List of Abbreviations

References to Heidegger’s works will use the following abbreviations. All references will include a cross-reference to the English translation, where such exists. Thus (SZ 83/114) indicates that I am quoting from p. 83 of Sein und Zeit, a translation of which is found on p. 114 of the English edition listed in the Sein und Zeit entry found below. Occasionally, the translations are my own, though I have sometimes used (and frequently modified) existing translations.

I begin the listings with volumes from Heidegger’s Gesamtausgabe (Collected Works), all of which are published by Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main. In the case of some books which are published in editions outside the Gesamtausgabe and in the Gesamtausgabe as well — especially Sein und Zeit, Holzwege, Wegmarken, Vorträge und Aufsätze, Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung, and Unterwegs zur Sprache — I have cited the non-Gesamtausgabe editions, since they are more generally available.


GA 1 Frühe Schriften, ed. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann (1978).
GA 2 Sein und Zeit, ed. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann (1977).
GA 29/30 Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik: Welt–Endlichkeit-Einsamkeit (Winter Semester, 1929/30), ed. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann (1983).
GA 34 Vom Wesen der Menschlichen Freiheit (Winter Semester, 1931/2), ed. Herrmann Mörchen (1988).
GA 39 Hölderlins Hymnen “Germanien” und “Der Rhein” (Winter Semester, 1934/5), ed. Suzanne Ziegler (1980).
GA 43 Nietzsche: der Wille zur Macht als Kunst (Winter Semester, 1936/7), ed. Bernd Heimbüchel.
GA 45 Grundfragen der Philosophie: Ausgewählte “Probleme” der “Logik” (Winter Semester, 1937/8), ed. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann.
GA 48 Nietzsche: Der europäische Nihilismus (Second Freiburg Trimester, 1940), ed. Petra Jaeger (1986).
GA 50 (1) Nietzsches Metaphysik; (2) Einleitung in die Philosophie. Denken und Dichten (Winter Semester, 1941/2, announced, but not held), ed. Petra Jaeger (1990).
GA 51 Grundbegriffe (Summer Semester, 1941), ed. Petra Jaeger (1981).

Basic Concepts, trans. Gary E. Aylesworth. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.

GA 52 Hölderlins Hymne “Andenken” (Winter Semester, 1941/2), ed. Curt Ochwadt (1982).
GA 53 Hölderlins Hymne “Der Ister” (Summer Semester, 1942), ed. Walter Biemel (1984).
GA 54 Parmenides (Winter Semester, 1942/3), ed. Manfred S. Frings (1982).

Parmenides, trans. André Schuwer and Richard Rojcewicz. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992.

GA 55 Heraklit. (1) Der Anfang des abendlandischen Denkens (Heraklit) (Summer Semester, 1943); (2) Logik. Heraklits Lehre vom Logos (Summer Semester, 1944), ed. Manfred S. Frings (1979).
GA 56/57 Zur Bestimmung der Philosophie (1) Die Idee der Philosophie und das Weltanschauungsproblem (War Emergency Semester, 1919); (2) Phänomenologie und transzendentale Wertphilosophie (Summer Semester, 1919), ed. Bernd Heimbüchel (1987).
GA 61 Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles. Einführung in die phänomenologische Forschung (Winter Semester, 1921/2), ed. Walter Bröcker and Kate Bröcker-Oltmanns (1985).
GA 63 Ontologie. Hermeneutik der Faktizität (Summer Semester, 1923), ed. Kate Bröcker-Oltmanns (1988).
GA 65 Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), ed. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann (1989).

Other Works by Heidegger

DR Das Rektorat 1933/34. Tatsachen und Gedanken, ed. Hermann Heidegger. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1983.

‘The Rectorate 1933/34: Facts and Thoughts,” trans. Karsten Harries, in Martin Heidegger and National Socialism, Questions and Answers, ed. Günther Neske and Emil Kettering. New York: Paragon House, 1990.

EHD Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung. 5th edn. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1981.

pp. 9–30: “Remembrance of the Poet,” trans. Douglas Scott, in Existence and Being, ed. Werner Brock. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1949.

pp. 31–45: “Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry,” trans. Douglas Scott, in Existence and Being.

