Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Alleman-Weber, Laurie, 169

almond flour, 6, 7

Almond Spread, 100

Cream Cheese Crust, 230

Saffron Cookie Dough, 190

Toasted Fennel Cake, 30

toasting before use, 7


Brutally Italian Almond Cake, 188, 189

Champagne Vinegar and Almond
Caramels, 178, 179

Fregolotta, 199, 199

aniseeds: Sesame Anise Sticks, 176, 176

Anson Mills, 6, 121


Apple with Dulce and Sesame Seeds, 201, 201

Bread Crumb–Fried Fruit, 134–35, 134

Fast-Roasted Fruit, 23

Smoked Applesauce, 38


Pit Cream, 206

Sour Apricot Sorbet (Dried Fruit Method), 58


Fried Artichokes, 104

Fried Roman Artichokes with Ricotta Gelato, Honey, and Matzo Croccante, 103–4, 105

Avocados and Strawberries, 66

Babbo, New York, 107

baking sheets (half baking sheets), 8

Balsamic Fig Compote, 94

bananas: Peanut Butter Mascarpone with Bejeweled Bananas, 221, 222

Barr, Mick, 225, 239

Basic Gelato, 209, 209

Basil Gelato, 210

Bastianich, Joe, 69

Bastianich, Lidia, 61, 69, 165, 197, 199

Lidia’s Sweet Pea Cake with Macerated Strawberries, Strawberry Gelato, and Candied Split Peas, 61–63, 61, 63

Zabaglione, Lidia Style, 207, 208

Bastoncino, 217, 217

Batali, Mario, 98, 107, 203

Zabaglione, Mario Style, 207, 208

Bellini, Philadelphia, 44


Avocados and Strawberries, 66

Corn-Corn Huckleberry Cookies, 109–10, 109

Hand-Pulled Stracciatella with Strawberry Quick Jam and Croutons, 228, 228, 229

Huckleberry Marmellata, 35, 36

Lidia’s Sweet Pea Cake with Macerated Strawberries, Strawberry Gelato, and Candied Split Peas, 61–63, 61, 63

Pickled Green Strawberries, 30, 31, 32

Polenta Shortcake with Blackberry Compote, 118–19, 118

Strawberry Gelato, 212–13

Strawberry Sauce, 37

Sugared Green Strawberries with Toasted Fennel Cake, Candied Fennel, and Mint Gelato, 29–32, 31

biscuits: Rosa’s Biscuits, or “The Best Thing I Have Ever Eaten in America,” 141–42, 141


Blackberry Compote, 118, 119

Polenta Shortcake with Blackberry Compote, 118–19, 118

blender, immersion, 9

Born Against, 2, 15, 40–42, 96, 107–8, 196, 197

bowls, 10


Bread Crumb–Fried Fruit, 134–35, 134

Bread Crumbs, 133, 133

Chestnut Cakes, 194–95, 195

Croutons, 132, 132

Goat Cheese Mousse with Fried Bread Crumbs, 94

Pappa al Pomodoro, 80

S’Mores: Warm La Tur with Charred Bread and Chocolate–Olive Oil Sauce, 250, 250, 251

Sweet Pea Cake, 62–63

Brochette’s BBQ, Alabama, 12, 13–14

Brown Butter Panna Cotta, 224, 225–26, 227

Brown Butter Sauce, 74

brownies: Torta Caprese, 115, 172, 173

Brumgnach, Lara, 61

Brutally Italian Almond Cake, 188, 189

Brutti ma Buoni, 183

buckwheat flour, 7

Buckwheat Crespelle, 114

Buckwheat Shortbread Cookies, 113, 113


Brown Butter Panna Cotta, 224, 225–26, 227

Brown Butter Sauce, 74

Saffron Compound Butter, 190

Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo with Milk Jam and Sbrisolona, 246, 247

