I purposely left Malik at home. I didn’t want to have any problems at the funeral with Eric or anyone else. I just wanted to lay Val to rest in peace with no problems. I still can’t believe she’s gone. We’d just talked about our plans. I hadn’t been that excited since the night Malik was born.
Not too many people came to the small service. The asian girl Alexis and her boyfriend Justin from the radio show, a few women from her job at the cable company and of course Ms. Josie and Eric’s people that sat on the other side of the aisle from the big brown old school bench seats we sat on. Ms. Michelle, my dad who’d been crying like he lost a daughter, Kelly, LaShawn with tears falling down her face, Justine and myself sat on the front row and Lydia and her kids sitting behind us with a medium build Spanish lady wearing a black dress we’ve never met. She was the last person to go up to the casket and while there she took a gold chain with a cross from around her neck and placed it in the casket with Val.
On our way out, Eric approached me. I really wasn’t in the mood for his insecurities so in my mind it was about to be some problems, but to my surprise he just wanted to talk.
“Can I talk to you?”
I nodded my head.
“I wanted to apologize to you for everything. I can’t take back what was done, but I do have to recognize, my actions whether right or wrong caused this. And for that I’m truly sorry. You were the better man and it wasn’t until Valencia’s death I could admit it to myself. She no longer loved me. She loved you and It was all my fault. I was foul, but lucky enough to bounce back with Alicia. I could only hope you can see after the initial shock I had no problems with Valencia bouncing back with you.”
He said that and walked over to talk to my sister to have a conversation. My dad and Ms. Michelle walked over to me with K and Justine right behind them to give LaShawn a little space to have that talk with Eric. Then we all got left to get in our cars and headed over to the grave site.
Val’s casket had been lowered into the ground after a few words were said. Pascha was now standing with and hugging LaShawn when the Spanish lady we’d seen at the church walked over to us. She asked if she could have a few words with me and LaShawn alone before we left so the three of us walked over toward our cars to talk.
“Let me introduce myself. I’m Valentina, Valencia’s mother. I first want to thank you for taking care of all the arrangements. And for always being there for my daughter over the years when I couldn’t be. I had so many issues it wasn’t possible. I would like to ask you how’s my granddaughter doing and is it okay if I say hello.”
We looked at each other shocked then LaShawn spoke.
“I think that would be up to her dad over there with his family.”
“Oh, I was under the impression that you were her father.”
She said that as she looked at me. I shook my head.
LaShawn called out Eric’s name as he and his family were headed over to their cars. He came over and she introduced Eric to Valentina. They shook hands and he looked as puzzled as we did. He told Valentina if LaShawn thought it was best he was okay with it, but if she planned on being around, she would have to meet his mom and family too. She nodded and again looked at LaShawn who was reluctant but allowed Valentina to speak to Pascha, but not tell her who she was.
A little while later we were back at dad’s house. We didn’t want a whole bunch of fake people there, so it was just us. Valentina left the grave site with us. She’d parked her car and came in with Lydia. So, when she was ready to leave, she only had to walk next door. On the way she explained her long drug use, having Valencia at 16 years old by a guy she met at rave in L.A. she didn’t know and only getting clean after her mother’s death. By then Val was 21 years old and really didn’t want anything to do with her, but she kept up her routine of calling twice a year at Val’s birthday and on Christmas.
Later that night after dad, Ms. Michelle, K, Justine and Valentina left LaShawn told me Pascha would be staying with her from now on. She would probably be living in the house until Val’s house next door would be vacant. Eric said Pascha would no longer speak to him or Ms. Josie so he would allow LaShawn to be her guardian as long as he and his mom had access to his daughter. LaShawn agreed and now she’s raising a child even though she never thought she’d want to be a parent.