Copyright © 2008 Mike McIntyre
Great Plains Publications 420 – 70 Arthur Street Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G7
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Design & Typography by Relish Design Studio Ltd. Printed in Canada by Friesens
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
McIntyre, Mike
Devil among us : how Canada failed to stop a pedophile / Mike McIntyre.
ISBN 978-1-894283-80-9
1. Whitmore, Peter, 1971-. 2. Child molesters--Canada--Biography.
3. Kidnapping--Canada. 4. Criminal justice, Administration of--Canada.
5. Child sexual abuse--Canada--Case studies. I. Title.
HV6570.4.C3M35 2008 364.15’36 C2008-902491-5
E-book conversion by Human Powered Design
ISBN 978-1-927855-45-4 (EPUB)
ISBN 978-1-927855-46-1 (mobi)
To Chassity – who knows me better than I know myself.