
Chapter Two—What’s So Great About Grace?

1. Michael E. Ruane, “How Julia Ward Howe Wrote ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’—Despite Her Husband,” The Washington Post, November 18, 2011.

Chapter Three—The Battle

1. Enjoli Perfume “Because I’m a Woman” commercial,

Chapter Four—The Enemies of Grace

1. Jill Canon, Civil War Heroines (Santa Barbara, CA: Bellerophon Books, 1995), 52.

Chapter Five—Qualified by Grace

1. National Institute of Justice, “Recidivism,”

2. Jonathan Aitken, John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2007).

Chapter Six—The Armory of Grace

1. For background and further details of the story of Hubert Mitchell and his family, read his niece Arlita Morken Winston’s book Heart-Cry (Victoria, BC, Trafford Publishing), 145-49. Arlita and her parents, David and Helen Morken, were also missionaries with Hubert and Helen Mitchell in the jungles of Sumatra.

2. Learn more at

Chapter Eight—Enlisted in Grace

1. Hudson Taylor, China (London: James Nisbet and Company, 1865), 14.

Chapter Nine—Use It or Lose It

1. Christine Hunter, The Little Woman (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishing, 1970).

Chapter Ten—Land Mines

1. Unicef, “Children and Landmines,”

Chapter Twelve—Stories of Grace

1. Healthline, “Multiple Sclerosis by the Numbers,