A wiz the last one to see Rosie before it all happened and I’ll tell you what, if she wiz goin to do anything she would have told me first. As her best mate she would have. No danger.
And if she didn’t say anythin, which she didn’t, I would have spotted somethin a mile off anyway. No danger.
She wiz just the same Rosie that day apart from havin women’s problems, which we all have, and we all have a pure mad off day, but nothin that would lead us to that. No danger.
The thing that made her really annoyed that day wiz Clem. He wiz actin like a pure rocket. I always thought he wiz a smart arse. He thought he wiz pure cool as and dead good-lookin. Pure lookin down his nose at us coz he thought he wiz this pure big brainy guy.
He warped her mind. After she met him she started listenin to all this mad music, you know that type of music that messes with the head. You just need to look at what’s happened in America because of that mad music people listen to. Loads of people get killed in schools over there, don’t they? And in Germany as well! No, I’m not blamin it all on the music. Anyway, she wiz one of those people that didn’t believe in all that stuff, she wiz a pacific person. Eh? Someone who believes in peace and all that. A pacifist, whatever.
The last time I saw her wiz in the toilets. They wouldn’t let anyone see her, apart from her maw.