Praise for You’ll Get Through This

“Max Lucado’s latest book, You’ll Get Through This, digs deep into what it means to go through hard times as a believer, and it gives a realistic, hopeful view of where God is in the process. Let’s face it: life is tough sometimes, and it’s easy to wonder where God is in the middle of a struggle. Max hits that head-on. As someone who has made a lot of mistakes and been through a lot of hard times, I’m really glad Max wrote this book.”

—Dave Ramsey, New York Times best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio show host

“It’s popular for some Christian ministers to sell the magic elixir of ‘believe and achieve,’ which quickly dispatches our pain and problems and leaves us living the free and easy life. It’s popular, but there is just one little issue—it’s not true. Real faith doesn’t get us out of trouble, just through it. Max Lucado is one of America’s most trusted Christian authors because his messages speak to people who aren’t living a fairy tale but a faith trail. This latest book is rooted in reality and in scripture. It will help you.”

—Gov. Mike Huckabee, host of Huckabee on Fox News Channel, The Mike Huckabee Show and the Huckabee Report on Cumulus Radio Network; and five-time New York Times best-selling author

“Max Lucado has a genius for gently grabbing his readers in the first sentence and captivating them until the very last word. But it’s what’s on the pages in between that will move you to the very marrow: truth. In this newest book Max makes the four-thousand-year-old story of Joseph as relevant to you as today’s headlines. You will definitely come away believing that ‘you’ll get through this’—whatever ‘this’ is in your life.”

—Kathie Lee Gifford, cohost, the fourth hour of the Today Show

“When times are tough we all could use some reassurance. Like a tried and true friend, Max Lucado delivers biblical truth in encouraging fashion. His words will bring you relief in the present and hope for the future. You’ll Get Through This will help you do just that. It’s more than a title; it’s a promise.”

—Dave Stone, pastor, Southeast Christian Church

“Max Lucado blows a trumpet of victory as he takes you on a journey through the ruins of Joseph’s life and his transformation into the secondmost powerful man of his generation. As you recognize your own shattered dreams and broken heart through Joseph’s journey, you will also learn to trust in God’s unfailing truths.”

—Janelle Hail, founder and CEO, National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

“This is a life-changing message, shared at a critical time in the way only Max can. No matter what you are walking through, you will find hope and strength to stand when everything around you seems to be falling. Max gives us a profound reminder that God is in control.”

—Sheila Walsh, author, God Loves Broken People: And Those Who Pretend They’re Not; and Women of Faith® speaker

“Heavy-hearted people living in a heavy-handed world need more than wishful thinking going for them. That stuff might help us face a tough moment, but it can’t get us beyond it. We need something huge, genuine, and reliable for that to happen. Fortunately, we worship a God who’s in the hope business. Max Lucado captures the sound of His voice with all its glorious grace in You’ll Get Through This. If life has knocked you down, this book will show you how to get back up and stay there.”

—Dr. Tim Kimmel, author, Grace-Based Parenting

“We all encounter chapters in our personal stories when life doesn’t go as we imagined it would. In his classic style Max Lucado draws from the biblical story of Joseph to encourage us that we’ll get through it—and that God will redeem the hard times for His glory and purpose.”

—Jim Daly, president, Focus on the Family

“Without doubt we are living in turbulent times. We long to know that our storms, trials, disappointments, and challenges have a purpose beyond our pain. In this book Max masterfully and compellingly shows us how our greatest trials and worst mistakes can be the launching pad into our destiny. Nothing is wasted. Don’t give up. You’ll get through this. I was riveted from the first word to the last.”

—Christine Caine, founder, The A21 Campaign; and best-selling author, Undaunted

“As someone who has struggled and suffered, I know this message is not only true, it is utterly crucial. God doesn’t want anyone to go through life without knowing this. Please don’t.

—Eric Metaxas, New York Times best-selling author, Bonhoeffer:Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery

“Max Lucado and Joseph the Coat-Wearer are a winning combination. I defy anybody to read this book and not be encouraged.”

—John Ortberg, senior pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church; and author, Who Is This Man?

“As the title itself says, this book is a must-read for anyone who has ever felt stuck or discouraged because of circumstances. Max doesn’t just speak from personal experience but points us to the stories in scripture of God’s faithfulness and reminds us that not a single follower has ever been deserted in life’s journey. It is not just Max reassuring us but him showing us who God is—a rescuer, a deliverer, who delights in the redemption of His people.”

—Laura Story, Grammy Award-winning artist and writer of the hit songs Indescribable and Blessings

“In his new book You’ll Get Through This, Max offers much needed practical wisdom for those who are facing what seem like impossible obstacles. If you need comfort, encouragement, or hope, this book will reveal the faithfulness of God and give faith to believe that you’ll get through this.”

—Craig Groeschel, senior pastor,; and author, Altar Ego: Becoming Who God Says You Are

“Every book by Max Lucado is an individual work of art, revealing profound truths through powerful prose and iridescent story. You’ll Get Through This is no exception. Masterfully unfolding episodes from the life of Joseph, this book leaves you with an overwhelming sense of confidence that His presence will take you through and His deep love will make you whole.”

—Wayne Cordeiro, pastor, New Hope Christian Fellowship

“Sometimes I get as anxious as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs when I can’t see around the corner of my circumstances. But in You’ll Get Through This, Max reminded me that God is always in control and His providence will never take me to a place where His grace won’t sustain me.”

—Lisa Harper, Bible teacher, author, and Women of Faith® speaker

“Most of us know the story of the multi-colored coat, the dreams, and the jealous brothers. We know how Joseph ended up in the bottom of a cistern, and we may even remember how Joseph got out. But many of us have missed how Joseph’s story mirrors our own. We’re all facing a pit, aren’t we? In You’ll Get Through This Max Lucado offers practical advice that is both sage and compassionate. It’s a reminder that the God who redeemed Joseph’s story is redeeming each of ours.”

—Mark Batterson, New York Times best-selling author, The Circle Maker

“From time to time each of us confronts ‘trials, toils, and snares.’ In this uplifting new book Max Lucado inspiringly provides comfort and hope for our darkest moments. In his inimitable way Max weaves Joseph’s powerful story of faithful endurance into our own, calling us to lean on God’s promises as He carries us through the valley of shadows and into a bright new day.”

—Kenneth Winston Starr, president, Baylor University

“No matter how bleak our reality, God is bigger still. And because He is good and motivated by intense love for each of us, God can and will lead us up the mountain of adversity and through the valley of the shadow of death. His presence will be enough as He flexes His might and uses the pain for greater good and eternal glory. And who better to lead us into these assuring truths? None other than Max Lucado. Only his pastoral heart rivals his writing genius, and the two together will shepherd you forward with the confidence that you’ll get through this. Read this book and let Jesus use Max to lead you through the most turbulent times.”

—Louie Giglio, pastor, Passion City Church/Passion Conferences; and author, I Am Not but I Know I AM

“I can speak from my own life, that my trials and tribulations have taught me so much more about the sweetness of Christ than my affluence and ‘happy’ times ever have. God is teaching us and preparing us for His true plan for our lives through the trials and tribulations of this fallen world. Max does a superb job, using the story of Joseph to show all of us that God will carry us through, not just to survive but to find our true calling in His divine plan.”

—Rick Burgess, cohost, Rick and Bubba Show

“Max Lucado still delivers. His writing is required reading! You’ll Get Through This provides encouragement, a sense of direction, and, ultimately, a real and needed dose of hope. I highly recommend it.”

—Brad Lomenick, president and key visionary, Catalyst; and author, The Catalyst Leader