-mail: Website: Contact: Carole Valade, editor. Monthly magazine covering local parenting issues. Grand Rapids Family seeks to inform, instruct, amuse, and entertain its readers and their families. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers $25 kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Responds in 6 months to mss. Guidelines with #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Query. Pays $25-50.

COLUMNS All local: law, finance, humor, opinion, mental health. Pays $25.


The Professional Image, 174 South St., Newburgh NY 12550. (845)562-3606. E-mail: Website: Contact: Felicia Hodges. 95% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering local parents and families. Estab. 1994. Circ. 80,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2-4 weeks to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs expose, general interest, humor, interview, personal experience. Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Length: 700-1,200 words. Pays $80-120 for assigned articles. Pays $25-35 for unsolicited articles.


Midwest Parenting Publications, 6340 Westfield Blvd., Suite 200, Indianapolis IN 46220. (317)722-8500. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Susan Bryant, editor. 100% freelance written. Indy’s Child Parenting Magazine is a local and nationally award-winning parenting magazine. As an independent publication, we strive to make sure we give our readers exactly what they are looking for. We are a valuable guide for parents, educators, and child care providers, and we are 1 of the only publications to be distributed to a majority of schools, libraries, child care agencies, and other family-oriented facilities.” Estab. 1985. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs expose, general interest, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, opinion, photo feature, travel. Buys 50 mss/year. Query by e-mail. See editorial calendar for upcoming topics. Pay based on assigned word count.

COLUMNS Query by e-mail. Pay based on assigned word count.


Island Parent Group, 830-A Pembroke St., Victoria BC V8T 1H9 Canada. (250)388-6905. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sue Fast, editor. 98% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering parenting. Estab. 1988. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Sample copy and guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, general interest, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, opinion, personal experience, travel. Buys 80 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000 words average. Pays $35.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes, facts, gags, newsbreaks, short humor. Buys 10 mss/year. Length: 400-650 words. Pays $35.


Shalom Foundation, 1251 Virginia Ave., Harrisonburg VA 22802. (540)433-5351. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Lindsey Shantz. 90% freelance written. Quarterly tabloid covering family living. Articles focus on giving general encouragement for families of all ages and stages. Estab. 1990. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6-12 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4-6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries; in 2-4 months to mss. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 4 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, humor, inspirational, personal experience. “We do not use devotional materials intended for Christian audiences. We seldom use pet stories and receive way too many grief/death/dealing-with-serious-illness stories to use. We publish in March, June, September, and December, so holidays that occur in other months are not usually the subject of articles.” Buys 48-52 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-1,200 words. Pays $35-60.


Inprint Publishing, 318 NW 13th St., Suite 101, Oklahoma City OK 73103. (405)818-5025. E-mail: Website: Contact: Hannah Schmitt, editor. 20% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering parenting. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Requests ms an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-6 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries (only if interested). Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for SAE with 10x13 envelope and 3 first-class stamps. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Family or mom-specific articles; see website for themes. No poetry, fiction (except for humor column), or anything that doesn’t support good, solid family values. Submit via e-mail only. “We are interested in well-written, thought-provoking feature stories (800-1,500 words), short features (400-750 words) or shorts (up to 400 words) that focus on timely issues and highlight local experts or conditions.” Pays $40-60, plus 1 contributor’s copy.

COLUMNS “Our columns are all written by our regular, staff writers and freelance submissions will not be considered for columns.”


Kidstuff Publications, Inc., 1412-1414 Pine St., Philadelphia PA 19102. (215)291-5560, ext. 102. Fax: (215)291-5565. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sara Murphy, managing editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine providing information for parents and kids in Philadelphia and surrounding counties, South Jersey, and Delaware. “MetroKids, a free monthly magazine, is a resource for parents living in the greater Delaware Valley. The Pennsylvania, South Jersey, and Delaware editions of MetroKids are available in supermarkets, libraries, daycares, and hundreds of other locations. The magazine and website feature the area’s most extensive calendar of day-by-day family events; child-focused camp, day care, and party directories; local family fun suggestions; and articles that offer parenting advice and insights. Other MetroKids publications include The Ultimate Family Guide, a guide to area attractions, service providers and community resources; SpecialKids, a resource guide for families of children with special needs; and Educator’s Edition, a directory of field trips, assemblies, and school enrichment programs.” Estab. 1990. Circ. 115,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines available by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, new product. Special issues: See editorial calendar online for current needs. Buys 40 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 575-1,500 words. Pays $50.

COLUMNS Tech Talk, Mom Matters, Health, Money, Your Home, Parenting, Toddlers, Tweens/Teens, Education, Food & Nutrition, Play, Toddlers, Camp, Classes, Features, all 650-850 words. Buys 25 mss/year. Query. Pays $25-50.


Metro Parent Publishing Group, 22041 Woodward Ave., Ferndale MI 48220. (248)398-3400. Fax: (248)339-4215. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Julia Elliott, editor. 75% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering parenting, women’s health, education. “ is an online parenting community offering expert advice, stories on parenting trends and issues, and numerous ways for parents to enrich their experience raising the next generation. It is part of Metro Parent Publishing Group, which began in suburban Detroit in 1986. Publications include Metro Parent magazine, Metro Baby, Going Places, Special Edition, Party Book and Big Book of Schools. Metro Parent Publishing Group also brings family-friendly events to southeast Michigan as part of its events department.” Circ. 60,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy for $2.50. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, humor, inspirational, personal experience. Buys 100 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,500-2,500 words for features, 500-700 words for Getaway pieces, 100-600 words for Parent Pipeline pieces. Pays $150-300 for feature articles, $35-50 for Parent Pipeline pieces.

COLUMNS Women’s Health (latest issues of 20-40 year olds), 750-900 words; Solo Parenting (advice for single parents); Family Finance (making sense of money and legal issues); Tweens ‘N Teens (handling teen issues), 750-800 words. Buys 50 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $50-75.


PG Media, 101 E. Park Ave., #358, Long Beach NY 11561. (212)213-8840. Fax: (646)224-9682. E-mail: Website: 80% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering parenting and family issues. “We are a tabloid-sized publication catering to the needs and interests of parents who have children under the age of 12. Our print publication is distributed in New York City, New Jersey, Long Island, Westchester County, Rockland County, and Queens. Our website (one of the most popular online parenting sites) is read by parents, psychologists, teachers, caretakers, and others concerned about family matters worldwide. Our columns and feature articles cover health, education, child-rearing, current events, parenting issues, recreational activities and social events. We also run a complete calendar of local events. We welcome articles from professional authors as well as never-before-published writers.” Estab. 1982. Circ. 285,000. Byline given. Does not offer financial compensation. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 5 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, inspirational, interview, personal experience, travel, education, health, fitness, special needs, parenting. Length: 750 words max. Include a 3-sentence bio.

FICTION Needs humorous, slice-of-life vignettes. Query. Length: 700-1,000 words.


Meredith Corp., 805 Third Ave., New York NY 10022. (212)499-2000. Website: Contact: See masthead for specific department editors. Monthly magazine that focuses on the daily needs and concerns of mothers with young children. Provides high-quality content that informs, entertains, and joins parents in celebrating the joys of parenthood. Features information about child health, safety, behavior, discipline, and education. There are also stories on women’s health, nutrition, pregnancy, marriage, and beauty. Estab. 1926. Circ. 2,215,645. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 6-8 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries.

NONFICTION Query before submitting. “Include one-page letter detailing the topic you’d like to address as well as your strategy for writing the story. Demonstrate that you are adept at doing research by mentioning the kinds of sources you intend to use. Keep in mind that all of our articles include expert advice and real-parent examples as well as study data.” Include SASE.


Pediatrics for Parents, Inc., P.O. Box 219, Gloucester MA 01931. (215)253-4543. Fax: (973)302-4543. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Richard J. Sagall, M.D., editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly newsletter covering children’s health. “Pediatrics For Parents emphasizes an informed, common-sense approach to childhood health care. We stress preventative action, accident prevention, when to call the doctor, and when and how to handle a situation at home. We are also looking for articles that describe general, medical, and pediatric problems, advances, new treatments, etc. All articles must be medically accurate and useful to parents with children—prenatal to adolescence.” Estab. 1981. Circ. 120,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION No first person or experience. Buys 25 mss/year. Send complete ms with cover letter containing contact info. Prefers electronic submissions: Send to Length: 1,000-1,500 words. Pays $25 and either a 1-year subscription of print issue or a lifetime subscription to PDF version of the newsletter.


Family Publishing Inc., 457 Grass Valley Hwy., Suite 5, Auburn CA 95603. (530)888-0573. Fax: (530)888-1536. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Shelly Bokman, editor in chief; Shannon Smith, editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering parenting in the Sacramento region. “We look for articles that promote a developmentally appropriate, healthy, and peaceful environment for children.” Estab. 1992. Circ. 50,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 10% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, how-to, humor, interview, opinion, personal experience. Buys 36 mss/year. Query. Length: 300-1,000 words. Pays $50-200 for original articles.

COLUMNS Let’s Go! (Sacramento regional family-friendly day trips/excursions/activities), 600 words. Pays $25-45.


1475 6th Ave., 5th Floor, San Diego CA 92101-3200. (619)685-6970. Fax: (619)685-6978. E-mail: E-mail: Website: 100% freelance written.SDFM is a regional family monthly publication. We focus on providing current, informative and interesting editorial about parenting and family life that educates and entertains.” Estab. 1982. Circ. 100,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for $4.50 to P.O. Box 23960, San Diego CA 92193. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, how-to, interview, technical, travel, informational articles. Does not want humorous personal essays, opinion pieces, religious or spiritual. Buys 350-500 mss/year. Query. Length: 600-1,250 words. Pays $22-90.

FILLERS Buys 0-12 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 200-600 words.


6501 Nob Hill Rd., Tamarac FL 33321. (954)698-6397. Fax: (954)421-9002. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jennifer Jhon, editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering parenting, family. “South Florida Parenting provides news, information, and a calendar of events for readers in Southeast Florida (Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties). The focus is on parenting issues, things to do, information about raising children in South Florida.” Estab. 1990. Circ. 110,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries.

NONFICTION family, parenting and children’s issues. Special issues: family fitness, education, spring party guide, fall party guide, kids and the environment, toddler/preschool, preteen. Pays $25-115.

COLUMNS Dad’s Perspective, Family Deals, Products for Families, Health/Safety, Nutrition, Baby Basics, Travel, Toddler/Preschool, Preteen, South Florida News.


30799 Pinetree Road, #256, Cleveland OH 44124. (855)758-9567. Fax: (855)758-9567. E-mail: Website: Contact: Christa Reed, editor. 50% freelance written. “We now publish 8 issues/year—4 print/4 digital covering all aspects of parenting twins/multiples. Twins is a national/international publication that provides informational and educational articles regarding the parenting of twins, triplets, and more. All articles must be multiple specific and have an upbeat, hopeful, and/or positive ending.” Estab. 1984. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Response time varies. Sample copy for $5 or on website. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs personal experience, professional experience as it relates to multiples. Nothing on cloning, pregnancy reduction, or fertility issues. Buys 12 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 650-1,100 words. Pays $25-250 for assigned articles. Pays $25-125 for unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS A Word From Dad; Double Takes; Mom-2-Mom; LOL: Laugh Out Loud; Family Health; Resource Round Up; Tales From Twins; Twins in the News; Twin Start Spotlight; & Research. Pays $25-75. Buys 8-10 mss/year. Query with or without published clips or send complete ms. Pays $40-75.



20711 Holt Ave., #807, Lakeville MN 55044. E-mail: Website: 75% freelance written. Covers every angle of the home-based business market including: cutting edge editorial by well-known authorities on sales and marketing, business operations, the home office, franchising, business opportunities, network marketing, mail order, and other subjects to help readers choose, manage, and prosper in a home-based business; display advertising, classified ads and a directory of home-based businesses; technology, the Internet, computers, and the future of home-based business; home-office editorial including management advice, office set-up, and product descriptions; business opportunities, franchising and work-from-home success stories. Estab. 1993. Circ. 105,000. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for sae with 9x12 envelope and 8 first-class stamps. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, how-to, inspirational, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature. No non-home business related topics. Buys 40 mss/year. Send complete ms. “Send complete information by e-mail. We encourage writers to submit feature articles (2-3 pages) and departmental articles (1 page). Please submit polished, well-written, organized material. It helps to provide subheadings within the article. Boxes, lists, and bullets are encouraged because they make your article easier to read, use, and reference by the reader. A primary problem in the past is that articles do not stick to the subject of the title. Please pay attention to the focus of your article and to your title. Please don't call to get the status of your submission. We will call if we're interested in publishing the submission.” Length: 200-1,000 words. Pays 20¢/published word for work-for-hire assignments; 50-word byline for unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS Marketing & Sales; Money Corner; Home Office; Management; Technology; Working Smarter; Franchising; Network Marketing, all 650 words. Send complete ms.


1100 13th St. NW, Washington DC 20005. (202)887-6400; (646) 695-7046. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Janet Bodnar, editor; Stacie Harrison, art director; Alex Kutler, account executive. 10% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Monthly magazine for general, adult audience interested in personal finance and consumer information. “Kiplinger's is a highly trustworthy source of information on saving and investing, taxes, credit, home ownership, paying for college, retirement planning, automobile buying, and many other personal finance topics.” Estab. 1947. Circ. 800,000. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries.

NONFICTION Query with published clips.



Art & Understanding, Inc., 25 Monroe St., Suite 205, Albany NY 12210-2729. (518)426-9010. Fax: (518)436-5354. E-mail:; Website: Brent Calderwood, literary editor. Contact: Chael Needle, managing editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly national nonprofit print magazine covering cultural, political, and medical responses to HIV/AIDS. Estab. 1991. Circ. 180,000. Byline given. Pays 1-3 months after publication. Publishes ms an average of 1-3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, general interest, how-to, humor, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, reviews (film, theater, art exhibits, video, music, other media), medical news, artist profiles. Buys 6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $150-300 for assigned articles.

COLUMNS The Culture of AIDS (reviews of books, music, film), 300 words; Viewpoint (personal opinion), 750 words. Buys 8 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $50-150.

FICTION Literary electronic submissions, as Word attachments, may be mailed to Brent Calderwood, literary editor, at Pay rate schedule available upon request. Send complete ms. Length: up to 1,500 words. Pays $50.

POETRY Accepts any length/style (shorter works preferred). Pays $25.


Adbusters Media Foundation, 1243 W. Seventh Ave., Vancouver BC V6H 1B7 Canada. (604)736-9401. E-mail: Website: 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine on consumerism. “Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Adbusters is a not-for-profit, reader-supported magazine concerned with the erosion of our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces. Since 1989, the magazine has been featured in hundreds of alternative and mainstream newspapers, magazines, television, and radio shows. Known worldwide for sparking Occupy Wall Street, Adbusters is also responsible for social media campaigns such as Buy Nothing Day and Digital Detox Week. Included in the magazine are incisive philosophical articles and activist commentary, coupled with impact design that seeks to unbound the traditional magazine format. Issues relevant to our contemporary moment, such as media concentration, climate change, and genetically modified foods, are regularly featured. We seek out a world where economy and ecology exist in harmony. By challenging people to become participants as opposed to spectators, Adbusters takes aim at corporate disinformation, global injustice, and the industries and governments who actively pollute and destroy our physical and mental commons.” Estab. 1989. Circ. 90,000. Byline given. Pays 1 month after publication. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, expose, interview, opinion. Buys variable mss/year. Query. Length: 250-3,000 words. Pays $100/page for unsolicited articles; 50¢/word for solicited articles.

FICTION Inquire about themes.

