12:43 p.m.
“Da fuck you mean I gotta talk to Steve? What the fuck Steve got to do with a decision that’s made about me being able to take my son down to his grandfather’s retirement party this weekend.”
I was on the phone with Jordan. Nothing was decided when I made my original call so Jordan decided to call me back when she knew I was at the shop thinking I wouldn’t say anything uncomfortable in front of a client.
“Look Mark, Steve and I have talked about getting engaged and moving in together.
So, I think it’s best for you two to get some understanding of how things will go.”
“That’s cool and all but, first we will have to get a few things straight. Like I said before, there will never be a time where Steve or any other man for that matter will be allowed to live in the house I own. So, until you move Steve has no say so of what’s being done under that roof.”
“That’s not fair Mark!”
“Jordan, you know what’s not fair? What’s not fair is you being married to me, and sleeping with your ex-boyfriend. What’s not fair is you cheating with that backstabbing bastard, but you did it in a house that my sister and I own. What’s not fair is your family knowing you were going behind my back sleeping with that bastard, but they smiled in my face acting like they never knew anything about it. What’s not fair is, even with all of that you expect me to be civil with that bastard, when I should have shot him dead when I caught him in my house with you.”
“Mark, when are you going to let that go? It was so long ago. I have already apologized, and Steve has tried, but you act like you don’t want to hear anything from him.”
“Might just be I don’t want to hear anything from him. Not when you trying to tell me something about him making decisions when there’s no mention of decisions made by him in our divorce decree.”
“Really Mark? Is that where we are going with this? Cause we can go back to court. It ain’t like you follow custody agreement to the letter of the law.”
“That’s because you asked me not to. We can always go back to me getting Malik 3 weekends a month. I only went to twice a month because you felt like your family didn’t get to see him on the weekends. I stayed up this way to be around my son, so I can have more time with him. Anytime you feel like going back to court just let me know. I ain’t never scared.”
I could hear the fear in Jordan’s voice. She knows she doesn’t have a leg to stand on, so this is something she will have to deal with.
“So, what do you want Mark?”
“What I want is to take my son down to my father’s retirement party this weekend. What I also want is for you to understand. You and Steve will have to find your own home to live the rest of your days. I only allow you to live rent free because you’re raising my son in that house.”
“That’s not fair Mark. You know we can’t afford a home in this area. It’s too expensive now. You were lucky your sister was able to find us a piece of foreclosed property back then.”
“Well, you can always move in with your parents. Since they seem to love that Steve bastard so much, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind him living in their home with you.”
“Oh my God! You just will never let this go, will you?”
“Been let that go Jordan. Just won’t be taken advantage of.”
“And if I say no?”
“You do know I’m asking out of courtesy. I am by law supposed to get Malik 3 weekends a month. Just tell my son I will be picking him up from school on Friday. I’ll see you on Sunday at 5 o’clock Jordan.”
That was the last thing I said before pressing end on my cellphone and walking back into a loud barbershop full of jokes and gossip flying back and forth between barbers and customers. I don’t think Jordan will ever understand the restraint and sacrifice that’s made because of her being the mother of my son.