Aachen, Germany
Adcock, Clarence L.
Agrigento, Sicily
Alençon, France
Alexander, Sir Harold R. L. G
Italian campaign and
Operation HUSKY and
Algiers, Algeria
Allen, Leven C.
Allen, Robert S.
Allen, Terry
Bradley and
Eisenhower and
Operation HUSKY and
Patton and
relieved of command
Tunisian campaign and
Allenby, Sir Edmund
Allied Expeditionary Air Forces (AEAF)
Allied Forces Headquarters (AFHQ)
American Civil War
Anaconda copper mines
Anderson, Kenneth
Angers, France
Anglo-American relations
(see also Eisenhower, Dwight D. “Ike”; Montgomery, Bernard Law “Monty”)
Antwerp, Belgium
Anzio, Italy
Appomattox, Battle of
ARCADIA meeting (1941)
Archener (freighter)
Ardennes Forest
Argentan, France
Arlon, Luxembourg
Arnhem, Netherlands
Arnim, Hans-Jürgen von
Arnold, Henry “Hap,”
At Ease: Stories I Tell to My Friends (Eisenhower)
Atlantic Charter
Atlantic Wall
Atomic bomb
Augusta, Sicily
Auville-sur-le-Vey, France
Avranches, France
B-17 bombers
Badoglio, Pietro
Baldwin, Hanson
Bastogne, Belgium
Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel
Bayeux, France
Bennett, Paul
Berlin, Germany
Bernstein, Bernard
Bess, Demaree
BIGOT clearance
Biscari, Sicily
Bitburg, Germany
Bizerte, Tunisia
Black, Percy
Blakeney, Charles
Blessé, Frederick
Blida Airfield, Algiers
Bonn, Germany
Bonus March
Bradley, Elizabeth
Bradley, Lee
Bradley, Mary Quayle
Bradley, Omar Nelson
aggressive defense and
Allen and
Ardennes and
as Army Chief of Staff
background of
battlefield living quarters of
Berlin and
Blueprint for Victory
boots of
British and
Brittany campaign and
broad-front strategy and
Bulge, Battle of the
as Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
Churchill and
at Command and General Staff School
death of
Devers and
Dietrich and
82nd “All-American” Division and
Eisenhower and
end of war and
to England (command of U.S. First Army)
final drive of war and
finances of
at Fort Benning
Fredendall and
French language and
Hammelburg prison raid and
in Hawaii
health of
Hodges and
letters of
Louisiana maneuvers of 1941 and
loyalty to
Marshall and
Middleton and
military academics and
Montgomery and
nickname of
Normandy, Battle for
at Ohrdruf prison camp
Operation COBRA and
Operation HUSKY and
Operation OVERLORD and
Operation THUNDERBOLT and
Pacific theater and
Paris, fall of
Patton and
in peacetime
personality of
philosophy of
physical appearance of
at Potsdam Conference
press/publicity and
prisoners of war and
promotions and decorations of
Reichsbank gold reserve and
relief of commanders by
Remagen bridge and
replacements issue and
resignation threatened by
Rhine, drive to
Roosevelt and
Roosevelt’s death and
single-thrust strategy and
slapping incidents and
social life of
sports and
Summersby and
supplies and
Tunisian campaign and
28th Infantry Division and
vacation on French Riviera
Verdun meeting (December 1944) and
Veterans Administration position of
at War Department
Ward’s dismissal and
at West Point
in World War I,
Brereton, Lewis
Brest, France
Bridge, Lewis D. “Lew,”
Briggs, Ruth
British First Army
British Second Army
British V Corps
British Eighth Army
British X Corps
British XII Air Support Group
British Fifteenth Army Group
British Eighteenth Army Group
British Twenty-First Army Group
British XXX Corps
British Tactical Air
Brittany campaign
Broad-front strategy
Brolo, Sicily
Bronte, Sicily
Brooke, Sir Alan
Brussels, Belgium
Bulge, Battle of the
Bull, Harold R. “Pink,”
Bushy Park, England
Butcher, Harry C. “Butch,”
writings of
Butcher, Mrs. Harry C.
