

Again, I woke up to loud kids running through the condominium complex racing to their school bus stop. I spent a good amount of time disagreeing with Maria last night so I’m sluggish and tired this morning. Maria is a cute long dark hair Spanish girl with an amazing body and dimples in her cheeks that bring out a glowing smile that will light up a room. We met at the mailboxes in the front entrance of our complex a year ago and have been dating off and on since. She says I’m afraid of commitment and feels like she will never get what she wants out of me because I’m carrying the baggage of previous relationships into what we have. I disagree, but with an open mind I can see how she thinks that way. I don’t think she has any idea how much time and energy it takes to be a small business owner. When all is said and done sometimes you just need a day to rest not only physically, but mentally as well.

Maria thinks I should want her to either spend anytime I have available at my condo or I should want to spend my available time three buildings down at hers. Since I don’t she feels like I might be holding on to my past.

It’s 8:37 I guess it’s time to get up and get this day started. Since the shop opens at 10:30 Tuesday-Friday, I usually go downstairs to my office, and put in a good two miles on the treadmill before a shower and shave. Then on my way in I stop at McDonalds for a cup of coffee and a sausage egg Mc Griddle.

At 10:05 I pulled in the parking lot and parked a few rows back from the shop. It’s a little busy, but that’s normal for this time of morning. I hopped out of my Honda and started walking around the building heading toward the shop, I could hear sounds of someone running in my direction I heard my name being called out. I turned to my right to see who I recognized as one of the people that brought all that mess over to my place of business just over a week ago.

Gina hurried over in my direction from her parked silver minivan wearing black leggings, a black sleeveless workout shirt and black Nike running shoes.

“Hi Mark! Can I talk to you?”

“What’s up Gina?”

“I need to ask if you planned on letting Ricky come back to the shop?”

“I don’t know. I was thinking about it until I seen you roll up on me asking questions.”

“Look Mark, I want to apologize for my part on what went on out here. I know I might have made you look bad and I’m sorry for that.”

I honestly couldn’t look at her and still be mad about what happened. Gina’s 5ft frame coupled with her Filipino and Black ancestry, golden brown skin tone, pretty smile and jet-black wavy hair could rid any man of his anger. Funny thing is I’m pretty sure she knows it too.

“Apology accepted.”

I turned to start walking away.

“Mark! We’re still talking. Why are you walking away from me?”

I stopped to look at Gina.

“Oh! I thought we were done. What else do you need Gina?”

“Mark, I need you to consider bringing Ricky back.”

I shook my head and began to open my mouth.

“Mark, just listen. I’ve known Ricky since college. So, I’ve been around through his college years, his couple years in New Orleans and even the three years up in Canada playing ball. And I haven’t seen him this excited about getting up for work at any job before he started working at your shop. It’s even made him a better father. He seems to spend more time with our kids and everything.

Ricky’s a team type of guy. He thrives when he’s among the guys at whatever job he’s in. His brother Reggie’s the total opposite. Reggie can work solo and be just as happy working on a project by himself as long as the money’s right, but Ricky’s not built like that.

Now I know we brought our household problems to your doorstep and I promise and swear on my kids I will never come up here and do that again. Just please let my husband come back and work for you again.”

“Look Gina, As I told Ricky and Reggie. I’ll think about it.”

“Look Mark, I’ll do anything. And I do mean anything if you do this for my husband. He might have done the dumbest shit ever, but the way he’s been around the house these last couple years, and the way he’s been with our kids. I’d give anything for that. Anything, Mark! anything… Whatever you want”

“Gina! Let me stop you right there. I might have fired Ricky, but that’s still my boy. I told you I’d think about it and I am. I just need to be sure I ain’t bout to lose my business over nobody’s B.S.”

“I know Mark. As I said you don’t have to worry about me. I’m just willing to do whatever I got to do to get my family back right.”

I turned to walk away but, this time Gina didn’t try to stop me. Twenty minutes later I was in the shop when Reggie and Craig walked in. I had already seen a few of our regulars out front so I was thinking it might turn out to be a decent day.