Thanks to those who helped in the making of this book. Most of you know who you are. For those of you who don't, that's OK. I know who you are and I appreciate your time and advice.
Many thanks to editor Amy Hattersley (who was patient with my many changes to the manuscript and layout), book designer Brian Roeth (who was also patient with my many changes to the manuscript and layout), chapter opener photographer Al Parrish (whose photos add credibility to my projects and kicked up the artistic level of this book several notches), photo stylist Nora Martini (who supplied the props and set up the chapter opener photos) and production coordinator Jennifer Wagner (who gathered all the book stuff together and made it possible for this book to actually be printed).
To my wife and best friend, Gina, (who was patient with several months of box building in our basement and later, storage of those boxes in our dining room).
To my three adult children Brian, Rebecca and Kelly. Remember that families are forever!