Marichelle 9:
Broken Compass
Maybe you think I’m crazy because I say crazy things. I don’t mind if I’m crazy but don’t be too sure. Don’t give up so quick. There’s more to see.
Try not to be too in love with all your conclusions. Let go of the conclusions you have and see what other ones come in. Don’t hold onto them so hard. They’re all wrong anyway so maybe that makes it easier to let go.
Being done with old conclusions is a big part of this, even more than having new conclusions, I would say. I don’t know if I have any conclusions really. I can’t think of any right now.
Don’t worry so much about the outside world and all the people and nature and everything. That doesn’t matter. Worry about inside instead. Everything makes pretty good sense when you see it right, or maybe stop seeing it wrong.
Waking up out of coma is not something people want to know about. If they wanted to know, they’d already know because it’s really the most obvious thing. There are no secrets about anything, there’s only where you look and where you don’t look.
We think there’s all kinds of mystery and secrets, but I would say there’s not. Everything is very obvious if you look. Why it’s a mystery is the real mystery. Why don’t we look? That’s the really crazy thing.
This is like the easiest level. It’s so obvious that you have to ask why you didn’t know this your whole life. This isn’t top secret or high level or anything, it’s just very basic.
Why they didn’t tell you this in school is a good question. The answer is they didn’t know, okay? Nobody told them so they didn’t tell you. That’s not so bad, it’s just how it works. If you want to do something different that’s up to you.
Take a look at this word spiritual. Maybe it’s not as good as you think. Maybe it confuses things more than it clears them up, okay? Maybe that’s a good place to start looking.
You can say everything is spiritual or nothing is, but you can’t say some things are spiritual and some things aren’t, like good stuff is spiritual and bad stuff is something else. You can’t cut it up that way. Spiritual doesn’t mean nice, it means everything.
The word spiritual is like a broken compass that sends you the wrong way because you think it works okay. Maybe that’s what you really want, to go the wrong way and never get where you’re going. Maybe you like your compass to be broken, I don’t know.
Things are not always clear in this area. It’s hard to tell what you want when you don’t even know. It might be good to figure out what you want before you go looking for it, but we don’t always make total sense.
Spiritual doesn’t mean anything. It’s a wrong word. It’s based on wrong ideas about things. If you like your wrong ideas about everything that’s fine, but if you want to come out of coma you have to say goodbye to wrong ideas. That’s a good conclusion you can let go of.
The only thing you can do is get out of coma. Anything else is inside coma which just means more of this crazy world. How much reality do you think there is if you’re still in the coma? Pretty much zero, I would say.
Don’t worry about leaving, there’s no place else to go. Coma is where we live, but you can go see what’s out there. You can go out and have a nice look around, but then you always come back, no big deal.
People are easy to fool, that’s their main feature. Once you have this feature there can be anything, right? Being easy to fool is the most important thing because then there can be anything and it’s all just as real as anything else.
You’re sure that you’re a human, right? You think there’s so much evidence that it must be true and everyone agrees, but without proof there’s just evidence. Evidence is for belief and proof is for knowing, okay? Human is just a kind of monkey, I would say.
I don’t have to make sense anymore. I made sense for a long time and that was enough. You can only make so much sense before it’s too much. I am very comfortable with this level of sense. It’s like the temperature thing on the wall. This is right where I like it.
There is no real value of anything. Nothing has real value of its own. Something has value because you say it has value. There is only the value you believe. The real value of everything is nothing. That’s a good thing to know.
If you think coma is real, you’re crazy, but if everyone is crazy then maybe it’s not so crazy. Then maybe I’m the crazy one and you should be explaining things to me.
To you everything is pretty obvious, but this isn’t about obvious, it’s about what you can be sure about, which is a lot less than you think. You should go back and take a closer look. I would say that’s the main thing you could do.
The answer is that you’re insane, so that must be what you came here to ask. That’s what you want to know even if you don’t know it. Are you insane? Yes, you are very insane. I hope that helps.
Be careful of people who tell you you’re not insane and you’re not in coma and everything is just fine. That’s what you like to hear but it’s not true, it just makes you feel better. If you just want to feel better you should get a massage or have an extra dessert or something.