The act of sexual intercourse is generally thought to bring pleasure and intimacy. But, for many people, it can cause pain, a condition called dyspareunia (pronounced dis-pa-ROO-nia). Some research suggests that 15 percent of women experience this condition on a few occasions each year and that it’s a regular occurrence for about 2 percent. Although dyspareunia is most frequently associated with women, it can also affect men, causing pain in the testes, seminal vesicles, penis, or lower abdomen.

Both physical and psychological factors can contribute to this condition. Common physical factors include inflammation or infection, such as yeast or urinary tract infections. Vaginal dryness, brought on by the hormonal fluctuations of menopause or a lack of foreplay, may also be a factor. For women who report a pain deep in the pelvis, endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease could be the underlying problem.

Typically, when a woman speaks to her doctor about dyspareunia, the physician will conduct an exam to rule out any possible physical problems. Developmental and emotional factors are far harder to pinpoint. Painful past experiences with sex or extreme guilt can block natural sexual responsiveness, reducing vaginal lubrication and increasing the chances of painful intercourse. Other emotions, such as anxiety or a lack of attraction to a partner, may have a similar effect.


  1. The term dyspareunia comes from the Greek dyspareunos, which means “unhappily mated bedfellows.”
  2. Vaginal contraceptive creams and foams can cause painful irritation of the penis, one cause of male dyspareunia.