Lullaby, my little cat,
Lord of Mouse and Knave of Bat.
Hail, Mischief, full of grace,
who did lately love this place.
Lullaby your crescent claws
in the chambers of your paws,
which you sharpen day and night,
keeping all my kettles bright.
Lullaby your gentle purr.
What small spirits did you lure
to the mushroom rings I made
and the lesser spells we laid?
Lullaby your pebbled tongue.
Keep my velvets ever young.
Keep my slippers ever slick
with the patience of a lick.
Lullaby your lively tail.
Never have I seen it fail,
spirits gone and revels done,
to point the quickest highway home.
Eternal life, eternal death
hang on our Creator’s breath.
Little tiger in God’s eye,
remember Biddy’s lullaby.