At 5 o’clock we took exit number 231B. Made a right and another quick right down Black Oak Dr. headed for Carl’s Jr. I had gotten hungry and I knew Malik liked the double western bacon cheeseburger, so it was a safe bet he would enjoy stopping here before getting back on the road and finishing our journey. We were on schedule by my estimation and unless we hit traffic we should get up to the community center by eight.
We were back on Black Oak Dr. in no time and turned left on 24th street which turned into Highway 46 heading east toward I-5. At 8:10 p.m. after being on I-5, 210, I-10, 215 and 15 freeways we were pulling into the community center parking lot. This old van made the long trip again and my son and I were happy to be home among my side of his family.
As we were turning into the parking lot, I thought I seen Eric sitting in a black Dodge Charger parked under the streetlight in front of the community center, so this was going to be an interesting night. He and Val usually start cutting eyes at each other whenever they’re both around at the same time which leads up to an argument that bring a lot of unwanted attention.
Kelly was standing outside the entrance. He was the 1st person Malik and I saw as we were walking up.
“What’s up Mark?” Is what Kelly said as he gave me and Malik a pound.
Kelly has been my closest friend since we moved across the street from him on Linda Ln. in Barstow. He’s a year older than me and since I’ve known him, he’s had this crush on my sister, though it wasn’t until high school she finally gave him a chance and they’ve had this on again off again relationship since. So, I guess it’s on again right now cause he’s here and from what I’m told he was the one who kept my pops busy while they set this place up for this party.
“What’s up K? How you been brotha?”
“I’m good.”
“How my crazy ass sister been treating you?”
“Man, you know that woman is a piece of work.”
LaShawn walked out the door and snuck up behind Kelly.
“I’m a piece of work huh?”
She walked around Kelly to hug me, then Malik.
“What’s up lil Bro? Hey nephew.”
“What’s up sis? You do know I’m bigger than you.”
Malik chimed in.
“Hi Auntie! Is my grandpa in there yet?”
“He sure is. Why don’t you run in there and see him, oh and Pascha’s been looking for you.”
LaShawn looked out on the street where Eric’s car was parked.
“Is that Eric’s car?”
“I think so. I take it he hasn’t gone inside.”
“Naw. He’s mad at Val for coming. You know he’s jealous of you. He didn’t want her to come because you were supposed to be here.”
“Aye, I ain’t got nothing to do with whatever him and Val got going.”
“MmmmHmmm! You know that just as well as he do, you and Val should have been together and that’s been eatin his ass up.”
Kelly laughed at that comment.
“I don’t know what you talkin bout LaShawn.”
“You know something? Let me go in here and see my ole man. Y’all give it to him yet?”
“Naw! We were waiting for you to get here so we can give it to him together.”
“Well let’s gon in here in stop wasting time talkin bout what you think.”
We all walked in and joined the festivities.