

This book was written in a (for me) amazingly short amount of time. As such, there are always a list of people to thank for bringing everything together. Of course, there’s Giliane, my wife. How she puts up with me on a day to day basis is a mystery, no doubt about it. Maybe it’s because she knows she’s stuck with me? :)


Then there are the members of my Posse, who willingly accepted my preposterous demands and – grudgingly – stepped up to the plate to help me polish up the story. You guys and gals mean the world to me and I’m thankful you’re on my team: Jason, Louise, Aria, Diane, Caryl, Carol, and Elizabeth. I appreciate everything you do for me.


Handling the fantastic cover illustration was none other than, you guessed it, Felipe de Barros. As always, he’s proven he’s one talented artist and very thankful he knows what he’s doing. Fantastic work as always, my friend!


Once more, I find myself needing to thank the one person who keeps me inspired and writing more adventures for Zack and the dogs: you! Thank you so much for purchasing this book and helping to support an indie author!

I should also mention that the otter chapter graphic I used was created by Papapishu, and found at Now, I don’t really know who this person is, but I feel obligated to throw a shoutout in their direction, seeing how this person was responsible for creating a wonderful drawing and allowing others to use it.


With all that said, it’s time to see what everyone has been up to! Happy reading!