Selene and Quinn Hererra lived in a lakeside cul-de-sac that bordered The Woods Park. Homes in The Woods were priced in the mid to upper six figures. Sidewalks meandered past well-manicured lawns and lush landscaping. Maple, oak, and Douglas fir trees were abundant throughout the neighborhood and park.

The Herreras had quickly become friends with their neighbors, Elisa and Marvin Bonet, who had moved to The Woods from Seattle six months earlier.

Selene had invited the Bonets over for dinner after the community meeting. Dinner was served buffet style in the gourmet kitchen. After filling their plates, they went outside to eat at the picnic table in the backyard.

“I feel so sorry for the families of the victims,” Elisa said.

Selene sat down beside her. “I can’t even imagine how I’d deal with it.”

“Do you think the reward money is going to make a difference?” Elisa asked.

“It should,” Marvin said. “Three hundred and fifty thousand bucks should be able to jar some memories in a hurry.”

Quinn nodded. “Yeah, and it can also draw out every nut case, greedy person, and amateur sleuth in Bluffs Bay.”

“But the money won’t do any good if the killer has been clever enough to keep this to himself,” Elisa uttered glumly. “Obviously he hasn’t left a roadmap to his front door.”

“Killers usually make a mistake at some point,” Marvin said. “This killer isn’t smart enough to keep his mouth shut forever. I’d say his days of freedom are numbered.”

“Isn’t it always someone you least suspect?” Selene asked.

Quinn chuckled. “Honey, I think you’ve been reading too many mystery novels or watching too many movies.”

“Yeah, I can see it now,” Elisa said. “The killer turns out to be a friendly, quiet neighbor that nobody can believe could do such a thing.”

Marvin laughed. “Well, I guess that rules me out. I’m not usually friendly and I’m anything but quiet.” He tapped Quinn firmly on the shoulder. “Now this guy, I’m not so sure about. You’re definitely a friendly, quiet neighbor, and the last person anyone would suspect.”

“Real funny, man,” Quinn said.

Selene winced. “I don’t find that funny at all you guys,” she said. “Don’t even joke about it!”

“I’m sorry,” Marvin said. “That was mean. Your husband’s cool with me.”

Quinn lifted his glass. “Well, I guess that lets me off the hook then, huh?” He kissed Selene on the cheek.

Everyone clinked their glasses together as a show of support.

* * *

That night, the Herreras were in bed making love. Selene released a deep breath as their bodies moved in harmony. She stroked Quinn’s back and moaned as he caressed her breasts and nipples with his fingers.

When she felt her climax approaching, Selene buried her face into Quinn’s neck. She shuddered violently at the moment of pleasure, contracting around him and his powerful release. It was a full minute before order was restored and Selene felt she could breathe again. They kissed passionately and cuddled without any words being spoken.

Soon Selene heard Quinn snoring lightly. She thought about how comfortable they were with each other, each knowing what the other liked in bed as if years in the making. He was a gentle yet thorough lover, which had been absent in her first marriage. She had opened up to him and his needs in ways she never thought she could.

Selene’s eyes grew weary and she drifted into a peaceful sleep still wrapped in Quinn’s protective arms.

As such, she was unaware that her husband had awakened with a start.

Staring into the darkness, Quinn trembled. He had experienced a similar nightmare before his first wife was killed. Glancing at Selene’s beautiful silhouette, he feared that history might repeat itself and she too could become the victim of a terrible crime.

Quinn was well aware that life did not always follow the scripted path of his novels. He could not prevent death if fate had another plan. He’d already learned that the hard way.