American Public Power Association, 2451 Crystal Dr., Suite 1000, Arlington VA 22202-4804. (202)467-2900. Fax: (202)467-2910. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Laura D'Alessandro, editor; Robert Thomas, art director. 60% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Publication of the American Public Power Association, published 6 times a year. Emphasizes electric power provided by cities, towns, and utility districts. Estab. 1942. Circ. 14,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 months to queries. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Pays $500 and up. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Reviews electronic photos (minimum 300 dpi at reproduction size).

TIPS “We look for writers who are familiar with energy policy issues."


Texas Electric Cooperatives, Inc., 1122 Colorado St., 24th Floor, Austin TX 78701. (512)486-6242. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Charles Lorhmann, editor; Tom Widlowski, associate editor. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering rural and suburban Texas life, people, and places. Texas Co-op Power provides more than 1 million households and businesses educational and technical information about electric cooperatives in a high-quality and entertaining format to promote the general welfare of cooperatives, their member-owners, and the areas in which they serve. Texas Co-op Power is published by your electric cooperative to enhance the quality of life of its member-customers in an educational and entertaining format. Estab. 1948. Circ. 1.3 million. Byline given. Pays upon final acceptance. Kill fee of 13 of the contracted amount. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6-12 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview, photo feature, travel. Buys 30 mss/year. Query via e-mail with published clips. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $300-1,200. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Identification of subjects, model releases required. Reviews transparencies, prints. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “We’re looking for Texas-related, rural-based articles, often first-person, always lively and interesting.”



Business Information Group, 80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto ON M3B 2S9 Canada. (416)510-5119. Fax: (416)510-5134. E-mail: Website: Contact: Bronwen Parsons, M.A., editor. 20% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering consulting engineering in private practice. Estab. 1958. Circ. 8,900. Byline given depending on length of story. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy free.

Canadian content only. Impartial editorial required.

NONFICTION Needs historical, new product. Buys 8-10 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 300-1,500 words. Pays $200-1,000 (Canadian). Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

COLUMNS Export (selling consulting engineering services abroad); Management (managing consulting engineering businesses); On-Line (trends in CAD systems); Employment; Business; Construction and Environmental Law (Canada); all 800 words. Buys 4 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $250-400.


Advantage Business Media, 100 Enterprise Dr., Suite 600, Rockaway NJ 07866. (973)920-7057. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kasey Panetta, editor. Monthly magazine. Provides design engineers and engineering management in electronics OEM with a monthly update on new products and literature. Circ. 95,000. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Query or submit complete ms. Length: 800-1,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Enterprise Minnesota, Inc., 310 Fourth Ave. S., Suite 7050, Minneapolis MN 55415. (612)373-2900. Fax: (612)373-2901. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. Magazine published 5 times/year. Enterprise Minnesota Magazine is for the owners and top management of Minnesota’s technology and manufacturing companies. The magazine covers technology trends and issues, global trade, management techniques, and finance. Profiles new and growing companies, new products, and the innovators and entrepreneurs of Minnesota’s technology sector. Estab. 1991. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 10% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview. Buys 60 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $150-1,000. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Feature Well (Q&A format, provocative ideas from Minnesota business and industry leaders), 2,000 words; Up Front (mini profiles, anecdotal news items), 250-500 words. Query with published clips.


Reed Business Information, 199 East Badger Rd., Suite 101, Madison WI 53713. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine about the use of information technology to improve productivity in discrete manufacturing and process industries. Estab. 1984. Circ. 97,000. Byline sometimes given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs technical. Buys 30 mss/year. Send ms via e-mail. “Each submission should include the author name, title and affiliation. Please include a headshot of the author.” Length: up to 1,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Captions required. No additional payment for photos.


Prakken Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 8623, P, Ann Arbor MI 48107-8623. (734)975-2800. Fax: (734)975-2787. E-mail: Website: Contact: Susanne Peckham, managing editor. 100% freelance written. Eager to work with new/unpublished writers. Monthly (except June and July) magazine covering issues, trends, and activities of interest to science, technical, and technology educators at the elementary through post-secondary school levels. Estab. 1934. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, personal experience, technical, think pieces. Buys 50 unsolicited mss/year. Length: 2,000 words. Pays $50-150. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Reviews color prints. Payment for photos included in payment for ms. Will accept electronic art as well.

COLUMNS Direct from Washington (education news from Washington, DC); Technology Today (new products under development); Technologies Past (profiles the inventors of last century); Mastering Computers, Technology Concepts (project orientation).

TIPS “We are mostly interested in articles written by technology and science educators about their class projects and their ideas about the field. We need more and more technology-related articles, especially written for the community college level.”


Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc., 445 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite 425, Melville NY 11747. (631)421-9421. Fax: (631)421-1352. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Joann Whitcher, director, editorial and production. 60% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Triannual magazine aimed at advancing the careers of women engineering students and professional women engineers. Estab. 1968. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, personal experience. Query. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $350 for assigned articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews color slides but will accept b&w. Buys all rights.

TIPS “We are looking for first-person 'As I See It' personal perspectives. Gear it to our audience."



American Society of Cinematographers, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood CA 90028. (800)448-0145; outside US: (323)969-4333. Fax: (323)876-4973. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Pizzello, editor-in-chief and publisher; Jon Witmer, Jon Witmer, managing editor ( 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering cinematography (motion picture, TV, music video, commercial). “American Cinematographer is a trade publication devoted to the art and craft of cinematography. Our readers are predominantly film industry professionals.” Estab. 1919. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 2 months to mss. Sample copy and guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, technical. No reviews or opinion pieces. Buys 20-25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-4,000 words. Pays $400-1,500. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

TIPS “Familiarity with the technical side of film production and the ability to present that information in an articulate fashion to our audience are crucial."


Theatre Communications Group, 520 Eighth Ave., 24th Floor, New York NY 10018. (212)609-5900. Fax: (212)609-5902. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rob Weinert-Kendt, editor-in-chief. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering theatre. Focus is on American regional nonprofit theatre. American Theatre typically publishes 2-3 features and 4-6 back-of-the-book articles covering trends and events in all types of theatre, as well as economic and legislative developments affecting the arts. American Theatre rarely publishes articles about commercial, amateur, or university theatre, nor about works that would widely be classified as dance or opera, except at the editors' discretion. While significant productions may be highlighted in the Critic's Notebook section, American Theatre does not review productions (but does review theatre-related books). Estab. 1982. Circ. 100,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy and Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, general interest, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Special issues: Training (January); International (May/June); Season Preview (October). No unsolicited submissions (rarely accepted). No reviews. Writers wishing to submit articles to American Theatre should mail or e-mail a query to editor-in-chief Rob Weinert-Kendt outlining a particular proposal; unsolicited material is rarely accepted. Include a brief résumé and sample clips. Planning of major articles usually occurs at least 3 months in advance of publication. All mss are subject to editing. Length: 200-2,000 words. “While fees are negotiated per ms, we pay an average of $350 for full-length (2,500-3,500 words) features, and less for shorter pieces.” Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Contact: Kitty Suen, creative director: Send photos. Captions required. Reviews JPEG files. Negotiates payment individually.

TIPS “The main focus is on professional American nonprofit theatre. Don't pitch music or film festivals. Must be about theatre."


McFadden Performing Arts Media, 333 Seventh Ave., 11th Floor, New York NY 10001. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Karen Hildebrand, editor in chief; Joe Sullivan, managing editor. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine. Estab. 1979. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines available for free.

"Our readers are professional dance educators, business persons, and related professionals in all forms of dance."

NONFICTION Needs how-to. Special issues: Summer Programs (January); Music & More (May); Costumes and Production Preview (November); College/Training Schools (December). No PR or puff pieces. All articles must be well researched. Buys 50 mss/year. Query. Length: 700-2,000 words. Pays $100-300. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Reviews contact sheets, negatives, transparencies, prints. Limited photo budget.

TIPS “Read several issues—particularly seasonal. Stay within writer's guidelines."


Educational Theatre Association, 2343 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati OH 45219. (513)421-3900. E-mail: Website: Contact: Don Corathers, editor. Dramatics is for students (mainly high school age) and teachers of theater. The magazine wants student readers to grow as theater artists and become a more discerning and appreciative audience. Material is directed to both theater students and their teachers, with strong student slant. Tries to portray the theater community in all its diversity. Estab. 1929. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy available for 9x12 SAE with 4-ounce first-class postage. Guidelines available for SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, profile, practical articles on acting, directing, design, production, and other facets of theater; career-oriented profiles of working theater professionals. Special issues: College Theater Programs (November); Summer Theater Work and Study Opportunities (January). Does not want academic treatises. Buys 50 mss/year. Submit complete ms. Length: 750-3,000 words. Pays $50-500 for articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

FICTION Young adults: drama (one-act and full-length plays). “We prefer unpublished scripts that have been produced at least once.” Does not want to see plays that show no understanding of the conventions of the theater. No plays for children, no Christmas or didactic “message” plays. Submit complete ms. Buys 5-9 plays/year. Emerging playwrights have better chances with résumé of credits. Length: 10 minutes to full length. Pays $100-500 for plays.

