Ant | Abigail Norton Turner |
Basic | Removal of privileges |
Bax | Go away |
’Bin | Cell – short for cabin, the cells of the Spike |
Bingo | A riot |
Bug group | Resistance group (from German Bug meaning prow, strut) |
Castle | Holloway Prison |
Collar | A strutter parent on day release, allowed to work with their wages paid to the state so as to repay their debt to society sooner |
Cons | Convicts; what strutters call all non-strutter prisoners |
Dixam pas | Leave us alone |
Doing a six | Serving a six-year sentence |
Ghetto penthouse | Top-floor cell |
Happy Hour | The hour before Correction |
Heritage crime | A previously undetected crime committed by your parents or grandparents for which you are held responsible |
Hunchies | Non-strutters |
IR/Indoor Relief | Prison-organized work |
Jammer | Home-made knife |
Jug up | Meals |
Ladies/Ladies of the Castle | Prisoners in Holloway |
Molopaa | Dickhead |
Na | Hey! How are you? |
Naa | Hey! Good, and you? |
Pat down | Body search |
Pol-drone | Police drone |
POs | Prison officers/guards |
Rub down | Cell search |
Screws | Prison officers |
SHU/bloc/box | Single Housing Unit – solitary confinement |
Solo | A strutter in prison without any family |
Spike | The family wing of Her Majesty’s Prison London |
Spikeout | On release or escape from HMP London. Anything that is ‘outside’ |
Strap/handle | The tag worn by strutters |
Strutter | Someone found guilty of heritage crime. The term comes from the altered posture and gait of those wearing the plastic and steel tag, placed in the small of the back |
Village | Pentonville |
Villagers | Prisoners in Pentonville |