First, let me thank my agent, Jim McCarthy, for his help over what feels like decades. I would have no books without him. Second, Leah Hultenschmidt, my editor at Sourcebooks, is awesome. She is so smart and sweet and still capable of rattling my cage when I get stuck. Perfect! Thank you, Leah. Really, thanks to everybody at Sourcebooks. I love you all. Third, thanks, Sam Osterhout, for constant inspiration. Fourth, thanks to my pals at Minnesota State, Mankato, for providing the perfect climate. Fifth, thanks to my mom, Donna Herbach, for many (many!) decades of support. Sixth, thank you, Stephanie Wilbur Ash, the love of my life, for so much it makes me dizzy. Finally, thanks to teachers, librarians, and parents who care enough about the world that they get books into teens’ hands. We all owe you so much.