TIPS “Obtain our writer’s guidelines and look at recent back issues. The best way to break in is to know our audience—drama students, teachers, and others interested in theater—and write for them. Writers who have some practical experience in theater, especially in technical areas, have an advantage, but we’ll work with anybody who has a good idea. Some freelancers have become regular contributors.”


Television Academy, 5220 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood CA 91601. (818)754-2800. E-mail: Website:; Contact: Editor. 90% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Bimonthly magazine on television for TV professionals. “From the executive suite to the editing bay, emmy magazine goes behind the scenes of television and digital entertainment to cover the people who make the magic happen. Emmy’s core readers include the members of the Television Academy and other television industry professionals. Articles must appeal to the television and digital entertainment professional while being understandable to the enthusiast.” Circ. 14,000. Byline given. Pays on publication or within 6 months. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION “We do not run highly technical articles, nor do we accept academic or fan-magazine approaches.” Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays $1,000-1,200. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Mostly written by regular contributors, but newcomers can break in with filler items with In the Mix or short profiles in Labors of Love. Length: 250-500 words, depending on department. Query with published clips. Pays $250-500.

TIPS “Demonstrate experience in covering the business of television and your ability to write in a lively and compelling manner about programming trends and new technology. Identify fascinating people behind the scenes, not just in the executive suites, but in all ranks of the industry.”


12808 NE 95th St., Vancouver WA 98682. (360)882-3488. E-mail: Website:;; Contact: Heather Wisner, managing editor. 90% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering all types of professional make-up artistry. Audience is a mixture of high-level make-up artists, make-up students, fashion and movie buffs. Writers should be comfortable with technical writing, and should have substantial knowledge of at least one area of make-up, such as effects or fashion. This is an entertainment-industry magazine, so writing should have an element of fun and storytelling. Good interview skills required. Estab. 1996. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays within 30 days of publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $7. Guidelines available via e-mail.

NONFICTION “Does not want fluff pieces about consumer beauty products.” Buys 20+ mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-3,000 words. Pays 20-50¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews prints, GIF/JPEG files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys all rights.

COLUMNS Lab Tech, how-to advice for effects artists, written by a current make-up artist working in a lab (700 words + photos); Backstage (behind the scenes info on a theatrical production's make-up (700 words + photos): Out of the Kit, written by make-up artists working on sets (700 words + photos); Industry Buzz (industry news), length varies. Query with published clips.

TIPS “Read books about professional make-up artistry (see Read online interviews with make-up artists. Read make-up oriented mainstream magazines, such as Allure. Read Cinefex and other film-industry publications. Meet and talk to make-up artists and make-up students."




Lee Agri-Media, P.O. Box 918, Bismarck ND 58501. (701)255-4905. Fax: (701)255-2312. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Ag Weekly is an agricultural publication covering production, markets, regulation, politics. Writers need to be familiar with Idaho agricultural commodities. No printed component; website with 6,000 monthly unique visitors; weekly e-mail newsletter with 3,000 subscribers. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 1 month in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy online. Guidelines with #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, opinion, travel, ag-related. Does not want anything other than local/regional ag-related articles. No cowboy poetry. Buys 100 mss/year. Query. Length: 250-700 words. Pays $40-70. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions required. Reviews GIF/JPEG files. Offers $10/photo. Buys one-time rights.



Meister Media Worldwide, 37733 Euclid Ave., Willoughby OH 44094. (290)573-8740. E-mail: Website: Contact: David Eddy, editor. 3% freelance written. Annual magazines covering commercial fruit growing. “Founded in 1880, American Fruit Grower and Western Fruit Grower magazines reaches producers, shippers, and other influencers who serve the fresh and processing markets for deciduous fruits, citrus, grapes, berries, and nuts. Western Fruit Grower has additional reach to producers and others who work with unique varieties and climate and market conditions in the American West.” Estab. 1880. Circ. 44,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to. Buys 6-10 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $200-250. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Reviews prints, slides. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “How-to articles are best."


Meister Media Worldwide, Cotton Media Group, 8000 Centerview Pkwy., Suite 114, Cordova TN 38018-4246. (901)756-8822. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike McCue, editor. 5% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering cotton production, cotton markets, and related subjects. Circ. 43,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free.

Readers are mostly cotton producers who seek information on production practices, equipment, and products related to cotton.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, photo feature, technical. No fiction or humorous pieces. Buys 5-10 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-800 words. Pays $200-400. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews transparencies. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms. Buys all rights.


Great American Publishing, P.O. Box 128, Sparta MI 49345. (616)887-9008. Fax: (616)887-2666. E-mail: Website: Contact: Matt Milkovich, managing editor; Lee Dean, editorial director. 10% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering agriculture. “Our objective is to provide commercial fruit growers of all sizes with information to help them succeed.” Estab. 1961. Circ. 16,429. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, interview, new product. No advertorials or other puff pieces. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips and résumé. Length: 600-1,000 words. Pays $150-250. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions required. Reviews prints. Offers $15/photo. Buys one-time rights.


Washington State Fruit Commission, 105 S. 18th St., Suite 217, Yakima WA 98901. (509)853-3520. Fax: (509)853-3521. E-mail: Website: Contact: O. Casey Corr, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Semi-monthly magazine covering tree fruit/grape growing. Estab. 1946. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays 40-50¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Contact: Jim Black. Reviews GIF/JPEG files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “We want well-written, accurate information. We deal with our writers honestly and expect the same in return.”


Country Journal Publishing Co., 3065 Pershing Court, Decatur IL 62526. (800)728-7511. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ed Zdrojewski, editor. 5% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering grain handling and merchandising. Grain Journal serves the North American grain industry, from the smallest country grain elevators and feed mills to major export terminals. Estab. 1972. Circ. 12,000. Byline sometimes given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, technical. Query. 750 words maximum. Pays $100. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews contact sheets, negatives, transparencies, 3x5 prints, electronic files. Offers $50-100/photo. Buys one time rights.

TIPS “Call with your idea. We’ll let you know if it is suitable for our publication.”


Great American Publishing, P.O. Box 128, Sparta MI 49345. (616)887-9008, ext. 102. Fax: (616)887-2666. E-mail: Website: Contact: Matt Milkovich, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering agriculture. Estab. 1970. Circ. 16,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free.

"Our objective is to provide commercial vegetable growers of all sizes with information to help them succeed."

NONFICTION Needs general interest, interview, new product. No advertorials, other puff pieces. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips and résumé. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $100-125. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions required. Reviews prints. Offers $15/photo. Buys one-time rights.



Angus Productions, Inc., 3201 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph MO 64506-2997. (816)383-5270. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Shauna Rose Hermel, editor. 45% freelance written. Tabloid published 5 times/year covering commercial cattle industry. The Angus Beef Bulletin is mailed free to commercial cattlemen who have purchased an Angus bull and had the registration transferred to them, and to others who sign a request card. Estab. 1985. Circ. 65,000-70,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; in 3 months to mss. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, technical. Buys 10 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-2,500 words. Pays $50-600. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Identification of subjects required. Reviews 5×7 transparencies, 5×7 glossy prints, and digital images. No alterations permitted. Offers $25/photo. Buys all rights.

TIPS “Read the publication and have a firm grasp of the commercial cattle industry and how the Angus breed fits in that industry."


Angus Productions, Inc., 3201 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph MO 64506-2997. (816)383-5270. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering Angus cattle. Angus Journal is the official magazine of the American Angus Association. Its primary function as such is to report to the membership association activities and information pertinent to raising Angus cattle. Estab. 1919. Circ. 13,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines with #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, technical. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-3,500 words. Pays $50-1,000. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Identification of subjects required. Reviews 5×7 glossy prints. Offers $25-400/photo. Buys all rights.

TIPS “Have a firm grasp of the cattle industry."