Butte, Montana
Caen, France
Caesar, Julius
Cairo conference
Calabria, Italy
Calais, France
Caltanissetta, Sicily
Camp Colt, Pennsylvania
Camp Gaillard, Panama
Camp Gordon Johnston, Florida
Camp Meade, Maryland
Campofelice, Sicily
Canadian First Army
Canadian 1st Division
Cannae, Battle of
Carentan Estuary, France
Caronie Mountains, Sicily
Casablanca, Morocco
Casablanca (Anfa) conference
Cassibile airport, Sicily
Catania, Sicily
Cekada, Frank
Chaffee, Adna
Chartres, France
Cherbourg, France
Chiang Kai-shek
Chief of Staff, Supreme Allied Commander (COSSAC)
Christie, J. Walter
Churchill, Winston
Anzio landings and
authority of
Berlin and
Bradley and
at Casablanca conference
Darlan Deal and
Eisenhower and
North Africa and
Operation DRAGOON and
Operation OVERLORD and
personality of
at Potsdam Conference
Sicily and
Chynoweth, Brad
Clark, Mark Wayne
Eisenhower and
Fifth Army command and
Italian campaign and
Operation TORCH and
Patton and
Clark, Maurine
Clausewitz, Carl von
Codman, Charlie
Collins, J. Lawton “Lightning Joe,”
Colmar, France
Cologne, Germany
Combined Chiefs of Staff
Comiso, Sicily
Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth
Condé-sur-Noireau, France
Coningham, Arthur “Mary,”
Conner, Fox
Constantine, Algeria
Cook, Gilbert
Coolidge, Calvin
Corlett, Charles H.
Cotentin Peninsula, France
Coutances, France
Crerar, H. D. G.
Cromwell tanks
Cunningham, Andrew B.
Currier, Donald
Daniell, Raymond
Danube River
Darby, William O.
Darby’s Rangers
Darlan, Jean Louis Xavier François
Darlan Deal
Davis, Thomas Jefferson “T. J.,”
Dawley, Ernest
De Gaulle, Charles André Joseph Marie
De Guingand, Francis “Freddie,”
Dempsey, Miles “Bombo,”
Desert Victory (documentary)
Deutsch-Italienische Panzerarmee
Devers, Jacob L.
Dickson, Benjamin “Monk,”
Dietrich, Marlene
Dill, Sir John
Dönitz, Karl
Doolittle, Jimmy
Dorchester Hotel, London
Dorn, Walter
Dorsal Mountains
Dreux, France
DUKW (amphibious truck)
Düsseldorf, Germany
Eddy, Manton
Eisenhower, Arthur
Eisenhower, Doud Dwight “Icky,”
Eisenhower, Dwight D. “Ike,”
Allen and
Allied Forces Headquarters (AFHQ) and
Ardennes offensive and
Army Chief of Staff position and
assassination plot against
background of
on battlefield leadership
becomes Commanding General, European Theater of Operations, United States Army (ETOUSA)
Berlin and
Bonus March and
Bradley and
British and
broad-front strategy and
Bulge, Battle of the
at Camp Meade
at Casablanca conference
Churchill and
Clark and
Combined Chiefs of Staff and
at Command and General Staff School
compared to Patton
Conner and
Darlan Deal and
death of
death of father
death of son
denazification policy and
depression of
Devers and
diary entries of
dog of
end of war and
final drives of war and
final farewell in Germany
finances of
at Fort Lewis
Fredendall and
French and
French language and
as General of the Army
German surrender and
Gibraltar HQ of
Hammelburg prison raid and
health of
Italian campaign and
King and
knee injury of
Lambert incident and
letters of
Louisiana maneuvers of 1941 and
Maastricht meeting and
MacArthur and
marriage of
Marshall and
Metz campaign and
Montgomery and
movie of life of
Mustang flight by
Normandy, Battle for
at Ohrdruf prison camp
Operation COBRA and
Operation DRAGOON and
Operation HUSKY and
Operation MARKET-GARDEN and
Operation OVERLORD and
Operation TORCH and
in Panama Canal Zone
Paris, fall of
Patton and ,
in peacetime
penicillin issue and
personality of
in Philippines
philosophy of
physical appearance of
poker playing by
political matters and
at Potsdam Conference
presidential aspirations of
press/publicity and
profanity of
promotions and decorations of
reading by
Reichsbank gold reserve and
relief of commanders by
replacements issue and
Rhine, drive to
Roosevelt and
Roosevelt’s death and
Sitrep Incident and
slapping incidents and
social life of
staff of SHAEF and
stress and pressure on
Summersby and
supply problems and
as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces
tank theories of
at Telegraph Cottage, England
temper of
Tunisian campaign and
vacation on French Riviera
Verdun meeting (December 1944) and
victory, thoughts of
visit to Washington (1943)
visits to front by
at War Department
wartime staff of
at West Point
in World War I,
Eisenhower, Edgar
Eisenhower, John
Eisenhower, Mamie Doud
Eisenhower, Milton
El Alamein, Battle of
El Guettar, Tunisia
Elbe-Mulde line
Elbe River
Enna, Sicily
Enns River
Erfurt, Germany
Erfurt-Leipzig-Dresden line
Essen, Germany
Etna Line, Sicily
European Theater of Operations, United States Army (ETOUSA)
Faïd Pass, Tunisia
Falaise, France
Falaise Gap
Falcone, Sicily
Farnsworth, Charles
Fedala, Morocco
Foch, Ferdinand
Foggia airfields, Italy
Fondouk, Tunisia
Fort Benning, Georgia
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Fort Lewis, Washington
Fort Myer, Virginia
Fort Riley, Kansas
Fort Sheridan, Illinois
FORTITUDE deception plan
Fougères, France
Franco, Francisco
Franco-Prussian War
Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Fredendall, Lloyd
Free French movement
French Committee of National Liberation
French First Army
French Foreign Legion
French XIX Corps
French Riviera
French 2nd Armored Division
Friedeburg, Hans-Georg von
FUSA (First U.S. 1st Army headquarters)
FUSAG (First U.S. Army Group)
Gabès, Tunisia
Gaffey, Hugh J.
Gafsa, Tunisia
Gault, James
Gay, Hobart R. “Hap,”
Gela, Sicily
George VI, King of England
Gerhardt, Charles H.
German Afrika Corps
German Army Group Center
German First Army
German I SS Panzerkorps
German 1st SS Panzer Division
German 2nd Panzer Division
German Fifth Panzer Army
German 10th Panzer Division
German 12th SS Division
German XIV Panzerkorps
German Fifteenth Army
German 15th Panzergrenadier Division
German Hermann Göring Panzer Division
German Panzer Lehr
German Sixth Panzer Army
German Seventh Panzer Army
German 21st Panzer Division
German 29th Panzergrenadier Division
German 352nd Division
German LXXXIV Corps
German LXXXVI Corps
Gerolstein, Germany
Gerow, Leonard T. “Gee,”
Gettysburg, Battle of
Giraud, Henri Honoré
GOLD beach
Goldwyn, Samuel
Gordon, Jean
Gothic Line
Grand Council of Fascism
Grant, Ulysses S.
Great White Fleet
Green Hornet Suit
Grenoble, France
Grow, Robert
Gruenther, Al
Gulf of Gabès
Gulf of Hammamet
Guzzoni, Alfredo
Haïdra, Tunisia
Haislip, Wade
Hamburg, Germany
Hammelburg prison raid
Handy, Tom
Hansen, Chester “Chet,”
Hargrave, Pearlie
Harkins, Paul
Harmon, Ernest J.
Harris, Sir Arthur “Bomber,”
Hasselt, Belgium
Hellcat fighters
Hemingway, Ernest
Hewitt, H. Kent
Highway 113, Sicily
Highway 120, Sicily
Highway 124, Sicily
Hill 609, Tunisia
Hitler, Adolf
H.M.S. Apollo
H.M.S. Aurora
H.M.S. Petard
Hodges, Courtney Hicks
Hodgson, P. A.
Hoge, William
Hoover, Herbert
Hope, Bob
Hopkins, Harry
Hôtel St. Georges, Algiers
Hôtel Trianon, Versailles
Houffalize, Belgium
Huebner, Clarence R.
Huertgen Forest
Hughes, Everett S.
Hurley, Patrick J.
Industrial Workers of the World
Isigny, France
Italian campaign
air support
planning for
surrender of Italy
Italian First Army
Italian 4th “Livorno” Division
Jackson, Stonewall
Jean Bart (battleship)
Jenson, Richard N.
Jodl, Alfred
Juin, Alphonse
Junker medium bombers
JUNO beach
Karlsbad-Pilsen, Czechoslovakia
Kassel, Germany
Kasserine Pass, Tunisia
Kean, William “Captain Bligh,”
Kennedy, Ed
Kenner, Albert
Kesselring, Albert “Smiling Albert,”
Keyes, Geoffrey
King, Ernest J.
Kirk, Alan R.
Kluge, Günther von
Knutsford incident
Koblenz, Germany
Koch, Oscar
Koeltz, Louis-Marie
Koniev, Ivan
Krause, Fritz
Krueger, Walter
Kuhl, Charles
Kursk tank offensive
Kyll River
La Marsa, Tunisia
Lambert, Kent
LCI (Landing Craft)
LCT (Landing Craft, Tank)
LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle or Personnel “Higgins Boat”)
Le Ceif, France
Le Havre, France
Le Mans, France
Leahy, William D.
Leclerc, Jacques
Lee, Ernest R. “Tex,”
Lee, John Clifford Hodges
Lee, Robert E.
Leese, Oliver
Leigh-Mallory, Sir Trafford
Leipzig, Germany
Levin, Carl
Liberty tanks
Licata, Sicily
Life magazine
LION (Twenty-First Army Group headquarters)
Lipstadt, Germany
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Loire River
Longstreet, James
Lorient, France
Lower Rhine River
LST (Landing Ship, Tank)
Lucas, John P.
LUCKY (Third Army headquarters)
Maastricht conference
MacArthur, Douglas
Bonus March and
Eisenhower and
in Philippines
Maddox, Halley G.
Main River
Mainz, Germany
Maison Blanche Airfield, Algiers
Maknassy, Tunisia
Maknassy Pass, Tunisia
Malmédy, Belgium
Malta conference
Mareth, Tunisia
Mareth Line
Marigny, France
Mark IV tanks
Marseilles, France
Marshall, George C.
as Army Chief of Staff
background of
Bradley and
Eisenhower and
Fredendall and
Italian campaign and
Lambert incident and
Louisiana maneuvers of 1941 and
Operation HUSKY and
Operation OVERLORD and
Operation TORCH and
Patton and
reforms of
retirement of
slapping incidents and
in World War I,
Marshall, Katherine
Mauldin, Bill
McBride, Horace
McClellan, George
McCloy, John J.
McKeogh, Mickey
McNair, Lesley
McNarney, Joseph T.
Meeks, George
Mehdia, Morocco
Merkers, Germany
Messerschmitt fighters
Messina, Sicily
Metz, Germany
Meuse-Argonne offensive
Meuse River
Mexican War
“Mickey Mouse” password
Middleton, Drew
Middleton, Troy
Millikin, John
Mims, John
Mockler-Ferryman, Eric
Model, Walter
Montgomery, Bernard Law “Monty,”
argument for retention as ground commander
Bradley and
broad-front strategy and
Bulge, Battle of the
Eisenhower and
final drive of war and
Italian campaign and
in Libya
Maastricht meeting and
Netherlands operation and
Normandy, Battle for
Operation HUSKY and
Operation OVERLORD and
Patton and
personality of
physical appearance of
press/publicity and
promotion to field marshal
Rhine, drive to
Ruhr offensive and
single-thrust strategy and
supply problems and
Tunisian campaign and
in World War I,
Morgan, Edward P.
Mortain, France
Moselle River
Moselle Valley
Mount Etna, Sicily
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
Mueller, Red
Muller, Walter “Maud,”
Murat, Joachim
Murphy, Robert
Murrow, Edward R.
Mussolini, Benito
Namur, Belgium
Nancy, France
Nantes, France
Naples, Italy
“National Redoubt,”
Nebelwerfers (rocket batteries)
Nelson, Lord Horatio
Nicosia, Sicily
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Nimitz, Chester
Noguès, August
Norfolk House, London
Normandy, Battle for
Oder River
Oflag XIII-B prison camp raid
O’Hare, Joseph “Red,”
Ohrdruf, Germany
Olson, Sid
OMAHA beach
On War (Clausewitz)
O’Neill, James
Operation ANVIL
Operation BAYTOWN
Operation BOLERO
Operation COBRA
air bombardment
leadership of
planning for
press and
weather and
Operation DRAGOON
Operation GARDEN
Operation GOODWOOD
Operation GRENADE
Operation HUSKY
ground campaign
planning for
prisoner massacre in
victory luncheon
Operation LÜTTICH
Operation MARKET
Operation NEPTUNE
weather and
Operation OVERLORD
air bombardment
airborne drops
Allied leaders
breakout offensive
embarkation, 315316
FORTITUDE deception plan
order to commence
31321 planning for
weather and
(see also Normandy, Battle for; Operation NEPTUNE; Paris, France)
Operation PLUNDER
Operation ROUNDUP
(see also Operation TORCH)
Operation TORCH
communications problems
naval support
(see also Tunisian campaign)
Operation WOP
Oppenheim, Germany
Oran, Algeria
Orléans, France
Orne River, France
P-38 “Lightning,”
P-47 “Thunderbolt”/“Flying Jug,”
P-51s “Mustang,”
Pacific theater
Paderborn, Germany
Palermo, Sicily
Panama Canal Zone
Pantelleria, island of
Panther tanks
Paris, France
Parks, Floyd
Patch, Alexander “Sandy,”
Patton (film)
Patton, Beatrice Ayer “Bea,”
Patton, George, Jr.
Patton, George, II (General Patton’s father)
Patton, George S., Jr.
aggressive defense and
Alexander and
Allen and
arrival in France
automobile accident of
background of
Bitburg offensive and
Bonus March and
boots of
Bradley and
British and
Brittany campaign and
Bulge, Battle of the
Butcher on
at Camp Meade
in Casablanca
Casablanca conference and
Clark and
compared to Ike
criticism of Arnold by
in Czechoslovakia
Darlan Deal and
death of
demotions of
denazification policy and
depression of
diary entries of
as diplomat
dog of
Eisenhower and
end of war and
extramarital affair of
final drive of war and
at Fort Myer
FORTITUDE deception plan and
French language and
Hammelburg prison raid and
in Hawaii
headquarters staff of
health of
heroes of
in hospital
interservice rivalry and
Italian campaign and
Jenson’s death and
Knutsford incident and
Lambert incident and
letters of
Louisiana maneuvers of 1941 and
marriage of
Marshall and
Metz campaign and
midlife crisis of
as military governor of Bavaria
Montgomery and
Moselle River attack and
nickname of
Normandy, Battle for
at Ohrdruf prison camp
Operation COBRA and
Operation HUSKY and
Operation OVERLORD and
Operation TORCH and
in peacetime
penicillin issue and
personality and character of
philosophy of
physical appearance of
poker playing by
at Potsdam Conference
press/publicity and
prisoners of war and
profanity of
promotions and decorations of
publication of diaries and letters of
Reichsbank gold reserve and
