

Crystals in Everyday Life

Belief in the influence of crystals is spreading rapidly as more and more ways of using them are discovered. Undoubtedly, the stones possess healing powers and are known to be beneficial in many ways. Indeed, some enthusiasts allege that the earth itself is a giant crystal and that our physical bodies are composed of liquid crystals. Such claims remain unproven, but who is to know what will be revealed by further research? Certainly, crystals form an important part of 21st century technology, but here are some everyday uses you may not have considered.

Food and Drink

Crystals can be used to purify water. Simply drop a crystal into a glass of water and leave it overnight. Next morning, drink the water and you will almost certainly notice its clear, refreshing taste. This routine is said to clear the water of toxins. It is also claimed to enhance the flavor of fruit juice and other drinks and even to improve the taste of cheap wine.

Note: It is best to use clear quartz for this purpose. Other crystals may be used but be careful that they are not those that are damaged by immersion in liquid. Also, only use this method on water that is safe to drink and not on water that comes out of taps (faucets) in third world countries.

You may care to try energizing your food with crystals. Simply place the stones on a working surface where you prepare food in the kitchen. The resulting dishes will be even more delicious than usual. Similarly, if you are feeling stressed, tired, and irritable when preparing food, it's a good idea to run a crystal round the rim of each serving dish before taking it to the table. This will eliminate the negative vibrations the food may have taken on during preparation. The freshness of fruit and vegetables will be extended if they are stored with crystals around them. Bread, cookies, and cakes benefit in the same way.

Most electronic equipment—such as microwave ovens—produce harmful emissions. As well as being physically unacceptable, these emissions can have a depressing effect. Counteract both risks by placing a crystal near each piece of equipment—not only in the kitchen, but beside television sets, near computers, and similar items in other rooms.

Incidentally, a piece of rose quartz will “calm” an irritable computer!

Indoor Plants

Flowers and plants also benefit from crystal power. Drop a small stone into a vase or place one on the surface of a plant pot. Amazing effects can be obtained by scattering crushed crystals over the compost in a pot. Some rock shops sell packets of this type of stone—so tiny they look like sparkling, multi-colored crumbs.

In the Garden

Crystals can be used to great effect in a garden. As an experiment, select a plant that is disappointing you and tuck a crystal into the ground at its base. Don't be surprised when its progress begins to outstrip everything else in the garden. It's cheaper—and more ergonomically friendly—to scatter your garden with crystals than with chemical fertilizers.

Green stones are particularly appropriate for use in this way. Aventurine and malachite immediately spring to mind, particularly because both stones are associated with fertility. Herbs, though, respond better to hematite or smoky quartz. Place the stones on the earth near the base of the plants.

Crystals can also be used to improve the atmosphere of a garden. Try amethyst or tourmaline for relaxation, with clear quartz and jade for tranquility. These may be placed on the ground, in the seating area, or hung from the branches of trees.

Mundane Purposes

Hang crystals in your windows to catch the sun and produce rainbows of color on your walls. This is said to protect from negative vibrations, just as the atmosphere of any room is enhanced if crystals are placed in it.

A fretful baby can be soothed by placing a crystal beneath (not in) the crib. Ensure that it is impossible for the child to actually touch (or swallow) the stone.

Crystals can produce a calming, healing effect if placed near the bed in a sickroom and they will encourage the patient to sleep.

Give your pet crystal-charged water to drink—but remove the stone before you offer the water to the animal.

An increasing number of people are using crystals to ensure their safety while traveling. Some even place a small stone beneath the hood of the car as an insurance against engine troubles. Some also claim that this helps them to find a parking space.

Northern roads, much prone to icy conditions, are scattered with sand to prevent accidents—the composition of sand is largely fine grains of quartz!

Crystals placed at the entrance to your home provide a welcoming atmosphere for visitors.


These are just a few of the methods in which crystals can be used in everyday life. These may inspire you to experiment for yourself. Select a cleansed and charged stone of which you are particularly fond and program it to produce the results you require. For instance, place a crystal on the photograph of a friend with whom you have lost contact. It's probable that you will hear from that person soon. It's fun to experiment in this way, and you can produce some really astounding results. However, don't expect miracles from your crystals. As always—patience is a virtue much to be desired; the unique power of the crystal will make itself known.

Crystals and Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui is based on the positioning and balance of the qualities of yin and yang in the places where we live and work. This system has proved so effective that it is used by big business organizations throughout the world, as well as by ordinary people anxious to promote harmony in their homes. Crystal power works particularly well with Feng Shui, enhancing and balancing the flow of chi (the life force.) We offer here a few suggestions that will help you to gain the most benefit from both systems simply by placing certain crystals in the appropriate area of your home or office.


The north aspect of your home or office influences your career. The crystals needed here are carnelian, garnet, or ruby.


In the northeast, the area of wisdom and enlightenment, smoky quartz, hematite, and black onyx will prove useful.


Family, children, and health are the areas with which the east is concerned. Suitable stones are lepidolite and snowflake obsidian.


The southeast concerns wealth, property, and prosperity. Use lapis lazuli, sapphire, or turquoise to support this area.


In the south of your home or office, tiger's eye, topaz, and diamond will assist with fame and your reputation.


Happy marriage, successful relationships, and peace are southwest concerns, with malachite and emerald being appropriate.


In the west, use pearl, moonstone, or white opal to enhance your creativity, fertility, and joy in life.


Helpful people, travel, and new beginnings of any kind are the concerns of the northwest area, where clear quartz—in the form of a wand or cluster—will be especially effective.

A Crystal a Day

Some authorities consider that certain crystals are particularly helpful if worn or used on specific days of the week. You may want to experiment with this idea.

Day Crystal


Sunday Diamond or zircon
Monday Moonstone, pearl, or malachite
Tuesday Sapphire, ruby, or opal
Wednesday Amethyst or kunzite
Thursday Emerald, turquoise, or citrine
Friday Alexandrite or cat's eye
Saturday Labradorite, azurite, or lapis lazuli