Swift Communications, Inc., 145 Industrial Dr., Medford WI 54451. (715)785-7979. Fax: (715)785-7414. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Ryan Slabaugh, editor. Bimonthly magazine covering breed selection, housing, management, health and nutrition, and other topics of interest to promote more and better raising of small-scale poultry. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 9 months to queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, how-to, interview. Query or submit complete ms by e-mail. “We like to plan well ahead on our editions, so writers and photographers are encouraged to submit story ideas and pitches up to a year in advance of actual publication. Stories and pitches should be attached as DOC or TXT files. Length: 800-2,000 words. Payment negotiable. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


P.O. Box 706, Medina OH 44256-0706. (330)725-6677; (800)289-7668. Fax: (330)725-5624. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Mr. Kim Flottum, editor. 50% freelance written. Covers the natural science of honey bees. “Monthly magazine for beekeepers and those interested in the natural science of honey bees, with environmentally-oriented articles relating to honey bees or pollination.” Estab. 1873. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy with 9x12 SASE and 5 first-class stamps. Guidelines and Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, personal experience, photo feature. No “How I Began Beekeeping” articles. Highly advanced, technical, and scientific abstracts accepted for review for quarterly Refered section. Length: 2,000 words average. Pays $200-250. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

REPRINTS Send photocopy and information about when and where the material previously appeared. Pays about the same as for an original article, on negotiation.

PHOTOS Color prints, 5x7 standard, but 3x5 are OK. Electronic images encouraged. Digital JPEG, color only, at 300 dpi best, prints acceptable. Model release required. Photo captions preferred. Pays $50 for cover photos. Photos payment included with article payment. Buys first rights.

TIPS “Do an interview story on commercial beekeepers who are cooperative enough to furnish accurate, factual information on their operations. Frequent mistakes made by writers in completing articles are that they are too general in nature and lack management knowledge.”


Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, 1301 W. Seventh St., Suite 201, Fort Worth TX 76102. (817)332-7064. Fax: (817)332-6441. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ellen H. Brisendine, editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the Texas/Oklahoma beef cattle industry. Specializes in in-depth, management-type articles related to range and pasture, beef cattle production, animal health, nutrition, and marketing. Wants “how-to" articles. Estab. 1914. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, personal experience, technical, agricultural research. Does not want to see anything not specifically related to beef production in the Southwest. Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays $350-500 for assigned articles. Pays $100-350 for unsolicited articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Identification of subjects required. Reviews digital files. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “Subscribers said they were most interested in the following topics, in this order: range/pasture, property rights, animal health, water, new innovations, and marketing. The Cattleman prefers to work on an assignment basis. However, prospective contributors are urged to write the managing editor of the magazine to inquire of interest on a proposed subject. Occasionally, the editor will return a ms to a potential contributor for cutting, polishing, checking, rewriting, or condensing. Be able to demonstrate background/knowledge in this field. Include tearsheets from similar magazines."


Feed Lot Magazine, Inc., P.O. Box 850, Dighton KS 67839. (620)397-2838. Fax: (620)397-2839. E-mail: Website: Annita Lorimor. 80% freelance written. Published 8 times/year. Magazine provides readers with the most up-to-date information on the beef industry in concise, easy-to-read articles designed to increase overall awareness among the feedlot community. “The editorial information content fits a dual role: large feedlots and their related cow/calf operations, and large 500+ cow/calf, 100+ stocker operations. The information covers all phases of production from breeding, genetics, animal health, nutrition, equipment design, research through finishing fat cattle. Feed Lot publishes a mix of new information and timely articles which directly affect the cattle industry.” Estab. 1992. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer's guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, photo feature. Send complete ms; original material only. Length: 100-700 words. Pays 30¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability or send photos. Captions, model releases required. Reviews contact sheets. Negotiates payment individually. Buys all rights.

TIPS “Know what you are writing about—have a good knowledge of the subject."



Gatehouse Media, Inc., 422 Colorado Ave., (P.O. Box 500), La Junta CO 81050. (719)384-1453. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Candi Hill, publisher/editor; Jennifer Justice, assistant editor. 20% freelance written. Weekly journal covering agriculture. Estab. 1949. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 weeks after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 1 month in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

The Ag Journal covers people, issues, and events relevant to agriculture producers in a seven-state region (Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, Nebraska, New Mexico).

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, opinion, photo feature, technical. Query by e-mail only. Pays 4¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions, identification of subjects required. Offers $8/photo. Buys one-time rights.


Missouri Farm Publishing, Inc., Ridge Top Ranch, 3903 W. Ridge Trail Rd., Clark MO 65243-9525. (573)687-3525. E-mail: Website: Bimonthly magazine for small farmers and small-acreage landowners interested in diversification, direct marketing, alternative crops, horses, draft animals, small livestock, exotic and minor breeds, home-based businesses, gardening, vegetable and small fruit crops. Estab. 1984 as Missouri Farm Magazine. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays 60 days after publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months to 1 year after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy for $3. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Special issues: Poultry (January); Wool & Fiber (March); Aquaculture (July); Equipment (November). Query letters recommended. Length: 1,400-2,600 words. Pays 3.5¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

REPRINTS Send tearsheet, photocopy or typed ms with rights for sale noted and information about when and where the material previously appeared. Pays 2¢/word of original article.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions required. Offers $6 for inside photos and $10 for cover photos. Pays $4 for negatives or slides. Buys one-time and nonexclusive reprint rights (for anthologies).

TIPS “We need 'how-to' articles (how to grow, raise, market, build, etc.), as well as articles about small farmers who are experiencing success through diversification, specialty/alternative crops and livestock, and direct marketing. Small Farm Today is especially interested in articles that explain how to do something from start to finish citing specific examples involved in the process or operation being discussed. It is important to include data on production costs, budgets, potential profits, etc."


Newsquest Media Group, 3 Falmouth Business Park, Bickland Water Rd., Falmouth Cornwall TR11 4SZ United Kingdom. (01)326-213338. Fax: (01)326-212084. E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Perry, editor. Smallholder magazine is the leading monthly publication for the small producer and self-reliant household and has a publishing history spanning more than 100 years. The magazine has a reputation for quality and informed editorial content, and back issues are highly collectable. It is available nationally, through newsagent sales, specialist retail outlets and by subscription. No kill fee. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online. Guidelines by e-mail.

"Copy is required at least 2 months before publication, e.g. 1st April for June. News items may be accepted up until one month before publication. The editor's decision on copy is final and, although every effort will be made to return mss and photos, no responsibility can be accepted."

NONFICTION Length: 700-1,400 words. Pays 4£/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Reviews 300 dpi digital images. Pays £5-50.



P.O. Box 301209, Austin TX 78703. (512)892-4400. Fax: (512)892-4448. E-mail: Website: Contact: Tara Maxwell. “Monthly trade journal written by people who have a sincere interest in the principles of organic and sustainable agriculture.” Estab. 1970. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs expose, how-to, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, profile, technical. Special issues: Seeds (January), Poultry (March), Permaculture (May), Livestock (June), Homesteading (August), Soil Fertility & Testing (October). Does not want poetry, fillers, product profiles, or anything with an overly promotional tone. Buys about 50 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 500-3,000 words. Pays 10¢/word Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability of or send photos. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews JPEG/TIF files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.



5227 B Baltimore Pike, Littlestown PA 17340. (717)359-0150. Fax: (717)359-0250. E-mail: Website: Contact: John Vogel, editor. 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering cutting-edge technology and news to help farmers improve their operations. Publishes cutting-edge technology with ready on-farm application. Estab. 1842. Circ. 32,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, fax. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; in 1 month to mss. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, technical. No stories without a strong tie to Mid-Atlantic farming. Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-1,000 words. Pays $250-500. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions, identification of subjects, model releases required. Reviews transparencies, JPEG files. Offers $75-200/photo. Buys one-time rights.

COLUMNS Country Air (humor, nostalgia, inspirational), 300-400 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $100.


Free Press Co., P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169. (507)345-4523. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Weekly tabloid covering farming and rural life in Minnesota and Northern Iowa. “Although we're not tightly focused on any one type of farming, our articles must be of interest to farmers. In other words, will your article topic have an impact on people who live and work in rural areas?" Prefers to work with Minnesota or Iowa writers. Estab. 1976. Circ. 33,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines with #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to. Buys 80 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-750 words. Pays $50-70 for assigned articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Reviews contact sheets. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

COLUMNS Query. Pays $10-50.

TIPS “Be enthused about rural Minnesota and Iowa life and agriculture, and be willing to work with our editors. We try to stress relevance. When sending me a query, convince me the story belongs in a Minnesota farm publication."


Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association, 662 Slab City Rd., Lincolnville ME 04849. (207)763-3043. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established local writers. Quarterly newspaper. “The MOF&G promotes and encourages sustainable agriculture and environmentally sound living. Our primary focus is organic farming, gardening, and forestry, but we also deal with local, national, and international agriculture, food, and environmental issues.” Estab. 1976. Circ. 10,000. Byline and bio offered. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 8 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for $2 and SAE with 7 first-class stamps; from MOFGA, P.O. Box 170, Unity ME 04988. Guidelines available at

NONFICTION Buys 30 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 250-3,000 words. Pays $25-300. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

REPRINTS E-mail manuscript with rights for sale noted and information about when and where the material previously appeared. Pays 50% of amount paid for an original article.