relief of commanders by
religious beliefs of
remarks to troops
reputation as training commander
Rhine, drive to
Roosevelt and
Roosevelt’s death and
Saar Palatinate offensive and
Saarland and
Second Corps command and
with 2nd Armored Division “Hell on Wheels,”
Seventh Army dispersal and
Sitrep Incident and
slapping incidents and
Summersby and
supply problems and
tank theories of
as Third Army commanding general
transferred to Fifteenth Army
treaty with French commanders and
Tunisian campaign and
uniform designed by
uniform policies of
Verdun meeting (December 1944) and
visits to wounded by
wealth of
at West Point
in World War I,
Patton, Ruth Ellen
Pearl Harbor, attack on
Pearson, Drew
Peninsula Campaign
Pershing, John J. “Black Jack,”
Pétain, Henri Philippe
Philippine Islands
Piano Lupo, Sicily
Piper Cub
Pointe du Hoc, France
Poland, invasion of
Ponte Olivo airfield, Sicily
Port Lyautey, Morocco
Portal, Sir Charles
Porto Empedocle, Sicily
Potsdam Conference
Pound, Sir Dudley
Prague, Czechoslovakia
Prison camps
Prisoners of war
Prüm, Germany
Pyle, Ernie
Quesada, Elwood “Pete,”
Quirk, James
Rabat, Morocco
Ramsay, Sir Bertram H.
Randazzo, Sicily
Red Army
Red Ball Express
Red Gremlin (B-17)
Reichsbank gold reserve
Reims, France
Relizane, Algeria
Remagen bridgehead (Ludendorff bridge)
Renault tanks
Reynolds, Quentin
Rhine River
Allied drive to
Rhône Valley
Ridgway, Matthew
Road to Morocco, The (film)
Roer River
Rome, Italy
Rommel, Erwin
Rooks, Lowell
Roosevelt, Elliott
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Bradley and
at Cairo and Tehran conferences
at Casablanca conference
Darlan Deal and
death of
Eisenhower and
Operation OVERLORD and
Patton and
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
death of
relieved of command
Rouen, France
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Ruhr River valley
Rundstedt, Gerd von
Russian Front
Ryder, Charles “Doc,”
Saale River
Saar Palatinate
Saar River
Saar River valley
Saar-Vosges line
Saarlautern, Germany
Safi, Morocco
St.-Gilles, France
St.-Lô, France
St.-Malo, France
St.-Mihiel, France
St.-Nazaire, France
St. Vith, Belgium
Sainte-Mère-Église, France
Sale, Morocco
Salerno, Italy
San Fratello, Sicily
San Stefano, Sicily
Sant’Agata di Militello, Sicily
Scheldt Estuary
Scoglitti, Sicily
Seine River
Sele River
Sened Station, Tunisia
Sevareid, Eric
Sfax, Tunisia
Shaef (cat)
SHARPENER (SHAEF headquarters Portsmouth)
SHELLBURST (SHAEF headquarters France)
Sheridan, Philip
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Sherman tanks
Sherwood, Robert
Sidi bou Zid, Tunisia
Sidi Nisr, Tunisia
Siegfried Line
Simpson, William H.
Single-thrust strategy
Sitrep Incident
Slapton Sands, England
Smith, Walter Bedell “Beetle,”
Snyder, Marty
Soissons, France
Somervell, Brehon
Somme, Battle of the
Souk el Khémis, Tunisia
Spaatz, Carl “Tooey,”
Spanish fascist regime
Spitfire fighters
Stagg, J. M.
Stalin, Joseph
Stiller, Alexander
Stilwell, Joseph
Stimson, Henry
Stockholm Olympics (1912)
Stoute, Alex
Strait of Messina
Strong, Kenneth
Stuart, J. E. B.
Stuka dive-bombers
Suez Canal
Sultan of Morocco
Summersby, Kay
Eisenhower and
Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF)
Surles, A. D.
