The following is a selection from the sources consulted for The Green Flag. It has been divided into periods corresponding with the parts of the book, with occasional comments for the convenience of those who wish to pursue further reading.
Beckett, J. C., A Short History of Ireland (London, 1952, 3rd edition, 1966)
Easily the best short history.
Beckett, J. C., The Making of Modern Ireland, 1603–1923 (London, 1966)
Masterly account of the political, social and economic forces at work in Ireland between these two dates. General reading for the student perhaps more than the general reader.
Bowden, Charles, A Tour of Ireland (London, 1791)
Bush, J., Hibernia Curiosa (London, 1764)
Carty, James (ed.), Ireland From the Flight of the Earls to Grattan’s Parliament (Dublin, 1951)
Caulfield, James (ed.), The MSS and Correspondence of James, First Earl of Charlemont (2 vols. London, 1891–4)
Chart, D. A. (ed.), The Drennan Letters (Belfast, 1931)
Clarke, Aidan, The Old English in Ireland 1625–1642 (London, 1966)
Cloney, Thomas, A Personal Narrative of Transactions … in Wexford … 1798 (Dublin, 1832)
Vivid memoirs published thirty years later of an articulate rebel drawn into the rising in Wexford.
Corkery, D., The Hidden Ireland (Dublin, 1925)
Croker, T. Crofton, Popular Songs Illustrative of the French Invasion of Ireland (London, 1845–47)
Croker, T. Crofton (ed.), Memoirs of Joseph Holt (London, 1838)
Curtis, E., A History of Ireland (London, 1936)
A distinguished scholar’s work. Often given as the best general volume, but in fact not very readable. The twentieth century is only cursorily treated.
Dickson, Charles, The Wexford Rising in 1798 (Tralee, 1955)
A thorough compilation of detailed incident from many sources, including hitherto unpublished manuscripts. Often fascinating, but the author’s eye is very close to the ground.
Dickson, Charles, Revolt in the North (Dublin, 1960)
A similar work covering ’98 in Ulster.
Edgeworth, Maria (ed.), Memoirs of R. L. Edgeworth (2 vols., London, 1820)
Edwards, R. D. and Williams, T. D. (eds.), The Great Famine (Dublin, 1956)
The best account of the famine. An admirably scholarly work not primarily concerned with narrative for its own sake.
Fontaine, L. O., Notice Historique de la Descente des Français en Irlande (Paris 1801)
The author was the third senior officer in the French forces which landed in Ireland in 1798.
Gilbert, J. T., Documents Relating to Ireland 1784–1803 (Dublin, 1893)
Useful government letters of the time of the rebellion. Also the United Irishmen’s (O’Connor, MacNeven, Emmet) memoir on their transactions.
Goff, Dinah, Divine Protection Through Extraordinary Dangers … During the Irish Insurrection of 1798 (London, 1857)
Gordon, the Reverend James, History of the Rebellion in Ireland in the Year 1798 (London and Dublin, 1803)
Recommended, with good reason, by Lecky as the best contemporary account of ’98.
Gribayedoff, V., The French Invasion of Ireland in ’98 (New York, 1890)
Guillon, Edouard, La France et l’Irlande Pendant La Révolution (Paris, 1888)
Based on French national archives.
Hancock, Thomas, The Principles of Peace … during the Rebellion of 1798 (London, 1826)
Hay, Edward, History of the Insurrection of 1798 (Dublin, 1842)
A Catholic gentleman rebel of ’98 publishing a personal account many years later.
Hayes, Dr Richard, The Last Invasion of Ireland (Dublin, 1937)
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Fortescue MSS., Charlemont MSS.
Inglis, Brian, The Story of Ireland (London, 1956)
Jackson, Charles, A Narrative of the Sufferings and Escape of Charles Jackson (1799)
Jacob, Rosamund, The Rise of the United Irishmen 1791–1794 (London, 1937)
Johnston, Edith M., Irish History: A Select Bibliography (Historical Association Pamphlet no. 73, 1969)
Excellent concise guide to further reading for serious students.
Jones, E. H. Stuart, An Invasion that Failed (Oxford, 1950)
Kavanagh, Patrick F., A Popular History of the Insurrection of 1798 (London, 1898)
Latimer, William T., Ulster Biographies (London, 1897)
Latocnaye, De, Promenade d’un Français dans l’Irlande (1797)
Also in a translation ‘by an Englishman’ entitled Rambles Through Ireland (1799).
Leadbeater, Mary, The Leadbeater Papers (2 vols., London, 1862)
Lecky, W. E. H., History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. Vols. 1–5 (London, 1892 Edition)
One of the great historical works of all time, combining as it does readability with great scholarship and enabling the interested general reader to take long looks at original sources. A leisurely read, however.