PHOTOS State availability of photos with query. Captions, identification of subjects, model releases required. Buys one time rights. We rarely buy photos without an accompanying article.

TIPS “We are a nonprofit organization. Our publication’s primary mission is to inform and educate, but we also want readers to enjoy the articles. Most of our articles are written by our staff or by freelancers who have been associated with the publication for several years.”



NAIFA, 2901 Telestar Court, Falls Church VA 22042. (703)770-8204. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ayo Mseka, editor in chief. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering life insurance and financial planning. “Advisor Today has the largest circulation among insurance and financial planning advising magazines. Founded in 1906 as Life Association News, Advisor Today is the official publication of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Our mission is to provide practical information, sales ideas, resources, and business strategies to help insurance and financial advisors succeed.” Estab. 1906. Circ. 110,000. Pays on acceptance or publication (by mutual agreement with editor). No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time: 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines available online at

NONFICTION Buys 8 mss/year. “We prefer e-mail submissions in Microsoft Word format. For other formats and submission methods, please query first. For all articles and queries, contact Ayo Mseka. Web articles should cover the same subject matter covered in the magazine. The articles can be between 300-800 words and should be submitted to Ayo Mseka.” Length: 2,300 words for cover articles; 1,000 words for feature articles; 650-700 words for columns and speciality articles; 300-800 words for Web articles. Pays $800-2,000. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Rogers Media, Inc., 333 Bloor St. E., 6th Floor, Toronto ON M4W 1G6 Canada. E-mail: Website: Contact: Melissa Shin, deputy editor. Monthly magazine covering the financial industry (financial advisors and investment advisors). Advisor's Edge focuses on sales and marketing opportunities for the financial advisor (how they can build their business and improve relationships with clients). Estab. 1998. Circ. 36,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. No articles that aren't relevant to how a financial advisor does his/her job. Buys 12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays $900 (Canadian). Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Association for Financial Professionals, 4520 East West Hwy., Suite 750, Bethesda MD 20814. (301)907-2862. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering corporate treasury, corporate finance, B2B payments issues, corporate risk management, accounting, and regulatory issues from the perspective of corporations. Welcomes interviews with CFOs and senior-level practitioners. Best practices and practical information for corporate CFOs and treasurers. Tone is professional, intended to appeal to financial professionals on the job. Most accepted articles are written by professional journalists and editors, many featuring high-level AFP members in profile and case studies. Estab. 1979. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers kill fee. Pays negotiable kill fee in advance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; in 1 month to mss.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, how-to, interview, personal experience, technical. No PR-type articles pointing to any type of product or solution. Buys 3-4 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,100-1,800 words. Pays 75¢-$1/word for assigned articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Cash Flow Forecasting (practical tips for treasurers, CFOs); Financial Reporting (insight, practical tips); Risk Management (practical tips for treasurers, CFOs); Corporate Payments (practical tips for treasurers), all 1,000-1,300 words. Professional Development (success stories, career related, about high-level financial professionals), 1,100 words. Buys 10 mss/year. Query. Pays $75¢-$1/word.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes. Length: 400-700 words. Pays 75¢/word.

TIPS “Accepted submissions deal with high-level issues relevant to today's corporate CFO or treasurer, including issues of global trade, global finance, accounting, M&A, risk management, corporate cash management, international regulatory issues, communications issues with corporate boards and shareholders, and especially new issues on the horizon. Preference given to articles by or about corporate practitioners in the finance function of mid- to large-size corporations in the U.S. or abroad. We also purchase articles by accomplished financial writers. We cannot accept content that points to any product, 'solution,' or that promotes any vendor. We should not be considered a PR outlet. Authors may be required to sign agreement."


Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia. E-mail: Website: Contact: Professor Ross Williams, editor. Quarterly magazine applying economic analysis to a wide range of macroeconomic and microeconomic topics relevant to both economic and social policy issues. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays. Send complete ms. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Bank Administration Institute (BAI), 115 S. LaSalle St., Suite 3300, Chicago IL 60606. (770)394-8615. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kenneth Cline, managing editor. 70% freelance written. Online magazine covering banking from a strategic and managerial perspective for its senior financial executive audience. Each issue includes in-depth trend articles and interviews with influential executives. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds almost immediately. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. “No topic queries; we assign stories to freelancers. I'm looking for qualifications as opposed to topic queries. I need experienced writers/reporters.” Buys 30 mss/year. Query by e-mail with one-page synopsis. Length: 600-2,000 words Does not pay. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

TIPS “Demonstrate ability and financial services expertise. I'm looking for freelancers who can write according to our standards, which are quite high."


P.O. Box 20091, Roanoke VA 24018. (540)343-7500. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Rob Lawson, publisher. 10% freelance written. Web-based publication covering business or trade credit. Estab. 1997. No byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 1 week after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, technical. Does not want “puff" pieces promoting a particular product or vendor. Buys 20 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 700-1,800 words. Pays $200-1,400. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

TIPS “Make pieces actionable, personable, and a quick read."


South Carolina Bankers Association, P.O. Box 1483, Columbia SC 29202. (803)779-0850. Fax: (803)256-8150. Website: Contact: R. Kevin Dietrich, editor. 15% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering Banking in South Carolina, trends & industry. We focus only on banking trends, regulations, laws, news, economic development of SC, technology and education of bankers. Estab. 1967. Circ. 1,600. Byline given. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs technical. Does not want anything that does not pertain to banking trends, operations or technology. Anything that smacks of product sales. Send complete ms. Length: 600-1,500 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Model releases required. Reviews GIF/JPEG files. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms.

TIPS Recommendations/referrals from other state banking/national banking associations are helpful.



Oregon Association of Nurseries, 29751 SW Town Center Loop W., Wilsonville OR 97070. (503)682-5089. Fax: (503)682-5099. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Curt Kipp, editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the nursery and greenhouse industry. Digger is a monthly magazine that focuses on industry trends, regulations, research, marketing, and membership activities. In August the magazine becomes Digger Farwest Edition, with all the features of Digger plus a complete guide to the annual Farwest Show, one of North America’s top-attended nursery industry trade shows. Circ. 8,000. Byline given. Pays on receipt of copy. Offers 100% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, personal experience, technical. Special issues: Farwest Edition (August): “This is a triple-size issue that runs in tandem with our annual trade show (14,500 circulation for this issue).” No articles not related or pertinent to nursery and greenhouse industry. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query. Length: 800-2,000 words. Pays $125-400 for assigned articles. Pays $100-300 for unsolicited articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews high-res digital images sent by e-mail or on CD. Offers $25-150/photo. Buys one-time rights, which includes Web posting.

TIPS “Our best freelancers are familiar with or have experience in the horticultural industry. Some ‘green’ knowledge is a definite advantage. Our readers are mainly nursery and greenhouse operators and owners who propagate nursery stock/crops, so we write with them in mind.”


Forester Media Inc., P.O. Box 3100, Santa Barbara CA 93130. (805)679-7629. E-mail: Website: Contact: Arturo Santiago. 60% freelance written. Magazine published 7 times/year covering all aspects of erosion prevention and sediment control. Erosion Control is a practical, hands-on, how-to professional journal. Readers are civil engineers, landscape architects, builders, developers, public works officials, road and highway construction officials and engineers, soils specialists, farmers, landscape contractors, and others involved with any activity that disturbs significant areas of surface vegetation. Estab. 1994. Circ. 23,000. Byline given. Pays 1 month after acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, phone. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs photo feature, technical. Buys 15 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 2,000-4,000 words. Pays $700-850. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions, identification of subjects, model releases required. Reviews transparencies, prints. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms. Buys all rights.

TIPS “Writers should have a good grasp of technology involved and good writing and communication skills. Most of our freelance articles include extensive interviews with engineers, contractors, developers, or project owners, and we often provide contact names for articles we assign.”


Tree Care Industry Association, 136 Harvey Rd., Suite 101, Londonderry NH 03053. (800)733-2622 or (603)314-5380. Fax: (603)314-5386. E-mail: Website: Contact: Don Staruk, editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering tree care and landscape maintenance. Estab. 1990. Circ. 24,000. Byline given. Pays within 1 month of publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 10 weeks. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds within 2 days to queries; 2 months to mss. Sample copies online. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, historical, interview, new product, technical. Buys 60 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 900-3,500 words. Pays negotiable rate.

PHOTOS Send photos with submission by e-mail or FTP site. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews prints. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time and online rights.

COLUMNS Buys 40 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $100 and up.

TIPS “Preference is given to writers with background and knowledge of the tree care industry; our focus is relatively narrow."