butterscotch zabaglione, 247


Brutally Italian Almond Cake, 188, 189

Chestnut Cakes, 194–95, 195

Error Carrot Cake, 75, 76, 77

Grilled Lemon Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze, 33–34, 33

Kabocha Cake with Sage Gelato and Candied Squash, 73–74

Lemon Cake, 34

Molten Chocolate Cake, 150–51, 150

Sweet Pea Cake, 62–63, 63

Tiramisù Sponge Cake, 241–42, 242

Toasted Fennel Cake, 30

Campanile, Los Angeles, 38, 53, 54, 170, 177, 233, 245

Candied Carrots, 77, 79

Candied Cucumber, 70

Candied Fennel, 32

Candied Nuts with a Lot of Salt, 177, 177

Candied Split Peas, 62

Candied Squash, 74

Candied Walnuts, 102

cannoli: Cannolo Stile Libero: The Free-Form Cannoli, 236–37, 237

cantaloupe: Verjus Melon Candy, 24, 25

Caramelized Chocolate Gelato, 159

Caramelized Chocolate Truffles, Free-Form, 163–64, 164

caramels: Champagne Vinegar and Almond Caramels, 178, 179


Candied Carrots, 77, 79

Carrot Sauce, 78

Error Carrot Cake, 75, 76, 77

Cashew Gelato, 216

Cecchini, Dario, 83–84


Celery Sorbet, 56

Sfera di Caprino with Celery Sorbet,

Shaved Celery Salad, 94–95

Champagne Vinegar and Almond Caramels, 178, 179

Chef, use of term, 140

cherries: Fast-Roasted Fruit, 23


Chestnut Cakes, 194–95, 195

Chestnut Puree, 194

Spezzata di Castagne with Red Wine Plums and Yogurt Sorbet, 194–95, 195

Steamed Chestnuts, 195

China cap, 8

chinois, 8, 8

chocolate, 6, 144–73

Amedei, 6

Bastoncino, 217, 217

Caramelized Chocolate Gelato, 159

Chocolate Coating, 160

Chocolate-Covered Honeycomb, 170, 171

Chocolate Sauce, 100

The Chocolate Tree, 144, 155–57, 155, 156

Eggplant and Chocolate, 98, 99, 100

Fake Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies with Lots of Salt, 146, 146

Free-Form Caramelized Chocolate Truffles, 163–64, 164

Molten Chocolate Cake, 150–51, 150

Ricotta Stracciatella, 213

S’Mores: Warm La Tur with Charred Bread and Chocolate–Olive Oil Sauce, 250, 250, 251

Tartufo Mousse, 166

TCHO, 3, 6, 153

tempering, 157, 157

Tofu Chocolate Crème Brûlée, 147–48

Torta Caprese, 115, 172, 173

Citrus Sugar, 32

cling film (plastic wrap), 9

Coating, Chocolate, 160

Coca-Cola Sauce, 233–34

cocoa, see chocolate

coffee: Tartufo al Caffé, 165–67, 167

coffee/spice grinder, 8


Balsamic Fig Compote, 94

Blackberry Compote, 118, 119

condensed milk: Boil the Can, You Made a Bomb, 243–44


Brutti ma Buoni, 183

Buckwheat Shortbread Cookies, 113, 113

Corn-Corn Huckleberry Cookies, 109–10, 109

Crustoli, Jennie Style, 131, 131

Fake Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies with Lots of Salt, 146, 146

Fregolotta, 198, 199, 199

Quinoa Cookie Sandwiches, 111–12, 111

Saffron Wedding Cookies, 190, 191

Sesame Anise Sticks, 176, 176

cooking spray, nonstick, 10


Corn-Corn Huckleberry Cookies, 109–10, 109

Corn Cream, 205–6, 205

corn syrup, 48–49

C.R.A.S.H., 225, 239

Cream Cheese Crust, 230


Corn Cream, 205–6, 205

Pastry Cream, 204

Pit Cream, 206

Steeped Coffee Cream, 166

Tiramisù Cream, 241

Creamsicle, Cucumber, 69–70, 70

Crème Brûlée, Tofu Chocolate, 147–48

crème frâiche: Goat Cheese Mousse with Fried Bread Crumbs, 94

Crêpes, Polenta, 116

Crespelle, Buckwheat, 114

Croutons, 132, 132

Hand-Pulled Stracciatella with Strawberry Quick Jam and Croutons, 228, 228, 229

crust: Cream Cheese Crust, 230

Crustoli, Jennie Style, 131, 131


Candied Cucumber, 70

Cucumber Creamsicle, 69–70, 70

Cucumber Granita, 68, 70

curd: Lemon-Ginger Curd, 92

Cured Lemon, 166–67

dairy, 202–51

dates: Yogurt Dates, 248, 249

dehydrator, 9

Del Posto, New York, 1–2, 4, 107, 115, 121, 132, 141, 148, 163, 199, 207, 224, 236, 248

dextrose, 6, 7

Caramelized Chocolate Gelato, 159

gelatos, 209–16

Rhubarb Sorbet, 58

Sorbet Syrup, 56

Doughnuts: The Hard Way and the LA Way, 137–38

Dried Tomatoes, 81

dry-ice technique (gelato), 210

dulce de leche:

