Globalization and the Church
We begin broadening our view by looking through a wide-angle lens at the twenty-first-century world. After surviving the Cold War, the nuclear arms race, two world wars, several genocide attempts, and numerous totalitarian regimes, we find ourselves well into a new century. North Americans in 1900 had a life expectancy of forty-seven, whereas today it’s seventy-six. Our world has undergone immense change over the last century. The Christian church has been in a state of major transition as well—both local congregations and the church at large.
Widening our perspective on our world should be an ongoing process for all of us. The next two chapters present a few snapshots of our world—the world as a whole and the worldwide Christian church. Like any snapshot, these pictures give us only a glimpse into the realities behind the images. It’s important to begin with a wide-angle view before focusing more specifically on short-term missions work. Join me on a quick tour around the world as we begin the journey toward serving with eyes wide open.