EM Einführung in die Metaphysik. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1953.

An Introduction to Metaphysics, trans. Ralph Manheim. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959.

G Gelassenheit. 10th edn. Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1992.

Discourse on Thinking, trans. John M. Anderson and E. Hans Freund. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.

Hw Holzwege. 5th edn. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1972.

pp. 7–68: “The Origin of the Work of Art,” in Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.

pp. 248–95: “What are Poets For?” in Poetry, Language, Thought.

N I Nietzsche, Volume One. 2nd edn. Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1961.

pp. 1–220: Nietzsche, Vol. I, The Will to Power as Art, trans. David Farrell Krell. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1991.

pp. 1–233: Nietzsche, Vol. II, The Eternal Recurrence of the Same, trans. David Farrell Krell. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1991.

pp. 1–158: Nietzsche, Vol. III, The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics, “The Will to Power as Knowledge,” trans. Joan Stambaugh, David Farrell Krell and Frank A. Capuzzi. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1991.

N II Nietzsche, Volume Two. 2nd edn. Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1961.

pp. 159–83: Nietzsche, Vol. III, The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics, “The Eternal Recurrence of the Same and the Will to Power.”

pp. 1–196: Nietzsche, Vol. IV, Nihilism, “European Nihilism”, trans. Frank Capuzzi, ed. David Farrell Krell. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1991.

pp. 185–250: Nietzsche, Vol. III, The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics, “Nietzsche’s Metaphysics.”

pp. 197–250: Nietzsche, Vol. IV, Nihilism, “Nihilism as Determined by the History of Being.”

SA Schellings Abhandlung über das Wesen der Menschlichen Freiheit (1809). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1971.
SDU Die Selbstbehauptung der deutschen Universität, ed. Hermann Heidegger. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1983.

’The Self-Assertion of the German University,” trans. William S. Lewis, in The Heidegger Controversy, ed. Richard Wolin. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1993.

Sp “Nur noch ein Gott kann uns retten.” Spiegel-Gespräch mit Martin Heidegger am 23 September, 1966. Der Spiegel, 26, 31 May 1976, pp. 193–219.

“Only a God Can Save Us: Der Spiegel’s Interview with Martin Heidegger,” trans. Maria P. Alter and John D. Caputo, in The Heidegger Controversy.

SZ Sein und Zeit. 16th edn. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1986.

Being and Time, trans. John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson. New York: Harper & Row, 1962.

TK Die Technik und die Kehre. Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1962.

pp. 1–36: “The Question Concerning Technology,” trans. William Lovitt, in Martin Heidegger: Basic Writings, ed. David Farrell Krell. New York: Harper & Row, 1977.

pp. 37–47: “The Turning,” in The Question Concerning Technology, trans. William Lovitt. New York: Harper & Row, 1977.

US Unterwegs zur Sprache. 3rd edn. Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1965.

pp. 9–33: “Language,” in Poetry, Language, Thought.

pp. 35–end: On the Way to Language, trans. Peter D. Hertz. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.

VA Vorträge und Aufsätze. 2nd edn. Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1967.

pp. 13–44: “The Question Concerning Technology,” trans. William Lovitt, in Basic Writings.

pp. 71–99: “Overcoming Metaphysics,” trans. Joan Stambaugh, in The Heidegger Controversy.

pp. 187–204: “… Poetically Man Dwells …,” in Poetry, Language, Thought.

WHD Was Heisst Denken? Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1954.

What is Called Thinking? trans. Fred D. Wieck and J. Glenn Gray.

New York: Harper & Row, 1972.

Wm Wegmarken. 2nd edn., revized and expanded. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1967.

pp. 1–44: “Anmerkungen zu Karl Jaspers “Psychologie der Weltanschauung (1919/21).”

pp. 73–98: “On the Essence of Truth,” trans. John Sallis, in Basic Writings.

pp. 103–21: “What is Metaphysics?” trans. David Farrell Krell, in Basic Writings.

pp. 145–94: “Letter on Humanism,” trans. Frank A. Capuzzi, with J. Glenn Gray and David Farrell Krell, in Basic Writings.

pp. 213–53: The Question of Being, trans. Jean T. Wilde and William Kluback. New Haven: College and University Press, 1958.