Apple with Dulce and Sesame Seeds, 201, 201

Boil the Can, You Made a Bomb, 243–44

Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo, 247

Dulce “Milk Jam,” 247

Eggplant and Chocolate, 98, 99, 100


Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo, 247

gelatos, 209–16

Tiramisù Cream, 241

Tiramisù Sponge Cake, 241–42, 242

Zabaglione, Both Ways, 207, 208

Error Carrot Cake, 75, 76, 77

Fake Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies with Lots of Salt, 146, 146

Fast-Roasted Fruit, 23


Candied Fennel, 32

Sugared Green Strawberries with Toasted Fennel Cake, Candied Fennel, and Mint Gelato, 29–32, 31

Toasted Fennel Cake, 30


Balsamic Fig Compote, 94

Figs and Parmigiano with Hazelnuts, 200, 201

Fleming, Claudia, 116, 145, 152


almond, 6, 7

buckwheat, 7

food processor, 9

Free-Form Cannoli, 236–37, 237

Free-Form Caramelized Chocolate Truffles, 163–64, 164

Fregolotta, 198, 199, 199

Fried Roman Artichokes with Ricotta Gelato, Honey, and Matzo Croccante, 103–4, 105

fruit, 16–63

Bread Crumb–Fried Fruit, 134–35, 134

Fast-Roasted Fruit, 23

Fruit Sorbet, 56

Glossy Fruit Sauce, 36, 37–38

jams and fruit spreads, 35–38

Slow-Roasted Fruit, 22, 22

sorbets, 55–60

see also specific fruits

Galileo, Washington DC, 169


Brown Butter Panna Cotta, 224, 225–26, 227

panna cotta, 223–24

Regular Panna Cotta, 226

gelatos, 209–16

Basic Gelato, 209, 209

Basil Gelato, 210

Bastoncino, 217, 217

Caramelized Chocolate Gelato, 159

Cashew Gelato, 216

dry-ice technique, 210

Mint Gelato, 210

Oatmeal-Infused Gelato, 215

Olive Oil Gelato, 212, 216

Parsley Gelato, 77, 210

Ricotta Gelato, 213

Ricotta Stracciatella, 213

Sage Gelato, 211

Strawberry Gelato, 212–13

Yeast Gelato, 211–12

ginger: Lemon-Ginger Curd, 92


Honey Vinegar Glaze, 104

Lemon Glaze, 34

Passion Fruit Gloss, 36, 37–38

Glossy Fruit Sauce, 36, 37–38

Goat Cheese Mousse with Fried Bread Crumbs, 94

grains and flours, 106–43


Cucumber Granita, 68, 70

Lemon Granita, 43

grape juice: Verjus Melon Candy, 24, 25

Grilled Lemon Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze, 33–34, 33

grinder, coffee/spice, 8

half baking sheets, 8

Hamilton, Gabrielle, 233, 235

Hammered Sunchokes, 102

Hand-Pulled Stracciatella with Strawberry Quick Jam and Croutons, 228, 228, 229

hands, human, 9


Brutti ma Buoni, 183

Figs and Parmigiano with Hazelnuts, 200, 201

HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), 49

Honeycomb, Chocolate-Covered, 170, 171

Honey Vinegar Glaze, 104

Huckleberry Marmellata, 35, 36

Corn-Corn Huckleberry Cookies, 109–10, 109

ice bath, 9

immersion blender, 9

ingredients, 6–7

Brutally Italian Almond Cake, 188, 189


Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo with Milk Jam and Sbrisolona, 246, 247

