I used to love summer. When I was a kid, summer was the best time of year because it brought a sense of freedom and fun. Even though I grew up poor, I always had neighborhood kids to play with or I’d go hiking by myself, not coming back until late. It was a great way to live.
As an adult, summer means boredom. Kombucha season is definitely summer, so our sales are skyrocketing, but it’s not enough anymore. Nothing seems to be enough anymore. I need a new adventure. Something dangerous. Forbidden, maybe.
I’ve tried a lot of ways to hit this craving. Skydiving, climbing Mount Everest, the usual. But I need the thrill of the chase. To be clear, I don’t need a conquest. I don’t know how much I care about making the kill because it’s the chase that pushes my buttons. The journey of it all. Poor little rich boy, right? Or even worse, maybe I’m having a mid-life crisis, whining about the lack of direction in my life. I roll my eyes at myself so often now, I may need glasses soon.
But it’s true. I hardly feel relevant anymore because everything at Kombuchaid runs like a well-oiled, money-making machine. Our business hardly needs me or Brent, my partner, and it’s by design. We set it up this way on purpose, but neither of us realized just how boring we would make our lives by doing so. Brent’s keeping busy by visiting our factories this summer, but I know better. The factory visits are nothing more than a ruse. He’s bored too and wanted to travel, leaving me in charge at headquarters, which is fine. Still, since Kombuchaid doesn’t need me, I’ve been having a hard time sorting out what my life’s about. What is a business that no longer needs its CEOs?
My office was decorated by our publicist and if I’m honest, I hate it. It’s all dark wood, a sleek black desk chair, and a bar discreetly tucked into the corner. I pour myself a glass of bourbon and stare at the luxury. It was supposed to be the classic executive’s office reminiscent of Mad Men, and the designer said it would look good in magazine spreads. But I was sleeping with her at the time and didn’t know how to tell her that I hated the collegiate wooden oar and the tiny cannon on my desk.
But what can I say? The woman was good in bed, and she had a lot of silly ideas of what Denver society would expect of a successful businessman. She offered me the “traditional” publicity package, and at Brent’s insistence, I went with it. I glance at the cover of the Denver Star’s Most Eligible Man of the Year issue. My face looks back at me from the cover, bronzed and handsome, and I cringe. Fuck. This is not what I signed up for. I thought it’d be a public relations thing, nothing more, but people seem to think I’m a piece of meat now. Goddamit.
Then again, the title doesn’t hurt when it comes to the ladies of Denver society. It gives them an ego boost to be seen with me, and they giggle way too much when I squire them around town. I date them, and I sleep with them, but my heart’s not in it. Hell, my brain’s not in it because most of those women couldn’t hold a conversation to save their lives.
I sigh again, defeated. Summer, it seems, makes me introspective. I stare out the tinted window at a nearby park. The hottest season feels like a wasted time of the year when you’re an adult. You notice the kids in the parks, having fun and being loud, and it hits you: that used to be you, but not anymore. Once upon a time, I enjoyed the sunshine and the breeze on my face. Now, life is passing me by while I rot in an office. Well, not rot exactly, given that the A/C is on high. It’s more that I’m a corpse embalmed in an artificial environment.
Fuck. What do I do? I sleep with women, but there’s nothing in it. I’m not even proud to say that I love them and leave them because it sounds lame. I wish I had someone real to call my own. Someone lush, curvy, and enticing, but Denver seems to be filled with the skinny, shallow type.
But then my mind wanders to my friend’s daughter. Harlow Marshall, twenty-one years old, and soon to be a senior at Colorado State with a degree in marketing, of all things. I would have thought she would have gone for something more unusual, like culinary arts or astronomy because she has such a curious mind, and I’ve always adored that about her.
But then I sit upright because these thoughts are going in the wrong direction. Lately, I’ve found myself noticing other things about Harlow too. She’s smart, funny, and my God, that ass. I laugh at myself for being such a dirty old man, thinking of a sweet teenager’s rump. Someone as pretty has her can’t possibly be single or interested in a man my age. Fuck, I’m literally old enough to be her dad. Besides, the idea is moot anyway. Brent would murder me for lusting after his daughter, and rightfully so.
After all, I’ve known Harlow since she was born and she’s the child of my best friend, so it’s out of the question. I knew her when she was merely a twinkle in Brent’s eye. She’s too young. Why is she even on my mind, anyways? I should be poring over spreadsheets or at the very least, fantasizing about a woman my own age.
