There are a great many people behind this book besides the authors. I wish to first thank the great team at Harper who made this book a reality. I am grateful to Carrie Kania, Jen Hart, Hope Innelli, Cal Morgan, Andrea Rosen, Alberto Rojas, Diane Burrowes, Virginia Stanley, Nicole Reardon, Laura Reynolds, Emily Walters, and a special word of gratitude to Michael Signorelli.

All of the people at the David Black Literary Agency have also been stalwart supporters, and I am always grateful for the friendship and support of David Black, Leigh Ann Eliseo, Dave Larabell, Gary Morris, Susan Raihofer, Joy Tutela, and Antonella Iannarino.

To the teachers and librarians who gave me a love for books and reading, I am ever grateful. And finally, my greatest thanks always go to my family: my son, Colin, and my wife, Joann. And, of course, my wonderful collaborator, Jenny Davis.

Kenneth C. Davis

I would like to thank my high school teachers, especially John Palmer, Karen McConnell, and Joel Thomas-Adams, for introducing me to so many wonderful books and ideas.

Jenny Davis