Lecky, W. E. H., The Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland (1883)
Stimulating, though occasionally rather discursive sketches on Swift, Flood, Grattan and O’Connell.
Lewis, G. C., On Local Disturbances in Ireland (London, 1836)
MacDermot, Frank, Wolfe Tone (London, 1939)
An excellent cool appraisal.
MacDowell, R. B., Irish Public Opinion 1750–1800 (London, 1944)
Admirable digest of the many strands of opinion in Ireland which helped form (1) the Volunteer movement and the first active display of Protestant Irish patriotism, (2) the radical movement which developed from that, and (3) the state of mind which accepted the Union.
MacHugh, R. J. (ed.), Carlow in ’98: Memoirs of William Farrell (Dublin, 1949)
MacLysaght, Edward, Irish Life in the Seventeenth Century after Cromwell (Dublin, 1939)
MacNeven, W. J. and Emmet, T. A., Pieces of Irish History (New York, 1807)
Indispensable first-hand memoirs of two of the leading United Irishmen written reasonably soon after the events they describe.
MacNevin, Thomas, Leading State Trials 1794–1803 (London, 1844)
MacSkimmin, Samuel, Annals of Ulster (London, 1906)
Madden, R. R., The United Irishmen, Their Lives and Times (Three Series: 7 vols. London, 1842–6)
Indispensable biographical detail on a mammoth scale, sometimes rather muddled in arrangement.
Maurice, Sir J. F. (ed.), Diary of Sir John Moore (London, 1904)
Maxwell, W. H., History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798 (London, 1845)
Moore, Thomas, The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald (2 vols. London, 1831)
Musgrave, Sir Richard, Memoir of the Different Irish Rebellions (Dublin, 1801)
Pakenham, Thomas, The Year of Liberty (London, 1969)
Detailed, well-written modern account of the Rebellion of 1798 confined very largely to that year.
Plowden, Francis, An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from Henry II to the Union (2 vols. London, 1801)
Plowden, Francis, A Short History of the British Empire 1792–3 (London, 1794)
Pomfret, J. E., The Struggle for the Land in Ireland (Princeton, 1930)
An indispensable source book for an understanding of the land problem.
Report of Debates in the Parliament of Ireland in the Session of 1793 (Dublin, 1793)
Report of the Trial of Henry and John Sheares (Dublin, 1798)
Richey, A. G., A Short History of the Irish People (Dublin, 1869) Illuminating.
Ross, Charles (ed.), Correspondence of Charles, First Marquis of Cornwallis (3 vols. London, 1859)
Senior, Hereward, Orangeism in Ireland and Britain 1795–1836 (London, 1966)
State Trials, Vol. XXVII
Stock, J., A Narrative of What Passed at Killala (London, 1801)
Swift, Jonathan, A Short View of the State of Ireland (Dublin, 1728)
Taylor, George, A History of the Rebellion in the County of Wexford (London, 1829)
Taylor, Sir Herbert, An Impartial Relation of the Military Operations By An Officer (Dublin, 1799)
Tone, William Theobald Wolfe, Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone (2 vols. Washington, 1826)
Sometimes known as the Autobiography of Wolfe Tone. Invaluable and fascinating reading by any standards. Abridgements have also been published, but this full edition published by his son is the most rewarding.
Twiss, Richard, A Tour in Ireland in 1775 (London, 1777)
Wheeler (H. F. B.) and Broadley (A. M.), The War In Wexford (London, 1910)
Contains interesting extracts from contemporary documents.
Woodburn, J. B., The Ulster Scot (London, 1914)
Young, Robert M., Ulster in ’98 (London, 1893)
Newspapers and Periodicals
Daily Express
The Times
Annual Register 1798
Walkers Hibernian Magazine October, November 1795
Analecta Hibernica No. 11, No. 17
Historical Journal IV (1961)
Irish Historical Studies (I.H.S.)