Penton Media, 6151 Powers Ferry Rd. NW, Suite 200, Atlanta GA 30339. (770)618-0401. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Bill Wolpin, editorial director; Derek Prall, managing editor. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering local and state government in the U.S. Estab. 1909. Circ. 65,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online. Guidelines by e-mail.

American City & County is received by elected and appointed local and state government officials and public and private engineers. Included in the circulation list are administrators, supervisors, and department heads of municipal, county, township, state, and special district governments. The magazine maintains its leadership position by providing these readers with news, government trends, policy alternatives, and operational solutions.

NONFICTION Needs new product, local and state government news analysis. Buys 36 mss/year. Query. Length: 600-2,000 words. Pays 30¢/published word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions required. Reviews GIF/JPEG files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys all rights.

COLUMNS Issues & Trends (local and state government news analysis), 500-700 words. Buys 24 mss/year. Query. Pays $150-250.

TIPS “We use only third-person articles. We do not tell the reader what to do; we offer the facts and assume the reader will make his or her own informed decision. We cover city and county government and state highway departments. We do not cover state legislatures or the federal government, except as they affect local government."


12A-4981 Hwy. 7 E., Suite 254, Markham ON L3R 1N1 Canada. (905)640-3048. Fax: (905)640-7547. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine keeping readers on the leading edge of law enforcement information, whether it be case law, training issues or technology trends. Estab. 1989. Circ. 12,000. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, new product. Query. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Wordsmith Publishing, P.O. Box 555, Kearney MO 64060. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kristi Mayo, editor. Bimonthly magazine providing news and information relating to the collection, processing, and preservation of evidence. This is a business-to-business publication, not a peer reviewed journal. Looks for mainstream pieces. Readers want general crime scenes and forensic science articles. Estab. 2003. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Accepts queries by e-mail. Sample copy online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, new product, technical. Query. Pays 2 contributor copies.

PHOTOS Provide photos and/or illustrations. Reviews JPEG files (300 dpi or larger).

TIPS “Opening a dialogue with the editor will give you the opportunity to get guidelines on length, style, and deadlines."


Primedia Business, 330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 2300, Chicago IL 60611. (312)595-1080. Fax: (312)595-0295. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Lisa Allegretti, editor; Sundee Koffarnus; art director. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the fire chief occupation. “Fire Chief is the management magazine of the fire service, addressing the administrative, personnel, training, prevention/education, professional development, and operational issues faced by chiefs and other fire officers, whether in paid, volunteer, or combination departments. We’re potentially interested in any article that can help them do their jobs better, whether that’s as incident commanders, financial managers, supervisors, leaders, trainers, planners, or ambassadors to municipal officials or the public.” Estab. 1956. Circ. 53,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers kill fee. Kill fee negotiable. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy and submission guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical. “We do not publish fiction, poetry, or historical articles. We also aren’t interested in straightforward accounts of fires or other incidents, unless there are one or more specific lessons to be drawn from a particular incident, especially lessons that are applicable to a large number of departments.” Buys 50-60 mss/year. Query first with published clips. Length: 1,000-10,000 words. Pays $50-400. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews transparencies, prints. Buys one-time or reprint rights.

COLUMNS Training Perspectives; EMS Viewpoints; Sound Off; Volunteer Voice; all 1,000-1,800 words.

TIPS “Writers who are unfamiliar with the fire service are very unlikely to place anything with us. Many pieces that we reject are either too unfocused or too abstract. We want articles that help keep fire chiefs well informed and effective at their jobs.”


PennWell Corporation, 21-00 Rt. 208 S., Fair Lawn NJ 07410-2602. (973)251-5054. E-mail: Website: Contact: Diane Rothschild, executive editor. Monthly magazine covering issues of importance to firefighters. Estab. 1877. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 2-3 months to mss. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, incident reports, training. Send complete ms. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Reviews electronic format only: JPEG/TIFF/EPS files (300 dpi).

COLUMNS Volunteers Corner; Training Notebook; Rescue Company; The Engine Company; The Truck Company; Fire Prevention Bureau; Apparatus; The Shops; Fire Service EMS; Fire Service Court; Speaking of Safety; Fire Commentary; Technology Today; and Innovations: Homegrown. Send complete ms.


4180 La Jolla Village Dr., Suite 260, La Jolla CA 92037. (800)266-5367. E-mail: Website: Contact: Editor. “FireRescue covers the fire and rescue markets. Our 'Read It Today, Use It Tomorrow' mission weaves through every article and image we publish. Our readers consist of fire chiefs, company officers, training officers, firefighters, and technical rescue personnel.” Estab. 1997. Circ. 50,000. Pays on publication. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to mss. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, new product, technical. “All story ideas must be submitted with a cover letter that outlines your qualifications and includes your name, full address, phone, and e-mail address. We accept story submissions in 1 of the following 2 formats: query letters and mss.” Length: 800-2,200 words. Pays $100—$200 for features. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Looks for “photographs that show firefighters in action, using proper techniques and wearing the proper equipment. Submit timely photographs that show the technical aspects of firefighting and rescue. “. Digital images in JPEG, TIFF, or EPS format at 72 dpi for initial review. We require 300 dpi resolution for publication. If you send images as attachments via e-mail, compress your files first.

TIPS “Read back issues of the magazine to learn our style. Research back issues to ensure we haven’t covered your topic within the past three years. Read and follow the instructions on our guidelines page."


American Planning Association, 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200, Chicago IL 60601. (312)431-9100. Fax: (312)786-6700. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Sylvia Lewis, editor; Joan Cairney, art director; Meghan Stromberg, executive editor. 30% freelance written. Monthly magazine emphasizing urban planning for adult, college-educated readers who are regional and urban planners in city, state, or federal agencies or in private business, or university faculty or students. Estab. 1972. Circ. 44,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 5 weeks to queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Special issues: Transportation issue. Also needs news stories up to 500 words. Buys 44 features and 33 news stories mss/year. Length: 500-3,000 words. Pays $150-1,500. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS “We prefer authors supply their own photos, but we sometimes take our own or arrange for them in other ways.” State availability. Captions required. Pays $100 minimum for photos used on inside pages and $300 for cover photos. Buys one-time rights.


DAYS Communications, Inc., 1208 Juniper St., Quakertown PA 18951-1520. (215)538-1240. Fax: (215)538-1208. E-mail: Website: Contact: David Yaw, publisher. 40% freelance written. Bimonthly periodical on public law enforcement and Homeland Security. “Our publication is designed to provide educational and entertaining information directed toward management level. Technical information written for the expert in a manner the nonexpert can understand.” Estab. 1984. Circ. 24,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines with 10x13 SASE with $2.53 postage.

NONFICTION Contact: Al Menear, articles editor. Needs historical, how-to, humor, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, technical. Buys 12 mss/year. Query. Length: 200-2,500 words. Pays 10¢/word. Sometimes pays in trade-out of services. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

REPRINTS Send tearsheet, photocopy or typed ms with rights for sale noted and information about when and where the material previously appeared.

PHOTOS State availability. Reviews 3x5 prints. Offers $10-50/photo. Buys one-time rights.

FILLERS Needs facts, newsbreaks, short humor. Buys 6 mss/year. Length: 200-2,000 words. 10¢/word.


Kennesaw State University, 1000 Chastain Rd., MD 2212, Bldg. 22, Kennesaw GA 30144. (678)797-2899. E-mail: Website: Contact: John Fleming, editor. 50% freelance written. Bi-monthly newspaper covering businesses that provide services to youth. Audience is people who run youth programs—mostly nonprofits and government agencies—who want help in providing services and getting funding. Estab. 1994. Circ. 9,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers $200 kill fee for features. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines available on website.

"Our freelance writers work for or have worked for daily newspapers, or have extensive experience writing for newspapers and magazines."

NONFICTION Needs general interest, technical. “No feel-good stories about do-gooders. We examine the business of youth work.” Buys 5 mss/year. Query. Send rèsumè, short cover letter, clips. Length: 600-2,500 words. Pays $150-2,000 for assigned articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Identification of subjects required. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms. Buys one-time and Internet rights.

COLUMNSYouth Today also publishes 750-word guest columns, called Viewpoints. These pieces can be based on the writer's own experiences or based on research, but they must deal with an issue of interest to our readership and must soundly argue an opinion, or advocate for a change in thinking or action within the youth field.”

TIPS “Business writers have the best shot. Focus on evaluations of programs, or why a program succeeds or fails. Please visit online."



