Appendix D
Thomas J. Powers
June 15, 1987
Mr. David Douglas Duncan
Dear Mr. Duncan:
The enclosed picture taken in Korea, Chosin Res. Area in 1950, is a picture of my Machine Gun Squad. The first man is my Sqd. Leader Sgt. Garcia, the second is me Pfc Thomas J. Powers, the third is Cpl. Fred Hems.The rest of the men are unknown to me.
If possible, send me a copy of the picture and the date it was taken. I think it was Dec. 10 or 11, 1950.
I was a machine gunner in G/3/1 from August, 1950 to May, 1951. You took a lot of pictures of my company, one of a guy eating a can of beans which was on the cover of “Life”. My Company Commander, Capt. (Col.) Carl Sitter got the Medal of Honor.
I don’t know if you are aware of an Organization now called the “Chosin Few”, but I am sure they would like to be able to get in touch with you.
If there is any cost for the pictures please let me know and I will send it to you right away. Also, if I could get a copy of the Life Magazine from the time of the Chosin Res., please let me know who to contact.
Respectfully yours,
Thomas J. Powers