ii (March 1940): R. B. McDowell, ‘The Personnel of the Dublin Society of United Irishmen’
iii (March 1942): R. B. McDowell, ‘United Irish Plans of Parliamentary Reform 1793’
xi (September 1958): Maureen Wall, ‘The rise of a Catholic Middle Class in eighteenth century Ireland’
xiv (March 1964): J. C. Beckett, ‘Anglo-Irish Constitutional Relations in the later eighteenth century’
Official Publications
Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Disturbances in Ireland in the last session of Parliament, May 1824
Devon Commission Report Digest 1847–8
Reports of the Secret Committees of Lords and Commons, Dublin, 1797
Report from the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, Dublin, 1798
Report from the Secret Committee of the House of Lords, Dublin, 1798
Report from the Committee of Secrecy to the House of Commons, London, 1799
Hansard House of Commons Debates
B.M. Add. MSS. 32950, 33104, 38759, 41192, 32335, 37308, 38102, 40166 (Diary of Captain Hodges)
Ahern, James L., Thomas Davis and his Circle (Dublin, 1945)
Cavanagh, Michael, Memoir of Thomas Meagher (New York, 1892)
Cluseret, Mémoires (3 vols. Paris, 1887)
Corish, P. J. (ed.), A History of Irish Catholicism, Vol. V (Dublin, 1697)
Crilly, F. L., The Fenian Movement: The Story of the Manchester Martyrs (London, 1909)
D’Arcy, William, The Fenian Movement in the United States (Washington 1947)
Indispensable to any study of Fenianism. Based on contemporary Fenian papers.
Daunt, W. J. O’Neill, Personal Recollections of the Late Daniel O’Connell (London, 1848)
Daunt, W. J. O’Neill, A Life Spent For Ireland (London, 1896)
Davis, Thomas Osborne, An Address read before the Historical Society (Dublin, 26 June 1840)
Davis, Thomas Osborne, Literary and Historical Essays (Dublin, 1846)
Denieffe, Joseph, A Personal Narrative of the I.R.B. (New York, 1904)
Devoy, John, Recollections of an Irish Rebel (New York, 1929)
Interesting but not altogether reliable.
Doheny, Michael, Felon’s Track (Dublin, 1914)
Duffy, Gavan, Thomas Davis: A Memoir (London, 1890)
Duffy, Gavan, Young Ireland (London, 1880, Final Revision, 1896)
Duffy, Gavan, Four Years of Irish History (London, 1883)
Written some thirty years after the events they describe, these two books are based on many contemporary documents and are indispensable source-books, for all their distortions of emphasis, for the years 1840–48.
Edwards, R. D., and Williams, T. D. (eds.), The Great Famine (Dublin, 1956)
The best account of the famine. An admirably scholarly work not primarily concerned with narrative for its own sake.
Fitzgerald, Father P., Personal Recollections of the Insurrection at Ballingary in July 1848 (Dublin, 1862)
Fitzpatrick, W J., Correspondence of Daniel O’Connell (London, 1888)
Freeman, T. W., Pre-Famine Ireland (London, 1957)
Glynn, Anthony, High Upon The Gallows Tree (Tralee, 1967)
Most recent and extensive study of the Manchester Rescue.
Gwynn, Denis, Daniel O’Connell (London, 1947)
Gwynn, Denis, Young Ireland (Cork University and London 1948)
Based extensively on the Smith O’Brien papers and on Duffy’s Young Ireland and Four Years of Irish History (q.v.) which are accepted at face value. Very useful, though sometimes a little lifeless in the connecting narrative.
Harman, Maurice (ed.), Fenians and Fenianism (Dublin, 1968)
Hone, Joseph, Thomas Davis (London, 1934)
MacDonagh, Michael, Daniel O’Connell and the Story of Catholic Emancipation (London, 1929)
Macintyre, Angus, The Liberator: Daniel O’Connell and the Irish Party 1830–1847 (London, 1965)
McDowell, R. B., Public Opinion and Government Policy in Ireland, 1801–1846 (London, 1952)
McDowell, R. B., Social Life in Ireland, 1800–1845 (Dublin, 1957)
Madden, R. R., The United Irishmen, their Lives and Times (Three Series: 7 vols. London, 1842–6)
Indispensable detail on a mammoth scale sometimes rather muddled in arrangement.
Mansergh, Nicholas, The Irish Question 1840–1921 (London, 1965)
Stimulating interpretative commentary for those with some knowledge of the background of these years. A complete revision of the author’s Ireland in the Age of Reform and Revolution published in 1940.
Mitchel, John, Jail Journal (Dublin, 1913)
Moody, T. W. and Beckett, J. C. (eds.), Ulster Since 1800 (London, 1954)
Moody, T. W., The Londonderry Plantation (London, 1939)
Moody, T. W., Thomas Davis (Dublin, 1945)
Moody, T. W. (ed.), The Fenian Movement (Cork, 1968)
Radio Eireann Talks.
Norman, E. R., The Catholic Church and Ireland in the Age of Rebellion (London, 1965)
Nowlan, Kevin, The Politics of Repeal (London, 1965)
O’Bourke, Marcus, John O’Leary: A Study in Separation (Dublin, 1967)
O’Brien, C., Economic History of Ireland from the Union to the Famine (London, 1921)
O’Brien, R. Barry, Thomas Drummond: Life and Letters (London, 1889)
O’Broin, L., The Unfortunate Mr Robert Emmet (Dublin and London, 1958)
O’Faolain, Sean, King of the Beggars (London, 1938)
O’Hegarty; P. S., History of Ireland Under the Union (London, 1952)
A helpful compendium by a former member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood.