Mercury Publications Ltd., 1313 Border Ave., Unit 16, Winnipeg MB R3H 0X4 Canada. (204)954-2085, ext. 219; (800)337-6372. Fax: (204)954-2057. E-mail: Website: Contact: Robin Bradley, associate publisher and national account manager. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the grocery industry. Reports for the Western Canadian grocery, allied non-food and institutional industries. Each issue features a selection of relevant trade news and event coverage from the West and around the world. Feature reports offer market analysis, trend views, and insightful interviews from a wide variety of industry leaders. The Western Grocer target audience is independent retail food stores, supermarkets, manufacturers and food brokers, distributors and wholesalers of food, and allied non-food products, as well as bakers, specialty and health food stores, and convenience outlets. Estab. 1916. Circ. 15,500. Byline given. Pays 30-45 days from receipt of invoice. Offers 33% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

Assigns stories to Canadian writers based on editorial needs of publication.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. Does not want industry reports and profiles on companies. Query with published clips. Length: 500-9,000 words. Pays 25-35¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions required. Reviews negatives, transparencies, 3x5 prints, JPEG, EPS, or TIF files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys all rights.

TIPS “E-mail, fax, or mail a query outlining your experience, interest, and pay expectations. Include clippings."



International Sleep Products Association, 501 Wythe St., Alexandria VA 22314. (336)500-3816. E-mail: Website:; Contact: Mary Best, editorial director. 20-40% freelance written. BedTimes, published monthly, focuses on news, trends, and issues of interest to mattress manufacturers and their suppliers, as well as more general business stories. Estab. 1917. Circ. 3,800. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy: $4. Guidelines by e-mail or online.

“We are particularly interested in stories that show mattress manufacturers ways to reduce costs and operate more efficiently. BedTimes is not written for retailers or consumers: We do not run stories about how to shop for a mattress or how to lure customers into a bedding store.”

NONFICTION Buys 15-25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-2,500 words. Pays 50-$1/word for short features; $2,000 for cover story.

PHOTOS State availability. Identification of subjects required. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “Cover topics have included annual industry forecast, e-commerce, flammability and home furnishings, the risks and rewards of marketing overseas, the evolving family business, the shifting workplace environment, and what do consumers really want? Our news and features are straightforward—we are not a lobbying vehicle for our association. No special slant.”


Progressive Business Media, 1359 Broadway, Suite 1208, New York NY 10018. (732)204-2012. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jennifer Marks, editor in chief. 5% freelance written. Tabloid published 33 times/year covering home textiles retailers, manufacturers, and importers/exporters. “Our readers are interested in business trends and statistics about business trends related to their niche in the home furnishings market.” Estab. 1979. Circ. 7,700. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 30% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 weeks after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 weeks. Submit seasonal material 3 weeks in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries and mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Query. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

TIPS “Information has to be focused on home textiles business—sheets, towels, bedding, curtains, rugs, table linens, kitchen textiles, curtains. Most of our readers are doing volume business at discount chains, mass market retailers, big box stores, and department stores."


Grace McNamara, Inc., 4756 Banning Avenue, Suite 206, St. Paul MN 55110. Fax: (651)756-8141. Website: Contact: Susan Schultz, editorial director; Lynn Thompson, managing editor. 30% freelance written. Monthly magazine dedicated to the advancement of the window fashions industry, Window Fashions provides comprehensive information on design and business principles, window fashion aesthetics, and product applications. The magazine serves the window-treatment and wall-coverings industry, including designers, retailers, dealers, specialty stores, workrooms, manufacturers, fabricators, and others associated with the field of interior design. Writers should be thoroughly knowledgable on the subject, and submissions need to be comprehensive. Estab. 1981. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, personal experience, specific topics within the field. No broad topics not specific to the window fashions industry. Buys 24 mss/year. Query or send complete ms Length: 800-1,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

TIPS The most helpful experience is if a writer has knowledge of interior design or, specifically, window treatments. We already have a pool of generalists, although we welcome clips from writers who would like to be considered for assignments. Our style is professional business writing—no flowery prose. Articles tend to be to the point, as our readers are busy professionals who read for information, not for leisure. Most of all we need creative ideas and approaches to topics in the field of window treatments and interior design. A writer needs to be knowledgeable in the field because our readers would know if information was inaccurate.



Freiberg Press Inc., P.O. Box 612, Cedar Falls IA 50613. (800)354-3371. Fax: (319)553-0644. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kathy Freiberg. 25% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering Alzheimer's care. Aimed at caregivers of Alzheimer's patients. Interested in either inspirational first-person type stories or features/articles involving authoritative advice or caregiving tips. Estab. 1992. Circ. 10,000. Byline sometimes given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

Query first. Only pays for assigned articles.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, interview, personal experience, technical. Buys 50 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Level 1, 365 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia. (61)(3)9602-8500. Fax: (61)(3)96502-8567. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine covering nursing issues in Australia. ANJ welcomes articles written by nurses for nurses. Please contact the editor first to make sure your article is appropriate for the journal. Publishes ms an average of 3-12 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 months to queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, opinion, technical. Query. Length: 400-2,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Franklin Communications, Inc., 767 Buena Vista Ave. W., #101, San Francisco CA 94117. (415)670-0436. Fax: (415)663-4768. E-mail: Website: Contact: Deb Ilardi. 10% freelance written. Magazine published 5 times/year covering school nursing. School Nurse News focuses on topics related to the health issues of school-aged children and adolescents (grades K-12), as well as the health and professional issues that concern school nurses. This is an excellent opportunity for both new and experienced writers. School Nurse News publishes feature articles as well as news articles and regular departments, such as Asthma & Allergy Watch, Career & Salary Survey, Oral Health, Nursing Currents, and Sights & Sounds. Estab. 1982. Circ. 7,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 3-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, personal experience. Buys 1-2 mss/year. Query. Send via e-mail or forward ms with disk. Mss can include case histories, scenarios of health office situations, updates on diseases, reporting of research, and discussion of procedures and techniques, among others. The author is responsible for the accuracy of content. References should be complete, accurate, and in APA format. Tables, charts and photographs are welcome. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material that has a pre-existing copyright. The feature article, references, tables, and charts should total 8-10 typewritten pages, double-spaced. The author’s name should be included only on the top sheet. The top sheet should also include the title of the article, the author’s credentials, current position, address, and phone. Pays $100. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.



22 E. Mifflin St., Suite 910, Madison WI 53703. (608)249-0186. E-mail: Website: Contact: Scott Webb, executive editor; Eric Herman, senior editor; Cailley Hammel, associate editor; Scott Maurer, art director. AQUA Magazine is a print and online publication dedicated to the pool and spa industry. AQUA provides the industry's top decision-makers with the timely, critical information they need to be successful in their jobs. Every month thousands of spa and pool professionals turn to the online and print pages of AQUA for its valuable mix of editorial. Estab. 1976. Circ. 15,000. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Columns include: product features, industry issue stories, business columns, reader profiles, industry news.

TIPS Wants to see “visually arresting, architectural images, high- quality, multiple angles, day/night lighting situations. Photos including people are rarely published.”


Foley Publishing, P.O. Box 157, Spring Lake NJ 07762 USA. (732)449-4499. Fax: (732)974-8289. E-mail: Website: / Contact: Jackie Foley, editor. 100% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers; eager to work with new/unpublished writers. Quarterly publication for full-service on-premise establishments able to serve a mixed drink on-premise. Features bartenders, bars, creative cocktails, signature drinks, jokes, cartoons, wine, beer, liquor, new products and those products aligned to the field. Estab. 1979. Circ. 150,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy with 9x12 SAE and 4 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, humor, new product, opinion, personal experience, photo feature. Special issues: Special issues: Annual Calendar and Daily Cocktail Recipe Guide. Send complete ms and SASE. Length: 100-1,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

REPRINTS Send tearsheet and information about when and where the material previously appeared. Pays 25% of amount paid for an original article.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions, model releases required. Pays $7.50-50 for 8x10 b&w glossy prints; $10-75 for 8x10 color glossy prints.

COLUMNS Bar of the Month; Bartender of the Month; Creative Cocktails; Bar Sports; Quiz; Bar Art; Wine Cellar; Tips from the Top (from prominent figures in the liquor industry); One For the Road (travel); Collectors (bar or liquor-related items); Photo Essays. Length: 200-1,000 words. Query by mail only with SASE. Pays $50-200.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes, newsbreaks, short humor, clippings, jokes, gags. Length: 25-100 words. Pays $5-25.

TIPS “To break in, absolutely make sure your work will be of interest to all bartenders across the country. Your style of writing should reflect the audience you are addressing. The most frequent mistake made by writers in completing an article for us is using the wrong subject.”


P.O. Box 2249, Oak Park IL 60303-2249. (708)267-0023. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kathleen Furore, editor. Bimonthly magazine covering Mexican and other Latin cuisines. “el Restaurante offers features and business-related articles that are geared specifically to owners and operators of Mexican, Tex-Mex, Southwestern, and Latin cuisine restaurants and other foodservice establishments that want to add that type of cuisine.” Estab. 1997. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION “No specific knowledge of food or restaurants is needed; the key qualification is to be a good reporter who knows how to slant a story toward the Mexican restaurant operator.” Buys 2-4 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $250-300.

