John Canyon wasn’t in any pain. In fact, he felt almost euphoric, but he knew that he was dying. It was never a good sign when a person couldn’t feel anything beneath his or her naval.
Tobias was on his knees beside him, and in the new dawn light and the flickering illumination of the flames, Canyon could see a little bit of himself in his son. He had always thought that the boy took after his mother, but when he looked up now he saw his own eyes looking back. The same fire, but one he had never taken the time to notice.
Tobias said, “An ambulance is on the way. We’re gonna get you help. You’ll be okay. Just lay still.”
Canyon snorted a laugh and felt something tear inside of him as he did. He said, “I always could tell when you were lying, boy.”
“I’m sorry that I allowed myself to be captured, Father.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I’m the one who’s sorry. I’ve been so busy trying to build a legacy for our people that I forgot the best way I could do that was through you. I should’ve had you working beside me a long time ago.”
Tears streamed down Tobias’s cheeks, and he said, “I would’ve fought you every step of the way.”
“But at least we would’ve been together. I love you, and I’m proud of you. Go be a better man than I was.” Canyon coughed up blood before finishing, “Tell your mother that I love her and that I should have been a protector for her.”
Sobbing and his words barely audible, Tobias said, “I can’t believe this is happening. Maybe we can still do something. You should be telling her that yourself.”
“Most people in my line of work, son, get their ticket punched without any warning. A bullet to the back of the head or a random chance death, wrong side of a deal gone bad. I’m just thankful that I’ve been given a moment to say goodbye.”
Leaning over and crying on his father’s chest, Tobias whispered, “I’m going to kill him for this. I’ll avenge you, Father. I’ll make him pay.”
Canyon asked, “Who are you talking about?”
“The stranger… Francis Ackerman Jr. I heard him tell Liana. That’s his real name.”
Canyon used what strength he had left to grab the boy by the shirt and pull him close. He said, “You stay as far away from that man as you possibly can. He’s filled with the spirit of Coyote, an ancient force that you cannot fight. Tell him to come over here.”
“But Father—”
“I don’t have much time or strength left. The real one who is responsible for this is your Uncle Xavier. And right now, the only way I’m going to get my vengeance against him is by helping the enemy of my enemy.”
With a nod and a wipe of his tears, Tobias stood and went to fetch the stranger. A moment later Frank knelt by his side. He looked much different than he had before the bombs had gone off. He was now covered by layers of dust, soot, and blood. And there was something else. Something in his eyes that frightened Canyon beyond reason. Feeling himself slipping away and his cognitive reasoning slowing by the moment, John Canyon proclaimed, “Please kill him for me, Coyote. I recognize you now.”
Frank said, “Where has Yazzie taken her?”
“The casino. He’ll try to take Reyna with him. And he has cash there. If you don’t stop him now, he’ll disappear into Mexico.”
Frank replied, “It has been some time since I’ve taken a trip south of the border, but considering that my friends probably don’t have that long to live, I am completely open to your suggestions.”
“Once, he took me up into the hills north of Roanhorse. I couldn’t tell you where now. It was years ago, when we were kids. Way up in the cliffs, hidden, there was temple of the Old Ones. Undiscovered by the belegana dirt diggers. They had a kiva up there filled with bones. He showed it to me once and told me about a spirit that visited him when he had fallen into the pit. He called it He Who Devours the World. Yazzie always was out of his mind, to believe in such nonsense. But he does believe it, and I’ve heard him talk about He Who Devours several times over the years. I think he worships whatever it is as some kind of god. That’s where he’s taken your friend.”
“I appreciate the information,” Frank said, “but if you don’t know where this temple of the Old Ones is located, that’s not much help to me. How are we supposed to find it?”
Canyon shook his head. “Only Yazzie can tell you that. He’ll be in the penthouse of the south tower. Thirteenth floor. And he doesn’t think that I know about it, but there’s a back way into the south tower that allows you to take the service elevator up to the penthouse. It’s how he’s been sneaking up to visit my wife. Just promise me that you’ll kill him for me, Coyote.”
Frank smiled and replied, “Consider it done.”