The Commands menu helps you automate tasks in Flash. You can create commands for tasks that you perform repeatedly and download prebuilt commands from the Adobe Exchange website.
Opens the Manage Saved Commands panel, where you can rename and delete commands.
Opens your web browser to the Adobe Exchange page, where you can find commands others have created. Some are for sale and some are free.
Use Run Commands to run a JavaScript command. An Open File dialog box opens, where you can navigate to the script you want to run.
You can convert Flash content into a Flex component in the .swc file format. Your content in Flash must be a movie clip symbol and use ActionScript 3.0 (as opposed to an earlier version).
Similar to the option above that creates components for Flex, this option creates Flex Containers.
Font names are sometimes complicated, with odd combinations of upper- and lower-case letters. To make sure you use exactly the right name in your ActionScript code, select a text field and then use this command to copy the font name to the Clipboard. At that point you can paste it into your code.
Exports a copied motion as an XML file so you can import and reuse it in other animations.