
He listened for the sound of her footsteps padding quietly across the Persian carpet. His senses were alert, sensitively attuned, every nerve in his body vibrating erotically with anticipation. Soon, he told himself, she would come to him. He would be aware of her heady perfume as she entered the room, he would feel the motion of air as it glided across her naked body before she slid into bed beside him. His arms ached to hold her, his mouth was greedy for hers.

The door on the far side of the room opened, allowing a brighter shaft of light to pierce the dimness inside. The gaslights had been turned low, the way she liked them, the way he liked them. She never wanted to make love in the dark. “I want to see you,” she would complain, murmuring low, in the sensual voice he loved. “I want to look at you....”

No more than he loved seeing her, looking at her, expecting and cherishing the pleasure he saw in her eyes and the slight tilt of satisfaction near the corners of her mouth.

She stood in the shaft of light, knowing it outlined her splendid body, allowing it to bathe her silhouette and lend its radiance to her every movement. Her dressing gown was of gossamer silk, red and vibrant, bringing out the soft gold tones of her skin, buffing it to the sleekness of satin. Her long wealth of golden hair hung about her shoulders and over one breast, making her appear virginal, innocently modest, belying the message he read in her eyes.

As she approached the high tester bed, moving toward him, his heart seemed to stop in his chest. She was beautiful, his little lioness, desirable and untamed. He was as attracted to her mind as he was to her body; the combined effect on his senses was devastating. Each curve, each line seemed edged in flame. She was his, this golden woman, only his. The perfection of her thrusting breasts, the full and glorious hips tapering into lean, strong thighs that protected the very center of her being were his alone for the taking.

With an elegant gesture that was far more sensual than innocent, she shrugged off the vibrant crimson dressing gown, standing silently still for a moment, allowing her eyes to follow his muscular torso upward to his magnificent panther’s head. Love spoke from his eyes; desire pulsated through her body, communicating with his own hungers and needs. And when she threw back the blanket, uncovering him, her frank and guileless gaze was sassily directed to a place beneath his flat belly. Seeing the evidence of his desires, she smiled, brash and bold, confident of her effect on him, quivering in anticipation of the touch of his body to hers.

The bedding moved beneath her slight weight, and yet he knew her to be full bodied and not lacking any of the softness and alluring curves that bewitched a man, despite her petiteness and delicate frame.

The scent of her aroused his awareness, the sound of her skin sliding against the sheets, like silk on silk, brought a stab of barely controlled lust. He loved this woman, he wanted her, as he had for a thousand times in the past and would for uncountable times in their future. She was his golden girl, his woman of indefinable mystery, the perfect balance of mind and beauty.

With a tenderness born of love, he reached for her, bringing her hard against him, feeling the growing fever enflame him, cautiously placing a guarded check on his overpowering need to throw her on her back, to have her, to lose himself in her. His hands smoothed over her delicately skinned breasts, reveling in their weight and fullness, gliding down to her slim waist and her velvet haunches, permitting himself a long and sensual kiss on the fleecy triangle her nudity offered.

Hungry lips devoured her, satisfying his passion for her beauty, finding details and perfections that were like a potent wine to his sensibilities. The sleekness and length of her thighs, the flatness of her belly, the elegant length of her legs, and always he returned to her mouth, her wonderful, giving, yielding mouth, that spoke of its own greedy hungers and appetites. His attentions strayed and lingered on her breasts, delighting in the hard nubs of their rosy crests that offered their own silent provocative appeal.

Royall’s body sang a siren’s song, alluring, seductive, calling through the dimness to an answering need in him. She writhed beneath his touch, loving it, needing it, crazed with the desire to offer herself completely to the explorations of his fingers and lips.

Sebastian, loving this need and madness in her, advanced further in his caresses, spurred by his thirst for her endless beauty, teasing, stirring, touching, and at last offering the ultimate caress of his lips on the place that held such attraction for him.

Their passions were equal, joyously met.

Her fingers played in his hair, brushing it back from his brow, exposing it to her lips. She kissed him lightly on the lips, tasting herself there, straining toward him, her body rising and falling with the tides of passion that demanded obedience to the desire to culminate their love.

Determined hands pressed him against the pillows. His breath came in hard, short gasps of expectation. Her full breasts pressed against his chest, their tips burying themselves against the erotically crisp furring that marked its broad expanse. She knew her power over him and yielded to his mastery over her. Beneath her fingers his skin glistened moistly, and the long, masculinely hard length of him consoled her yearning need for him.

Her lips tasted every nuance of his physique, and her fingers touched the familiar yet never less exciting ripples and muscular smoothness of his adored body. Licking and teasing kisses at the hollow in his throat evoked a low, throbbing groan of sheer pleasure and delight. She brought his face to the ripe plenitude of her firm breasts, feeling him inhale their fragrance, reveling in the teasing torments of his mouth, surrendering to the reach and height of desires that his kiss brought her.

The contact between them was smooth, artful, deliberately paced and yet abandoned. He came alive beneath her fingers and his desires throbbed between them, igniting her to a burning flame whose only purpose of existence was to bring warmth and comfort to the man she loved. And within the fires of her own passions, she knew she would be consumed and rekindled time and again, until her satisfactions became ashes from which a renewed desire would rise like the legendary phoenix to take her into flight and carry her beyond the limits of the flesh. And her flight was not a lonely one; beside her, a part of herself, he would be with her, touching, adoring, loving.

She cried out his name, arching her body to receive him, her fingers digging into his hard muscles as she held him fiercely. She tumbled skyward, bringing him with her, becoming a part of a rushing wind that scoured the heavens and purified lust into a sacrament of love. “Sebastian,” she whispered, answering his response, and she knew that the only name she knew or would ever need to know was his.

He held her in his arms, cherishing the contact between them, soothing her into a blissful sleep. Tiny, barely perceived touches of her lips caressed his chest. Even in sleep she loved him, his golden girl. His arm tightened, bringing her closer. And he loved her. Always, he loved her. And he marveled at the fates that had brought her to him to soothe the aching within him, the loneliness that only she could fill.