TIPS “Query with a story idea, and tell how it pertains to Mexican restaurants.”


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, 25188 Genesee Trail Rd., Suite 200, Golden CO 80401. (303)674-8478 or (800)458-2267. Fax: (303)674-0859. E-mail: Website: 85% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering therapeutic massage/bodywork. A trade publication for the massage therapist, and bodyworker. An all-inclusive publication encompassing everything from traditional Swedish massage to energy work to other complementary therapies (i.e., homeopathy, herbs, aromatherapy, etc.). Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 45 days to queries. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, opinion, personal experience, technical. Buys 60-75 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-3,500 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Not interested in photo submissions separate from feature queries. State availability. Captions, identification of subjects, model releases required. Reviews digital images (300 dpi). Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

COLUMNS Buys 20 mss/year. mss/year.

TIPS “Know your topic. Offer suggestions for art to accompany your submission. Massage & Bodywork looks for interesting, tightly focused stories concerning a particular modality or technique of massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies. The editorial staff welcomes the opportunity to review mss which may be relevant to the field of massage and bodywork in addition to more general pieces pertaining to complementary and alternative medicine. This would include the widely varying modalities of massage and bodywork (from Swedish massage to Polarity therapy), specific technical or ancillary therapies, including such topics as biomagnetics, aromatherapy, and facial rejuvenation. Reference lists relating to technical articles should include the author, title, publisher, and publication date of works cited according to Chicago Manual of Style. Word count: 1,500-3,500 words; longer articles negotiable.”


Mercury Publications, Ltd., 1313 Border St., Unit 16, Winnipeg MB R3H 0X4 Canada. (800)337-6372 ext. 221. Fax: (204)954-2057. E-mail: Website: Contact: David Bastable, associate publisher and national accounts manager. 33% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering the hotel industry. Western Hotelier is dedicated to the accommodation industry in Western Canada and U.S. western border states. WH offers the West's best mix of news and feature reports geared to hotel management. Feature reports are written on a sector basis and are created to help generate enhanced profitability and better understanding. Circ. 4,342. Byline given. Pays 30-45 days from receipt of invoice. Offers 33% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. Industry reports and profiles on companies. Query with published clips. Length: 500-9,000 words. Pays 25-35¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions required. Reviews negatives, transparencies, 3x5 prints, JPEG, EPS, or TIF files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys all rights.

TIPS “E-mail, fax, or mail a query outlining your experience, interests, and pay expectations. Include clippings."


Mercury Publications, Ltd., 1313 Border St., Unit 16, Winnipeg MB R3H 0X4 Canada. (800)337-6372 ext. 213. Fax: (204)954-2057. E-mail:; Website:; Contact: Elaine Dufault, associate publisher and national accounts manager. 20% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the restaurant trade in Western Canada. Reports profiles and industry reports on associations, regional business developments, etc. Western Restaurant News is the authoritative voice of the food service industry in Western Canada. Offering a total package to readers, WRN delivers concise news articles, new product news, and coverage of the leading trade events in the West, across the country, and around the world. Estab. 1994. Circ. 14,532. Byline given. Pays 30-45 days from receipt of invoice. Offers 33% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer's guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. Industry reports and profiles on companies. Query with published clips. “E-mail, fax, or mail a query outlining your experience, interests, and pay expectations. Include clippings.” Length: 500-9,000 words. Pays 25-35¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions required. Reviews negatives, transparencies, 3x5 prints, JPEG, EPS, or TIFF files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys all rights.



WAM Publishing Company, Inc., P.O. Box 2247, Hendersonville TN 37077. (615)239-8087. E-mail: Website: Contact: David M. Mathieu, publisher and editor. Bimonthly magazine for users of industrial scales; covers material handling and logistics industries. Estab. 1914. Circ. 13,900. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 20% kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, technical. Buys 15 mss/year. Query on technical articles; submit complete ms for general interest material. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays $175-300. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.



Peerless Media, LLC, 111 Speen St., Suite 200, Framingham MA 01701. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Jamie Gooch, editorial director. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering computer hardware/software for hands-on design and mechanical engineers, analysis engineers, and engineering management. Ten special supplements/year. Estab. 1995. Circ. 63,000. Byline given. Pays in month of publication. Offers kill fee for assigned story. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free with 8x10 SASE. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, new product, reviews, technical, design. No fluff. Buys 50-70 mss/year. Query. Submit outline before you write an article. Length: 800-1,200 words for articles (plus artwork) presenting tutorials, application stories, product reviews or other features; 500-700 words for guest commentaries for almost any topic related to desktop engineering. Pays per project. Pay negotiable for unsolicited articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS “No matter what type of article you write, it must be supported and enhanced visually. Visual information can include screen shots, photos, schematics, tables, charts, checklists, time lines, reading lists, and program code. The exact mix will depend on your particular article, but each of these items must be accompanied by specific, detailed captions.” Send photos. Captions required. Negotiates payment individually.

COLUMNS Product Briefs (new products), 50-100 words; Reviews (software, hardware), 500-1,500 words. Query.


McFarland & Co., Inc., Publishers, P.O. Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640. (336)246-4460. E-mail: 90% freelance written. Semiannual scholarly journal covering all of the information sciences. Addresses ethical issues in all of the information sciences with a deliberately interdisciplinary approach. Topics range from electronic mail monitoring to library acquisition of controversial material to archival ethics. The Journal's aim is to present thoughtful considerations of ethical dilemmas that arise in a rapidly evolving system of information exchange and dissemination. Estab. 1992. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 years after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 8 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $30. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs essays, reviews. Buys 10-12 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 500-3,500 words. Pays $25-50, depending on length.

TIPS “Familiarize yourself with the many areas subsumed under the rubric of information ethics, e.g., privacy, scholarly communication, errors, peer review, confidentiality, e-mail, etc. Present a well-rounded discussion of any fresh, current, or evolving ethical topic within the information sciences or involving real-world information collection/exchange."


Advantage Business Media, 100 Enterprise Dr., Suite 600, Rockaway NJ 07866. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Lindsay Hock, editor. Monthly magazine. “R&D Magazine and informs and educates research scientists, engineers, and technical staff members at laboratories around the world with timely, informative news—and useful technical articles that broaden our readers’ knowledge of the research and development industry and improve the quality of their work.” Estab. 1959. Circ. 85,000. Byline given. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Responds to queries in 1 week. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Query. Pays 4 contributor copies upon request. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS Contact: Contact: editor in chief. Captions, identification of subjects required. Reviews 2 14x2 14 transparencies, 6x9 prints, TIFF/EPS files (300 dpi) or 35mm slides.

TIPS “All articles in R & D Magazine must be original, accurate, timely, noncommercial, useful to our readers, and exclusive to our magazine."


MIT, One Main St., 13th Floor, Cambridge MA 02142. (617)475-8000. Fax: (617)475-8042. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Jason Pontin, editor in chief; David Rotman, editor. Magazine published 10 times/year covering information technology, biotech, material science, and nanotechnology. Technology Review promotes the understanding of emerging technologies and their impact. Estab. 1899. Circ. 310,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION Query with a pitch via online contact form. Length: 2,000-4,000 words. Pays $1-3/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

FILLERS Short tidbits that relate laboratory prototypes on their way to market in 1-5 years. Length: 150-250 words. Pays $1-3/word.



Association for the Study of Jewelry & Related Arts, 5070 Bonnie Branch Rd., Ellicott City MD 21043. E-mail: Website:;; 50% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering jewelry—antique to modern. “This magazine is a perk of membership in the Association for the Study of Jewelry & Related Arts. It is not sold as a stand-alone publication. It is delivered electronically.” Estab. 2002. Circ. 1,000+. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-2 weeks to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free as an e-mailed PDF. Guidelines free.

“Readers are collectors, appraisers, antique jewelry dealers, gemologists, jewelry artists, museum curators—anyone with an interest in jewelry.”

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, interview, exhibition reviews—in-depth articles on jewelry subjects. “We do not want articles about retail jewelry. We write about ancient, antique, period, and unique and studio jewelers.” Buys 12-15 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pays $125 maximum for assigned articles. Does not pay for unsolicited articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS “We only want photos that accompany articles. Quality must be professional. We pay $25 flat fee for them; We don’t accept articles without accompanying photography. You must obtain permission for the use of photos. We won’t publish without written approvals.”

TIPS “Know your subject and provide applicable credentials.”