POETRY Inquire about themes.


Carden Jennings Publishing, 375 Greenbrier Dr., Suite 100, Charlottesville VA 22901. (434)817-2010. Fax: (434)817-2020. E-mail: E-mail: Website: 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering lifestyle for central Virginia. “albemarle is a lifestyle magazine originating from the birthplace of Thomas Jefferson. We are committed to Jeffersonian ideals: intellectual depth, love for the land, historic and cultural significance, humor, and celebration of life. Much of the content is regional and seeks to enlighten, educate, and entertain readers who are longtime residents, newcomers, and visitors to Charlottesville and Albemarle County.” Estab. 1987. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 30% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6-8 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for $6; e-mail Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, historical, interview, photo feature, travel. No fiction, poetry, or anything without a direct tie to central Virginia. Buys 30-35 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 900-3,500 words. Payment varies based on type of article.

COLUMNS Etcetera (personal essay), 900-1,200 words; Leisure (travel, sports), 3,000 words. Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $75-150.


P.O. Box 203, Station P, Toronto ON M5S 2S7 Canada. E-mail: Website: Hal Niedzviecki, publisher. Contact: Alison Lang, editor. 80% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering arts and culture. “Broken Pencil is one of the few magazines in the world devoted exclusively to underground culture and the independent arts. We are a great resource and a lively read! Broken Pencil reviews the best zines, books, websites, videos, and artworks from the underground and reprints the best articles from the alternative press. From the hilarious to the perverse, Broken Pencil challenges conformity and demands attention.” Estab. 1995. Circ. 5,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, historical, humor, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, reviews, travel. Special issues: Canzine Issue (Fall); Deathmatch Issue (Spring). Does not want anything about mainstream art and culture. Buys 8 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 400-2,500 words. Pays $30-300.

COLUMNS Books (book reviews and feature articles); Music (music reviews and feature articles); Film (film reviews and feature articles), all 200-300 words for reviews, and up to 1,000 words for features. Buys 8 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $30-300.

FICTION “We're particularly interested in work from emerging writers.” Reads fiction submissions February 1-September 15. Needs adventure, erotica, ethnic, experimental, fantasy, historical, horror, humorous, mystery, romance, science fiction, short stories. Submit via online submissions manager. Length: 50-3,000 words. Pays $30-300.


Bust, Inc., 253 36th St., Suite C307, Brooklyn NY 11232. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Debbie Stoller, editor in chief/publisher. 60% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering pop culture for young women. “Bust is the groundbreaking, original women's lifestyle magazine and website that is unique in its ability to connect with bright, cutting-edge, influential young women.” Estab. 1993. Circ. 100,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Response time varies. Guidelines online at

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Special issues: “No dates are currently set, but we usually have a fashion issue, a music issue and a Men We Love issue periodically.” We do not want poetry; no stories not relating to women. Buys 60+ mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 350-3,000 words. Pays up to $250.

COLUMNS Contact: Emily Rems, managing editor. Books (reviews of books by women); Music (reviews of music by/about women); Movies (reviews of movies by/about women), all 300 words; One-Handed-Read (Erotic Fiction for Women), 1,200 words. Buys 6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays up to $100.

FICTION Contact: Jenni Miller, Sex Files editor. Needs erotica. “We only publish erotic fiction. All other content is nonfiction.” Buys 6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-1,500 words. Pays up to $50.


2E-91 Albert St., Winnipeg MB R3B 1G5 Canada. (204)957-1519. E-mail: Website: Contact: Cy Gonick, publisher and coordinating editor. 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering politics and world issues from a socialist perspective. “We bring a socialist perspective to bear on events across Canada and around the world. Our contributors provide in-depth coverage on popular movements, peace, labour, women, aboriginal justice, environment, third world, and eastern Europe.” Estab. 1963. Circ. 3,000. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal materials 2-3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Sample copy: $2. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, opinion, reviews. Special issues: See website for list of upcoming themes. Buys 8 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $25-100.