But the heart wants what it wants, or at least my cock wants what it wants. Then, I jerk upright suddenly. Oh shit, Harlow’s internship starts today, and I was supposed to swing by to say hello. Brent made me promise to look out for her, although I doubt Harlow needs any help from me. I stand, but then sit down again. It’s lunch time, so she’s probably not even at her desk. Just to be sure, I use the security camera feed on my computer to check and, sure enough, her cube is vacant. Where the fuck is she?
I sit back in my chair just to think as the feed pans to some other angles. Kombuchaid is heavy on security, and we’ve got cameras in every corner. Suddenly, something catches my eye and I lean forward in my seat again, eyes squinting.
Harlow is heading to the bathroom, but it’s not the bathroom on her floor. No, this is the one in the basement, where we’re doing construction, and no one is supposed to be down there. I wonder if Karen sent her down to the basement to get some old files. I’ll have to have a talk with Karen about that, because it’s not safe to send anyone down there. It’s supposed to be off limits. But there’s nothing of interest down there anyways, so why is Harlow wandering around?
Even more, the basement bathrooms have cameras in them because we’re in the midst of remodeling. Vandals sometimes break into construction sites, so as a precaution, we have lenses trained on every public space. As a result, I watch as Harlow enters the women’s restroom, the door swinging shut behind her before stopping in front of the mirror. Then, I look away. I’m not going to watch her do her business because that’s private. But the curvy girl doesn’t go into one of the stalls. Instead, she hoists one foot up so that it’s level with the sink and then … what is she…? Oh fuck.
Because little Harlow isn’t so little anymore. She’s a full-grown woman doing what full-grown women do for themselves. One foot is propped up on the countertop, and her legs are spread wide open. She’s watching herself in the mirror. God, this is so hot. Then, her head tips back in ecstasy, and I can’t help but get hard watching this. She is such a dirty girl, holy shit, and I stare with avid eyes as she pleasures herself with to completion. There isn’t any sound on the video feed, but I swear, I can see her lips forming into words, and I swear she’s chanting my name. Quickly, I pull myself out and begin stroking. The sound is obscene, my wetness lubing the way, but just as Harlow comes, I come too with viscous jizz spurting all over my hand.
Then, the sassy girl finishes and she glances at herself breathing hard in the mirror. She takes her foot off the corner, smoothes her hair down, and then smiles secretively before exiting the bathroom. Immediately, I zip up and pull my belt tight before standing. This is going to be a filthy summer, I can already tell.

I watch Harlow return to her desk, with a guilty but oh-so-satisfied look on her beautiful face. I feel like a stalker, peeping in on her. Am I abusing my power by watching her? Maybe. Do I care? Not at all. Her hair is still a little mussed from her bathroom adventure and there’s a funny swing to her hips. Technically, she’s the one who was in the wrong here, but somehow, I don’t care. All I need is more.
Back at her desk, Harlow smooths those wild brown curls into some semblance of order and chugs half her bottled water down. Must have been thirsty work, and I grin to myself.
I would love to know what was on her phone in the bathroom. She studied it so intensely while watching herself in the mirror. Now, her phone flashes again, and she looks at it, then ignores whoever it was. I wonder who she would blow off like that. Maybe a friend. Maybe an ex. I seem to recall Brent complaining about a boyfriend he hated and would like to put in the grave.
I take a moment to scroll through my Outbox. Perfect, my secretary sent an email to Harlow this morning, and it should be in her mail by now. Sure enough, Harlow takes another sip of her water and then hops onto the computer. Her eyes rove left and right, and she clicks on something. Her eyes squint, and then they go wide. She must have just seen the email from my secretary, Priscilla. I asked Priscilla to summon Harlow to my office when she got in, but obviously, we’ve missed that meeting. Now is a perfect opportunity.
But Harlow doesn’t get up right away. Instead, her first instinct is to retouch her lip gloss and I watch, fascinated, as she pulls out a tiny handheld mirror and carefully plumps up her lips with a pink color. That seems promising. Once she puts the lip gloss away, I see something in her eyes that I’m not familiar with from her. Could it be …? Shit, I think it is. Harlow’s nervous, and she’s lusty too. Am I imagining things?
I continue to stare at the feed as she makes her way to the elevators. Her flushed cheeks give her a natural rosy glow even under our obnoxious fluorescent lights. She should be in my office in two minutes, so I attempt to will my hard-on away. Then again, I don’t even care if she sees my stiff member. She’s already been a bad, bad girl, and I’m just the man to teach her a lesson.
Sure enough, within minutes, a soft knock sounds on my door, and the blood pounds in my veins. I feel like a predator about to toy with my prey. I’m ready to pounce on the curvy girl, but I’m determined to enjoy the chase too. It’s been so long since anything was forbidden or taboo because with enough money, looks, and connections, everything seems to be within my reach. But my best friend’s daughter? This absolutely crosses a line, and I lick my lips in anticipation.
“Come,” I say in a deep tone.
The door opens, revealing the beautiful girl.
“Hi, Uncle Gray,” she murmurs. “Is now a good time?”
Oh fuck, why does she turn me on so much? Especially when she calls me “uncle.” It’s so goddamn wrong. I chuckle at my own expense and clear my throat to get my brain moving.
“Sure, no problem, sweetheart. Shut the door behind you and have a seat.”
Harlow strolls in and I take her all in. From her long, curly brown hair which frames that sweet angel’s face to those full breasts and the flared hips that could take anything I want to dish out, I’m entranced by her body. I wish her gray suit were a size smaller so I could see her curves strain against the fabric. She is definitely not a little girl anymore, and I feel myself stiffening beneath my desk even more.
I have to focus on my prey though. I can’t think about all the things I want to do to her. Otherwise, I’ll never make it through this conversation. I give her a polite smile.
“How is the internship going?”
She smiles. She has no idea what I’ve just seen. But Harlow merely bites her lip. Then she hesitantly says, “Well, it’s my first day, and it’s been a little dull.”
A little dull? Talk about a bald-faced lie. But I don’t let on. Instead, I quirk an eyebrow.
“Dull? Why?”
She shrugs helplessly.
“Well, it seems like no one even cares that I’m here.”
I raise an eyebrow and ask, “Is that so?”
She nods quickly.
I smirk.
“But you’ve found ways to keep busy, haven’t you?”
She stares at me for a moment before blushing and then says, “Well, no. Not really. I tried to read the company manual, but it was just so hard. I got to the part on emergency exit procedures, and I just couldn’t go any further, Uncle Gray.”
Such a pretty little liar, with such a silver tongue too. I can’t help myself. I want to string this out longer, but unfortunately, my body’s too desperate. Instead, I smile at her once more.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. But I could swear that you’ve been up to something this morning.”
Casually, I spin the monitor around to face her. She looks confused and folds her hands in her lap like an innocent.
“Uncle Gray?” she asks, bewildered.
“Shh, just watch, sweetheart.”
I press a button, and the footage from downstairs comes on screen. She stares at it, uncomprehending for a moment, but then I re-wind until we see her clothed figure make its way across the basement and into the women’s restroom. Then she gasps, and her eyes fill with horror when we switch to restroom view. There it is. I make her watch as she touches herself to completion, even as she tries to wrestle me for the mouse.
“Uncle Gray!” she squeals, futilely grabbing at the small implement. “Oh my god!”
“Nuh uh,” I say, holding it out of her reach. “That’s a filthy bit of work there, wouldn’t you say? Especially when your head tips back like and you let out that loud scream. Were you touching your clit then? Giving it a good stroke?”
Her face boils red and she squeals, “Oh my God! How did you get this?”
I smile and sit back.
“Honey, I own this building. We have cameras all over the place, but especially in the basement right now because of the construction. We’re trying to guard against vandalism but clearly, I found something else. While I wouldn’t say what you did was vandalism, I would say I caught you red-handed.”
She steams in embarrassment, her face bright red as her breasts tremble. It’s a beautiful thing to watch. I imagine her curves jiggling and envision the flush of a really good orgasm on that soft, peachy skin.
“Gray,” she begins. “I swear, that was just an aberration. I’m not like that at all.”
But I cut her off.
“That’s too bad, sweetheart, because I’m hoping you’re like that all the time. Come over tonight and we’ll talk about it more.”
“What?” she sputters.
“Eight p.m.,” I say in a cool voice, turning back to my computer. “My place. See you then.”
It’s clear that I’m ignoring her now and Harlow gets up, smoothing her skirt down. She wants to say more, but I studiously avoid looking at her. Instead, she flounces off before closing the door gently behind her, and that’s when I finally let myself relax. Holy shit. I wanted to sample the forbidden, and now, I’m getting my chance.