O’Leary, John, Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism (2 vols. London, 1896)
Memoirs of one of the Fenian patriarchs, published many years later.
Pigott, Richard, Personal Recollections of an Irish National Journalist (Dublin, 1882)
Report of the Dublin Special Commission for the Trial of T. F. Bourke and others (1867)
Report of the Dublin Special Commission for the Trial of T. C. Luby and others (1865)
Reynolds, James, The Catholic Emancipation Crisis in Ireland 1823–9 (Yale, 1954)
Rolleston, T. W. (ed.), Prose Writings of Thomas Davis (London, 1889)
Ross, Charles (ed.), Correspondence of Charles, First Marquis of Cornwallis (3 vols. London, 1859)
Rutherford, J., The Secret History of the Fenian Conspiracy (2 vols. London, 1877)
The work of an intelligent Unionist journalist drawing on police records. Sometimes inaccurate, but by no means as black as some nationalists have painted it.
Ryan, Desmond, The Fenian Chief (Dublin, 1967)
Indispensable biography of James Stephens.
Ryan, Desmond, The Phoenix Flame (London, 1937)
Ryan, Desmond and O’Brien, William (eds.), Devoy’s Post Bag (2 vols. Dublin, 1948, 1953)
Savage, John, Fenian Heroes and Martyrs (London, 1868)
State Trials:
Trial of Smith O’Brien
Trial of Thomas Meagher
Sullivan, A. M., New Ireland (2 vols. London, 1877)
Sullivan, T. D., Recollections of Troubled Times (Dublin, 1905)
Tierney, Michael (ed.), Daniel O’Connell: Nine Centenary Essays (Dublin, 1949)
Vane, C. W. (ed.), Memoirs and Correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh (12 vols. London, 1848–53)
Wallis, T. (ed.), The Poems of Thomas Davis (London, 1846)
Whyte, J. H., The Independent Irish Party 1850–59 (Oxford, 1958)
Woodham-Smith, Cecil, The Great Hunger (London, 1962)
The best account of the famine for the general reader.
Woodward, E. L., The Age of Reform: 1815–1870 (Oxford, 1938)
Newspapers and Periodicals
The Nation
The Pilot
The Irish Felon
The United Irishman
The Irish Tribune
Dublin Evening Packet
Kilkenny Journal
Kilkenny Moderator
Longford Journal
Freeman’s Journal
Weekly Freeman
Cork Constitution
Cork Examiner
Clare Journal
Westmeath Guardian
The Tribune
Irish People
Drogheda Argus
The Times
Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Disturbances in Ireland in the last session of Parliament, May 1824
Minutes Before House of Lords
Select Committee on State of Ireland, 1825
Report to the Lord Lieutenant on the escape of James Stephens: 1866, LXVII, 479
Hansard House of Commons Debates
Frazer’s Magazine, 1872
Irish Historical Studies (I.H.S.)
ii (March 1942): Clarke, R., ‘The relations between O’Connell and the Young Irelanders’
xvi (March 1969): Breandan Mac Giolla Choille, Fenian Documents in the State Paper Office
Abels, Jules, The Parnell Tragedy (London, 1966)
Baker, Ernest, Ireland in the last 50 years (London, 1919)
Birmingham, George A., An Irishman Looks at His World (London, 1919)
Blake, Robert, The Unknown Prime Minister (London, 1955)
Bourke, M., John O’Leary: A Study in Separation (Tralee, 1967)
Brennan, Robert, Allegiance (Dublin, 1950)
Brooks, Sydney, The New Ireland (Dublin, 1907)
Brown, T. N., Irish-American Nationalism (Philadelphia and New York, 1966)
Carty, James, Bibliography of Irish History, 1870–1911 (Dublin, 1940)
Carty, James, Bibliography of Irish History, 1911–1921 (Dublin 1936)
Both are indispensable to any serious student of the period.
Caulfield, M., The Easter Rebellion (London, 1964)
Churchill, W. S., Lord Randolph Churchill (2 vols. London, 1906)
Clarke, Thomas J., Glimpses of an Irish Felon’s Life (Dublin, 1922)
Coffey, Diarmid, Douglas Hyde, President of Ireland (Dublin, 1938)
Colum, Padraic, Arthur Griffith (Dublin 1959)
Connolly, James, Labour and Easter Week (Introduction by William O’Brien. Dublin, 1949)
Corfe, Thomas, The Phoenix Park Murders (London, 1968)
Coxhead, Elizabeth, Lady Gregory: a Literary Portrait (London, 1966)
Curry, C. E., Sir Roger Casement’s Diaries (Munich, 1922)
Curtis, L. P., Coercion and Conciliation in Ireland, 1880–92 (Princeton and London, 1963)
Davitt, Michael, The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland (London and New York, 1904)
Essential for the origins of ‘the new departure’.
Devoy, John, The Land of Eire (New York, 1882)
Devoy, John, Recollections of an Irish Rebel (New York, 1929)
Duff, Charles, Six Days to Shake An Empire (London, 1966)
Duffy, Charles Gavan, The Revival of Irish Literature (London, 1894)
Ensor, R. C. J., England, 1870–1914 (Oxford, 1936)
Fergusson, Sir James, The Curragh Incident (London, 1964)
Fox, R. M., Jim Larkin (London, 1957)
Gogarty, Oliver St John, As I Was Going Down Sackville Street (London, 1937)
Gogarty, Oliver St John, It Isn’t This Time Of Year At All (London, 1954)
Gollin, A. M., Pro-Consul in Politics (London, 1964)
Greaves, C. Desmond, The Life and Times of James Connolly (London, 1961)
Gregory, Lady, Ideals in Ireland (London, 1901)
Gwynn, Denis, Life of John Redmond (London, 1932)
Gwynn, Denis, The Life and Death of Roger Casement (London, 1930)
Gwynn, Denis, Edward Martyn and the Irish Revival (London, 1930)
Gwynn, Stephen, Redmond’s Last Years (London, 1919)
Hammond, J. L., Gladstone and the Irish Nation (London, 1938)
Harrison, H., Parnell Vindicated (London, 1931)
Haslip, Joan, Parnell (London, 1936)
Healy, T. M., Letters and Leaders of My Day (2 vols. London, 1928)
Henry, R. M., The Evolution of Sinn Fein (Dublin, 1920)
Hobson, Bulmer, Ireland Yesterday and Tomorrow (Tralee, 1968)
Hone, J. M., The Life of George Moore (London, 1936)
Hone, J. M., W. B. Yeats 1865–1939 (London, 1962)
Horgan, John J., Parnell to Pearse (Dublin, 1949)
Hurst, Michael, Parnell and Irish Nationalism (London, 1968)
Hyde, Douglas, Beside the Fire (London, 1890)
Hyde, Montgomery, The Trial of Roger Casement (London, 1960)
Irish Times, Sinn Fein Rebellion Handbook: Easter 1916
Invaluable contemporary documentation.
Jenkins, Roy, Asquith (London, 1964)
Jenkins, Roy, Mr Balfour’s Poodle (London, 1954)
Larkin, Emmet, James Larkin (paperback edition, London, 1968)
Le Caron, Henri, Twenty-Five Years in the Secret Service (London, 1892)
Le Roux, L. N., Patrick Pearse (Dublin, 1932)
Le Roux, L. N., Tom Clarke and the Irish Freedom Movement (Dublin, 1926)
Lucas, Reginald, Colonel Saunderson, M.P. (London, 1908)
Lynch, D., The I.R.B. and the 1916 Rising (ed. F. O’Donoghue, Cork, 1957)
Lyons, F. S. L., John Dillon (London, 1968)
A major biography in a thinly-covered field.
Lyons, F. S. L., The Irish Parliamentary Party, 1890–1910 (London, 1951)
Lyons, F. S. L., The Fall of Parnell, 1890–1901 (London, 1960)
A fair-minded detailed analysis of the events which followed the Parnell divorce case.
Lyons, George, Some Recollections of Griffith and His Times (Dublin, 1923)
MacColl, R., Roger Casement (London, 1956)
MacDonagh, Michael, The Home Rule Movement (Dublin and London, 1920)
McDowell, R. B., The Irish Convention, 1917–18 (London, 1970)
MacEntee, Sean, Episode At Easter (Dublin, 1966)
Mac Giolla Choille, B. (ed.), Intelligence Notes, 1913–16 (Dublin 1966)
Mackey, H. O., The Life and Times of Roger Casement (Dublin, 1954)
MacManus, A. J. (pseud ‘Ethna Carberry’), The Four Winds of Erin (Dublin, 1918)
MacManus, M. J., Eamon de Valera (Dublin, 1944)
Marreco, A., The Rebel Countess (London, 1967)
Martin, F. X. (ed.), The Irish Volunteers, 1913–1915 (Dublin, 1963)
Martin, F. X. (ed.), The Howth Gun-Running, 1914 (Dublin, 1964)
Martin, F. X. (ed.), Leaders and Men of the Easter Rising: Dublin 1916 (London, 1967)
Radio Eireann Talks.
Martin, F. X., 1916 – Myth, Fact and Mystery in Studia Hibernica (Dublin, 1967)
Martin, F. X., The 1916 Rising – A Coup d’Etat or a ‘Bloody Protest’? in Studia Hibernica (Dublin, 1968)
Moloney, W., The Forged Casement Diaries (Dublin, 1936)
Montieth, R., Casement’s Last Adventure (Dublin, 1953)
Moody, T. W. (ed.), The Fenian Movement (Cork, 1968)
Moore, George, Hail and Farewell (3 vols. London, 1937)
Moran, D. P., The Philosophy of Irish Ireland (Dublin, 1905)
Nowlan, K. B. (ed.), The Making of 1916 (Dublin, 1969)
Noyes, Alfred, The Accusing Ghost or Justice for Casement (London, 1957)
O’Brien, Conor Cruise, Parnell and His Party, 1880–1890 (Oxford, 1957)
An authoritative specialist work.
O’Brien, Conor Cruise (ed.), The Shaping of Modern Ireland (London, 1959)
Radio Eireann Talks.
O’Brien, Nora Connolly, Portrait of a Rebel Father (London, 1935)
O’Brien, R. Barry, The Life of Charles Stewart Parnell 1846–1891 (2 vols. London, 1898)
O’Brien, W., An Olive Branch in Ireland (London, 1910)
O’Brien, W., and Ryan, Desmond (eds.), Devoy’s Post Bag (2 vols. Dublin, 1948 and 1953)
O’Broin, L., Dublin Castle and the 1916 Rising (Dublin, 1966)
O’Broin, L. Augustine Birrell and Ireland (London, 1969)
O’Casey, Sean, Drums Under the Window (London, 1945)
O’Connor, T. P., Memoirs of an Old Parliamentarian (London, 1929)
O’Connor, Uick, Oliver St John Gogarty (London, 1964)
O’Donnell, F. H., History of the Irish Parliamentary Party (2 vols. London, 1910)
O’Dubghail, M., Insurrection Fires at Eastertide (Cork, 1966)
O’Faolain, Sean, Constance Markievicz (London, 1934)
O’Hegarty, P. S., The Victory of Sinn Fein (Dublin, 1924)
O’Hegarty, P. S., A History of Ireland Under the Union, 1801–1922 (London, 1952)
A helpful compendium by a former member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood.
O’Leary, John, Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism (2 vols. London, 1896)
O’Shea, Katharine, Charles Stewart Parnell (2 vols. London, 1914)
Invaluable letters.
Palmer, N. D., The Irish Land League Crisis (New Haven, 1940)
Paul-Dubois, L., Contemporary Ireland (London, 1908)
Pearse, P. H., Political Writings and Speeches (Dublin, 1952)
Plunkett, Sir Horace, Ireland In The New Century (London, 1905)
Redmond-Howard, L. G., Six Days of the Irish Republic (Dublin, 1916)
Ryan, A. P., Mutiny at the Curragh (London, 1956)
Ryan, D., The Phoenix Flame: A Study of Fenianism and John Devoy (London, 1937)
Ryan, D., James Connolly, his life, work and writings (Dublin, 1924)
Ryan, D., The Rising: The Complete Story of Easter Week (Dublin, 3rd ed., 1957)
Ryan, D., Remembering Sion (London, 1934)
Ryan, Mark, Fenian Memories (Dublin, 1945)
Sheehan, D. D., Ireland Since Parnell (London, 1921)
Singleton-Gates, P., and Girodias, M. (ed.), The Black Diaries (Paris, 1959)
Spindler, Karl, The Mystery of the Casement Ship (Berlin, 1931)
Stephens, James, Insurrection in Dublin (Dublin and London, 1916)
Stewart, A. T. Q., The Ulster Crisis (London, 1967)
A fine objective study.
Sullivan, A. M., New Ireland (London, 1877)
Thompson, William, The Imagination of an Insurrection (New York, 1967)
The first two chapters contain an excellent account of the origins of the Celtic revival and its political implications.
Thornley, David, Isaac Butt and Home Rule (London, 1964)
Tynan, P. J., The Irish National Invincibles and their Times (New York, 1894)
Van Voris, Jacqueline, Constance de Markievicz (Massachusetts, 1967)
Wells, Ware and Marlowe, A History of the Irish Rebellion of 1916 (Dublin, 1918)
White, J. R., Misfit (London, 1930)
White, T. de V., The Road of Excess (Dublin, 1946)
Whyte, J. H., The Independent Irish Party, 1850–59 (Oxford, 1958)
Whyte, J. H., ‘Political Problems, 1850–1960’ in Corish, P. J. (ed.), A History of Irish Catholicism (Dublin, 1967)
Wilde, Lady, (Jane Francesca Speranza), Ancient Legends of Ireland (2 vols. London, 1887)
Yeats, W. B., Autobiographies (London, 1926)
Yeats, W. B., The Celtic Twilight (London, 1893)
Yeats, W. B., Correspondence (London, 1954)
Yeats, W. B. (ed.), Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (London, 1888)
Newspapers and Periodicals
United Irishman
Sinn Fein
Irish Freedom
The Leader
Irish Worker
Freeman’s Journal
Weekly Freeman
Cork Examiner
Belfast Evening Telegraph
The Times
Irish World
Irish Historical Studies (I.H.S.)
ix (September 1954): McCaffrey, L. J., ‘Home Rule and the General Election of 1874’
xii (March 1961): Savage, D. C., ‘The Origins of the Ulster Unionist Party, 1885–6’
ix (March 1955): Moody, T. W., ‘Parnell and the Galway Election of 1886’
xvi (March 1968): Hawkins, Richard, ‘Gladstone, Forster and the Release of Parnell 1882–8’
xvii (March 1970): Steele, E. D., ‘Gladstone and Ireland’
xvii (March 1970): Boyce, D. G., ‘British Conservative opinion, the Ulster Question, and the partition of Ireland 1912–21’
xiii (September 1963): McCready, H. W., ‘Home Rule and the Liberal Party, 1890–1810’
xii (March 1961): Buckland, P. J., ‘The Southern Irish Unionists and British Politics’
vi (March 1948): Lyons, F. S. L., ‘The Irish Unionist Party and the Devolution Crisis of 1904–5’
xii (March 1961): Martin, F. X. (ed.), ‘Eoin MacNeill on the 1916 Rising’
Barry, Tom, Guerrilla Days In Ireland (Cork, 1950)
The author commanded an IRA Flying Column.
Beaslai, Piaras, Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland (2 vols. London, 1926)
The author was editor of the secret Volunteer paper An t’Oglach and worked close to Collins 1919–21.
Bennett, R., The Black and Tans (London, 1959)
Breen, Dan, My Fight For Irish Freedom (Dublin, 1950)
Experiences of a Volunteer ‘gunman’.
Brennan, Robert, Allegiance (Dublin, 1950)
The author was Sinn Fein Director of Elections 1918.
Bromage, M. C., De Valera and the March of a Nation (London, 1956)
Callwell, Major-Gen. Sir C. E., Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, His Life and Diaries (2 vols. London, 1927)
Carty, James, Bibliography of Irish History, 1911–21 (Dublin, 1936)
Churchill, W. S., The Aftermath (Vol. V. of The World Crisis) (London, 1929)
Coogan, T. P., Ireland Since The Rising (London, 1968)
Very useful as an objective up-dater.
Crozier, Brigadier F. P., Impressions and Recollections (London, 1930)
Crozier, Brigadier F. P., Ireland For Ever (London, 1932)
Dalton, Charles, With the Dublin Brigade 1917–21 (London, 1929)
Duff, Douglas V., The Rough With The Smooth (London, 1940)
Ervine, St John, Craigavon (London, 1949)
Extremely discursive but useful.
Figgis, Darrel, Recollections of the Irish War (London, 1927)
Fitzgerald, Desmond, Memoirs (London, 1969)
Forester, Margery, Michael Collins: The Lost Leader (London, 1971)
Interesting personal papers of Collins.
Gallagher, Frank (pseud. David Hogan), The Four Glorious Years (Dublin, 1953)
Gallagher, Frank, Days of Fear (London, 1928)
Gallagher, Frank, The Anglo-Irish Treaty (edited with Introduction by T. P. O’Neill) (London, 1965)
Gleeson, James, Bloody Sunday (London, 1962)
Gwynn, Denis, De Valera (London, 1933)
Gwynn, Denis, The Life of John Redmond (London, 1932)
Gwynn, Denis, The Life and Death of Roger Casement (London, 1931)
Gwynn, Denis, The Irish Free State (London, 1928)
Henry, R. M., The Evolution of Sinn Fein (Dublin and London, 1920)
Holt, Edgar, Protest In Arms (London, 1960)
Kilfeather, T. P., The Connaught Rangers (Tralee, 1969)
Longford, Lord, and O’Neill, T. P., Eamon de Valera (London, 1970)
Best biography of de Valera, written with his co-operation.
Lyons, F. S. L., John Dillon (London, 1968)
Macardle, Dorothy, Irish Republic (London, 1937: Dublin, 1951)
Encyclopaedic account from committed Republican and anti-Treaty point of view of events 1916–25.
MacCarthy, J. M. (ed.), Limerick’s Fighting Story (Tralee)
McCracken, J. L., Representative Government in Ireland (Oxford, 1958)
MacCready, Sir Nevile, Annals of an Active Life (2 vols. London, 1924)
McDowell, R. B., The Irish Convention 1917–18 (London, 1970)
MacLysaght, Edward, ‘Master of None’ (private MS.)
Martin, Hugh, Insurrection in Ireland (London, 1921)
Neeson, E., The Civil War in Ireland, 1922–1923 (Cork, 1967)
Neeson, E., The Life and Death of Michael Collins (Cork, 1968)
Nicolson, Sir Harold, King George V (London, 1952)
Nowlan K. and Williams T. D. (ed.), Ireland In the War Years and After 1939–51 (Dublin, 1969)
O’Brien, William, The Irish Revolution and How it Came About (London, 1928)
O’Connor, Batt, With Michael Collins in the Fight for Irish Independence (London, 1929)
O’Connor, F., The Big Fellow (Dublin, revised edition, 1965)
O’Donnell, P., The Gates Flew Open (Cork, 1965)
O’Donoghue, Florence, No Other Law (The Story of Liam Lynch and the Irish Republican Army 1916–1923) (Dublin, 1954)
Valuable. The author was Lynch’s intelligence officer.
O’Donoghue, Florence, Tomas MacCurtain (Dublin, 1958)
O’Hegarty, P. S., The Victory of Sinn Fein (Dublin, 1924)
O’Luing, S., I Die In A Good Cause: A Study of Thomas Ashe (Dublin, 1970)
O’Malley, Ernie, On Another Man’s Wound (London, 1936)
A work of literature, as well as of historical interest, by one of the IRA’s leading fighters.
O’Neill, T. P. (ed.), The Anglo-Irish Treaty
(See also Gallagher, Frank and Longford, Lord)
O’Sullivan, Donal, The Irish Free State (London, 1940)
Pakenham, Frank (now Lord Longford), Peace By Ordeal (London, 1935)
Indispensable account of Treaty negotiations.
Parmiter, G. de C., Roger Casement (London, 1936)
Petrie, Sir Charles, Life and Letters of Sir Austen Chamberlain (London, 1939)
Phillips, W. A., The Revolution in Ireland (London, 1923)
Unionist history, bitter and astringent.
Pollard, H. B. C., The Secret Societies of Ireland (London, 1922)
Shakespeare, Sir Geoffrey, Let Candles Be Brought In (London, 1949)
Strauss, E., Irish Nationalism and British Democracy (London, 1957)
Street, C. J., (pseud. ‘I.O.’), The Administration of Ireland 1920 (London, 1921)
Street, C. J., Ireland in 1921 (London, 1922)
Taylor, A. J. P., English History 1914–1945 (Oxford, 1965)
Taylor, Rex, Michael Collins (London, 1958)
Interesting personal papers of Collins.
Ward, A. J., Ireland and Anglo-American Relations, 1899–1921 (London, 1969)
White, T. de Vere, Kevin O’Higgins (London, 1948)
Williams, T. Desmond (ed.), The Irish Struggle (London, 1966)
Winter, Sir Ormonde, Winter’s Tale (London, 1955)
Two chapters in this autobiography cover the author’s time in charge of British Intelligence in Dublin Castle, 1920–21.
Younger, Calton, Ireland’s Civil War (London, 1968)
Newspapers and Periodicals
Irish Independent
Irish Times
Daily Mail
Freeman’s Journal
Mayo News
Clare Champion
Killarney Echo
Cork Examiner
Galway Express
Galway Observer
Official Publications
Hansard House of Commons Debates
Dail Eireann Official Reports:
Minutes of Proceedings 1919–21 (Dublin, 1921)
Treaty Debate (Dublin, 1922)
16–26 August 1921 and 28 February to 8 June 1922 (Dublin, 1922)
Parliamentary Debates: Vols. 1 and 2 (Dublin, 1922–3)
Documents relating to the Sinn Fein Movement; 1921 Cmd. 1108 XXIX 429
Arrangements governing the Cessation of Active Operations in Ireland which came into force on 11 July 1921; 1921 Cmd. 1534 XXIX 427
Return showing the number of serious outrages in Ireland reported by the Royal Irish Constabulary and the Dublin Metropolitan Police during the months of October, November and December 1920; 1922 Cmd. 1165 XVII 807, 815
Outline of Terms on which Cadets of the Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary were engaged; 1922 Cmd. 1618 XVII 785