Dulce “Milk Jam,” 247

Hand-Pulled Stracciatella with Strawberry Quick Jam and Croutons, 228, 228, 229

Huckleberry Marmellata, 35, 36

Strawberry Quick Jam, 37

Three-Stage Hammered Rhubarb Jam, 90, 90

Janusz, Kim, 79, 225

jelly: Red Pepper Jelly, 83–84, 83

Kabocha Cake with Sage Gelato and Candied Squash, 73–74

Error Carrot Cake, 76

Komi, Washington DC, 193, 248

labneh, 7

Yogurt Dates, 248, 249

Yogurt Sorbet, 58

Ladner, Mark, 1, 3, 5, 44, 94, 98, 103, 107, 108, 115, 148, 163, 165, 207, 223, 244, 248

La Tur cheese, S’Mores: Warm La Tur with Charred Bread and Chocolate–Olive Oil Sauce, 250, 250, 251


Cured Lemon, 166–67

Grilled Lemon Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze, 33–34, 33

Lemon-Ginger Curd with Rhubarb and Polenta Chips, 91–93, 93

Lemon Glaze, 34

Lemon Granita, 43

Nelson Juice, 45

Les Deux Cafes, Los Angeles, 53–54

Lidia’s Sweet Pea Cake with Macerated Strawberries, Strawberry Gelato, and Candied Split Peas, 61–63, 61, 63

Lidia-Style Zabaglione, 207, 208

malic acid, 7

Celery Sorbet, 56

Fruit Sorbet, 56

Verjus Melon Candy, 24, 25

mandoline slicer, 9

Man Is the Bastard, 197

Mario-Style Zabaglione, 207, 208

Marmellata, Huckleberry, 35, 36

Marsala: Zabaglione, Both Ways, 207, 208


Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo with Milk Jam and Sbrisolona, 246, 247

Peanut Butter Mascarpone with Bejeweled Bananas, 221, 222

Tiramisù Cream, 241

Matzo Croccante, 104

melon: Verjus Melon Candy, 24, 25

mesh strainer, 9


condensed: Boil the Can, You Made a Bomb, 243–44

Dulce “Milk Jam,” 247

milk powder, nonfat, 7, 7

Mint Gelato, 210

mixer, stand, 10

Molten Chocolate Cake, 150–51, 150

mortar and pestle, 10


Goat Cheese Mousse with Fried Bread Crumbs, 94

Tartufo Mousse, 166

mozzarella curd: Hand-Pulled Stracciatella with Strawberry Quick Jam and Croutons, 228, 228, 229

Narvaez, Dahlia, 38

nectarines: Slow-Roasted Fruit, 22, 22

Nelson Juice, 45

New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook, The, 147–48

nuts, 175–201

Brutally Italian Almond Cake, 188, 189

Brutti ma Buoni, 183

Candied Nuts with a Lot of Salt, 177, 177

Candied Walnuts, 102

Cashew Gelato, 216

Champagne Vinegar and Almond
Caramels, 178, 179

Chestnut Cakes, 194–95, 195

Chestnut Puree, 194

Figs and Parmigiano with Hazelnuts, 200, 201

Fregolotta, 199, 199

Seasoned Pistachios, 32

Spezzata di Castagne with Red Wine Plums and Yogurt Sorbet, 194–95, 195

Steamed Chestnuts, 195

Torta Caprese, 115, 172, 173

Oatmeal-Infused Gelato, 215

Oldest (band), 124, 225, 239

panna cotta:

Brown Butter Panna Cotta, 224, 225–26, 227

Regular Panna Cotta, 226

Pappa al Pomodoro, 80

parchment paper, 10

Parmigiano-Reggiano: Figs and Parmigiano with Hazelnuts, 200, 201

Parsley Gelato, 77, 210

Passion Fruit Gloss, 36, 37–38

Pasta Frolla, 136, 152

Pastry Cream, 204


Bread Crumb–Fried Fruit, 134–35, 134

Philadelphia Bellini, 44

Peanut Butter and Jelly Snacks that Contain Neither, 200, 200, 201, 201

Peanut Butter Mascarpone with Bejeweled Bananas, 221, 222


Candied Split Peas, 62

Lidia’s Sweet Pea Cake with Macerated Strawberries, Strawberry Gelato, and Candied Split Peas, 61–63, 61, 63