P.O. Box 318, Brighton MI 48116. (810)229-5725. Fax: (810)229-8320. E-mail: Website: Contact: Senior editor. 70% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the recognition and personalization industry (engraving, marking devices, awards, jewelry, and signage). “We provide practical information for the education and advancement of our readers, mainly retail business owners.” Estab. 1975. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3-9 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, technical. No general overviews of the industry. Length: 1,000-5,000 words. Pays $200 and up.

REPRINTS Send tearsheet, photocopy, or typed ms with rights for sale noted, and information about when and where the material previously appeared. Pays 50-100% of amount paid for original article.

PHOTOS Send photos. Captions, identification of subjects, model releases required. Pays variable rate.

TIPS “Articles should always be down to earth, practical, and thoroughly cover the subject with authority. We do not want the 'textbook' writing approach, vagueness, or theory—our readers look to us for sound, practical information. We use an educational slant, publishing both trade-oriented articles and general business topics of interest to a small retail-oriented readership."



University of Maryland Foundation, Knight Hall, University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742. (301)405-8805. E-mail: Website: Contact: Lucy Dalglish, dean and publisher. 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering print, broadcast, and online journalism. American Journalism Review covers ethical issues, trends in the industry, and coverage that falls short. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays 1 month after publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries and unsolicited mss. Sample copy: $4.95 prepaid or online. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs expose. Buys many mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 2,000-4,000 words. Pays $1,500-2,000. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes, facts, short humor, short pieces. Length: 150-1,000 words. Pays $100-250.

TIPS “Write a short story for the front-of-the-book section. We prefer queries to completed articles. Include in a page what you'd like to write about, who you'll interview, why it's important, and why you should write it."


Australian Society of Authors, Suite C1.06, 22-36 Mountain St., Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia. (61)(2)9211-1004. Fax: (61)(2)9211-0125. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Kirsten Krauth, editor. Australian Author is the literary journal of the Australian Society of Authors. The magazine is a vibrant source of discussion and commentary about writing and publishing in Australia. It’s the best way to keep up with publishing industry gossip, issues affecting authors, and writers' thoughts on what inspires, concerns, and sustains them. Published twice/year. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

NONFICTION, articles on publishing, e-books, literary agents, grants and funding, pay and financial concerns, indie publishing, intellectual property, the digital environment, marketing, social media, illustration, comics and graphic novels, ghostwriting, and more. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500 words minimum. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


National Writers Association, 10940 S. Parker Rd., #508, Parker CO 80134. (303)841-0246. E-mail: Website: Quarterly magazine covering writing articles only. “Association magazine targeted to beginning and professional writers. Covers how-to, humor, marketing issues. Disk and e-mail submissions preferred.” Estab. 1950s. Circ. 4,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for stamped, self-addressed, 812x11 envelope.

NONFICTION Buys 25 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 1,200 words. Pays $10, or discount on memberships and copies. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Identification of subjects, model releases required. Reviews 5x7 prints. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “Members of National Writers Association are given preference."


North American Bookdealers Exchange, P.O. Box 606, Cottage Grove OR 97424. (541)942-7455. E-mail: Website: 50% freelance written. Magazine covering writing, self-publishing, and marketing books by mail. Publishes 3 issues/year online. Estab. 1980. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, how-to, interview, positive articles on self-publishing, new writing angles, marketing. Buys 10 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-1,500 words. Pays $25-50. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

REPRINTS Send typed ms with rights for sale noted and information about when and where the material previously appeared. Pays 80% of amount paid for an original article.

COLUMNS Publisher Profile (on successful self-publishers and their marketing strategy), 250-1,000 words. Buys 20 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $5-20.

FILLERS Needs fillers concerning writing, publishing, or books. Buys 6 mss/year. Length: 100-250 words. Pays $3-10.

TIPS “Query first. Get a sample copy of the magazine online at website."


Writers Guild of Canada, 366 Adelaide St. W., Suite 401, Toronto ON M5V 1R9 Canada. (416)979-7907. Fax: (416)979-9273. E-mail: Website: Contact: Li Robbins, director of communications. 80% freelance written. Magazine published 3 times/year covering Canadian screenwriting for television, film, and digital media. Canadian Screenwriter profiles Canadian screenwriters, provides industry news, and offers practical writing tips for screenwriters. Estab. 1998. Circ. 4,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, humor, interview. Does not want writing on foreign screenwriters; the focus is on Canadian-resident screenwriters. Buys 12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 750-2,200 words. Pays $1/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Identification of subjects required. Reviews GIF/JPEG files. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “Read other Canadian film and television publications."


Information Today, Inc., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford NJ 08055. (609)654-6266. Fax: (609)654-4309. E-mail: Website: Contact: Theresa Cramer, editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering digital content trends, strategies, etc. EContent is a business publication. Readers need to stay on top of industry trends and developments. Estab. 1979. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays within 1 month of publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3-4 months. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; in 1 month to mss. Sample copy and writer's guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs expose, how-to, interview, new product, opinion. No academic or straight Q&A. Buys 48 mss/year. Query with published clips. Submit electronically as e-mail attachment. Length: 1,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Captions required. Negotiates payment individually. Buys one-time rights.

COLUMNS Profiles (short profile of unique company, person or product), 1,200 words; New Features (breaking news of content-related topics), up to 500 words. Buys 40 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays 30-40¢/word.

TIPS “Take a look at the website. Most of the time, an e-mail query with specific article ideas works well. A general outline of talking points is good, too. State prior experience."


The Writers Bureau Ltd., 8-10 Dutton St., Manchester M3 1LE England. (44)(161)819-9922. Fax: (44)(161)819-2842. E-mail: Website: 15% freelance written. Monthly newsletter covering freelance writing. For all writers, established and new, Freelance Market News is an excellent source of the most up-to-date information about the publishing world. It is packed with news, views and the latest advice about new publications, plus the trends and developments in established markets, in the UK and around the world. Informs readers about publications that are looking for new writers and even warn about those writers should avoid. Estab. 1968. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Sample copy and Guidelines online.

Prefers to receive a complete ms rather than a query.

NONFICTION Buys 12 mss/year. Length: 1,00 words. Pays £50/1,000 words. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS New Markets (magazines which have recently been published); Fillers & Letters; Overseas Markets (obviously only English-language publications); Market Notes (established publications accepting articles, fiction, reviews, or poetry). All should be between 40 and 200 words. Pays £40/1,000 words.


CNW Publishing, Inc., 45 Main St., P.O. Box A, North Stratford NH 03590-0167. (603)922-8338. E-mail: Website: 25% freelance written. Monthly newsletter covering the business of freelance writing. FWR covers the marketing and business/office management aspects of running a freelance writing business. Articles must be of value to the established freelancer; nothing basic. Estab. 1982. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 12 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; 2 weeks to mss. Sample copy for 6x9 SAE with 2 first-class stamps (for back copy); $4 for current copy. Guidelines and Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts. Does not want articles about the basics of freelancing. Buys 5 mss/year. Send complete ms by e-mail. Length: up to 900 words. Pays 10¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

TIPS “Write in a terse, newsletter style."


90 Broad St., Suite 2100, New York NY 10004. (212)226-3586. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kevin Larimer, editor. 95% freelance written. Bimonthly professional trade journal for poets and fiction writers and creative nonfiction writers. Estab. 1987. Circ. 60,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy: $5.95. Guidelines online.

No poetry or fiction submissions.

NONFICTION Needs how-to. Buys 35 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 700-3,000 words (depending on topic). Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Reviews color prints. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms.

COLUMNS Literary and Publishing News, 700-1,000 words; Profiles of Emerging and Established Poets, Fiction Writers and Creative Nonfiction Writers, 2,000-3,000 words; Craft Essays and Publishing Advice, 2,000-2,500 words. Query with published clips or send complete ms. Pays $225-500.

TIPS “We typically assign profiles to coincide with an author’s forthcoming book publication. We are not looking for the Get Rich Quick or 10 Easy Steps variety of writing and publishing advice.”


Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists, University of Iowa, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, 100 Adler Journalism Bldg., Iowa City IA 52242. (319)335-3457. Fax: (319)335-3989. E-mail: Website: Contact: Vanessa Shelton, executive director. 20% freelance written. Fall and spring issues covering scholastic journalism-related topics during school year. Primary audience is high school journalism students working on and studying topics related to newspapers, yearbooks, radio, television, and online media; secondary audience is their teachers and others interested in this topic. Invites journalism students and advisers to submit mss about important lessons learned or obstacles overcome. Estab. 1926. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance and publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Guidelines available.

NONFICTION Needs essays, how-to, humor, interview, new product, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, technical, travel, types on topic. Does not want articles not pertinent to high school student journalists. Query with your submission. Length: 600-1,000 words. Pays $100-500 for assigned articles. Pays complementary copy and $200 maximum for unsolicited articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

PHOTOS State availability. Reviews GIF/JPEG files. Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms.