Later that morning, Selene was still at the shelter, doing what she could to cheer up the staff and residents after the fire. Quinn had gone back home at her insistence. She didn’t want to appear too helpless in her role as director of S.A.W. House, though she did feel very vulnerable and unsure at the moment, especially where it concerned her ex.

Her cell phone rang and she pulled it out of her purse. Detective Cramer was returning her call from earlier this morning.

“Thanks for calling me back, Dennis.”

“No problem,” Cramer said. “Heard about the fire. Are you all right?”

“About as well as can be expected,” she replied. “I do have another growing concern, though, and it may or may not be related to the fire—”

“What’s that?”

Selene tensed. “I’d like to get a temporary restraining order for my ex.”

“Is he still harassing you?”

She told him about her recent experience with Michel sending the roses to the shelter and their subsequent phone conversation.

“You think he could have set the fire?” Cramer asked.

“I don’t know,” Selene admitted. “The timing is pretty suspicious.”

Not to mention the proximity to the anonymous phone call she received this morning. But Selene decided not to bring that up. Otherwise she would have to draw Quinn into the equation, based on the caller’s outrageous allegations that he was The Woods Strangler. Besides, Quinn was home with her all night and definitely couldn’t have had anything to do with the fire.

“I’m reading the preliminary report right now,” said Cramer. “At this point, it’s still too early to tell if we’re looking at arson, an electrical fire, or an accident. That will be up to the fire investigator to determine.”

Selene flinched, remembering that Julian McKenzie had said a witness reported seeing a male leaving the scene.

“If it was arson, then I’d say Michel would have to be the number one suspect,” she said pointedly. “He’s threatened me, and it seems like his goal is to ruin my life.” But would he go that far and set fire to the shelter just to intimidate her?

“Once we establish whether or not it was arson, we can go from there in pointing fingers,” he said. “In the meantime, I think getting a temporary restraining order against your ex is probably a good idea. In fact, it’s a great idea until a permanent restraining order can be issued. I’ll do what I can from my end to get your ex to lay off. Trouble is we still haven’t been able to locate Michel Giovanni. Do you happen to know what kind of car he’s driving? Apparently there’s more than one Michel Giovanni in the DMV database.”

“A beat up old Cadillac,” Selene replied. “I’m pretty sure he drove it here from California.”

Cramer muttered to himself. “Well, that definitely narrows it down. We’ll see if we can find him. If he shows up again, maybe you can ask him where he’s holed up. Or stall him till we can get someone there—”

Selene made a mental note, though the idea of knowing more than she cared to about Michel’s whereabouts or spending one moment longer around him than necessary went against the grain. She wanted nothing more to do with him. But he obviously had no intention of honoring her wishes.

Selene couldn’t help but recall something Michel had said to her: I’ve got a few leads I’m working on regarding The Woods Strangler.

What leads? Did they include making false accusations against Quinn?

Or setting fire to S.A.W. House?

* * *

Cramer sat at his desk, studying the preliminary report on the fire at S.A.W. House. This was not exactly under his jurisdiction, but he took an interest in it, as Selene Herrera was his friend and neighbor. He admired what she’d done with the shelter to help local battered women. He didn’t take kindly to the notion of someone trying to burn the place down, if that’s what happened.

It was apparent to him that Michel Giovanni had become a thorn in Selene’s side. But did that amount to arson?

Cramer thought about his investigation and what Selene had said previously about her ex being after the reward money. Was it possible that he did know something regarding The Woods Strangler case? Or was he nothing more than a con man blowing hot air?

At the very least, Giovanni had stepped over the line by harassing Selene. It was time to have a talk with him.

He picked up the phone and called records. “This is Cramer. I need the plate number for a Cadillac, and a criminal background check—”

Cramer put into motion an effort to try to track down Michel Giovanni. With any luck, he’d run a red light and be pulled over. Otherwise, they’d have to check all the motels and rooming houses dotting Bluffs Bay. Hopefully they would find him before he went after Selene again.

Cramer buzzed his secretary. Eager to learn the source of the basement blaze at the shelter, he ordered, “Get the fire inspector on the line for me...”

* * *

Far away from the shelter, the arsonist cursed his rotten luck. When he had entered the basement window and set a few choice items on fire, he had fully intended to see the place burn to the ground. More importantly, he had hoped it would no longer provide a sanctuary for the likes of Selene Herrera and the women she sought to protect.

But his plans had nearly blown up in his face. The damage had been limited to the basement. S.A.W. House had lived to see another day.

And so had the woman responsible for keeping it open—for now.

He’d been careless to allow his emotions to dictate his actions. Someone had seen him, nearly ruining everything. That couldn’t happen again.

Next time he wouldn’t be thwarted from his goals. Or prevented from getting out the message he wanted Selene Herrera to hear loud and clear...