SWORD beach
Syracuse, Sicily
Tafaraoui Airfield, Algeria
“Tanks in Future Wars” (Patton)
Tébessa, Algeria
Tedder, Arthur
Tehran conference
Telegraph Cottage, England
Telek (Eisenhower’s dog)
Thélepte, Tunisia
Thorson, Tubby
Tibbets, Paul
TIGER exercise
Tiger tanks
Time magazine
Tine River valley, Tunisia
Tito, Marshal
Tobruk, Libya
Toulon, France
Tournières, France
Trier, Germany
Troina, Sicily
Truman, Harry S
Truscott, Lucian K.
Tucker, Reuben H.
Tunisian campaign
Typhoon fighter-bombers
Upper Rhine River
U.S. I Armored Corps
U.S. I Armored Corps (Reinforced)
U.S. 1st Armored Division
U.S. First Army
U.S. First Army Group
U.S. 1st Infantry Division
U.S. 2nd Armored Division “Hell on Wheels,”
U.S. Second Army
U.S. Second Corps
U.S. 3rd Armored Division
U.S. Third Army
U.S. 3rd Cavalry Regiment
U.S. III Corps
U.S. 3rd Infantry Division
U.S. 4th Armored Division
U.S. 4th Division
U.S. 4th Infantry Division
U.S. 5th Armored Division
U.S. Fifth Army
U.S. V Corps
U.S. 5th Infantry Division
U.S. 6th Armored Division
U.S. Sixth Army Group
U.S. VI Corps
U.S. 7th Armored Division
U.S. Seventh Army
U.S. VII Corps
U.S. Eighth Air Force
U.S. VIII Corps
U.S. 8th Division
U.S. Ninth Air Force
U.S. 9th Armored Division
U.S. Ninth Army
U.S. IX Corps
U.S. 9th Infantry Division
U.S. 10th Armored Division
U.S. X Corps
U.S. 11th Armored Division
U.S. 12th Armored Division
U.S. Twelfth Army Group
U.S. XII Corps
U.S. 14th Infantry Regiment
U.S. Fifteenth Army
U.S. XV Corps
U.S. 15th Evacuation Hospital
U.S. 15th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 17th Airborne Division
U.S. XIX Corps
U.S. XIX Tactical Air Force
U.S. XX Corps
U.S. 20th Infantry Brigade
U.S. 27th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 28th Infantry Division
U.S. 29th Division
U.S. 30th Division
U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 34th Infantry Division
U.S. 35th Division
U.S. 36th Infantry Division
U.S. 45th “Thunderbird” Division
U.S. 79th Division
U.S. 80th Division
U.S. 82nd Airborne Division
U.S. 83rd Division
U.S. 90th Division
U.S. 93rd Evacuation Hospital
U.S. 95th Division
U.S. 99th Infantry Division
U.S. 101st Airborne Division
U.S. 106th Infantry Division
U.S. 157th Regiment
U.S. 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
U.S. Army Air Force
U.S. Army Supply Corps
U.S. Hawaiian Division
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
U.S. Military Academy, West Point
U.S. Office of War Information
U.S. Tank Corps
U.S. Veterans Administration (VA)
U.S. War Department
U.S.S. Ancon
U.S.S. Augusta
U.S.S. Iowa
U.S.S. Monrovia
UTAH beach
V-1 rockets
Vandenberg, Hoyt
Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre de
Verdun, France
Versailles, Treaty of
Vichy regime
Villa, Pancho
Villa dar el Ouard, Algiers
Vire, France
Vire Estuary, France
Virginia Military Institute
Vosges Mountains
Walker, Fred
Walker, Walton “Bulldog,”
Ward, Orlando “Pinky,”
Washington Post
Waterloo, Battle of
Waters, John
Wedemeyer, Albert C.
Weimar, Germany
Western Task Force
Weyland, Otto P. “Opie,”
When and If (schooner)
Whiteley, John “Jock,”
WIDEWING (SHAEF headquarters)
Wiesbaden, Germany
Willie (Patton’s dog)
Wilson, Henry “Jumbo,”
Winchell, Walter
Woodring, Horace
World War I,
Worms, Germany
“Worries of a Commander” (Eisenhower)