Common Ground Publishing, 3152 W 8th Ave., Vancouver BC V6K 2C3 Canada. (604)733-2215. Fax: (604)733-4415. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering health, environment, spirit, creativity, and wellness. “We serve the cultural creative community.” Estab. 1982. Circ. 70,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, how-to, inspirational, interview, opinion, personal experience, travel, call to action. Send complete ms. Length: 500-2,500 words. Pays 10¢/word (Canadian).


Foundation for National Progress, 222 Sutter St., Suite 600, San Francisco CA 94108. (415)321-1700. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mark Murrmann, photo editor; Ivylise Simones, creative director; Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery, editors. 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering politics, investigative reporting, social issues, and pop culture. “Mother Jones is a 'progressive' magazine—but the core of its editorial well is reporting (i.e., fact-based). No slant required. Estab. 1976. Circ. 240,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 33% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for $6 and 9x12 SASE. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, photo feature, current issues, policy, investigative reporting. Buys 70-100 mss/year. Query with published clips. “Please also include your rèsumè and two or three of your most relevant clips. If the clips are online, please provide the complete URLs. Web pieces are generally less than 1,500 words. Because we have staff reporters it is extremely rare that we will pay for a piece whose timeliness or other qualities work for the Web only. Magazine pieces can range up to 5,000 words. There is at least a two-month lead time. No phone calls please.” Length: 2,000-5,000 words. Pays $1/word.

COLUMNS Outfront (short, newsy and/or outrageous and/or humorous items), 200-800 words; Profiles of Hellraisers, 500 words. Pays $1/word.


Oldie Publications Ltd, 65 Newman St., London England W1T 3EG United Kingdom. (44)(207)436-8801. Fax: (44)(207)436-8804. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jeremy Lewis, features editor. No kill fee. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy by e-mail. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Send complete ms. Length: 600-1,300 words.

COLUMNS Modern Life (puzzling aspects of today's world); Anorak (owning up to an obsession); The Old Un's Diary (


Time Inc., 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 27th Floor, New York NY 10020. (212)522-1388. Fax: (212)467-3127. E-mail: Website: Contact: Susan Kaufman, editor. Monthly magazine focusing on celebrity style, fashion, and beauty. People StyleWatch is an extension of People Magazine's StyleWatch column. Estab. 2002. Accepts simultaneous submissions.


107 N. Roberson St., Chapel Hill NC 27516. (919)942-5282. Fax: (919)932-3101. Website: Contact: Sy Safransky, editor. 90% freelance written. The Sun publishes essays, interviews, fiction, and poetry. “We are open to all kinds of writing, though we favor work of a personal nature.” Estab. 1974. Circ. 72,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 6-12 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail. Responds in 3-6 months to queries and mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, interview, memoir, personal experience, Also needs spiritual fields; in-depth philosophical; thoughtful essays on political, cultural, and philosophical themes. Buys 50 mss/year. Send complete ms. No fax or e-mail submissions. Length: up to 7,000 words. Pays $300-2,000 and 1-year subscription.

FICTION Open to all fiction. Receives 800 unsolicited mss/month. Accepts 20 short stories/year. Recently published work by Sigrid Nunez, Susan Straight, Lydia Peelle, Stephen Elliott, David James Duncan, Linda McCullough Moore, and Brenda Miller. No science fiction, horror, fantasy, or other genre fiction. “Read an issue before submitting.” Buys 20 mss/year. Send complete ms. Accepts reprint submissions. Length: up to 7,000 words. Pays $300-1,500 and 1-year subscription.

POETRY Needs free verse. Submit up to 6 poems at a time. Considers previously published poems but strongly prefers unpublished work. “Poems should be typed and accompanied by a cover letter and SASE.” Recently published poems by Tony Hoagland, Ellen Bass, Steve Kowit, Brian Doyle, and Alison Luterman. Rarely publishes poems that rhyme. Pays $100-200 and 1-year subscription.


Conde Nast Publications, Inc., 1472 Broadway, New York NY 10036. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine. Vanity Fair is edited for readers with an interest in contemporary society. No kill fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions.