AntAbigail Norton Turner
BasicRemoval of privileges
BaxGo away
’BinCell – short for cabin, the cells of the Spike
BingoA riot
Bug groupResistance group (from German Bug meaning prow, strut)
CastleHolloway Prison
CollarA strutter parent on day release, allowed to work with their wages paid to the state so as to repay their debt to society sooner
ConsConvicts; what strutters call all non-strutter prisoners
Dixam pasLeave us alone
Doing a sixServing a six-year sentence
Ghetto penthouseTop-floor cell
Happy HourThe hour before Correction
Heritage crimeA previously undetected crime committed by your parents or grandparents for which you are held responsible
IR/Indoor ReliefPrison-organized work
JammerHome-made knife
Jug upMeals
Ladies/Ladies of the CastlePrisoners in Holloway
NaHey! How are you?
NaaHey! Good, and you?
Pat downBody search
Pol-dronePolice drone
POsPrison officers/guards
Rub downCell search
ScrewsPrison officers
SHU/bloc/boxSingle Housing Unit – solitary confinement
SoloA strutter in prison without any family
SpikeThe family wing of Her Majesty’s Prison London
SpikeoutOn release or escape from HMP London. Anything that is ‘outside’
Strap/handleThe tag worn by strutters
StrutterSomeone found guilty of heritage crime. The term comes from the altered posture and gait of those wearing the plastic and steel tag, placed in the small of the back
VillagersPrisoners in Pentonville