Erik Jansen had hated being a Marine. He didn’t mind the actual training, but he had hated just about everything else. He hated the culture. Six-second showers for seventy-five recruits that had been sweating and crawling through salt marshes all day produced some odors that he could still feel clinging to the inside of his nostrils. He had once been punished for being late because he was only fifteen minutes early. The drill instructors treated him like a slave and nitpicked every move that he made. They yelled at him for asking too many questions. They yelled at him for not taking the initiative if he didn’t ask questions and awaited instructions. He hadn’t seen the point in any of it. He had been glad when they kicked him to the curb for knocking out the teeth of one of the drill instructors.
But he had acquired some valuable skills during his brief time in the Marine Corps. He had already been a good fighter, but they had honed his abilities. They had taught him about weapons. They had taught him how to kill, up close and from a distance.
He thought back on those lessons as he sat four hundred yards away from the back corner of the Jackson’s Grove Mall. A wide swath of undeveloped land bordered the mall’s lot and beyond that was a road lined on one side by small suburban homes and apartments. He had parked his maroon Dodge Caravan along that road in front of a little yellow ranch-style prefab. The mini-van didn’t seem out of place in any environment and had plenty of interior room. That was exactly why he had chosen it.
Inside the back of the van, he laid out his Remington 700 M24 sniper rifle between the second row of bucket seats. A Leupold Mk 4 LR/T M3 10×40mm scope sat atop the weapon. The rifle was loaded with M118LR 7.62 175-grain ammunition and had an effective range of about eight hundred and seventy-five yards. He would only have to shoot half that distance today.
He had it all planned out.
When Belacourt pulled up to the back of the mall, Jansen would slide open the side door of the van, sight in on the coward, and unleash a round traveling at 2,580 feet per second. The front glass of the car shouldn’t be an issue, although he would have preferred to have another shooter there to pop the glass before he delivered the kill shot. But either way, he’d fire a second round to make sure that Belacourt was dead.
Then he’d turn the gun on anyone else nearby and kill a few more of the slaves, just for good measure.