Modoc War Chronology

October 1864


treaty signed with Klamath-Modocs

April 1870


Jack leaves the reservation

November 29, 1872


Battle of Lost River

December 21, 1872


Battle of Land’s Ranch

January 17, 1873


First Battle for the Stronghold

January 22, 1873


First Battle of Scorpion Point

January 29, 1873


Peace Commission appointed

April 11, 1873


murder of Peace Commission and Lieutenant Sherwood

April 14–17, 1873


Second Battle for the Stronghold

April 26, 1873


“Thomas-Wright” Massacre at Black Ledge

May 2, 1873


Second Battle of Scorpion Point

May 10, 1873


Battle of Sorass/Dry Lake

May 22, 1873


Battle of Willow Creek Ridge

June 1, 1873


Captain Jack surrenders

July 1–9, 1873


trial of Modoc leaders

October 3, 1873


execution of Modoc leaders; exile of Captain Jack’s band to Oklahoma/Indian Territory