Sweet Pea Cake, 62–63, 63

pectin, 7, 7

Glossy Fruit Sauce, 36, 37–38

Red Pepper Jelly, 83–84, 83

peeler, vegetable, 11

peppers: Red Pepper Jelly, 83–84, 83

Philadelphia Bellini, 44

Pickled Green Strawberries, 30, 31, 32

pie crust: Cream Cheese Crust, 230

pineapples: Bread Crumb–Fried Fruit, 134–35, 134

pistachio flour: Toasted Fennel Cake, 30

pistachios: Seasoned Pistachios, 32

Pit Cream, 206

plastic wrap (cling film), 9


Fast-Roasted Fruit, 23

Red Wine Plums, 26, 27

polenta, 7

Buckwheat Shortbread Cookies, 113,

Corn-Corn Huckleberry Cookies, 109–10, 109

Lemon-Ginger Curd with Rhubarb and Polenta Chips, 91–93, 93

Pasta Frolla, 136, 152

Polenta Chips, 121

Polenta Crêpes, 116

Polenta Shortcake with Blackberry Compote, 118–19, 118

Sbrisolona, 123–24

Slow-as-Hell Polenta Pudding, 115

Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast Pudding, 124

prosecco: Philadelphia Bellini, 44

pudding: Slow-as-Hell Polenta Pudding,

Quinoa Cookie Sandwiches, 111–12, 111

Red Pepper Jelly, 83–84, 83

Red Wine Plums, 26, 27

Spezzata di Castagne with Red Wine Plums and Yogurt Sorbet, 194–95,

Regular Panna Cotta, 226


Lemon-Ginger Curd with Rhubarb and Polenta Chips, 91–93, 93

Rhubarb Sorbet, 58

Rhubarb Strings, 92–93, 93

Three-Stage Hammered Rhubarb Jam, 90, 90

Ricotta Gelato, 213

Fried Roman Artichokes with Ricotta Gelato, Honey, and Matzo Croccante, 103–4, 105

Ricotta Stracciatella, 213

Cannolo Stile Libero: The Free-Form Cannoli, 236–37, 237

Rodriguez, Roger, 156

Rosa, 141–42, 143

Rosa’s Biscuits, or “The Best Thing I Have Ever Eaten in America,” 141–42, 141


Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo, 247

Tiramisù Cream, 241

Saffron Compound Butter, 190

Saffron Cookie Dough, 190

Saffron Wedding Cookies, 190, 191

Sage Gelato, 211

Kabocha Cake with Sage Gelato and Candied Squash, 73–74

salad: Shaved Celery Salad, 94–95


Candied Nuts with a Lot of Salt, 177, 177

Fake Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies with Lots of Salt, 146, 146

saucepans, 10


Brown Butter Sauce, 74

Carrot Sauce, 78

Chocolate Sauce, 100

Coca-Cola Sauce, 233–34

Glossy Fruit Sauce, 36, 37–38

Smoked Applesauce, 38

S’Mores: Warm La Tur with Charred Bread and Chocolate–Olive Oil Sauce, 250, 250, 251

Steeped Coffee Cream, 166

Strawberry Sauce, 37

Sbrisolona, 123–24

Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo with Milk Jam and Sbrisolona, 246,

scale, digital, 9

scissors, 10

Seasoned Pistachios, 32

seeds and nuts, 175–201


Butterscotch Mascarpone Semifreddo, 247

Dulce “Milk Jam,” 247

sesame seeds:

Apple with Dulce and Sesame Seeds, 201, 201

Sesame Anise Sticks, 176, 176

Sfera di Caprino with Celery Sorbet, 94–95

Shaved Celery Salad, 94–95

Shortbread Cookies, Buckwheat, 113, 113

shortcake: Polenta Shortcake with Blackberry Compote, 118–19, 118

silpats, 10, 120

Silverton, Nancy, 2, 53, 54, 233, 234, 245

simple syrup, 7

Brutally Italian Almond Cake, 188, 189

Yogurt Sorbet, 58

Skull Kontrol, 2, 168–69

Slow-as-Hell Polenta Pudding, 115

Slow-Roasted Fruit, 22, 22

Smoked Applesauce, 38

S’Mores: Warm La Tur with Charred Bread and Chocolate–Olive Oil Sauce, 250, 250, 251

