image can explain,’ you say to the Principal.

‘You’d better,’ he says, the light glinting on his glasses.

‘This class had no teacher,’ you say. ‘It was in a state of pandemonium. Quite disgraceful really. I felt it my duty, as a responsible student, to take charge. I may be new to the school, but that doesn’t mean I have to put up with sloppy behaviour from my peers.’

‘Er, quite,’ the Principal says. You’ve definitely shaken him. He turns to the rest of the class.

‘I just wish,’ he says, ‘that you would all show this kind of maturity and good sense. It’s the sort of attitude we see too rarely nowadays. Why, when I was your age, I was always helping out the teachers by letting them know when my classmates did anything wrong.’

The students don’t look too impressed, but the Principal turns back to you.

‘You’re a fine example to the others,’ he says. ‘I’d like you to drop into my office at lunchtime. I’ve just received entry forms for the Student of the Year Competition. I think you might be our choice.’

Sure enough, with the Principal’s strong backing, you win the competition, and a month later you leave for a year’s study in Hawaii. That’s your prize for being student of the year. What’s it matter that no student at the school has spoken to you since your first day? You’re off to Honolulu, and the surf’s great!