sorbets, 55–60

Celery Sorbet, 56

Fruit Sorbet, 56

Rhubarb Sorbet, 58

Sorbet Syrup, 56

Sour Apricot Sorbet (Dried Fruit Method), 58

Yogurt Sorbet, 58

Sour Apricot Sorbet (Dried Fruit Method),

spatula, rubber, 10

Spezzata di Castagne with Red Wine Plums and Yogurt Sorbet, 194–95, 195

Sponge Cake, Tiramisù, 241–42, 242


Candied Squash, 74

Kabocha Cake with Sage Gelato and Candied Squash, 73–74

stage, use of term, 19

Steamed Chestnuts, 195

Steeped Coffee Cream, 166


Hand-Pulled Stracciatella with Strawberry Quick Jam and Croutons, 228, 228, 229

Ricotta Stracciatella, 213

strainer, 9


Avocados and Strawberries, 66

Hand-Pulled Stracciatella with Strawberry Quick Jam and Croutons, 228, 228, 229

Lidia’s Sweet Pea Cake with Macerated Strawberries, Strawberry Gelato, and Candied Split Peas, 61–63, 61, 63

Pickled Green Strawberries, 30, 31, 32

Strawberry Gelato, 212–13

Strawberry Quick Jam, 37

Strawberry Sauce, 37

Sugared Green Strawberries with Toasted Fennel Cake, Candied Fennel, and Mint Gelato, 29–32, 31

Tristar, 61–62


caramelizing, 159

Citrus Sugar, 32

Coca-Cola Sauce, 233–34

Sugared Green Strawberries with Toasted Fennel Cake, Candied Fennel, and Mint Gelato, 29–32, 31

wet-sand technique, 11

Zabaglione, Both Ways, 207, 208


Cured Sunchokes, 101–2

Hammered Sunchokes, 102

Sunchoke Crudo with Yeast Gelato and Candied Walnuts, 101–2, 102

Sweet Pea Cake, 62–63, 63


simple syrup, 7

Sorbet Syrup, 56

tangerines, 28

tart crust: Cream Cheese Crust, 230

tart dough (Pasta Frolla), 136, 152

Tartufo al Caffé, 165–67, 167

Tartufo Mousse, 166

tastings, 116

thermometer, 10

Three-Stage Hammered Rhubarb Jam, 90, 90

Tiramisù, 240, 241–42

Tiramisù Cream, 241

Tiramisù Sponge Cake, 241–42, 242


soft silken tofu, 7

Tofu Chocolate Crème Brûlée, 147–48


Dried Tomatoes, 81

Pappa al Pomodoro, 80

tools, 8–11

Torta Caprese, 115, 172, 173

Tosca, Washington DC, 192, 193, 200

Tosi, Christina, 103, 109, 189

truffles: Free-Form Caramelized Chocolate Truffles, 163–64, 164

Universal Order of Armageddon, 2, 21, 75, 76, 96, 97, 117, 197

vegetable peeler, 11

vegetables, 64–105


Sour Apricot Sorbet (The Dried Fruit Method), 58

Verjus Melon Candy, 24, 25

vodka: Lemon Granita, 43


Candied Walnuts, 102

Torta Caprese, 115, 172, 173

Warm La Tur with Charred Bread and Chocolate–Olive Oil Sauce, 250, 250, 251

Wedding Cookies, Saffron, 190, 191

wet-sand technique, 11

whisk, 11


Cannolo Stile Libero: The Free-Form Cannoli, 236–37, 237

Red Wine Plums, 26, 27

Zabaglione, Both Ways, 207, 208

Wrangler Brutes, 2, 53, 54, 116, 184, 192–93


Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast Pudding, 124

Sunchoke Crudo with Yeast Gelato and Candied Walnuts, 101–2, 102

Yeast Gelato, 211–12

Yogurt Dates, 248, 249

Yogurt Sorbet, 58

Bread Crumb–Dried Fruit, 134–35, 134

Spezzata di Castagne with Red Wine Plums and Yogurt Sorbet, 194–95, 195

Young Pioneers, 13, 72, 125–26, 168, 192, 197


butterscotch, 247

Zabaglione, Both Ways, 207, 208